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The Exeter Times, 1877-6-28, Page 7
Anal 28, M77 '1:'HE TIME Fete 4iretiR,ts ,;.t.•rug. 1. Setting .11iltd% for Cream The military strength of England is A writer iu t e 1)1,1141(1°1p:bin, Times -viewed with interest at tlt:a ono neut, 1 says it is xiot to be wondered at ties 'Oonsicieri ig the vest extent of the the average dairymen of our state are British empire, acid the member of war- puzzled to know what to do for the like awl seewi-ci1'ilizeal octanes under best. Professor Wilkinson tolls Nissl 11 ats gttalraliausl,it), the stauciiug army 3fplainly that nothing but shallow pates' a •(seem B. !situ is very smell. The car- and subeert a duets will do; while Prof. thirty two brigaedee of artillery, t Hardin is equally sore that deep Mans ei atad 113 regi scute el inf:eletry, besides (20 inches) suuk to the rim iu water, staff *on's. 'three regiment.: of caval.. gat A temperature of >U deg.,akme insure ry, the F!rat anal 7, eou.t Life Guard,: t, the largest yield of the best quality of fold the I]alrae Guards, and four :egi-`butter ; :old now both of these are ov- .. .vents of Infantry, the Grenadiers, the ertapped by the Amor Cooley system, •Ooldstreyus, and the ,Scots J usiliers,which proposes to include the are 0uaxeds of the roye.t housetauld.--1 milk i11 a, ctetp, narrow can, with a 'Seven regiments of cavalry tate lcalown', water -tight lied full bilk it under tsar,. :1a the Dragoon Quads, a end fresh are! et »b eb 1s cert:fully kept at a low twain independent corp::, taviate twenty ole: jeeratture by the use of lee, 1 e; intents of. eatralry lilt the artillery, , i Oar own er jeet'imetits satisfy us that t 1 and 1U2 regiments of infantry, coitstl- both extremes arta right, peevitied cer- tute the Ir atialt lice. lain rules, as unalterable as those of The inftutty regiments are.eowpored the Mattes and I'ersi itis, r re observed. of ilattelione ; the cavalry a sgttaci, ens. At ft, tew er:stupe tabcveUO degrees, deep x, regiment may caneiat of one 'evict'.eaule will not. oto; Tile milk will usuatl- io ; of 770 41'41, u, or be irte1 'ayac1 to tette iy a;our h /era:di the ureaw, reached the batta.ious el 1,030 men eaaclt ; as tonal i dio t:tee. 11'laen this temperature is t'. , �tf 4,130, In #lt,a'waty. the Rtkttt.,t-il of uuavtetalalala, ealtuiluaw and .broad lotus the army may bo more than epetdru- will give the be t rosette, When euld pled, wethonc a host rregianeut being water iii alnuntihut Rua the tu+atics of oreated, Ea ala battalion is diwi.led keeping it at 50 tiegreaali or lower asst t' WO tc:1 cOal'11311ie.1. The ceralay reg. at hand, it will be found that elms, 20 hent-, ; ree to a1 ley i•isreasial;l motley deep mid eight or nine in diem—} the tree - i.d..l gnatdreens. The cardi. etf'1•, till ea ve 11111C11 labor, and at the11 roar, r•a eve s «ting of ti, l3ritirit regi- a";tauo tine Make quite aar tnucik and l ulo1it ,.; t.,tetry is eight troops, of from better butter. The dairynleit whore 't .06 t..'74 l,en each. In time of war ilke t;ituatiotl is covered by the lirst eitse, reglieeto. ivay contain eihteeu troops of should be etutrtieus in the use of deep 100 non etas''!. though more than carts.' It i=i u,d doubt for the want at twelve tro•,i' ..ar rarely put il.to one these ample ruled that we now have a t eregin e:v. `lw'it.l to ti• L,'y Iariglt,sle5 ctlre eblttfliet Of bt"tttilela;tat a$ to the caaukj1ar- 11 in useuktit'r, of which t,i;v are l:o:'.ie active nieaitr: !rt deep and 6ha11tew set• larigade-that i., the a:tuaumeeie .cult tinge, ul0111iWat- r►11i:e the stile '2.li ore field: .. t.•a , a l r t � -° t t .a 4 1!© lt,. 