HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-6-28, Page 3JUNE 28, 1877 ean.I TS EXETER, wet to lvnet S ,rt tali Whoa, 1 51 to 140 kbtrle 1 30 to 1 40 Outs y .,, 45 to 00 1'o'tatces .•� 100 to 1 OQ Peas 45 to 50 Mutter11 to 11 lt'iourpoxbbl,.., 410 00 5t to A 50 Bran,,, Shorts ... 15 to 1 16 Bags 000 to 7SO Hides 5 50 to S CO SShQ pskins.: 8 05 to 23 .•..., ,75 to 1 23 00 Dried Apples I 75 to to 2 00 Onions .............»...,,75 to 100 12 to 12 Wool ,. 28 `d4 'Turkeys 50 to 1 00 Clews tteka...pr ••• .'i0 to 50 to&a ST. MARY'S. (l;eportod regularly by A. (i albraith,Clorkl Deed wheat, per bushel 130 tt, 1 40 t Spring wheat 1 30 to 1 40 Barley .., . 50 to 15 7$to 80 Vats 50to 50 Potatoes pig bag' .., Piet° 134 Apples Seto 80 Beer per i b ,,, 5 to 7 1Sluttan ' .S to 7 Pork parorrt 600 to 700 Egg' per dozen10 to 3lattar 15 to 16 Re .,„ $00 to A 00 1Voel , OQ to Si EENSAI;L, 1Fa11 Wheat . Spring Wheat Peas Barley Wool. 1 40 to 1 45 1 30 to 1 35 4u- to 70 40 27 to o 28 Butter 1G to 1b EaRs ••• 10 to 10 BORN- i'oxwo-t'rlrY,—ln Exeter an t,+c 2itb inst., the w.fo of Mr. W+11fasu P nnwo,•ih,• of a son, $'ie41ea,,—I0 Exeter, on the r;3r,1 f tit„toe wife N. Mr, Bobcat Piel:m•d, of a data hast. rrcusun.—ia I:-efer, on the 2,1nd lust. John, eon of Aft• ltiohard Pickard TNSOLNENT ACT OF 1575 AND nmendlue tteta,Iu the spatter of William graft. au rasolsoat, A writ of attachment lies been issued in lila case, mail the t-retl;torP aro net:ted to Moot at MY ofAce, in Gndericlt on the 41`t dot of 3x17 next, itt 3;30 o'clock p. UL to re- ca've a tomont of Lis aficirs and to appoint an 4at.gneo, if aha. Pee 11t, owl order the r-, afrs of the estate generally. iionairr Cameras. Cloderfeb,Juno 216t.1857 Vti'edan Aasfar es, SINCLAIR TAIT. Dealer in Amoy Goods and. Toys, double and srngle Dain Wool, of all colors. Also Zephyr attd Prelim deter Wool Next (loaf north of the TIugeoffce, Exeter �a week in your. own town. Torras anti 85 ontilttrco,l FILx.LLT7'&Ca.,1'ortiano, 51h. $idyl. Qtl'fi7a weak to Atfotlte. 610 outfit frac, v, i� i411 J 1. (3, VIO>i1;RY, Agusta Maine, 0115a dayat b0mo. A o.ita wanted. Outfit and iinaus free, TItU1! k CO„ Agusta, \faille, *sit fancycarda; not twgallko, with Haute, l0c, or _i, scroll eards,10e,apoueer.t Co, Nassau Extra nue mixed cards, with/lame, 10centa past -Paid, L JONES & Co. mulatto, N.Y "5 d $20 pordnq at home, Samploa i'tlt ltt , alsine, w"t”" 3""QN "1 T0 DVEI[TISEItS.—bond femur Local List of Nowsaapora Sent froo on application. GEO. P,RO«'LId. & 00., !co, 41, Park stow, New York. PI A N naafi 7i ootave, finO renowned (not used Pia ...-.11. over six months), only $180; eoet650. nl �1Nat+atll, 'etv Pianer at wholesale. Groat bargains. Nearly new ;20' 2 stops, sea; &HtoIB;50; 0stove, 55; 7stops,GO; 0stop-, e5; 13 stops 55 to 75, 1tar0 opportunities. Now or - pans at wlielcsalo. Beware Imitations. Best of- fer overm,ode, nloAn. Sent on 5 to 15 days test t•1a1. Money refunded, and freight paid both cnteaos,ytersa tndDie- tTeacherlfinis&cc.Adres ,DiNIELZ. 73EATTY, Washington, N. J, Wanted 4. number of 600D AG•FINTS at s 0o nor month, to sell in the Pro- vinces our ^•Improved Lotter Copping Book,war- Agents rear ted to copy nlilottera on dri pa p , perfectly, without use of Prose Brush or Water. Single`orders filled by mail A Vent s postage paid. Send stamp for cirou �l .r lar and prices, Sewaro of baso imi •^tn.'ions, as unprineinled:parties aro trying to pass • on a worthless counterfeit in Canada. A. COON. & Ce„ Solo proprietors, CHICAGO, ILL. The Bl'ck Hills. By N.H. MAotrliia+, who has spent '12 years in this region. L+test accounts of gold and silver prospects, agricultural` and grazing resources Climate, hunting, fishing, Indians, and Settlers' adventures with them, wining, aid wild Western life, the Waterfalls, Boiling Geysers, noble scen- tiousmndnewse map. Price, c. With 10fine CENTS.