HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-6-28, Page 14- \,717 ... eletZte Yn _--__ ._-.- etuseasssosispacessuessoregionamor • a,.ca• :•F1X TER, ONTARIO, THTJEcSDA.Y' JUNE 28 1877 , . ,4OUSE tl, LOT FOR SALE IN -te ^•urtzG:C a :SC L, :rtj'1ai91•:' a UU.,.r e of 14uUr'n la TiktItru e*!i ung f . ➢. ry hl u is°nE,c, Blre n_e este i t t e! 4 Tenor; e`JE; furtaer p! r- eiezkl ..1 -• 0 acrd Dtf... ;1L':.c'ui, 5%4 ler. OR S' „i:.•--Tlaesub- - r r .. t + to , , rt•P i f Ctmileitt 1, zti, 1 ,' r e t ,.Y ,steerearl n awl %i 11 ▪ u a ut i' ! t s'! Anl'rl: to J.t str ;.s,r.i or Vi I:.tl+l:ati ll.t+. Usboaue i OleAL1 LOTS 10 AND SOUTH halt hc:! con ';eepba. n, 750 acdCi, wore or hg. Ce2tu111i:i111 +.:R4 trio fritU 0 l'r l'A9.-- iio..re0 urrhori1. F tu:aetl2 rniles .vnat of F Cot'. in ,1 ,.at will lir div tde+i to iiuit percussors, kortern+.,pply to iva;l+unNn R2:Nny nit the t rt .uses, or bs latter to Exec er,P.O. OIJS ' To. RENT ON GIDLEY 5tre t with four bedroomq. front room and kltabon l antra, 1.4114 a jowl brick collar, and a t>:lo i bares or. the a+ri mates. For EOparticulars op - ply le Gll bl BLWU1:6S, Exeter April 2re OUSE mai LOT FOR SALE.— 1t e! urtdersigred offers his tlrickCottitge. sal ono half acro of Laud its l limrille. '1 Oe Miter iuijliovcaaeut9 ur verstreutAndyExeter ' :orchard i.boA Ratko prcwi e. ROPE:iTl FOR 'A&E,—Twolots on Main 3tri.c't, contain nq tune -fifth acre each; go,i,iframecotta;a,a ,ntvciva;afx rooms: Food well aria slump, and stable on the premises. -- Tim above N ell:41,1 situated fur business, es lite lefv are b','.lh fa et lois, asses c0Uvenifut to the street leading to tits Station For portion faro apply to J. TF1fITi:. Taxis Office, Exeter LAKE'S AGENCY . Anumber of aploudel farms for Bale e bargain. `'1I VE11AL Private residences, and tae building lots farculet A number of dwellings to rout. ' Itol,ts, .L accouubs c., censused .• i iToney to loan on village prol3ery auad good uotau. MORTGAGES BOUGHT. • CO:Yi-E Li Ilvate funds, to loan on feral prop grtyat8 nor cent. A, LAKE COMMISSIONER. Insurance and Land Agent.—Office Fauns Block, Exeter. MISCELLANEOUS. 6 0013.1}ASr`lil1E for Cattle at It QTFIN- N.Tl TON'9,1ot 1 concession b, T3sborne SERVANT ANT GIRL WANTED.—Ap- ply to Dr. Moore, Gfdloy Street. WARM FOtt SALE.—THE UN - .L dersignt'd offers his farm for sale, being 1atil,Laka Road, Marshier, containing co acres, with a gond brick house. The faro. as won sup - Idled with water. Per further articulars apply to Lours Btellx , on the premises, or Bruster P. 0. Ont. DR..3TJTTON, GRADUATE OF University Trinity College, graduate Tor- onto Uuiversity,memberof rho College Physici- ans and ;Surgeons, Out- OEhco, Royal Hotel, Crediton. • 3 M. 1'OTICE.—I HEREBY FORBID any person giving ciedit to my eon, Paul Winer, without mymitten order, as I will not bo responsible for any debt ho contracts. MATHEVIWIliER Stephen, June 21,1877. 1m. • ' AIN TILE. 'sr. Mit hrel athis,old Stand, in Stephen, has in connection withtthe teauutactureol brick, commenced thatot DRAIN TILE. of all sizes, and as able to fill all orders with r which he may 0t, favored oo the alas: test notice,. as they are always on band. Those Tile are of 01 Superior :masa, and can be sold at the lows, -!rises. Stephen, June 21,1877, 2m. i:fOR 50 CENTS aulyeae'- IlI LTON dress 1 elegant. Gents Watch Ohain •with Sea1,1 pair Sleeve Buttons, 1 sot Shirt,tuds, 1 Collar Button, 1, heavy plain plain ring, 1 Padden dia- . pin. Retail price 83. $100,- . GOLD 000 stock must be sold. Illustrated catalogue of jewelry, watches, &c. seat with every lot. Silver watch" godtiimo keeper, V. Watch face JEWELRY t° 'Aga NOVELTY Co. Inteoanrcnne,MONThZ*a.ti, P. Q. .3'. ,°51QDi7C.LIS, 1 Y H O.L E S A L 1L' AND RETAIL De.aier • in Lumber SHINGLE% LATH AND CEDAR POSTS.FLOOR- INGANJD SIDING—DR fj SSEAND UN - r11.1 Rtrp. An extensive Steal..nu hand. The Lumber, for Quality 'or price.ca=u0t bo yen t. A good assort- ment always ou baud, cheap ...a Oast.. Ward East side Main Street, botweoj B'r}alyan,d nictoriaetreets. 