HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-4-10, Page 7t
lay 101 1$41 TETI TIMES
t>.ew SAC .mooted hint. to its assaults. In the great iron -clad
�- Sultan, for example, while the side to
the depths or six, feet West the water
presents to uilct and shell 'en aro of
less than 2,000 &gnare feet, the surface
presented to torpedo attack ie about
8,0104 square feet. Iu view of these
ftcte. the oDncltisio,1 is arrived at that,
white in ext+tit,g ships L1laiti net pro-
tections and i;;ternat subdivisions wird.
ea ttl']fo:etente of stowage must be re-
s.): teti to as far as possible, arta Wilnit
9,1.13 1.1 lteti')n suets ships must bo kept
under sten)n and tinder the helm to
utrn ,Ft precticablo extent, as regards.
the future nc more such phip.s ought
toms built. There ar other consider -
minus, however, net leers important
to beer in iniad, Lieutenant Reed
save: — The wet me feet tu this ter -
redo m they is Vie olteepnres .and fe-
a•'i i y with which the weapon can be
tnrllen is ain't us. In furter ages,l
'luri' g atllati;ee from the ievontion of
J•1bu S:tnsoript's wife went to bed
no :the eight bet..;e, the 14 of April
with liar lniud tnrt'le ttln t" feel tlw Cid
tutu oevt day or die in the ettempt. Iu
preview.; y:•,ir:i. ail.+ het foetid joint icn-
pervinn t:t j•,itee ef all kinds, and este
tHatizr•at the Aegean tape before her on
the tet lrr:) v, \VT•tit tier lititul fail of
Ler sett -1111• n-et1 tit:tr. h11, went to slew)
She p e.ed hats eteoronely in the rib
with her ::hart) elbow and clewed hie
shine with her tt)n-..axik, i)rep.tretttrv.
to saaraleg him with It half whispoteti
J ,Ittl—illere'ti some one
ringing 0.0 their -bell." •
'e Lem Ant ring," S\aY the sleepy re- #p
" Bet, Jobe, )nrtybtl it's the amen on
the text square, wits) owes „ail 111:11
*1+113. come to pay you."
"No 'taint, neitliar." sehl Joon, with
a ys,WIA.
'A ]slit yon d ),•'s ;now, au.i it way
L) a thus eery Mian."
" 1 gassy not, fur heft buried Alio
slats work. Iiestdc's, c)Id wwtn:its. y'nr
deceive yen, 1 t'tuk the bel. -iamb
Rff 164.1 atighlr to foul Ab,rl1 1o44i'r4
Heavens, «fiat tt Invms she zl.i,le o:
i1 to begin with t 13et when the ol.i
itt:tM rolled out of b'..1, yawned. and
:Picked up MA pant!, tike mewed the
lee,et in her meth to 1,lug up her
"Oh, jimmy, won't he tumble when
be put- ltisf nut 1n theist halt-; ft; 'tt Liza-
the lets bowed up?" site said to herself.
Judge of her rage when the provok-
ing brute intiectanitly carried the Week-
enhol breeches to the wardrobe and in-
"Nancy, where's them clii,e'.ktllacte
colored Nuts 1 had ou last week."
"Putt en the (tees yep have in yam
Itsud+, Jahn ; what's tate matter with
*hem ?"
4.1 burst a button off yeger.iay,'R awl
41tey rose, mending in the beat."
At bre:iid:4 t tiled poured out a nic,
veil of t:atrso far hint and sweetened it
with two spoouftlle of ealt,
" You needn't give ate any cofee,'
Ile said ; "keep that yonreif."
When he had Ctllno to dutnor olio lupi
prepared hint a neatly directed envd.
tope with a sheet of Wknk paper ine.lu;-
tttl within, lie eyed it tiuei'iciou,lf,
eel throwing it into the fire eatiil:
" I kuow that handwriting. It's
from tont crazy lunatic wit() wawa me
tO cute for him to -morrow. So tunes,
for hie letter.
Ill the evening she disguised hersel.
in ono of her Ielt:abttnd'rl old baits and
came to the door to beg for charity.
"'Please give tut: R nickel to be)
some breast.''
"Gat out, or I'll Rive you a nickel
with ray boot.
"Taut, sirs c:,nei.lei•. Iter s'.arving."
"Teo devil yon are 1 N.n)v, i 11 b.,it
you $50 against the Quit of clothes you
we ;° ' hal you are au imposter."
t' But, sir—"
"1E1 wore to search you now I
shouldn't be sutjn'i,ed to find you ton
sly with wealth. For two cents 1 wont,.
"For heaven's salve—"
".Now stone of your soft soap on me.
Idou't believe in beggars. Here, you
policeman, take this infernal iulpoatet
tothe station house."
Jnit as the peeler grabbed the sup-
posedileggar by the heck of the sack a
shrill voice yelled out
John John t you wouldn't send your
wife tote° station house, wculd you ?
