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The Exeter Times, 1877-6-28, Page 6
eter Po lea open daily, Sunday's excepted. iii ? pm. .tails for despatch are ;s: for Loudon, sad Logan 8 4S h;.on 8 A. rn daily, r'y'e e tduesdays, and Fr All suing south. roust be ed is th^,3erDA. re'"'" -- Any per. �xsio s, per regularly from er iu his name or tsar he has subserib- reepon ible for payment. 11xy person ordefs his paper die - tied, he niu t pay all arrears, or iblish play continue to send it ayzne • is de, whether the er i .,fen` the office or Th ort' ecided that, to • a periodicals removing and ant% the not. refu from 1 Pos ,1; Ge • leaving them unealleo for, is prima fa - due evidence of intentional fraud. THURSDAY, TUN 2S, 1877. TUE COUNTY DIVISION. Our remarks of a few weeks puce hare, as warned certainly expected they would, roused the ire of some of those most deeply interested, and who, to put the matter lightly, would raise the very heavens to defeat the division of the counties, if by this they could put another tent into their respective mon- ey -bag or keep one fromgoing out.— They scent, Also, to have kindled e flame in the sanctums of some of our coteaiporaries, to judge by their re. W , same time the commotion was great, and can neither be imagined nor de- scribed. The fire first broke out in some belle* -shops in Portland, a sub orb of St. John i,ing to the north of the city and harbor, and containing 12,000 or more inhabitants, The neigh. borhood of the fire would be only too well supplied with materials favorable to the progress of sue - eanfiagration as ensued. The a merely,' portion of St, John form rather irregular quadrangle more .ded on three sides by water ; it had its system of water supply at coramandand a very efl'eo- tiva fere° of steam r& engines. Yet, although the fire Drat occurred at half - past two o'clock in the afternoon when, consequently, no tittle would be logit in preparing to oonhbet its fury, the angry Haines, driven before a strong north- west wind, swooped down upon their prey and defied eeery effort to stay their onward progress. The new post office, erected by the Domiuieu (lov- ernntent et a cost of $200,000,'avas one of the earliest victims ; the Custom ' House wash followed ; the V=ictoria Hotel --a epleudid building, erected at great personal sacrifice by some of the leading citizens --teas speedily =smil- ed. There are four daily newspapers in St. John, aed every one of their offices were burned to the ground ; all the banks and bank ageucies save one ; the finest school house its the city, and many mailer ouea; the City Ball ; the Water Gomnsissionera' office ; the 'Western Caron Telegraph ut1 co; all marks. The Free .Pass says that"the:the ?usutaace offices ; the wows room ; townships are not anxious for mita() police °Bice; every wholesale and change, nor is it likely they Hili nerdy every retell warehonee or store urea to it." In this cavo the wish let. re +swept away. The shipping caught fife, and a large number of vessels were honied to the water's ettge ; even has most certainly been father to the thought, We have made particular iry, ;t., #, e nd that not only the es proposed to form the uuty, but others, are desirous of change. It is the simplest thing atltle to frame a denial, but an- other thin, to substantiate it. No ar. galenite eau possibly be adduced which point to a greater benefit to these munioipalitiee by remaining as they are iustoad of becoming part and par- cel of the now desired county. The Pree Press cannot be blamed for wish- ing Middlesex to remain in its present entirety. It well knows the position tlho3 county stands in with regard to the jail, And that the inapoot ,pwill brook no liiorts of the tedious PM vexatious delays the t'riunty Cbuueil would im- pose but insist on new county "buildings being erected immediately. THE CONSERVATIVE PIC -NIC&. It is a very pretty stroll& of tliplamaoy The Reform press, or at least the ors the part .of our eotem., but the pea - greater portion of it, shows but little pee of McGillivray, Biddulph and