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The Exeter Times, 1877-6-28, Page 4
- `eget;li or' One-Trcelteh. {Jack U[crka way fa ;teal Lttc. •T- f Among the crew of the Nova Scotian ecooner Bertha Ellehl, recently':kt•rived in this port, was a boy named Richard Fielding, whose experience ae a run- away is worth recording. Young Fielding is about fifteenof age, with a bright, handsome f�e, pleasing manners, and of evident intelligence. His leaner is .a wealthy landowner iu 11e had not studied vulgar suffered in the way thus rented Itis lands to an t spring, on condition e•eighth of the oil pro. well proved to be a,. good farmer began to thin;: Il Ilii should give him abet-; Hampshire, au Ruglisl2 gentleman of nd would. eat lie b seg ea' vxredee. hacee, stud ventured to tell them Imo-. and posiliczl. iiicbtli'd had the price$ of harness, as trill Ito seort • The idled hial wlu8 Ile wanted. bean sent to erhool in Dorset, where by perusingtbe price list: e said they ought to give him one- Bracebridge, Uemyng'a wonderful fie - twelfth, Tile agreement was 1111t411T tions about 1110 /tansy issues of ant All other work ia tho harness line 'at proportionally lour prices. Rap -siring done wit:( ataataosa ol3capnes$ and de$patch, matte. with the understanding that the Jack IIu kawav's adventures fell into Itrn) rs A*tualines. Ia,thisbr catch of the trade. every effort is madeto$applybestartie.es 4uu Dutchman was not to tell any one. his hands and' was eagerly pursued. at tt,aelseapestlirteaos, All went su' ooth until the next ill -1 The natural result followed. Ile viaiolt day e ame, when our friend was 1 longed to emulate the romantic joy of eerie at hand to i=ce lank Iul;eh better p Jack's impossible actions, and yearned f -pr a field to display. as Jack ]las done, the heroism and pluck which he sup- posed Ile possessed. Richard determi- fled to run away and go to sea, Tying UI) the bundle the little fellow slipped away frolu school mai wenn to Liver. 3 t OOST COST Cost. GOSH; HARNESS Al COST 1 JOHN TREBLE would rot= •,thanks to his customers for the very "beral patronage bestowed =hike in the e,st C 0 8 T OSCT C.GST • AT 0 a s t. HEAVY HARNESS 1 Long Tug, Black, ] inch, . 44 ,a li to " 'White „ " Brass " LIGHT HARNESS ! Single Harness, 012 and u".;,.as, • X25 2(1 2'1 l:+ world be off miler the bargain El- even ;barrels were rollers to one side for the oil men and one foe him. This id not snit him. .a How's dish," say s lie • "1 ditsli i vas to get. more fie .be- ft3re. By Pugs yeti matte nlisitake.,, 71.1.0 1341113,1- esplau►cd t,a ;sill;, po:l. There he found it impossible to shill in any capacity, but determined to go to sea at ail hazards, he. stowed awtty in the hold of a :11otliteranneau fruit inig batted to lies slid;. ile was. Perateheti his head, looted cross, and eoolaillecov: rt'd, and After undeigoit+g. relieved his heaving breast of fe lialgs tit) to of nittlru from the captain, was of Self 1'eiwcnell t'y xttlltrltitlg eel to the 11414).41 laud of writ, !meta . 44 V.