— Sold by all nowsdealors, or sent post-paid for 12 cents, by DONE LLY, LOYD & co., pub., chicago. Drunkard, ,:%t 0. C. BEERS, M. D , formerly of Boston) has a armless cure for intemperance, whish can be Ivan without the knowledge of the patient.— Also one for the OPITTVI E &EIr Permanent ,cures guaranteed in Loth. Send tamp for eviience. Ask druggists for it. Address, BEERS & CO., Birmingham, Conn. 2 Transparent Curds, with y,+ur name finely printed for 20c. Bich, rare and fancy. 1,000 agents wanted, samples. 8c• stamp. Adiress, A.W.Linnoy, Yarmoth. Harness ” Harness a -ZEN LL J. C. Klausen TAVING removed from llodgerville to Henson would thankthopub Clio at largo for the liberal support accorded him in the past, and in solieiting a con- tinuance of the same would informthem that ho will al way have on haud,and make to order Harness, of Every Description WIIIPS, BLANKETS, .BRUSHES, CURRYCOMBS, &c. always on hand, end sold as cheap ns any in the trade. All ' work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. Fitting Collars a Specialty, and War- ranted not to Gall. Aug. 17.10 -vi. BLAUsEN. BEATTIE & CO.'S SILK 17.44E OUSE LONDON, You will find the Largest As- sortment of Silks, Mitli:zery, Mantles, Dress Goods, Rid Gloves, Laces, and alt kinds of Fancy Dry Goods. Wedding and Mourning Out- fits go -Cup on the Shortest No- tice.. Mantles and Dressmaking under the management of a Lady of long experience. Lad- ies can depend 011 getting the Latest and most Fashionable Styles of the Season, at god- exate Prices, Orders by mail will receive prompt attention, BEATTIE CO. 140 Dundas St, London. iu'i21-1y ISAAC EVANS, Well -digger, The anbeeriberwould intimate to the lnhebi. tants of Contains andtbe surrounding tow^,shim and villages that bo is prepared to cur tract for" NULL -DIGGING, STONING, ETO, Having had s number of sears experience in that busin,es be can guarantee satisfaction, Etc. Orders Solici ted.. To bo addreared to Centralia, P.O. Super! pump forniabed if requiled. Ceni:clia,soot 2ntb 1876 ►AINTING l PAINTING �. KITCHING prepared to do all kinds of House Painting, Paper -hanging Whitening, &o., At reasonable prices and punctually.. 3. KITCIIING, Main -s GO TO R. & E. SPICER'S GROCERIES A ways New and Fresh. FLOUR, FEED, AND PROVISIONS, EARTHENWARE, COAL OIL Soap Given Away —21 Bas's for One Dollar.— Good Vinegar. 20c. per Gallon, Choice Syrups. Market Baskets—cheap. N. B, Don't forget the piaoe—R. & E. Spi- cer's, opposite M. E. Cbristie's Hotel. R. & E. SPICER �T ENSALL HOTEL, Main St. Hen- sall, C, Purdy, prop. This Hotel is situa- ted a short distance west of the Railway and aijaoenttothe station. there is every comfort for the accomoaatio,. of the travelling public, every convenience for Commercial Travellers. The bar is supplied with the choioost liquors and cigars, good stabling and moderato charges. Hensall, June 14, 1877. 32m TlE TIMES jAMWELL & �iCKARD . Are�'ey jy showing this'week, new etyl0s 23.07,47 44 le ��r�,of SPRING DRESS GOODS, LINEN COSTUMES, DRESS LINENS, GLOVES & HOSIERY. special value in BlackLustres Gents' Furnishings Complete, AND ORDERED CLOTHING Clover, Tirnotlty,Rapc, Tur-1 nip, Carrot, Mangold lVortzel, and Garden Seeds all New and Fresh. Cail,e..amina Rua gee pricesloforo pnrchas'n elsewhere. Special Sale OF $5,0000 Worth of Fttrnitur• J. DREW will soil for two months his elegant and sub- stantial stook of Furniture. LIBERAL DISCOUNT ALLOWED for CASH re.rties making largo purchases allowed four months on approved notes. tTNIDERTAICENTC at moderate prices as usual. J. DREW, Next door to Molsons' Bank. GODERIOH FOUNDRY Founder's, Engineers and Machinists. MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES AND BOILERS", FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW MILLS, STAVE AND HEADING M A.CHINERY, Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. Agricultural