Lucian } , `_ `E'S THE WAR.. The Danube hes at length been crossed by the Russian army and the English Parliament has voted a large sum of money for the protection of her power i e East. What the result will le almost impossible to :say. Th ssian: movements on the Dan- ube were a concession to the Czar's impatience. a was so irritated ire Bt. Petersburg that his I bysiciau ad- vised him to proceed to military head- quartere. His iml'atieneo continued during the: diversious of dinner*, fetes and .epeetaoles t, aud finally the passage of the Danube was mads. The Rus- sian Telegraphic Agency says the peace of Europe is perfectly assured. The reault of tlic war so far from imperil- liuglt, will coneolidato it. the removal of goods and housed effects to rafts in the harbor did at save there from the fierce pursuer.. Some lives wore lost, and . rneuy per- sons were said to be missing, but in the coufueion it would be impose:1de to ascertain the number. As rapidly ae the wires could convoy the intelligence so rapidly did assistance pour in. The loss is away up in the millions, and the assistance already rendered iimounts to about $170,000. We feel certain that iu a few short mouths, the burned por- tion of the city will be rebuilt with buildings far more substantial than those wh esti place they take. Loss, $80,000,000 ; insuranue, $5,OCOj000. are not so anxious to spend money on buildings to grace a county from which they ieisle to stake themselves. At the lest meeting of the Middlesex County Council that body deferred taking any sic`:fan or the erection of the county buildings nntil the December session, es they Paw it was impossible to much longer Keep the county in its present shape, aud they wished to see the di- vision take place before any steps were taken. Thus they showed their tvis- Rein, and evinced a desire' to assist in ,.poll as change ,as alight be for, the benefit of all, There can only be one 1ighteoue conclusion arrived at, and that is, that the aooner the division tabes place, and Eider — which now mot's all the advantages of railroads, tet:;iimant to guy quantity ot;.exaelient sing the affairs of th'e.Doniinion, and building material, peopled with an. en- if. their • arguments cainnot be gainaayeds terprising population, and notatfraid of l eep quiet, and not cause thee whole reading public to laugh at. you eaeadia a.littIa enemy to make herself.. l ,i1roa(e around 1:thr comfortable --is and sot you down tri your bsroper acissa, as pan devoid of brains. Decrying RSV glial a centre, or hub, around• , _ • ,. • n i plc.nioe meshes with very poor grace ileiSle alienist 'revolve the systam,whieh from each as ere' iu'ty1?osv :odlu un esotil l make the cotlnt3 'co 11 t tYe Teasers, �'i;.fel � Naailie that: t: e ittutatc La 1- trhleil �tlia I'remler is.to 4 fi io , e stili tris C, is y 9nttirg®ted tytj „repclow :ill spirit, '1,And now it is the.ttlrr of some of the Conservative journalstu hike up the old glove worn say their Reform cotemporsries, and compere : the 'Pra3`� mier to Dan Rice, 'Van Amburg, and his followers make up the balance of the show. What earthly good is to be derived from this slaeeies of non- sense we utterly fail to'comprehend.' BE MODEL SO : s OIs. Mr. Crooks ag own lois' wisdom in the seleeti • '. of public soboole which are to be used 88 eehools for the advancement of pupils into the rank of teachers. Chilton is just twelve miles in a direct lino from God. erich, one a suburb of the other and in the list we find that both of these pla- ces have been selected as °aunty Model Schools. Also jugs.haudleduese of this is apparent at a glance. We think that that gentleman would have shown More disorirhivation had , he placed a greater distance between these schoole. Seaforrh cr Erecter would have given far more satisfaction by the selection of either than the ones made. It is, however, on a par with the nianceuvr- ing of the party as a whole. REFORM PIC -NIC. JiNI 28, 1877 Those who come here with the inter, tion of 'farming, having a capital of $1,000 or more, are all right, and aro likely