-41. by duveler. dot ish ae fleet Ilio* the deet;e;, seriepi•,g the masts,.and time as ever 1. Lnow's eight V08 mors' tarring ing i1 awn the rigging. and en every siweive. ' elan: was put over the deck tit se, ub that be • formerly got one barrel oe every eight, but is was lel * oleo prcpo-- sition to only take of:e of t'vcry twelve. This revelation took him ab.iek. Ile '-1]t:>!st; [r .rap., Before Anima* at 'lest ins, lie was one d:(y i,tr re.g down the jib ably, Nu g . in e. bettiewilitt'o chair, Sit t' . No wonder if half theworldAl1(nwF �'^ " t 1(ow Flt•acant it is te tate an after- ill ' ;;last who was tatttriiau g to the dinner n.tp, and Meat ta' 1'r'1%{ it 71 to 111.1 tl..l;; ;;til P, care'le?el'1 14+ t his bold, d AUd 1.1i.k wee precipitated t o uw the f?48i1t74ti`ttP':t'll ,�a.C717t-•^-'r,r stomach. t�tG i, E:31':itt«r tt7 l 1 �'�a Ila'- i t541,72Aw ti I .t6 'i r t.. t3 t ,uli a. 1 "all; itlleiluia stoelt iataaril:. lal`� 11.61, ( C1� (i:1S' tit; 411x4 11Pr tail tl➢reel1 st' ruff'. 1111 {Uta taistl lcaret teem ba chairs ; tied titet1eae r, if hecln3;i:incerFre,asnal11e l,,•mauled into lite water. the l'r;,,,,,i:'e, „sial til,,, an olti min. it• `Te t4:ai 3a'. arlltd, h atsor, and ts.ftt'1- ti.St31 i* !alar e.ite li ^'.' 1• is+ 11 :a ;;Illi; its its -jug fie 1, eto::`e•d i'T (be co,rildu 11.1 foieed ti., t•,%.("it loitl:'+etl ---r.l t:tllt'r in the dett•lltita1l to the veee l „spiel; t114 'lullAntler for ;malt; lal➢.rr-ti• Werk, it ie ;deer the l3(tttlttl•..uy meal. If all :tett e.tlllei 4,ti14 re,t, lia•t t,lW ld"'lll', but two ;lours and a tnitI 1+tit the extra hilly. 011 ti. elle-in" tart of the day, What an :ace'i<lt`ltt hall cetalrltd1 be was lint.std lie 1• we Where, without otiy medical treat- fthht, be was permitted to stay till ti:i ets-a rarri; el at pf3rt--fal•tunntely, only twenty-four hem- after„„•era. He then 11 wE•1�t to ;110 ar I a. ht in - health: health. FARMERS AND MILL MEIN r Attention 0737 3"�x,a c •Or Peal~'$ in Hard.were, paints, oils anti (Haas, tt. Mary' . „1.ttp Iaitue. Plaster Purls, THE .GRAY GANG PLOW and other 11(r}cuitrira ,isstp.elzlentz.. AMents fcr the Galt Fcunl try Steam Butanes. ;loners, Plantn,^,. 3;0111.1 ua. aut1 oticr,wofid, iesery. Circular, Crosscut and Ilona Sst't s,Tope, Chain, Gas Pipe awe stealrtt'ixiu;:�• Faneons 131t e`, i'1at ter. G R I Gt G 4 S t..,.;'ta ,, «S1iY t'T,i3II.T mem //�j•• ¢¢}} age itis for the Ss s,�/� KIM aid 4.77OIL 4O '. orally Se h9 gach ne 12 1 ill 1�1(veill(�nt wl"11141 li' made ill tlr(ir l 1l l' 1 1 MANE?aC OLI.., ' 1 1Viwtllcr 110 13i� la farmer, (1r n ai•' 41)0t(-ut 1313: c1cl.tl;s dressed ill: . Ap" , p t . Cla$gQti' ,w Isla sill'@ or r, 'il'uf►"s;*ie)It11111a11, a gtrntl ii1131).. astl sells tine 11l(hl h, Iia ea.. , w (+i + d+ C, P 1e;tnfttr'dinner leavestoWW1illl 'Otter ill.t;1Arged, lttt7111110:1.4 aha to cripl+las. �` uF� a t tAll the lizitlt•11 ('tn' 1I1 Clttll31 do s►la; t'3 '- I7 familial Porion;„r than eyen:n the teeming. It wee a w!14.83i4 ferm,tr net 1881 a ninth, „rl1iz'11, *Ming to the Fresh Oysters n facet of the Il + s cel tlttil limb, tva+ R ,t ` j ATSanders' Secore „a ho, in harvest, always -}Halle arrange- 1 r It1en%As with Isis „a131'1t11ltin to work ten