11 salt t li orf d 1 kat 1 � f au artiliery brigade ie live batileria s. ` It al.ltallueet iu tach > four lioness atx i i .."Tb milk rlleuld not be'� set than thirt.t-six hours, aid .t ix lett to , of sax, t;UU' *alai o1.,O aitch, end ilea J wont little might lit be too`bla iu quantity war maximum 12, ta:,la� gtta1 tiatteria`, t1uuL t be gaaluc4 in trestles. leg t1 of WO peau ((Coli. In th18 Wig:, Iiia+; Banta depends upon the temperatttla ;l.,r,tkwll Rrtuy 11,:qbe rinsed from LW, i just I;Rae;; calomel* fuer «lc the cream t 000 to 680.000 moo, without at stew i tee, stud ria ;ouaer, ie the rade. I ebflkd he ekiakuue d .before it .ti eignes racial at all or tlliekeeled, Many who asitia firet•ratc' b .iter, let it stand tithe ty ie, hours before eliimltaag; but if it once ba•gius to turn partly to water, the cream will have a bitter .aste that eau **ever Le overcome. The first creeatll that rises as the best, both in Ilawur and color. It slruultl be slightly; acid before it will Wale hither, fled 1u cool weather it must be put in as warm place for that pureose. It is atlneee**.' .ary to aicukt the mak or cream.; also it gives the butter an unpleasant fla- vor, ata.d it ie medusa labor. Au auuee of flee suit to as three gallon jar of cream, when you begin to fill, is in, improvement, sand an adttitluu of shit to tele cream makes it churn quicker. Cream should nut be louger thau three days, or a week at furthest, iu collect - in; before it is churned, to snake the sweetest butter. As a general rule; the quicker cream is converted etas butter, ttoe sweeter tori better is the butter. At the proper time to bo removed, it will Nuevo a bright. healthy appearance, a rich yellow, uniform color and an ad- herence of particles. Sour cream con- tains more oaseiue than sweet, and will not retail. its fine flavor so long nor will the butter made of it, have so tine .aroma, slightly acid cant hardly be detected. It is one of the mooted points, we confess, whether sweet cream. yields as good and long -keeping butter, as oream from sour milk. The rule aavery mangy in Chester County is to sMai from sour milk, as they say, all the cream is not obtained from street milk: But it is an itnpurtaut point to skim as soon.ay possible after the acid. ulous fermentation has commenced, so as to avoid all danger of absorption.' In this couner.tion, . Philip Haza: d, in "Butter and Butter Making," says : "I1 is a mooted questiou as to the depth the pans 811a11 be filled for setting the cream. and the arguments are strong. for both deep and shallow pans, those who argue the matter generally . re- maining firth that their own way is the best. Those in favor of deep paus, Which should hold about twelve quarts, or rattier deep setting of the milk, ar gue that the cream will rise to the top under all circumstances, and therefore there is less exposed to the air to be- come couteminated or cheesy and form into'a skin, as it will do if exposed too long. Now, this objection is obviated if the milk is skimmed regularly every day, as it should be. We favor the shallow setting of the silk, say from three to four inches,' as we beleivo there' will be more surface to receive the cream. and the whole of ;t will rise, and less will be retained iu the milk from any effort to rise. If the air of the milk beast) is kept pure, and' so that the winds will not blow over the sur- face of the pans, the create will conte out all right ; if ' disturbed while the cream'is rising, it becomes agitated too We.find this in Fun The Nursery ninon for the perfect separation of the Dinner. Mamarra: 'it's very naughty two. • of you, Fanny, to say you 'arwet have "In ninny of the biitter factories the Your dinner, and teally snicked to say .water is in tanks'or' vats about eight - Ws nasty aftea having said your grace eel inches deep, sunk in the earth, to so 'prettily 1' Fanny ; Yes ; but, which are eet':the „hails 'twenty'inches Mamma', Lwouldn't have ,said :grace deepand eightL t toten ladies in diatse- Ii'knovat was Irlsh ately,, tete milk statindusg seventeen inches regiment beteg eetubia hail. 'J.'he furca how tuedet arms is 208. 