HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-4-10, Page 6!:1 o;\1 THE . TIMES L 1`1N met, 41.tts feta* Pa:t s 3e,t;3 1 uta: -r t,ota /lois tt3 s tEf " ... 1H ,e;; lop1ea tD.iosa 3 .ix 1 . '11, 41 r10 >; Z•i TLCTt. 3195 to 39 011 1'la e. 185 5i :fi 45 ta. '.a 11$ to 1 26 70 to 73 10 to 10 15 to 18 to 6 CO 12 to 12 14 to 16 600 to 7s3 650 to 6fp c Ge to 7,r. to 1r; 7 03 to Sep 1 73 to 2 cU 75 to 1b,1 . ... ......... 13 to 13 �7 sa 60to. .I0 .................. 50 to .0 S0 to9A lr<.e r 1,.,. i : 1.1 .1,:::,ai ct $a al'' S Di eye, ,F sR arFadret lar 1'y A aibraith ('trek) net: wet, per tt *.1seli fa t.. 1 96 Etc V ... •.6 ... , . •?"�. &p to 1 55 V 1i k cc 1 t v :`.. r x r.1 t,n .t: r ... 3 to Vi ' 421 91 50to 10.^01 1«, 73 'Al,, 1 R a} 7,7 la Cly$ 6 to 3, .,..... SN. tr, d .10 t. M iry"(,, JUST RECEIVED A Tre ler:loCs ed Si. AX4PELL & riCKARD lea i sosvlog this rgark, zatw ails$ o£ • SPBIN.G PliRF3S GOODS, LININ COS TIES,. 111�5,LENS, (,CLOVESi7ci HHOSI u.JC. �, I?�.1 k.,C34111 1f ' 14 Cotto�.sDress Govdsu w, 'oxndeifully (' I l,: .>L T p GentrgiSI:kirS CO ok tust'e bought at the OMIT SALE NEW YORK, as °l,t: , ,; 1.:B 11 si i:" c^ l l l etJ,1. c. "NiT. E. A...TONc (.. LQ.I:OO`;;11, HUG,tQ.I El B BRUGB. 31.J12 3'w'liiil,'. rti as %vill run n tt.! ftic•t':t t notice Fes rellsvc•n mai? i�.=•I If 6 lit p L , 771 3,11 a 't{ H '41 •Sti J 1 H 6 t.., 1 :43(tr, . ' 6 .. zit :8 " 1171' 6 41 ' 11 "'3 " 1.1 t1.11 ... . ,., „ 11 ,0 "' • totiute;t ... 7 19 1 1`: i'1'• F15 " - 0-.0...14.�Hac:aF<a:s.a` 10 ,a,. Lain on t i HH/ u:r9H�w.e" • AI def, AND ORD »RED CLOTI U'TG ;£'inatraiae tawl>.t9,Y 3,11. ,ttt4.l ` i:ipipn ijeu', ,11 .„tart .r ... .. :: Li 4•0 41 '.`, •i.i lit m cane._ ... ... In 1:1 a 'i E'.1 London ... a• ell 40 ' 4 +15 ,i8Hil 3rire a $ (t,A,X. 10 irt. u 9 " 1 45 t 36 " 951 tl4- .4 't11 T C. '4F OOLES &I CO, IIAVE ()P- C" OUP lou+; n 110 haslu.'a,;.PslaHek;elnitn,an4 ^.n rail T l sl.iiegshop is ito.' .42nilte, and. titcy tau illi• H .lx.it-tac patrovtr , of the community. Satistuctlon guuraicteol,anti low p ices. J. ,4aoL<xta.tc Co. 11oagerville. April .5th, 1277, 1 sn. Exeter Tannery The un.Ter`ig*Red would aequ:cint the iratle that they. have now on hand. a large quantity of T, P., A.7-17 HER, stze:z as UPPER, KIP, CALF, HARIIESS,BELTING RUSSET and LACE LEATHER, A quantit' of hair for plasterers, on hand, McI.ACI?r,Ax Tobacco! Tobacco I Tobacco{. ct TTl TIN TAO" and ether Brands of SWEET CHEWING --TOBACCO, eit all! • Q Q. EPIP, TOBACCO STORE, EXETER. 1877) SPRING THE OLD RELIAI3.LT SIO US At ail gimes, and particularir at a -Period when Trade ie nuirersally deprAssed scarce, It is in the interest of erery buyer to purchase where he can get at the lowest rate. In saying your attention to my present stook, I do s once; it being more carefully morte * and selected' than that of lathe Dry Goods Every department is replete o.i'h the most season 41918 and fashionable prices which should command the attention of the very closest buyers. CLOTIIL_'d;s1 still has MR. 1.e, IVES at itshea+t In Millinery T'ndertho managenleat of 11iQs MoGld,, lion, we eau s•,it toe most fastidious- 0 I.., • Groceries, Boots and Shots, Canadian, English and Anieri Shelf and Heavy Hardware is one of the largest and best assorted in the (aunty. Intending purchasers will consul, t bestinterests by examining; nlystuck beforegoirm eisewnere. �y-r)• `` �� JAMES S PICF.A.ED HAIR WORB, Coils, Cble JLwistsi>,nc'i Switches made, of coulaings ;Curia matte of Ont Hairi by Miss Ii1N8MA?F, Music TEA'sls; . Exeter. April 22. 