t1111fenit thing to do, but which was fn- 1,oars fa day ; and from ewe .v© tr'elticlt ally ttecmu1311,1:rti, and iiiCbfl l d gaol. to two o'clock no wt;rlt was done 811- lou a eaalaiu 1xy iu an American bark for ;lila. Ili, tsituatiotz 011 this vessel less in ease Of emergency, threatened rain, or something, that required tl extra 7,1.t, llIore't(,leral le:, but, oil !art ivillg tot exertion. The men had gItivids tithe: It104 the ball; was condemned ns again • steel i11g under tells:; after Slimier. , eiawortlty, and Mehra was sett to e a,t They. always used n) three-euttrters of :;drift111 a foreign laud. .[Io Lunily nn 'lens at the table. Hutt then i,lt`pt !napped as cool, in a 'West 10(118 tied - an lour and a quarter duriug the heat tug schooner, wl'ere he got More belts of the day. '1`h(+ result was, they than 1lahence, and in this vessel mute were never overworked, and the form- to liitlifux, where he slipped in a schooner that afterward cat]so to I3alti- tuoro with. potatoes. Previous to sail- ing he wrote to his mother, telling lier the mune of ]les vessel. Itis father cabled to 1 sliifnx and ascertained his tlestivati0n, and tl en cabled to a friend Jlaltimore to look out fur Richartt on his arrival. Diel, mine 1 ere in the schooner lkrthh Ellen, after a thirty days” tempestuous voyage. His fatt- er'e agent met him. t legraphed his father, provided ;lien with a bait of clothes and a passage to Liverpool by the White Star Line steamer t,niliug to -day. And last evening Richard left for New York to take the steatner, a wiser boy, a cripple for life, au(1 one not likely to again ba filled with glew- ing enthusiasm at; the stories of writers of melodramic fiction. er got more labor from his men than did any: of his neighbors from theirs, though their nleu often worked twelve Neuss a day. When two o'ei(ick carne the hands were in flu:tdtrinz, cemplettl- ly rested, al1(1 could (lis d(,ut)le the work with more ease than if till's had C )mlllenced work at 'Me o'clock. A singlet hour's rest sit the proper time works wonders. ...Z esoesse *cci'rts. Freemascl;ary, I admit has its se- crets. It has secrets peculiar to itself; but of what do they principally con- sist 2 They consist tf signs and tok- ens, whitli serve as tostilnuue its of character and qualifications, which are only conferred after a due course of inetruotion and examination. Tueee are of no smell value. They speak a universal language, and act as a post- ecript to the anent ion and support of the initiated in all parts of the world. They ettenet be lost so long as mem- ory ret3l,ius its power. Let the posses- sor of thein be expatriated, ship wreck • ed or imprisoned' let him be stripped of everything he leas got in the wo11d these credentials remain. They have stayed the hands of the destroyer ;- allay have softened the asperities of the ty- rliut ; they have mitigiztsd the horrors of captivity ; they have subdued the rancor of Inalevoleuce, and broken down political animosity. On the field of battle ; in the solitude of the uncultivated fares , or in the busy haunts of the city, they have made friends men of mosthostile feelings. The •most distant regions and the most diversified couditiolis rush to the aid of each other, and feel special joy and satisfaction' that they have been able to afford relief to a brother Ala- so11.