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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-6-28, Page 2AFATRA.l1YL`KG..
ow :he desert,
o sluggish Nile;
rs sprung and temple,
ancient pile
da noir are sleeping.
, help me, give sue courage
iL- a queen to meet ray fate:
am dying, Bgypt, dying l"
Leal the Caesar's army come—
will cheat hina, of his glory,
u esti' life, it does not appear to me
that a man foul of home, and the coin -
forts of home, could find, much iu yours
he would desire to• perpetuate. My
thoughts ofElla are most kindly ; but
the mere feet of her passing into an-
other state of existence hasnot made a
New Yorkers, who had been studying i THE
in Rowe for more than a year, 'LONDON ADA ANT, 'TA
Mrs. Clairton was as widow of thirty. ,�V bl►at
six or seven, who really did not look a
day over thirty, unusually prepossess- �.
hug in manner and appearance, vaivaei- INVEST�Ia+tI�IT SOCIETY,
ou3, and, at the saute time, thorougnly
saint of her in fry eyes. I was glad polished and dignified. She bad beet)
when the end came — for her sake as left in poverty by a reckless husband,
well as yours. She'll have a better and Nati managed by the sale of a few
chalice now, poor girl." articles of value-. hers before her mar.
John, Jr.'s oyes were wide open with riage — to thus snake the rivet of her
amazement, while Ins father eontiilued: t own and her drangnter's talent. Fanny
"I should have sp.,ken ire this man-
ner a the time, John. I have been
Claxton was eighteen, and the 'very
image h r matlrer. Ltieryb dy sled
o e. o ca e
Though beyond the Styx 1 roan. aware of my error all along, As for her beautiful, and for once everybody ;iia 8 , I tfRCIiEIU PICICAP,I), Agent.
Exeter Out
Shall he drag his beauty with him the babies, poor, dear little, suffering was correct. Fenny was an entinutias-
, ,
Capital - 82,000,000
Parties requiring money can obtain advances
on approved town or farm prope, ty, at lowest
rates. The above is a London, England Com-
pany. For further partio.alltrs, apply to
Whilethe crowd his triumph sin s? darlings, you have abundant reason for tie lover of her art, and had made as -
No, no, never: I will show hiul rejoicing that they were taken away. If tonisbing progress in her studies, and
What lies in the blood of kings. ever I salts, 'Blessed be the name of the to bibs little haven of rest and reams -
Lord' with fry whole heart, it was ou Lion, John, Jr., was aecuseomeci to
Though behold the golden sceptre, that occasion. If yon ever marry train, a me wbeuever he felt so' disposed,
Rule the Pharaoh's sunny /and, John, be sure--•--•-"
Wirers oltl :pilus rolls resistless,
"Marry aagaili f" iuterrupted his catn-
Thronbh the sweeps of silvery sand— ptrllion •--- this time with considerable
a Ida shall never say- I nietlriut disdain apparent in his vee and Duan-
Fatwning,abjeet. like a SLIM ; ter, which evident1t afforded John, Sr.,
1 will foil hint, though to du it unf4il;1.et1 delight, tut hu threw has
It Must crus the>Stygian +.:ire. heart each, and laughed heartily.
°Miley berg, sleeping, sleeping -
Shall 1 meet you ou the shore
ofPlutonian shadows? .Shall we
In death meet and lave once more?
See, 1 follow in your footsteps,
Seers the Caesar aut1 hie might ;
For your love 1 will leap boldly
Pete realms of death and night,
Demi. blow the de^,ert sinking
Fades Apollo's brilliant ear,
And from out tlaetlistant
33rea1:=: tri; bright i; east et a at
'Venus, gatt:l of lire, • r1 beauty,
We:eaules tui tt. tl`.::it's rilti,race;
hying --fru, proud, uud triumphant,
Tile last sovereign of my :we.
Dying: dyiugl I and el"nriug,
Oh, my aero, to your arfus;
Toa will wele.tlnc me, I Iarow it--
Gaaru in.. from all sadt•:tlaraite.
fiat: I u it Ora legions coating,
hear their dots of trieunnli swell;
prou-1 G'..t'o:tr, dead I be.wn you,
Bap:- Arians.-farowellt
winch Was not nnfrequeutly,
"Here is the charm," thought the
elder. "It's ae queer thing, though,
how tangs ale managed in this world.