'ureses l an. A daring robbery was perpetrated at Nia.garit ou Fritey night by which the Posit Office was completely gutted. Darien the eveui le, tt:e fastening cf the outside wiudow mist have been raised tiara au entrance sheeted. The safe door ane blown open by powder. In all, it is sullno,ed that $1,000 was *ten in Rlol•N`' and stTUUp.i, ted a lot of noted, mon-ogee anti Benda. 0:1 Monday morning of last week Mr, Joan M. CldIeey c(menitted suicide at Port Hobe, by taking paris green mixed iu Letterrilk. llo had kr 24 years uctcd as porter at the harbour,. and while there saved a number of lives Several yuiare ago his dissipated habits led to his dieminial mid he engaged in carting about the town. He was about 08 years of age. Last Friday a bear was seen on the farm a Mr. John IIipwell, near Bees Lake. A number of the neighbors ,save a 011a2e, and the brute was brought down by a e hot fired by -a young man named McKinley. It weighed one hundred aud sixty pounds. Ur. William Meyer au old and re -1 apetatod farmer near Port Hope, was on Saturday afternoon killed ou the street by a kick an the head from a horse he was diwing. Ilia skull was smashed iu. and death wee almost ivatanoous. On Saturday morning last the work- men of the G. W. Be, while on their way to work, and when two miles woo' of Glencoe, came upon the body of a man lying close to the trach. Tlie un- fortunate proved to be e man named Murdook Moline, wlio resides in that neighborhood, and it is supposed tluit No- 27 freight west had atruok him during the night, while he wan Iying asleep along side the track. The re- mains weee fsadly mangled. The work- men retrieved the body to Glencoe sta- tion, and his friends teck charge of it. On Saturday night, Constable Rob- ert Orr, of the 8th concession, London township, brought to London a man named Williams, and had him reinau- ded to ea:I, on a charge of assaultiug him end ;another man, by throwing stones at and hitting thorn. A cluoiting match has been .arranged for between • Cha*les Waskinsaw, of Newry, and William Bright, of Listo- well, to conte cff at the latter place on Friday, Oth July; Stakes, $50. Mr Christian Wagler, living three' miles from New Dundee, was robbed ono night lately of $150. The thieves entered by the window, and .stole the money from his veat pocket. A lean named Wm: Johnson stabbed Miss Kin 1 at Hamilton, on Saturdays last, in t,g fifteen wounds. They were mi Hinted, and he plead in ex- cuse that e hadno right to wear a pull-back. He was arrested. The Picton'Neu. _Nation says :—Wil- liam Ashley.:and John Whattam caught, the week before last, over one hundred dollars', worth of fish with one boat in! one week, • off the end of Point Trey- erne. The fish were sold at four cents per pound. On Friday..: afternoon .last a petition was presented to the County Council of I,rambten, whsle in session .at Sarnia, praying them .to press the Dunkin Act by-law .on ` their • own responsibility without taking'a..,vote of the people. The matter. .:has •been laid over until next session. ' Mr- Vidal, Senator, ad- dressed the Counoil ou.. behalf of the petitioners; Mr. Lister, harridan spoke on the other gide. It has been discovered in Guelph that stinking lithe used by the gas works for purifying' the gas, will keep potato bugs from potato vines."' Mix the lime with water to' `consistency of milk, and sprinkle it on the`'. vines with a broom or`brlishr and 'the• bugs will re- tire in disgust.. 