-1'rai,Juin. A beeutifnl maiden • from Muncsy- tolvn, having curiously watchedthe narking of barrels at Hunt's Mills, entered unseen and marked her blanket ""a Hunt s Choice," She paraded the p a An instance ofwwell-merited reward for perseverance and 'courage was that of a comms; tial traveller who was ex- pecting a large order from a country tradesman, but arrived In the town Oil a fete -day. Fii)dini the shop closed. he nquired as to the whereabouts of the proprietor, and n scertniuing that he was attendiug tle,fete, abouta mile out of town, went thither after lam. When he arrived there a balloon was just going to ascend, and to his dismay he saw his mau stepping into the car. Plucking up courage, however, be step- ped forward and asked to be allowed to ascend. There was room, and lie en, tered the car. In a few moments away went the balloon ; and it was not un it the little party was well above the tree- tops that the enterprising "coulrraer- eiel” turned towards hie easterner ttitli the first remark—"And now sir, what can I do for you in calicoes ?" Catch ing the 1lurnor of the position, and not unwilling to regard such perseverance, the astonished tracesnlan gave his pur= sueres large lin order as he could man- age, with the escueable proviso that in future he should be allowed to take his pleasure in peace, end that on no actioun te as toe t livelier to mention the circumstance tohis brethren of the road: "1 shah not discuss woman in the. columns of my Duper," said George D; Prentice, '•'while considering the main Ye h campaign; pointe involved in 'vile e cnmlang be- Market Square with this, greatly to the 1 cause every cue who : is inf•irtned on tv.sgti t of Mr, linut, who is a con- I the subject of her creation knows that f1'rincd i„ achelur. (roman was a side issue. roceres ? Con fectona yr Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per lb. CHOICE TOBACCOES AID CIGATIS always in stock. r. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School Books, Stationery, lMfagaxinet;� ALL TIIE LATE S I' NOVELS. N.8. -owing lir Zhine Ir'eedlosof every -Shane; ale. G. SANDERS t -t - ae "ae ret; ill e* tT g. m', b • M M CA0 1 1 • Q. CD V. .t nte o ▪ . toy CD won' tu,le tid4le1'iPimins,au teas lin,,pnlif.a `-"i" - -, ,-, of nr•.1n 1', : d, 1343 i•1 t a ttiitt l.. Nei von (t,7- 1 w ,� t<vl 1..• ;,t ,t( '.:i, t ttt11 n pe sal 14.1 i ra'.•,v to- .. u: + •. '"'i ',.. ti+ ref.,' ...f ti,. L..n... for tut-ae •.p rneleaiin-a ,• l; 1-3 • d.f '13 ;'u '1'!. ' lent tali 1,4 rat31 ..1••:t to itld t13n a • i+ 4 f ' ^ 1,^.., li'3 , +. i 1 t L •.I1'3. ,ia,i ttttt'i3tiR•hnat- • e: � ,'�.,. -r . I -j •l •r vitt t -t ..1 ..}ser111' 11.1. to attt^ittI t.1:1.' sta- 1,1, ¢ :11;S „„tl,l,lt, }+rC•}t. r • .:. .....• w ' •1+•` St. 