Implements. UOOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, Potash Kettles, School seats, &c. Iron. and Brass Castings to Order. For sale, cheap—Second hand Boilers and:: Engires Sta and ve, Shingle, and Heading Machinery. Repairs on Boilers, Eugi„ es, Mills, &c., promptly attended to. GODER;ICII FUNDERY and MANUFACTURIND Co.. GODE.RICH, Ont, sessisaisistatatiasi 1877) SPRING (x 87 THE OLD RELIA.BLtE 1-T0T:3-KR At all times, and particularly at a period when Trade is universally depressed an scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the artiole at the lowest rate, Iu calling your attention to my present stock, I do so, with eve ease; it being more carefully assostea and selected than that of any previa In. the Dry Goods Every department i4 replete with the most seasonable, and [fashionable fabrics, paces which should command the attention of the very closest. buyers. THE CLOTHING still hasMlt. Iv, IVES at itahead In, Millinery Under the man agement of l,fies [oOloghion,wecan snit the Most fastidious.. Qnr sloe's of Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and ,America Shelf and Heavy Hardware o one of the largest and bestassorted in the County, Intending percbasers will oo mutt their hest interests by examining mystock before ;rola; elsewhere, JAMES PICKARD New 'R IT Rooms A141? Man'.izi'aetitring Esta.Ll ,fitment ,TOZCIT 731L1.''`T Takes pleasure in intimating that his Furniture Rooms ata nowiti :all blast.and aleeked wltitft SELECT ASSOIiT ENT OF FIRST-CLASS FUBNITU.EIt Tor quality and price it cannot be excelled in the County. Most of the Furniture is made nailer hie evnl personal supervision, and is certain S. F ., ►. 0 ' O 1,� A CALL SOLICITED. DON'T Fg(iET TITE PLACE. 2 DOORS Zt0RT,lI OF BRAWN'S TAILOR SHOP. AWN.. 3,877. .A. pearan.ce of Better Titres, 877 If you want a well assorted stock of Dry Goods, Call at J. CL,'IEVaE'l3. If you want choice patterns in Prints (good vatlle), TryJ. I'. CLAD/MS. Gentlemen, if you want good Ready-made clothing., or clothing made to order, in first-class style, Give J, P. CLAM a trial, In purchasing "Groceries, Crockery and Wall Papers, Don't .forgot CLAFKE'S Select your stock of Boots & Shoes From J,1', eI,AORE'9. N, B. No Baitkrupt stock or shelf -worn goods Found at J. . GLAII&E'S Liberal discount for cash given at J, (. L t'tBRE' i. Bring your Butter and Eggs, for which the bighet price w'il be paid by d; P...LA IEE, 'West side Main street, Exeter a NEW FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING ROOMS' IN HENSALL �� the undersigned would: inform the innrl itan of tsar, Ilsborne and Tnckersiuitli, tbrtt be will o en out on Friday, October 27. bis new store with as choice a lot of Furniture its can be seen north of London, laud at pri,'es that will bo found as low as any house ill the trade if no- lower. As the goods willbemannfactnr- ed ander my own supervision, will bo Round to give entire satisfaction. Orgi Pts, and all kind" of Musicallnatrtinnentsinstock. Builder and Contractor, FUNE1RA148 attended on the shortest no- , ice. S, ',8iR813IRN King street Henial* Hanssll, act. 26, 1876, fly) THE NEW GROCERY Hooper & Bissett THE NEW STORE Hooper & Bissett NEW FRUITS l FRESH TEA rPURE SYRUPS —GOOD SUGARS, FISH --ALL KINDS end everything in the General Grocery Line FLOUR, —:0:— —EED- --A ND— PTOVISIONS ---STRICTLY CASH --- delivered to all partsof the town ELerember the Place ONE DOOR SOUTH 01? MESSRS SAMWLSLL & PICKARD'S Farm Produce taken in exchange Hooper 8c Bissett W, a. Is00PER. WM. BISSET For cheap Gents' watches, Go to S. E. Jones' For cheap Ladies' watches ,� Go fo S 1. Jones' For cheap Ladies' silver watcLus, • Cl•o to S E Jones'. For Boys' silver watches, Go to S E Jones'. For endless variety of silver plated ware, Go to 5 E Jones. For eight day clocks, For thirty hour clocks, Go to 5 E Jones'.