4e thelime costs no- thing—for the ''gas works are glad to get rid of it—and as it has no poison- ous proper►fee, the dlarcovery is a good one, and people ought to know it. At the inagural meeting of the For- est City •Jockey, Club,; of Cleveland, which`oommenee4 .on ;Wednesday of. last : week, two well-known Canadian' horses suceededan winnipg first money. The mile dash ; for all ages :was taken by. Inspiration, owned by Dr. Smith, of Toronto ; and Alm Cleveland Derby two miles, tor all ages by Bill Bruce, owned by John Forbes, of Woodstock. Mr. Burch, in David White's dry goods store, Ingersoll, was the lucky elan at the New York lottery last week He drew a gold watch valued at $220. Some months ago it was discovered that a well on the property of Mrs. L. Cartwright, corner of Ontario and Nile 2 streets, Stratford, possessed valuable medical properties. Some of the wiater. being sent to Professor Croft, of Toren - to University, the well known scientist, and analyzed by him, was found to con- tain snare Useful medicinal ingrodlonts than many of the mineral fluids he had previously examined, including the Bethesda springs and most of the cele- brated water cures of the United States. The Beacon. understands that Mrs. Cartwright intends shortly to erect a suitable buiidiug on the promisee, which will coutam Turkish, hot aur, Mineral shower and electric bash*, anti i allthe appliances for turning the semi- tory virtues of the water to the fullest account. No doubt a very short time will elapse before a large number of vis- itors will find their way to Stratford to avail themselves of the benefit cf this natural healing agent. A eueleuchoty suicide took place at the residence of ?Ir. Jos. Boyce, in Windom, on Saturday, 18th hat. Julia Young, about 20 years of age, who had lived weds Mr. Boyce (rem the time she was deyen yeare of arae, mixed some Paris Green with trster, and af– ter aloe had the dose ready told .the family she intended to poison herself, as alio was an orphan and had no friends and had no ono to look to Thr help and, comfort. She said elle would rather die than live a life without a ray of hope. Before the poison could be taken from her she drauk it. She lived uutil evening, being perfectly tionecious to the last. Mr..11ugh Grant, a stonooutter em - played on the Canada Pacifies Railway works, while walking with a companion from Fort William to Prince Arthur's Landing, heard a severe in a cluster of busnes near the road, and on invest- igating found tiro men trying to out- rage a squaw. 0nla of the villains was knocked down, and the 'other ran. The felled rascal having picked himself up rushed at Grant and atebbed him in the hip, malcmg a cut of 4t• inches. Grant's friend had to get help to carry' the wounded man Lome. John Beatty, a farmer who lived near Essex Ceutre, was found drowned flu n well in his yard last Thuraday, He was of unsound mind.. On Sunday morning, 16th inst., whilst his parents were at church, a son of Mr. T. H. Glendinning, of Port Perry, put his hand in his father's vest pocket to take therefrom a knife,when, in some unaccountable way, a large percussion cap used for exploding dyna- mite, {'went off" and shattered the fin. gars of his right hand somewhat severely. Mr. G. White, of Port Perry, met with a painful accident while working in the blacksmith's shop attached to Bigelow & Trounce's saw -mill. An iron spicula was driven into the eye ball so firmly as to defy all ordinary means for its extraolion. • Surgical aid was called in and the foreign body re- moved, muck to the comfort of the suf- ferer, who is now doing well. 'i1he ether day the body of Lambert Depeel (who had been killed. on Til - son's tarns, Tilsonburg, `by a stump machine)was interred in the graveyard. in London. On . Sunday it was dis- covered that the greppee of the late Ab. raham White, which adjoins that of Depeel, had been opened, but on dig- ging down it was fouud that if the coffin had been unearthed, it bad been returned. The blundering fellows had evidently mistaken 'Vie grave, and had had their labor for nothing.. .Tile grave of Depeel is now watched night- ly by relatives. • • A quarry in the .Bay of • Islands Newfoundland, ooptainiag handsome pink and white marble Sepoaits, is to be worked by a . British Company. A deposit of ochre has been found near Bracebr'idge, and Galena iu Armour township. • A carriage maker, of London, Ont., has received a second order from Mr. William Eleming,,one of.the Canadian Oommissiohers at the Australian` .Ex hibition, for twenty phaetons . and buggies. Mr. Fleming reports that the Canadian .oarriages gave entire satisfaction' and were eagerly picked up. Eddy, of Hull, has lost $50,0001 worth of lumber by firo, through in- condiarism. No insurance. It it only a few days go since $50,000 worth of property owood by Mr. Eddy was de- stroyed in the same viciuity. 