'star.. `,!'1i'•'3 1, Is -7. Mui. tr r, -' 10,a1 31 l';11 .''AIA 11(.)'1"1'11, .1'°1tl:tlDti- 'i.in 13,1+ atl4o utvl13at.41'ai'a:rtlit/11.,3 Awl i -a tatat•e'.;13 3c Itrd soy tin (1 n tett of tl(r trate•1i3, pal3WC- (1ttntl 3'i}t.n34 untie:pm: at t}'c bar. A.ttat:itu le„ti`s Iiia aye in i.ttetaiaaCu i.anmo fora.:0tnn3,'. • i? -I s .telt-r:, i.a1;Ct.ti,,tieVssl, I'l(.p. Iyia- JUNE 28, 1877 ''(''�l 1i IIY TDIVN,-00RONER F()i tine County of Ills:aa. o.Lce, next do .r to cur:lug's stcro,l:xeter. 2 C. MOOBE,141 D,., r,b1. I e e OTIA :7Ta.Th; ni lett 1,e;yere luau; teal r•ilys C ex, awl:cos. •<' 0.,iet,au1r.s3leuce- cater.• t. 0.aceuoure•-6 to „atn..ant7, i to 10 p.in. T W.-.itOWNIN(1•, M. D. M. r. S, Graduate yietoriaRer' eraity: Ofce, • u,. residence, nee.- :1{(14 Labor= 13v. Exeter � R. TPtS'IN�G, GRADUATi C t - t I;i:SITY Trieity C.' lege r e '-Ler• College sclam;Lod :urgiens Uu4., el l:celi>.Ltou,U A. ELL`S, • '+l�z'geon :Dentist. teaslocated 1+5 i,utrO3+tlyit. ( et'cr. (See Saran. Wu few ;:Inks. - els. • r,1�;jaaYl . A I-C*:1:30N,WATSO1 ti ('• ,1?u .3,. }i 4v rt- t t5s. ;att,..3f vs. Sahel/tip &;Q. Xtr ray i , 1.) au 05 ll -31 1,s>tte. I itis tn' ➢ li4),z t , Parse:`•r, • ESSltS.JO 'JONES til alms RI 1 .i.} ll tr 4 ee, .tete e : l t,d i t sease:.r re late, eery, ➢ 01 :'A 3 9 3' l' : R4:,-)4041 ,3 11. \,ra+•11. t3n,a-t al.t.d,: 13Jtn\.s W. C.jIOSt;.IP. - Oss'tc.:-ifu:ten's 'Mork. Slater:-:.,tit,=(•:try"•3 • n t. ALU}.IN(; e�• II1It1)I\tx, Barrie, Ltttrr, ttt:ur330,7 e, tiol:cllu:'tt, t�O11133,3`,f,3Uaer • 11. R..to. 41,1•143:-Iirri,N's Itt,oent wen trent. et. 1144', t(. l.+t:a; 0. J1- 3,(., E. W. ii. -31,t'1\0- X X r •1t el/IA..11.I1), MISTER, ER,N r'.1.l:li, ('tril'ETAN}l., AS! I,i t tN.• °e JC 3UI1.'.1ts i,l.t 131tO I°"' t. L a 1.432411 �..; e t At tt 11;, oink- 1:,..a84;01 1 1 Nel.a t+il';•i+ 13• "t ,. .t(na 1 hoe , 4 v,.r es. a + t'.,.a ➢, .t o . ; Ar. Joe !3 1, 41 tease.. reed ,, 1 4 ti, `. 1414.AtAl 1 • ” • »t. flit ;,tri e(z eeeeserWe pat de 1 � t, t,xea'? t „ -i' - - (4Yta,,•?. ➢tow. ^`.,l .^. a4431K. it rile • #44 li ±h„ i,itsv • yll.l'.tr1:.Yl - II' NDrt ..-'1'be lll•derti l - t; as ane• e. t,•,i ...,, 1.441.3;:, at .• t'tt”. 3,.r , t Dui, it t :.l 1.'33.0n -hole 71 t (" a':s: len t i .ti:u, t G4 ➢"..t, a u. -iatr•o for tun . itolille; t tat 1',•, G or„,. t 'a r:. to tin, *Wawa). to ee,l liiquor p@pp ts;, t tide .p,.r :„tt0nliccl „t -v4.4, am; :, A ,1A.359 cele (DI 1111.I"PI,tII 13(�'1',I:aT,,, :dart -.et Stluttr�•, Pt i + ,,, ;'5103 W111 s ante of . H 0 JUT RECETVE AT THE X E TER( Grocery and Liquor Store A large stock of Green, Japan, Young Hyson and Black Teas, Curr(, DRXFD 41.Pplez CATI(OD Vj Sardis es, .Lobsters, Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common and Cigars, . Whoesa' e and Retail". , G. A. MACE, Main Street, Exeter. - Salmon. Wia Oleg Whi skie , Tb C. c S. CIDL'a r. i TZ°X11. Undertakers and . Ft &rn.ii,uro Manufactur.ers WOULD SAY {",'9 ill fp TE WOULD those who ante ,t} `- " " "�r call spccialattention twrchnsai to do 90 from ti V e'* {��' p ,x .a to our undertaking depart- the' manufacturer., The r �A .`..tt yir'',,. t +p trent, which is more coin dealer who buys tc sell e\• : �d r . ' a t l plate than : ever, ns we have again must fleeces sprit •z._ +,„,,,,,, t J! , added several new designs have a profs. We claim �y .