"The h-1 1 wouldn't, ' was the cool
aespouee. "Any body who lies to , me
abo.it ray door bell, sews up my Iron.
sere, puts saltie my coffee, writes me
atuonylnoue notes, stud steals my clothes
'ought to go to the penitentiary for
's But how did you know—"
"If you women wouldn't talk in your
sleep you might keep a secret once is
•.alt while."
1 Mrs. Sallscript says that hereafter
•when she attempts an April fool joke
,she intends to flit up all the night pre-
The Torpedo system.
);eepe' vier down to to -day, inoreareri
afronelvt' naval power has only been
.1btai`iarlale by increased aide of gun.
e Welt leis carried with it a tleo,Iiand
other increasos anent and of d eleel-
ty. Even lately, when the gun has
grown tosuch gigantic propor
tions. although wo at first elirinit from
itis eonsoalnencoa, 1911 soon steady our-
selvee with the recollection that eueit
gene Cosa enorrnons autne of moray
th'nnualvet ; that they on only be
used by means of steam and hydraulic
apl)Iitu)cee more costly still ; that they
can only be carried with speed at BOA
in ete•snlebips of a yet far more costly
eilrtr.teter ; that whlett the whole
mighty emene-- ship, gun and all
.toter appliances---ia at length pro-
d,ect'it, they earl only be made a'rteilnbie
for exerone and practice for the ac•
tptiretneut 'of skill by menus of atilt
mailer of tiny for fuel, for powder and
f.er shs't and shell ; and in short, that
the bringing of big guns against ow
big gone at nes in suitable ships se a'
game of lnvioh expenditure and ex-
travagance, whish but very few, iv -
deed, of the powers even of Europe
can afford to engage in upon a scale to
o lminonsurate with our own. But
the torpedo is a weapon of offense dif•
faring altogether front a gun in all
t11eie respects ; for, enough each
t:)rpetlo itself costs from 4400 to
2010, it can bs dieohitrged from any
e'np er 1 eat whatever, and the fittings
f )r i:igcltargiag it aro of an inexpeu-
dve natnle, Here. ellen, we bare ev
e•v flower furnished etith the went of
attacking 0 r largo war )ships so oilcan
and no simple that few powers are tt'o
petty or too impecunious to provide
t seen on en emergency, %bile the lent-
er powers',could, with the finac.cial
nukaus at their disposal, completely
o impar and surround our few largest
and fi'.ent ships with these agents of
In the C011ese. cf a recent Lecture be-
fore the British Society of Arts by a
prominent otllasr of the liraish Navy
E. I. Reed, we have a description
of some of the Improvements to w rich
Ake teri ode has been subjected within
*he few sears past with a view to en-
.bauco'ite powers of destruction. A.4't
sioaans for attacking even armored ships
what is known as the Whitehead tor-
pedo :foes its work With appalling tht.r-
°ugliness. It delivers its antagonist a
'Most terrible btow ; it moves for the
space of some hundreds of yards with a
speed double that of. the •fastest iron
°lads ; its pato is 110 sure and true that
at that distance at second torpedo can
be trade to pass through the bole which
*first I13s 111iade.; and, whereas 'it has
been assumed that in ordinary condi-
tions of weather and naval warfare un-
der steam it ship could not have more
'Ilan a few feet of lier depth, below wit
er iettai ked: the torpedo hies -tris whole'
ilgngerse1 bottom of the' ship 'exposed,
"Look here,' amid .an excited Fourth.
Warder to a neighbor who bad a bit-
ing dog, is you have got to kill that dog
'r else I'll do it. Ho nearly hit my
Another, an ole lady of ninety-five year,
and in feeble health. It's simply inftt
Anus." The owner of the dog looked
sorry, and said be did not wonder al
the other man for being so anxious at,
to the health of the author of his being
to wham he owed so much. "'Taint
that," replied the kind son," but Babe
gets dog•bit at her time of life she will
never split another stick of wood or
fetch another bucket of water," and his
voice actually grew husky as be wiped
a tear from off the end of Lia nose.
agent for
Illustated Fam-
ily Bible
FiveYears' Slekeess Cured by Roar 0r otdeat
at Conslitetlonal Catarrh Rentetiy..
Pain in Shoulders, Back and Lunal s, an
Droppinjs in Throat Disappear.
Sr. Anatelin, D. Q., Sept. I;t, 1816.
>tttt.'T. S 13 iAA81)11G
Dear $ r:—Ileiug desirous tl*tother'ma;: know
- something of the sttarita of your Coasrlre T1oNAx
G*TA1:uu Itio:xur, 1 wieb to inform yon what nl
ban done for MM. 1 Ant twenty-14m)yrars c" id; had
boew out of iteatth for abouts aro years, I had
employed throe or four Minn rut dont rr, 113.1 triol
various ntrvlicines, without reeeiviag any tura*
pout benefit, but cautioned rather toafar wore%
until last fall, when I batt become so hRd as to be
linable to do as hour's work ata time. Iia I Herne
atsmnosa and pain under the shoulder bla "t4 and
th,oul h 1146 shoeldrm. with very lame hack, and a
far/Ing iu my right lung as though Burro wits A
trgightt hearing at down, with rot.tinual .leo,pi
in the throat and down upon the lap's. Suoii
31'. condition when 1 remote/Iced to take our
tarty I vme'tr. opo bottle of which eased ray p
and gave we au itcproved appetite, aid atter
tug tour hotttra I WW4rrutorot to 1eatah an as
tic aabte to eudurc hard :ad continued latah, s
esehoppiug and cleating land. at which I h
%eon eugined the pant ae0Y"u. .My recovery 1
tribute solely. with God'u bIcsoing, to the. use
'our Cetau-u!; I1etu. ly.