That boy had to have an awful blues=
tie experience; had to eosin 'out (lilt
almost crushed, Red, filially, was oblige
•'I wouldn't marry—I wouldn't mar. Ail to eome to Uwe to. #11c1 n woman
ry—'" John, Jr. was floundering suited to hint, 1'Ie's tl, lucky dog, this
athaut for language strong enough to time, anyway."
express alis uttex coutunil'tfor the mar -
nage relation,
"You won't Marry," put •in his mu.
Miss ('loxton seemed strangely at-
tracted to John, Sr. From the moment
of their iutroduetion, she had uieta-
panian, "till you lied somebody that phorically struggled right down under
just bila your hill 1 Neither slmil 1; tins gentlt'wau's wiug; indeed, after
and I'll venture to pretiiat, lay dear two or three weeks bad passed, the
young lady spetit most of her leisure
with frim, Mars. Claxton looking on with
silent pleasure.
John, Jr„ grew moody and same
boy, that the Next time you won't Make
a foul of yourself."
This tine strong la;aguage, and both
J',lfns knew it; and yet both were
thoroughly aware that nothing but the titres aefueed to accompany his father
literal truth lied been sits„Bern. on hie viaris, thud affairs became so in-
"Leolt upon the past as your school, extriesely muddled, that' both father
In which you were compelled to learn a sand sou were in a state of greatperple;w-
mighty: tough limon, and upon the lire- its. John. Sr., wished from the very
. Sent as your opportunity,” continued bl,ttnutebbs loyal heart that Fanny
the eller. "Now, pack' up your trap;, would rot bbuw hint eo much atteutiou,
:tits be off with you. and make up sunt for he had decided to offer himself to
mind that a little common sense is Bet- the widow, and he was perfectly aware
ter than all the morbid sendlxmnt in that the girl had uo feeling for him but
the world."
The above couvereation explains it
self ant barrier was erected between father
•_..„ �.. �� :t ::�, T .,.._� ,.._ Tbeso two Johns were widowers, and son. The situation laid become
without family, rich, well connected, almost unbearable, t,heu, oue evening.
and mueh sought after. The younger John, Sr., fluud an opportunity of
',Bark your trays, and go aborted, had warded a yet) sating Ixnd very enamels Ub aloud With the yamwid-
ll ly, That twill bi;iug ,'tett rtluu! f Falu ghrl of delicate and aristocratic ow.
that of friendship.
lu this way a at "wee
• sill unpleas. , alto •ion doable ra all ev tu,"attlttts incl tvntal ttr
Donn Lalmatory
Main Street, Exeter..
We Lave secured the
SAG. „1..,.'V; OY'
Schofielcl's inhaler
Catarrh Inhaler.
Callana examine . No gerickery• .one of the
greatest seiontilio diseoveri'a t,i ilio
age, meet and. santltiuued Y,s
the highest .icdit al
JuNR 28, 18-7
our drawn kilns being now info' t G ,erativa and
turning out daily a large r ono of
tit for ttllpanvuscs
cannot be surpassed ie. the Domin-
1'artiesfrom a eistit:•ee can always he•'- T-etio
either a the !,rhos tor *to:41'441(11'y teams t•1V
est renttll,erativ," ra;t•:a, Ordtusfroot u di:,t,ut
Jorowptly atter sed. to .
WaLi.SDN r :a31.1ITO3.
Savings and Investment
o 7 C)NDC
Debentures and Mortgages Purchased
Parties rnjuirioe Mow!" eon obtain la
vrelle€ $ Pro)ttell y out tt jlpl ori rl (qt. tt or J' ua. iii
On applicatiol, at Bale L. orhee
WILLLtll E. Bti I.L N,
Me nager,
1,one;onJan t th.ltt a. I.ltt n1
THE tilW.I.TE:iT
+ Vondrs of lioaern Times
liollovrays Pills &ointment
Trots of t S o t `i hۥ PI% s surfs the lihoeol. curie, t ail iii ordeals
of tore tater, s. hpoariacl,. li, ' n ; 5 siai, iai.:tola, iu .1
Maill Bt. 1=.Seta1. The Ointment i.i tau* oei,tt n>li;at•to• rcmedv for
nal Lee , e oft tt a iniee, ar , e„ul•t Ulcer , of how-
. ev, r 14.1„ c.tdtrdttna . 14',r f:i•€,1cel:itir,. fit!+lithuriau
t'o"tis a,.ult, Itilttar:ittie ut, ano: nit Sian' 'Macs
it.lasua o.1tu.1.