�i { Iiii10 �a /��a of late : The boat coffins to give the ppurchasers the _ . A * caskets shrouds;and every benefit, which cannot fail ✓ -- /unreal requisite at the. to meet the views of the ♦ �. 1 .. t , 41 3 ; .( a • nr new /� Grangers; Our eanensce hearse is pronounced by 8 -_J ant judges cam et to by rna.those of city� - � p than -e loss b a Is P c€consequent � second name in the ywe can sell cheap. \._ -_---,3,-....------ -,----3.--"-:- Province Emblems , of all the Different Societies T'EEN'S 110T'i.L4 Lt+0A.1\ I. 'A Mel •1Lt Proprietor. This ilr;.t-elai lintel -ms lately changed howls (trent .1. ;Malay to i . sie1•'.t11+,1 and as fitted with new fin'. Wiry throughout. free 'bus to stud from the station ▪ ilea for the maty line of'ionises tol,rra103,. The t ( n awl bar is replete with the ni n rt st :. tuct t i frt {n- rantltavanue. Four eeninttte.iai sample room. tinod stabling and attentive bostlera. A bus vises to and from t'lan leboyo. A good livery tette in connection. sr+• IY �Nt) 1,11 NI) .HOTEL. --The �er rsigae(' haying rnnfrd the shove hotel f a- a of yeara.hnt,refitted it un for the caro fort of the tstv,,"ling public. (food liquors at the bar. (loot hestlar it attendance. 0,1ir.s,prop. hi13.1v. 21118Ca1.ANECU4 • MAN HOOD . IIOW LOST, IIOW RESTORED. a�--� Jest published, a new audition of I)e' Cnlrerwell'e Celebrated Pssay,ontlicradi 0al euro 01 etniaa1 Weakness or Speramator rhena,inlnced by o -Abuse, Involuntary Minis Bions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and l;mpedi snouts of marriage generally; Consumption Epilepsy, and Fats; Mental and Physical In- capacity, &c. The world-renowned author, in this admirable tractive, eloarly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of elf -Abuse ma•y be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials; pointingut a mode of cure at once certain and effectual,, by whish every sufferer, no matter what his condi- tiono may be, nutty cure himself cheaply,}y and radically. - r-Thia Lecture will prove a boon io thousand andthonsands. ent under seal in a plain envelope, to any ad- dress, on receipt of si cants, or two post age tamps. .idclros rum crrhwB,DLNEDIOAT. t - NEW CARPENTER SHOP The uudergignerl would beg leave to acquaint. the Public that that they have opened out a CARPENTER & JOINER SHOP On the etrtet leading to the B. C. church and that they are prepared to contraotfor all kinds OF BUILDING & JOINER WORK. Plans and specifications fu --'-led, and from their experience' .II idle =mesa, they lee confident of giving satisfaction to those who - may -favour them with their patronage. Felt Roofing contracted for on Reason- abie Tertns. FUNSTON &HIL LAiiL NEW MACHINE SHOP. - W. lift' CHE1`t Toe undersigned would inform the public that m store oro ' 'n e.rtuinir' v li us <nout h baso sue t e p k a, nd'w branch o3bnctneaa, long tivanted,whore- you can get all sorts of macLluesrepaired irons a watch to a sewing machine an(1 delle in a'iirst cleasa, nod workmanlike Milano r' and at moderate ohergos, V. KITCHEN, -