1 LT.e -- lodged the past week, hence it }.ars natural for him to go there on his re- turn to Winglla a. Ti.e DEsCriet. Couseii„--_..Tba Court of Pevie,i -:: yea pursuant to adjourulueut in the tow/ During the storm on Thareday af:ol. noon a largo waterspout was obstrved ou lake Huron, and, apparently, reaebn ing far up into the olouds. No damage reported. The Warden of Perth has been offer- ed 100 )cents on the $ for the county do - hotline. They bear only 0 per cent, Last week, Miss line, of Huron, :.,ear Kincardine, had the misfortune to ea- oidontally run a wheedle into one of her feet, whioh i xhbedded itaelf in the muscle of the foot an caused severe pain. L'r, B. Walden was summoned and after adrniuisteriug cbloform to tbo suffo:er, slcillfully removed the poineed tormentor. One of our genial peeves from South Huron, who is au inveterate practical Joker, while at the recent HAMA of the count council hadthet to y .tabtea tutted on him. kissing a lu agtstrate, he re- ceived his copy of the Statutes of '70-7 aloxlg witu his fellow Reeves, and so careful was he to Mid ,void being tricked that he carried hie books to his room and locked them in his satchel. The jokers got a bunch of lheya, opened the satchel and eubstitutalyd a piece of plank for the Statutes, which the gentleman carried home laud is probably now ad- ministering luetico far a new plank. The joker has beou done brown this time.—Stj,aal, Mr I.I. Snell, of I,Iullott, recently clipped from a two-year old sheep the very large fleece of 21ic pounds of washed wool. Mr. W. Wise, of taroder- fob township, clipped 20 lbs. and 4 as. from a yearling.. Theo aro heavy fleeces ter d hard to beat. Mr, john Thyue, lot 81, con :J. Mor- ris, whilst excavating for a milk house, a few days sine, dug up the skeleton of a human being. The body bad, in ail paebability been buried with its boots on, as a pair of leather boots ea - cased the bongs of the feet when found. Beside the skeleton was also found a jug. How they Dame there is a mys- tery. Mrs Jas. Love, wife of Mr. James Love, concession 11, McKillop, is the fortunate possessor of a young son. which at birth weighed twenty-two end a .half pounds. This .mammoth young- -ter was born on the 1511i inst. Mrs. Love maty well ask, eau any other lady in the county show such a •' bouncing baby ?" A few days ago Mr. Wm. Scharffa, near Wingham lost a valuable horse in a peculiar way. • The horse was broachy, and having got into ono of the grain fields a dog was set upon it to drivel it out. The dog refused to desist when called off, and chased the hors; for some time, and when the animal arrived at the barn it dropped dead. It was worth about $100, At Howiok, on Thursday evening, Isaae, son of Mr. James Galbraith. was instantly killed by his horses run- ning away . while he was unloading wood. M. W. Thornton, who a short time since left Clinton for eManitoba, writes home that he likes the country very well ; believes the soil to be the best he ever saw, and the prospects of the place to be remarkably bright. Very heavy rains have destroyed Work some. what, but have done no material injury?' A son aged six, of Mr James Butler, near Caledonia dpriags, last week, fell into a barrel of water, head forward, and was drowned. Tho Methodist people of Bayfield have purchased for a parsonage, that fine residence in•Bayfield, . belonging to IOr,, Rumball. ,Mr. ilulnball receives $1,000 for his bilding. which is newly erec- ted, and which for looation, comfort and oonvenienoo cannot be surpassed:. David Macdonald Gillis, an insane man about 55 years of age, who :escap- ed from the asylum in London recent. ly •and 'has been living in Mr. Peter MoOiaton's .barn, near Winghsun junction, since, and who, claims