auyttlitl ; will. I xetttttut ut and cb a10 t• parentage - fano had but one thought,
Will do the twork, 111 be bound." taut! that ane --dress. This inordinate
Tine practical bit of advice fell Iron, vanity, strongly enough, did not show
itself to John uutil sifter marriage, and
the lilts of doIttr-sn-alrgtulr, Sr.. as 11e the waking up from his dream of love
twa'oe.” b'"" 11 1'1n44m Iv1" Lis son,
John, Jr. • and perfaet congeniality was a terrible
c'I'tl go with yon, myself," he con tier husbands cun,fort was uatlh-
tiuued. '•tails 1111 really enjoy the trill, rue to her, low she eculd best secure
ander other ui.'ettiu +taauc:s ; and if you ^the admiration of others was her only
send me word you're better --that is to stt� ly.
say, have got "aslung of yurlr o}dr Iwo children were born to 111em,aiid
spirits and enthu, utstn--why, i'1? meet 1 pane John tried to believe that the
motherhood of the woluau would be her
you on the ether siue, aud we'll here a-
littlehere., ..ea our own hook, Father aallot so.
and se.. i,e, "i siniie---ah 2 'Well, 'twon't , Not bei. Disregarding all advice, she
finally put a stop
•s u to her earthly
behe ii,.: one, by a good ninny, will bythe ffect of a ae'ies of colds irou eht
it ? lhtie ai a't so much difference in
our ages rt, forks seem to think." 011 by diesipatioll. The little goes soon
"Bat ttiy won't you go with me, followed.
father ? 1 should irks it, oboes all
John had mauruod them bitterly,and,
with the sensitiveness of a noble na-
tore, lead never ceased to reproach
himself lie hail not pursued a iiif-
ferent course in the management of his
doreetie affairs.
Two years had almost passed, and
lately for the first tittle since the sad events,
y say, 1 John, Sr., bed honestly spoken his.
thoughts, with what effect the reader is
A few days alter, John, Jr., took pas
things,'" urged Johu, Jr. "There„
nothing in the world to hinder. We
are poc.r dogs, father, that's a fact; no
}tome, 1n0 families, no-----"
"Stop right where you are, my sou—
right where you are ! I have listened
.rte y to all you
have had to be-
cause, under the 13badoty of a greii.-
grief, my heart aches for you, and be-
cause. I know that equilibrium would
be soonest restored by such lneaus, sage lit r french steamer, to the great
Gall yourself a poor doh, Jack, if the deli .ht of his father, who knew that he
oumparfsou pleases you; but don't poor would return to' his native shores a
cur me. I should like to have a nice
wiser and a better roan.
little woman to sit at the head of my Six monthselapsed, during •whish
table, and come down to the floor to time John, Sr.. was very lonely, and
meet me when I return from bueiness,
had almost decided a number of times
as well as the next man, Why, bless to join iris sun abroad, Rltlrtlut waiting
your soul, stupid ! I have only last far the iuteliigouce he had i)isisted on
turned into the forties, and a fellow at partiug. One day he received the
dost know what 11e does want much fol owng commiinicatiou •--
before that tune." -
John smiled — it was a dubious, Rome,---,--,
ghastly sort of an affair --and said - "DEAR FAr KB,—T}le best thing yon
"But what la'as all this to do with our can do is to make arrangements to join
going abroad ? I should like to start me here as Soon as you can. I cannot
at once; if you can urate arrangements slay that I am really jolly ; but I .am
to do so." • content,. Won't that (lo 2 I remain
"•Ths.e is no reason why you "Your loving son, • Joan."
bhou:du"t Sail to -marrow at twelve, if is "Yes, sir," said John, Sr., as lie
so suits you, and I wish yon would. folded the letter, and tllcl.ed it 1n his
But my ressuus for not aecoaupan) ing pocket. "That will de. Il that seanrp
you are . obvious. You .need entire isn't in love, then I'm not familiar wit!)
change. and if you have me,eonstautly the symptoms. dontent 1 There's an
at your elbow, you will seareely be able iudeseribaible romance about that word
to forgot, o1.1"ridge over",as the young to ire, and there always was. •
luau winced perceptibly at meutiun of ' P118 Very, " next steamier outward -
the word 1 )1 get--"th8 past. When y00 bound ' bad for one of ite piisberigera
begiu to feel real jolly —. unmistakably
jolly -- send nye a <Sable dispatch,, and
I'll agree to start the saute this, if I
own rind a steamer.'