022, of stitch 17,02O are cavalry, and 28,000 artillery, oaf this f lea -00,00(' aro In India, awl 35,000 in other pie- ces abroad, and 1U7,000 in Great I3litain and Ireland. Behin t the mintier 'army are the rnllitia, eggreftatitl,a about 1011,t)0t) men who may be (called out by vote of Par - Hammitt for home 01 too eigti land the volunteers, more lama—roue than the luilitaat, but last euhjt et to ser- vice ou'side atria 'Gaited Itingdotn. Cousesirtion la unknown in England and tho tutlitta has been called out but ouee bincO its +er tanizotian-to tI1e caw art* which ended at \llaturleo. tkrb:af Britain was nevoc it better eundition for a war thau :,lie :s at lareeent. Its credit is good, and hien are plenty, .and there is ea relieve to boleive that the British have lost none of that unyield ins stubbornness which has brought them out ultimately victorious from every European conilict in which they have particillateit for centuries past. Straggle Ottawa a Boa and A correspondent in Stallghie Ujoug, writing under drat; April 16th, gives the following account of a remarkable encounter between a boa fifteen feet long and a 'bull dog, The bus. had been confined in it cage for some days, but Laving been disposed of to a Chiu- ense doctor for its gall, to be used as medicine, tie was hauled out of the %cage on the 10th to be taken away. The boa was nnmediattly attacked aby'the dog, who bard formerly load u passage of arils with :him. 1 or some tune the boa was quiet, and only now and then made a snap. The dog god; bold at last, and seized the snake by the head, bat the tables were soon turned. In an instant the boa caught the dog by the upper lip and held firmly On, the dog backing vainly 'slid trying to get away. In less than half at min muse the whole , of the snake's body had' infolded the dog's ids so close an embrace that the .head only could be seen, Before choppers could be pro- cured, the blood was gushing from the dog's mouth, and I heard his bones give one crack, and it was only by chopping the boa to pieces that we saved the ring. I ,found on examina- tion thtt tale boa has very strong, sharp, recurved teeth, not ouly in the ytalate 'bones, • which accounts for the .clog being suable to extricate himself in the first instance, for .tile teeth be- ing like the Vacnne' beuehe " of South Africa, the More he struggled backward the tighter he was held by the boa. I raaayadd for the informa- tion of the friends of the `dog the the is mons the worse for his squeeze." r ]t 1 It al 1 t if st eep in the pail. The areant nearly all' ises iu twenty •four hours, is never al- iwed to stand over thirty-six hours, od is skimmed before the milk sours. e large dairies the settiug of the milk 1 deep ves-018 saves the washing of zany shallow ones, amt if the temper- tare is kept about 00 ° uniformly, the sop ones will probably be ole most; commie J. watched elle have.' A father was wi ding up l, watch, leen 11e said playfully to laic little irl, "Let lite wind your watch up.' go,' said alittle girl, 4I don't want lay ,ose wound up, for 1 duu't want it to on all Clay-.' fi A Qtl:ekeresg, jeelons of her husband this mrsvcrneuls, and one mora - ug ncruttlly discovered the truant dss. ng and hugging the sereeeitt irl. Broad trinit was nut lung in discovering the .ace of his wife as she peeped through be haif open door, and rising nitli all ' he coolness of a general slicer thus ,; ;t1dressed her : '13crey thea had bat- ; er quit Beeping, or thee will cause a% i s 1 1 °. 1 ieG' t ill f 111 lit abt 11 A sa i a' 1Ionaen Eaos.—There is muoh corn. alaeilit Among the grocers of Maine a shout the sluttiness of the egg sruuQltt to the marl;tat by the farmere.' ; :t is said that the sharp Yankees And - no that eggs were eggs every time, vhetbter large or mull, have gone into; 'wing the smaller breeda of fowls. such se the Balton, Olean, Ilaulbergs and aur: l3ainata1):18 Witten are stall fowl's re- Iuiriug little food and Care great latyers, herefore good un the const in the egg etsket, lain light on the wt'ignt rids of be ledger, Of course iso one fur a noulent would dere to nee111ee lie lloueet j'atnte farmer of cheating in kgs, but sol:whew thelightweight fi creeds are becoming vary popular. emelt to the les of those wipe seek n ;imply in the markets. It 1s just j es - ale that the Maine!hoar law lute had to do with put erisiiein of 'ggs. the re,!uletion menu:tug dram tieing too email to properly cover to arge one. ,, . Raleigh lawyer was rnterviewad recently by au at rioniturist livi a ; a care mice from the city, who evict he wanted to secure a divorce from bis Vtfe.