Yours truly IlleXILY SNIDER..
Priors It per bottle Far vac as all. Dra taa
the best and Cheapeat'werk of the kind, Irk
tali upon yen in a few days,
agent far the " Illustratsd
History of the 'Centennial;"
"Cro-'s and Crown,"
My supply of English and Canndia:) Tweeds
for the Spring trade of 1877
Mierehant Tai7os,
Main St. Exeter•.,.
agents; for the
rr11.,Yr11, 1:L l .1110 1174rr.
Family So vin.* liachine
niANr7FA Q,"Dk 1,
C1 ow, 0aoitiand
IIs' ,& C ARL,
Baia now in receipt of a large
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Liquors, Crockery•a
Athis Store,,Main Street, Exeter, which will be sol
The inhabitants of Exeter mut vicinity need not feel trou
at the want of a, market wherewith to make money. bu
call at the store of the subscriber and
sEcunz THE , , RG't, AtI Ifi_ -
There to be had to Overooat.ng, P>'a1J. cIotlAs, Broad-c.cth
Igoe skins, Silks, \ iuceys, Delaines, and everything
needed in the Dry (goods line, The Groeor.'y
Department is Complete, An inspection invited
No trouble to show goods, ISAAC CARLING
Tito andersigtacdwonld inform II:e iena►bitan
of Hays, tgbvrneand Tuekcri'suaith. that b
will o en out on t',iday, Octtliet 27. laic, no
store "with es choice It Iot of Furniture as os
be seen north of t.onndon, and at prices tba
will be found es low as any house in the trecle
if no• Iower. AS the goad: v.ill be )uzulufaetur.
ed under ray Oau supervision. will be found to
eine entire Fati,fsetion. Tose wanting to
tarnish their lwufe. should Dail anal exentine
nay soul; I'cforc:pltrehssfrst t'isewbere.
PLINEttALS attended on the sk.rtest
The undersigned 'would inform the inhabi
th ants of Baehr and vicinity that he ha
one door south of his Blacksmith shop andhopes
the same liberal patronage that has been ac
corded to him in the
lane will be extended to him in his new brnneb o
business, ]Lis meat wagon will call at the resi-
dent's of be villagers throe times each weekend
ktodskeptooustantIyonband otitis butcher
N.Black'smitl,tng and wagon making Carr is
onus usualifl all itabrnnches;
CA;1S(T 1113 cameo IIY
8nnt11, Washes, or Looaa. ANSI.
04tionit 'rlwussnda of uses,
61,we 4e of forty ye'u•s standing,
th? have beau entirely ctn:ed by the
Oreat Contattticnal Catarrh ter. ldy.
For sal'; by all D, ny,giati1.
-' Saud St'rp for Treatlsc on Bat-
., R. 11,11:1)1.4(1 Riot ttilte, r nt
y,��p S, F',$i, .ZI.{i� IR T
R {}et. Fi1•, t.R,'t,, (l'1 Jiang street, Ueneal
Hooper & Bissett
Hooper & Bisset
NEW FRUITS ..._.-. .' .. - FRESH TE 8.c9
i "PURE S rRTmsS-000D SUGAktSJEs
and everythtngin the
General Grocery Line
delivitreii to all partaofthe town
Remember the Place
Farm Produce taken in exchange
Hooper Bc Bissett
vrt +Ft'
ci w
Tinware 1 Tinwart 1 Lamps,, CoalOil, &o.,: l; S.,14- +•. ,sno=t.. lli.• i..,.. -141Utlt
large stock of Tin and Japanned Goode, and't,tto now,1, t i 1'
mFlouters end the public generally to betigra vn 1. , art; Te..7t.
where. They Time on hood Lawpa, Lamp -(1• sg ,1pr:,ers, 'Wicks, 's. lot o:'
Palls and Cans of tiro latoat designs . A cluryu rliry,•of arvest Tools,K
Bakes, eg tines, hocks, &o., selling cheap aqq, we are, giviug op that br,tinardf,
business, ' Bevo.1'roughitag 411J)4 all out-d.agy work,ti ptir attondsd to- ..
procitice takou iu oaolsu 40 t.Qr goods. ...
, , t ,1„ r1.' 131*
Elittr(Ri 4eeona.y i:..C)• •r't• by lie . Iiiea• Glia. C.o.. 4r 14, 4 [W4 So c6,il9iti!i7:
Lai.., w tiic 4:,..e of Vac i.: Sir`'.4 .,i C4 .,..n>, \t 4 a. -.to.+. LV Gr ,