to be a spirit and a second cousin of Queen Victoria, was, on Wednesday of last week taken to too asylum By Constable Anley. Mr Gillis, a nurnbir of years' ago, owned and occupied' the farm en _which the; barn is situated where he t hall, Zuriclh, Juno t?8rd, Alt s, en-hkh:; present ; peeve in the chair. .tle.:cr.a by Mr, McColl, seconded by htr. Reaa! s fle'tsch, that 11:e following alter at sue be shade in the assessment villa, vi.: Lst 80, N. B., to be lakeu from toe 30n- 1 rvaideut resin and charged to Jo'a, Brie - son; part lot 21, N. B., to be assessed. to Hugh Quigley; 4 acres to 3 taken from lot 12, on. 8, assessed muel IRannie, and charged to .An Hey: and lot 1+r, cou. 8, to be en the Inon-resident rolls.—Carried. 'elle fal- lowing farmers' sons were place:: on ties assessment roll viz: E. I3eudri:k, H. Heyrook, er., H. Hartman, R. Diuomy, d. lainomy, 3, B Oland, M. \ 'urra, la. ZeeIter jr., Jacob Zeller, ova. ;teller, W. Fee, G. Fee, A. telly, 1. Mairtin, E.mtlernaa, J. l arrartia, Conrad Waal. per, Christian Walper, E. Bestrnper, Casper Walper, L. Eckstein, D. Lull, G. Wing,C. sral i . 4a d W. Mc fist , Al er, J. T1iu:ner,--Carried. Moved by :Ir. McCall, seconded by Mr. Ealbldeisela, that the Oaurt of Revisiou for the town- ship of Hay be now closed. -Carried. Mter the close of the Court of R ivision the (council met for the despatch of the following business. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Geiger, that ' the Reeve and. Treasurer be authorized to borrow the sum of $1,500 to pay balance of County rates and other ex. roma, said arum to be repaid in Jan - nary next. --Carried. Ordered that. W. 31. Verily bo pail the aunt of $8.50 for a Road Scraper. The Council ad- journed to meet on Tuesday, Aug 14, at 10 a. m. when the Trustees of the several School Sections .aro requested to bend into the Clerk the amount re- quired to bo raised for Scheel purposes for the current year. SAUUL. b'oseen, Clerk. ,ZtL4XS1fI IRD. CLor11Es L1:va StonuEnr. * While Biddulph has gained venom) for the number of horses that have had their throats and tongues eut, Blanshard is gaining renown in another way. A few nights ago a clothesline robber made a raid. on the Srd line. After visiting several, the Anderson P. al, was visit- ed and relieved of a fine shirt, linen table cover, and some underelothiug and embroidery belonging to his daugh- ter, Mrs. Anderson. No chic has been found as to who the guilty par- ties are. Tins being the season when canines incline to the rabies, all persons who may be bitten should bear in hind not to have the canine killed. If the dog is not mad the disease known as hydro- phobia cannot make its appearance. It is well known that there are many in stances where people have died from fright, in imagining they had this dis- ease, and thus bringing on its condi- tions. •This being the case, flow un- reasonable it is to kill the dog, when by properly confining him, the injured person has evidence before flim, that if the brute does not show or develop the conditions of madness, no serious re- sults can follow. ._.-. A farmer of London township, kills potato togs unerringly by the use of a sieve, with a handle four feet long., From the sides of the sieve a flounce of cloth, cut plain, and without trine:•. ming, falls about two and a half feet. The farmer holds the sieve over a hill of potatoes so that the cloth falls all around the, vine, preventing the wind from driving away the poison. Tile sieve is filled with Paris green .mixed with flower orplaster pf paris. One shake of the siegethrows the dust through the vine, and the instrument is held still a 'few seconds to allow the dust to settle on the leaves within the cloth screen. Not a bug or slug can porslbly escape alive. • By fitting a cover ,over the top of the siege, alI darn. ger of the escape of poison is preven- ted, and none of the Piiris green •cau jfet away, except as it falls on the v:nes. There is no danger of inlluling the dust. when this instrument is used raid no' poison wasted.