` 'You dol►'4 live happily with ler, ell 2' uagnired the attetne . 'No. re don't 8eetal to hitch} wutlr a MIL'' Vito the quiet reply. 'Does ' Colts scold Cud fret and hacks your house a 1101, ljeon ear.1i so to epeal.:” euntiuued the awyer. '!'hat"s her exactly. Aud ire you prtpare:l to prove teat you hive ape.lceful tiispo iaiten, Gond that am have done everything you could to nuke bottle pleasant ?' You bet I vat 1' Anybody as knows me will taweaer .hat I a.topldn't hurt as flea, alto( that 1 novo amnia home like an angel.' Well, I '(less we cau make out a case laid talo 1auwyer, as he took up laic pen inti began to jut dowu the volute. Af- ar a moment, he it qutred, 'Do you hint: your wile will eauto,i the cage, iaa S11e any defence 2' 'Wall, now, 1 lever til ,aught of that,' +.lowly replied farmer. 'I didn't know as elm had mythu,g to day about it.' She uluv 'alas she, any grounds for cam-. )(saint agatiust you 2' I don't know nuch about law,' answered the client n a hesitating way.' 'I know I've got I. hnulcering after her sister Mtarinr, j old her sister Meariar'Jias a hanl.eriug after me ; but whether ti em is good ;rounds for complaint I den t know.' L'lle lawyer hasn't filed a bill yet. ?lAIIOrJ 7f octavo, fine rasewcod (not used ovor six months), only 3100; cost 050: �pp �tpt • ♦ew Piano: at wholesale. Great Y'�;Nf��bargains. Noarlynew 500; 2 stops, .', Sstops,80; restops,85; 7stops,U4;9 atop , 0i; 12 stops, 35 to 75. Stare Opportunities. New or- Cans at wholesale. Beware imitations. Beet of - 'or evormade, ILEA"). Sent on 5 to 15 days test ;sial. Money rotundod,and freight paid both Nays if unsatisfaoto,y. AGTDITs WANT1rD. Dis- counts to Teachers, Ministers,2o. Address,— DANIIOLk'. BEATTY, Washington, N. T. n a week in your own town. Terms and 3. 5 1J )Lltfitfroo,l HLLLETT & Co.,Portlancl, /M. Wanted&number: of 0001)AGI)NTS at 8700 per mouth, to sell in the Pro- vinces our -Improved Lotter Copying Book,war- ranted 10 copy alllotters en dry pa A entsper,pofectay,ttftbolttuse of Prase Brinih or Water. Single orders tilled Up mail_. AA postage paid. Send etiunp for cireu- lr�n ,S lar andpraoos. asewaro of baso irni. Cations, as unprincipled parties are trying to ansa Dir a worthless coulltezfett in Canada, A. 000X & Co., Sole proprietors, CIIICAGo, ILL. ��/la (lay at home. Age:ats wanted. Outfit and Gitortns free. TRUE tt 00.,.Agusta, Maine. 55 p $77P.wae, VK1oY,s.1+8u1it0 totufiat nroe., The Black Hills. Es' N. 71. Mi.GUlale, who has'spent 12 yours in this region. L test accounts bi gold and silver prospects, agricultural : and grazing resources climate, hunting, fishing ih,lia:is, and Fie ttiers' adventures, with them, -inning, mac' wild Western lite, the Waterfalls, 23011107 (e eysors, noble seen- ery,iaumenso gorges, etc. With 27 flue illustra- tions,and nOwntap. Price,,r_;1,Y 10 OVIN TS.— Sold 11/ all newedoaalers, or sent post-paid for 12 cents, by DON LL.LY,LOYD & co., pub., Chicago. runkarcI,Stope 0, C. BN [;RF, 71. 1) . formerly sof Boston) has a ,larmlcst cure for intemperance, which eau be given without the knowledge of toe pattont.--. Also ane for the 'IZTVS; 4.E3IT Perm' anent cures guaranteed in Loth. Send still'for evidence. Ask druggists for it.' aeassFs, neons & 00., Birulingharn, Conn.9 Cord. with your name Transparent y finely printed for Loc, Bich, rare and RI fancy. 