to do well. The choicest of laud with aumoien,t tinibor wait, au a in good locations can be bought at presentfronh $3 to $5 per acre, although the price is advancing rapidly, and no doubt, will continue to do so, for some time to conte.. lam satisfied that a man who has a farm iu Ontario, worth from $5,000 to $7,000, with a mortgage of from $1,000 to $3,000 on it, could bet - struggle ensued, resulting iu the cape ture of the euthe bat'd. Qonn i]sene R 0! Tun BEpolnTs» Chin, iniac*.. The ;report of a coespiracy to blow rep the Suez Canal was 1n3seti on authontio int rtnetion. Tue Hilo - dive is taking effective measures to pre- vent each au attempt on land. while the see police are being 'orgauized uu- der two English officers. °teensx Towees.—The Natiohhal Line Steamship Company have been awarded $10,000 for towing iu the City of leer. ter himself considerably ;by selling out. liu oil her last 'voyage. The Heenan and corue here. Auy good farmer who cau come he re with . about $4,000, would certainly succeed ,i*d do well. Tide couutry caunat be overatockod with such a Maas of farriers, but a man who has a good farm, clear of debt, comfortably situated, and who does not wisti any more land, bad better remain where he is, as las will have comforts and enjoysueuts that he cat not expect here for some tiara. A hall coining here for some time. A man corning here must make up his mind to rough it to a certaiu cxteut for a time, 'Yours &o., A. &tat.eon . Palestine, Manitoba, June 8, 1877, ,The Reformers of the County pur-; pose lsolding a picnic on the 5th Ju•es next, when the assembly will be ad- drizesed by Hon. Mclieuzie, and anew. bar of prominent members of the party, It is altogether likely a largo crowd will be present. sense iu the manner in which they talk of the gatherings of the Opposie tion. If Sir John 'A. and his friends wish to hold meetings throughout the country, they have a perfect right to do so in this country of freedom, not that it is likely all they can say will prevent these gentlemeu from holding these meetings. It shows but the least pos- sible taste to have dialled up to our families the very euphemistic phrases, "asses," "poltroon,"' •'circus,", •''me- nagerie," etc., by journals whose pre- tensions are somewhat more Iofty. But it is sufficient that they have bad tete pleasure of calling their opponents as they imagine pretty hard mama, ala school boy. Sir John aud Dr.- Tuppeh take au open and manly -way .of discsi "The Clinton New Era makes an in- sulting reference to Mr. P. `Kolly,,of Blythe, in connection with the proba- bility of Isis being a candidate for the Local House 'at the next election. If Mr. Kell ie an Irishman, be is no dis- grace to d country, and that is moro than can be said of his traducer."- - .ltitclicll Advocate. Tux, tut, folks, Pat's of the wrong material to heed a word any o're say about bias, at all. rn' e o. we fruit rlotie8s of lil#tl 41(,1h i , .l f 1 1' 'tlhe•aiil Beier the macer de oen Possibly e her deity ind r. to' }ging to fa od end, and st that Exete ost nobly, too. 11 WO 13 doubt Aill do THE ST, JOHN, (N. ]3,) On Wedneeadaty' night o! last week, one of th© greaatoet calamities that ever betel any oft' of its population on this continent, be 1 that of St. Johns. On GEN. Grant will receive 'a deputation 'b'V'edlaearlely n on tranquility reigned 1 of the workingmen of Loudon on the eters whore, - a ti on Thursday at thea) 3rd larox. /Weeks 'War Bows, On Monday morn the news arrived, Thera bad been bloody work, But no one know who lied :the most, The ()bristlier' or the Turk. On Tueedeymoiling- Russia claimed A victory for hor On Wed•Jeedey,from a Turkish aouce, The victory was denied. On Thursday each silo swore: had Tae otuer pu' to rout. And Prd..'r news the Satco:armed Without the slightest doubt. On Saturday it was wh:Spered 'round The whose affair was armee*, And Sunday's eahlo news declared 'There'd been no fight at all. c .+•r. FROM MANITOBA. miwwwwwwww General. ue.e SS; Co, bed tendered $6,000, denying there was any difficulty experienced, as %Rege l,1 y the sailors. 