'�Jully:2'' re:811.ted john, Jr., iu o.self,. Soho ? the elder inquired, the
tone of sad unbelief. "Why, 'frillier, next morning•at breakfast. "I suppose
you bat 'clime what you are talking you have done all the cathedrals,.stat-
about. Is. is .i, 'w almost t 0 rears since 'nary, v4111 i.ligf3. etc., etc. How do you
•Ella aud My darling babies were tral,eu speed ynur_eveuines ?
away from ine, and I have uevor kuutVe., "Ole l have found sa few friends, of
a moment of peace slues, to say nodi- course," replied Julia, Jr., uonchalant-
rug of bappiuess." lv. '"J'he society is ver good here at
She bad been for some time lo deli-
cate health, awl the kind heart of the
luau bad been sorely treated in eon -
"1 am sornetbirg of a physician, Mrs.
Claxtou, said he, on this oceaaiou, ay
lie sat in a chair beside the lounge on
which she reclined. "1 suppose you
were not aware of that 2"
"No, I was not," she replied with a
smile. -Would you like to prescribe
fur me 2"
"A diagnosis is first in order," be
auswered, ' In the first place, you are
worrying yourself constantly with de.
bulls •�--your responsibilities are niore
than you can bear:"
• "Well 7" said she, sadly.
"Well," ire repeated, after a 1)30 -
merit's silence, "wily will you nut give
me the power to act as your business
manager and attorney 2"
"You, Mr. llarriugtou 2" she asked,
eithout looking up. "What do von
mean 2''
"This only, my clear little woman ;
I want you to be my wife. I !Jose
waauted you ever since the first moment
1 entered year presence. I'm t pretty
good sura of a fellow, and have all the
money teat the shall need."
Her answer was a burst of tears ; but
they were tears of joy, for the next mo'
uicut iter heart But, what nonsense ;
Hever tuiud the rest.
That night, as he entered his son's
ruotn,ie was thus acnoated by John,
"Father, I start for home to -mor.
The deuce you do l" said John, Sr.,
with a shrug of his handsome shoul-
ders. •"What's that for 2"
"Ola, nothing; only I'lu sired of this."
"•Butj say, John, stay to ,the wed-
ding, won't you e" •
• "Whose'weddin•g, father 2"
And . John, is face hadn't a par-
ticle of color iu i ',
""11iee, yen gander I Tire nicest ht -
tie woman, in the world luta promised
to•tnaake mo ,the (nippiest niau in the
woil.t uext,Week."
needu't aisle who the little woanau
Is 1". s;tid-liis son, walking to the wit}-'
claw. ,
••Nc, ; I will tell yen w
you doiikcy. Itis—a1Zrs.
. .Of c'u se there was a s
eau guess,the rest. '
John Haaringtou, Sr., and, after a b. .'
few .weeks of propitious travel,• the' two A ininietet 'Naffs oece riding through
gentlemen joined hands in Eome. • a Seams, of the 'State of S,.utli 0 troll
"How du you lnaua'ge to amuse Tour- 'Ila, wl'sere i ustoin•forbad. innkee:pere to
take: pay from the clea•;y who'stayed
wi'l)'thein '1'he>rniuistor took supper
with'dut prayer, and ate .his ,breakfast
without prayer or grace, and was. about
to take hi.4 ,departure; when 'mine
Bost presented his bill.• 'eii,sir,' said
he, 4I aunt clergyman !' "That, may
respotelecl Bo'uifa,ce,' bat von came
Exeter Tannery
The underrigned would acquaint the trade that
they have lune on hand, a large quantity of
T.aE Arlt 1.1.1111
such as
A. quantity of Bair for plasterers, on hand,
Cash for hides.