1,0)0 ugerts wanted samides. es. 1 stamp. Ail Cross, A.',Y. �auuoY, Yurmoth. hcHi!h Frico of Fiur nun Does not e:ffeet the law yucca at which are oitering their stack of TINWARE. STOVES, Eta.,. at xeter ensall shieln consist et Atha latest anti,improved Vies of litcben Cook and Parlor Ftove3,3kf. ilk nos. pans, and pails of tote most approved atta.itt, auEI erer,•tlainl iu the line; Also. a .f ;aaaa(1.bt t f i d `^ t C. *Wla G }fit}iq>w�tatl 11 Fa e.+ Lvoupthin'g iaa !Med, ree�•tr's cveryattettion, until alone t the Lowest figures. Havir•.g opened, ostia branch establishment tt lleltsutl,mar friends in that neighborhood au be supplied Ota the shortest *lance, 10 an.catper \VE OFFER. A TRIM.. of unr et.e3,ratta ng Mowers AND Single Reapers n all kind,. of truss and Grein. and an ell con list iuuaotso.taud -smites, GUA1d A.NTr.1w: SATISFACTION OR NO SALE Vo also Offer a Trial of our S(rTaaught Tam Two Mari JOHNSTON CHIMED REAPER AND MOWER This Machina iasnpirike'd wits, ;I; tvta Pitfnaall :, Two laratg•b,ars, Two li'inger•bar4. Four lknlwt?s, Forked and Keyed, Nuts, Self -oilers, este., etc, This Factory is uotr fitted np with machin of Cite latest ,n)provetnent,aud i' in Cull o tion is the manufactory or TWEEDS, FULL CLOTH K4Ts ofall 'xinla which are kept const and exchanged for W�".. OL or CA low prises. Oaistunic :liannnfacteting, Wool Cor uingauat Fulling Bene ou toe abortesr. not at the foltouinr prices= Tweeds per yard, 4Oe Satirl- ette, (cotton Warp furnished), 35e; Plain Flannel, 25c ; Twilled Flannel. 30e ; Blankets trom,Sd to $3.50 per pair, Roll Carding, of 1)er lb, t Fulling. 10e per yard; Spilauing, 14e, As tee baso now on tinier1 a largo= 4l:nanri - of 6Weand eoarFte'.t'Reeahs, l3latt$et> snot Faanllelal ofour own Manufacture. which we can reccru= 1na'.•01. We feel contieleilt that ase cart give ax general satisfaction to those f.tve,ring us tiitb their patra�a.ngc. S: ANial.la 4 IIL:i1N. M '1'toe ttaitiereignetl l::tvisag resits l trite l' cr.a s�A- Ii a►, Sass., Door dmf Il%sre I°aclrrry, of!ir yaelatal �ess.nit lavin; orahan.a ttlarg. sit . W of fir t e'laseluteter ;ort, aces. i L :fors to .ter IKE Cf erTirtelle7"o iter alt s e,awier t f le i4�looa Qui fornislt art- (MOD e1rt- te.ial f0. r el 5..k..t'. ( UOD Tri(!, rfryt oNtl &MOLL WORK dime at hen t leave. 1O$ Yti:t05..i AV.IPS0v SMI Tial:l: ant Bushes, >yY is SLNti Pure Hellebore 5'a'►d-l: Ytlf ii Potato Vines BY ''SING CHEMICALLY Pure Paris Green POI: SILL AT Tiil3 Drug Cen t Store, ! Oepo'.lte t;entral Hotel, E'e.cr, Tobacco! Tobaccos Tobacco' Prince✓ of `ales Na. 1. MYRTLE NAVY And other Tobacco. IMPORTED an be changed. from Mower _AND.- tc Reaper BE A I'Eil 7O 11O\i'E1 Byremoval of lour bolts, ani in less than tutee ,`minutes` time. Please call at our ai�ot ks and inspect our Machines before purchasing elsewhere. end for C,t.tn'ngnes. THOMPSON& Wd1IAMS 1t1anufacturing Co., etr:.tford. Domestic Cigars i ENGLISH AND I'1',ENCII n CLAY & BRIAR PIPES. HALOO MAC WHFBE DID YOU BUY THOSE R ? is+'e in, I bought it JOHN T CHELL''Z Brick yard—itIr It 13issett's old place, south side of Crediton gravel road That's where I buy all any brick, bsoause you Caul root the best hrickin tbo county from hill, as he keeps none but first class workmen You can always depend on getting a first- laata, article, `Choy are 50 cents a thousand ....ad;ofany ' in these parts, Don't forget the spot. WOHN MITCH,+'LL,l1 .3redlto?1 P, 0. MILLINERY AND COOD$ Just receiver] a well selected stock of 'Millinery and Fancy Goods, very Cheap For Cash at MISS ,GARLICK'S_ Exeter, x ter Out. e Apin•etticc 8al:itdto 1(r.11. the It ihircry . TOBACCO STORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, EXETER. 0 C.iEAP CROQUET 11EDIU11 CROQUET, .ate! RUBBER FACED GAULT, ALL FINDS OF CIR,QQUET, BASE BALLS, In Great variety, CRICKET BALLS, RUBBER ]3ALLS All Kinds, UAW!. BALL ATS, CRICKET BA iS, MARBLES & ALLEYS. A Beautiful Assortment. of Fans tof every var- iety, a.r-iety, from $ ore up to .';,2 each, at the Central Drug andFancy Goods 'Store, opposite the Central Hotel, Exeter, HO LISE and 'CA'i TLE MEDICINE, Physieatns' proscriptions .skillfully and ac- curately prepared. L.BId GH3 M. M. Ros � Opposite Contras Hotel, Exeter,