81TrZNG Bunn. -A Washington special says Sitting Bull and his tribe have in. fringed upon the territory of the Blacks foot Indiana and Canatlian territory, and the (Canadian authorities have Plied the American Government to re- move these Stowe to their own country as they aro considered invaders of Brit- ish territory. The natter will be con.- sidered by the Warr anal State Depart' menta, pending the return to Wash ingtan of Mr. I'luuket, British charge de Affaires. A later report says, the presence of Sitting Bull and his baud iu Canada Lea not been mads the sub - jot of diplomatic negotiatious as stated. A Coin Tausee--Adolp . Gerndt of New York than German private banker who disappeared ton days ago with over $80,000, which had been deposi- ted with him by poor people, was found nocreted in. a refrigerator iu the collar of his house last night. Assess uerioa. Patrick Golden, aged 80, was sitting with Isis, wife in the parlor, in Sarauton, Pa., on Friday night last, when a masked man entered with a doubled barrelled gun, and fired two shots at him. Ho died shortly afterwards. The murderer escaped. There seems to be no cause for the grime. A CAMP MJ;RTINo Daiwa OUT BY Lo- cusra.--Camp Taoor, the Methodist camping ground, near Denville, N. J., hes been so ravished by locusts that many of the Methodists have been compelled to leave the grounds. The foflowiisg•letter'too clip from the Expositor :. Duet Sin : I have now been in this bonntry four weeks. Tho ,,first- trip'I took was to Palestine, abont 100' miles -from Winnipeg. There are` settlements Wire add there all the way out, and even beyond this the courltrq is filling rennin Se rep vs, elcohalie Unice. It has been a desideratum with the medical prefee ion to pi opine r. pep - ant ion of iron less objectionable than. any of those now in use, which often procure unfavorable etfectis upon the system, especially wheu prepared with. alcoholic fluids. In many cases of debility and con- valescence from tli, ease, where a tonio is indicated, wine, brandy, porter, &c, have been recommended ; but these aro of very doubtful efficacy, to say the least. Alcohol is never digested, is ranked among the diffusible stimuli. and is incapable of affording nutrition.. it creates generally an Unnatural ex• ctternent and dehangeluent of the cir- culation, irritating the whole system by preveutil.g the blood for losing its carbon. Again, Trow difficult it is to obtain an.article npproaahing to pur- ity, almost alt the wines, brand es, porters, &c., being snore or less adult- erated. Such being the ease with regard to spirituous preparations of iron, and the alcoholic driuks, of which any one can satisfy himself by , inveeti ;sting the subject, an opportunity is now pre. emoted In the PERuvl*\ Sv'nr.P, for the trial of an article in genera practice,• which has the very strongest recom- niendations from medical and sciensi- fio mien of the highest character --a proparatioi which s0 happily cora. blues the protoxide of iron with the outer constituent parts that the effects incident to the use of iron salts are en- tirely obviated. For all cases in which iron or any tonic is needed, this preparation Is confidently believed to be fur superior to any other. It seems to purify the very .fountain of health. Sold by dealers generally. Oi MAC H �iZiQ Tun Mont MAounRlts.---Mo ly Mag - 'ulna murdered Win. O'Connor, near White Haven, and assassinated John Grady, a miner employedin one of the Lehigh collieries, and James McDermott and Michael O'Brien. wit- nesses against the executed Mollies, have mysteriously eisappearep. Foul play is suspected. GooD COFFEr.