rpm;\V.D.11IeG LOGB LO N �FATca
Besure .in t got trio W. D,MeGlochlon watob
before buying. Youwill have no other after see-
ing theme. All who wear them recolalmita them
Golcland Silver„Ladies and Gentleman's size,
77Dund'nastroot,rLondon. See the testimoniu]s
The largest. bestand cheapest stook of fine Gold
Jewelry Clocks, deer, aud Plated Wave, Fancy
Goods, &c., ch. in 1.e Province. Ifcpairirgof
every description. W. D. MoGLUCHLN
77Duudas tar oncootr
f' flhenndersigned would inform the inhabi
1. tlr ants of Exeter and vicinity that he ha
ora door 'south of his Blacksmith shop andhol'es
the some liberal patronage that Itas bean ea
corded to him in the ' •
• •DZ.Aousulre n,1D wAG OI, aitArrr.aa
line will be eatonct'oel to him in his new branch 0
itbont a8161 -T nn,inrss; 711smeatwagni, wiU.chll,ettthee rosi-
0, rlyu•a of be villagers throe urn's each weekand
•Cltaxto !"' •
erne, Mildyon F � .; SII Zi• E A T
'"And Suet, John," int 3rruptell hie ,present." y g
hero; smoked like a•sinner, slept like r1,
father exces8 sue if 110uI.t1 a sore 1h,at evening Harrington the elder sinner, and ate and drank like a sinner
etarc out It .a i I review.out ..h.. c du- lass Claxton, artra.a, born and bred nor.*
t,put--it seems to ane the circumstances rootsrootsformally introduced to Mrs. at.d and now sir, yeti shall pay like a siu-
kinds ;eptconstplatl3•onhand alInishutch e
Blsacksreithing•and wag( misling carried 01/
'lanolin. all Jtsbranches
• • 1llauufacturers of
and dealersiu
MILLS—Two miles west of London Road.
N cw Tait counteras.,
fl+aur+,ns•iasit.ttle•n'3 1t• ''Jluil.nuty'a Pala
atm tlilatOIt-lit, al • lnarnrfuetureil slut ?Pftt
nti+ha' the name of t".Mom is t',: Cul toy J.1•'.
Henry, Curran it:,..k;.n. i'v.n1. 1iv, 11tug-
i,i+ac:+, end oho•, , lov Moo 19ettu-
1ln1 ikon Sl++eii
ei* Juiot')llh atr11...1:37:1
k.tis wit• .itu totlu•muy
.11,nI aunad trade
a tonintfo
4 3 .i kPa liko-
w: ,, tia�ll•s alt vono,Jer',eitsofhis
ONO nnti„t undo '++•, t1i.• u.airl, 011101-
autiuyst'u„+r.1'.i for,ttea+1,' nti1rk a Crosent
and 3,erNe,•t: at+ it, ,ton,e liol.bina of Now ]orfs
a2(1 135rvnt', fur t,; nlui+.
Them. poi MI 'lett or tc,leerier you un-
1.10,1tit1 It t• a„ oth,, arllht i,a w.: •,m n1lCneka
.sa .e„ sill''•4 to tielnr 'vete •• 0,,:. whlcb
a, 0 a lt. 'a Various Various intit•,tiMaa. to Iiewere of
conel,•.fl ;a.
1"ore iii+u
ons Dealers ohS.'n them a t. very
low ;owes dell sclltheta to tine nubile fit Cana-
da1t' ni
it ;,minor Pak tied t,
I mtq,a e2.rnestlt ,. dtea t, . •1t :+1 Tea to the
t']t•,Rv, to ulotne I s of tomb, b • Aid other indica,
and the ,uddic a, ritljN lit 1.: „1„ la ,i,rt to Amer!
Mt, Matring1 tilthoeS rl1aftc.•,ruhelea.,stlat•"ii to denounce 031-
1'nrele thee., soon Id look to the lt+tool on the pots
nail bo�ev, t,t. ,itah•t . li a,.d .1.13. pxforea
3311•,, a, t,•,dunu. t it aro tr ,• Cuuute '0'es, I:aclt
tat :tint � , of Ui t scram31o.
s a eii+,r s: 11141r8112(1
311:t;61r «.v,.. rtt„nt 1;htmp With 'OW wnrde
11•tt,Lt'wtv'3 l'u,ts gill U,\ 1'.11 YT, London,'
(moot avod timet,',: ('11 the sal,.' the wettest,.
uttcord titreet.l,out•oli.ahere alone they aro
Uuoat fame red. I. irtntis who to iv he defrauded
by Vendors s,111iugv)1„ri,n s •'Ire•.i'nrays Pals ana.
On.tancut as my genuine rale, shall, 031 ctlm-
wtuiic:lting the porta:almus to we. he amply re-
mt nerated,allid theirs ome nev..•divulged.
This Concerns Tu al, T
vishos to state that he has now ou bancl a
frrst-class stook of
PAINTS & OILS, - Which he he is offering : at largo discount for
in endless variery, latest styles and 1o,vest.
My i•toch>of Boots `& shoes is
chftpest in the ,Mark'et,,
All snits made by our tailor,
dal R. BE ✓S' it a' 114 lif LS
(late of 1;xoter,)
Guaranteed to fa or no sale..
Alll hinds of Parris Produce taken in exchange
( for Gooch!