—Housekeepers will appreciate the following : If a tea- spoonful of genuine ground coffee be thrown into a tam1lerful of cold later it will float upon the surfati water, while the substance ulterating the coffee will sin circumstances. If, when tlitltl)Rlspccted coffee is thrown upon cold Tater, .the parts sink at once, ,the .samelb% quite sure to be adulterated. of the in ad- er the bTARTLINO REVELATION OF •A PENI- TENT1ARr rRISONsR: A shop time ago. the Call published that the schooner Osprey was said to have:picked up the up very fast. North and ;west of here Tichborne claimant. T'il'e'. articles Kone of she settlements, ars' quite ex- were' rea' by .Oliver Perry, 'a prisoner least 'e." For the'first•80 or 40'inilee in the penitentiary, who states that ho Rut 'fronitlie eity.of 'Winnipeg,' the is .of s very dean and ric71' May loam, very sticky and diaagr'eoablei 'In wet '`weather; but after tart it gots te be c f a sandy Io in, which although -perhaps not quite gb rich yet in My • ,opinion is more ("mashie land'for all iitteiits and. leurlio les ` eI:also took another trip: for 85 er 40 nlilee put ficien. the city of lyitjaiaege., This also Is ice very, fine •couvtryt AlthoLltgh I t would have. liked all the land I .seen much better. bad it beena little ,lrtore rolling, I am toltd that ' .,out of the Petnbin:a. Mee utainzt`ig 414ro sol} °' , j; o'pa; 10 0i : although IS not li1te17 to be tie ill e a epos an earlydate as through 1hi .quarter. Oa try travels I met a' godtl'•. many: Ca- nadians who had been settled In. the soouut:y for a stew years. They all ap- peared satisfied and had na desire to go back to Ontario. The only plag to they had to fear was the grasshoppers, and yet they sayif they would not come of- tener than once in three years they could raise more grain and get along better than they used tie do .where they game from. The greater portion of the emigrants are young men looking for work, who intend to homestead 160 acres, and then work ° around tor high wages, aed'earn enough in a short time to start them in their homesteads. was second mate and carpenter of the three -masted . schooner Osprey, which sailed from New York, Februazy; 1854, for San Frauaisoo. In April .w May following they ' picked up five men in a boat off Brazil : three• Eng- lishmen, one . Norwegian and one Mul- atto: One .of.. the Englisaman' was - called Tick. (Considered him' tel over. grown .boy about twenty. Ho spoke English, German or French=accent, Said his father was 'a lord or some thing of that tort, and Ise trial been in South America travellir L' far, .)tenure. !'he Osprey,, after coming' .hbre, ,west to :Australia •It is su;ip sed 'rich, went on herr. The cap•,sin`s name was Owen Prrytovho is ever 70" years old, and his reinenlbraace of. ,the cir- cumstances . came by degrees.. He knew little of Tichborne, having Peen in more unsettled portions of the Pa- cific coast for the past fifteen or twenty yaers ; met Captain 'Owens iu Idaho City in. 187.3 ox 1.374 CAPTURE', OF EXP.uEss. Roeiees.—A bold attempt Was made on Friday, night to rob the express oar at Lna:;ol- ier, Ind. The car was entered by four Hien, who accosted the •messenger, and were about to' bind him, when they Isere suddenly confronted by: a force of officers, •who .had been notified that sn; attempt was to be`made. A desperate 'WHERE DID 'YOU BUY THOSE RICA ? Why I bought it, JOHN UtTCHELL'S Driok yard --Air B Biasett's old place, south side of Crediton gravel road That's where 1 buy all my brick, because yon can get the best hriekin the couxty from him, tithe keeps none but first class workmen Yon (=always depend on getting a first - Ws article, They are 50 cents a thousand ....ed of any in These para, Don't forget the spot. JOHN MITCHELL, Crediton P, 0. • • MILLINERY • AND FANCT comas Just received a well selected stook of Millinery and Fancy Goods, very bheap For Cash at MSS GARLICKK'S Exeter, Ont. Apprentice wantedto learn the Millinery. 1 pas not i w P=aceg, at.:t?tiaclr mt. 80 T. MarSO T ' are offering their stook of TINWARE STOVES, Eto.,. Exeter & Hensall which consist' of all the latest and improved styles of 'Kitchen Cook and Parlor s ov cs,Mitk cans; pans, and pails of toe most approved pattehn, and everything in the line ; Also, a 'good shlectior+ of hanclsotue • Rave troughing as nuaal, receives every attention., and done at the lowest figures. 'Having opened out a branch establishment atHeneall,our friends in that neighborhood can be supplied on the shortest notice,