6 m. Sues int Sale OF $5,000 Worthd Furniture J. DREW will sell for two manilla his elegant and sIb• ctal,tial stock of I aruiture. lima", Discom ALLOWED forCAi ri a -attics making large purchases allowed fen menthe on approved Notes. 1877. Appearance of Better Times. 1877. If you Want €l, well assorted stock of Dry Goods, (',x17 ni 3. CARNE'S. if you want choice patterns i ,. Prints (goo(- value 'fly J. P. C L RNE'.s. Gentlemen, if you want good Ready-made clothing, or clothing made to order, in first-class style, Clive J. P CLATU ztt.'i;tl, In purheasing Groceries, Crockery and Wall Papers, Don't forgot J. P, MAUL'S' Select your stock of Boots Sr Shoes n .. 11 J. P. Cl,.i1:3U1:'S. N. B. No Bankrupt stock or shelf -worn goo(-: round at J, P, CLARKE'S Liberal discount for cash given ;at 3. P. CL 1Rlir' i. Bring your Butter zmd Eggs, for which the highest price will be paid Clover, Tiwotkty,Rare, Tecr- ii ;;, Ca r•k ot, 1 f ae rel el i► r1rt. el, and Garden gods all New and Fresh. (!hU. dust -itis and zee pricellsfors perakaaiss tlsewhero. McC,1LLTJii n! Cash for hides. ISAAC EVAN, (W ell -digger, Etc. The subecriber would intimate to tum inh'i Pi - tants of Centcalia and the surrounding townships and villages that he is prepared to cor tract for WL+'LL-DIGGING, STONING, ETC, Hiving hada number of veers experience in that business he can guarantee satisfaction,. Orders Solicited. T'o:be addresred to Centralia, P.O. Sup Prier pump furnished if requis ed. (ie-s,sent loth 1873 NEW BUTCHER SHOP Mho undersigned would inform the inhabi th ants of Ereter and vicinity that ho fin OPENED A NEW 'BUTCE EE SHOP one door south of his Blacksmith shop andhopes the same liberal patronage that has been 411 corded to him in the imAoze)SX24 Jam-WAGOIS' trauma • line will be extended to him in his now branch o eueinnss,. Tiis meat wagon will can at the resi dnas'•o of he villagers three times each wookand, :l ---t E S E A T it:nun kept COustsutlyon hand &thie'butcher :4.73i',ecks;nithleg and wagon malting east ie un 1.'41 Lin all its branches; • R DAVIS 171 0 re J1J. tzi0 5+ 0 PATENT and HORSE MEDICINES, IT • 2.3 1J re za JtO • m t' S� aL "'I V 0 0 tri O O •m ® wGp 0 at molloritto prices ns wmal, 3. DUE . Ne:.t door to }Jol..ne' Bank.. coo ; o the mimic, of Ileus all and vicinity. JA S Iletl0W.a ti has just Teethed. at his .("tare, W.,(100 worth or Spring. and summer UJry-Goods,::,_ tie i};i:$:,l•.yc mai:'::!: � k'r '. (}•yt a• : ;: .::.� at prices that will Startle the Community ---C ;edit° lab 3. ?. ('I.,Vlil:, S1`avt eiale -lain street, Exeter. This space bel.on. to John ' Btwn, urniture Dealer, and his advertise- ment will appear next week. CROWDED OUT N. B. Having secured the services I of a/ R. .>E . ak »~,> fila az It I S. The (late of Exeter,) as tailor, I will Guarantee Sat s fay. ton to these who slag favor ma with their orders. 1111 kinds of Parra Produce taken in exchange for Goods JAMES MIcGOWAN. Hensall, Starch 29 NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP IN M. T 0T. The undersigned having opened a Blacksmith shop in Crediton, which was formerly occu- pied by James Eodgins,is now prepared to do all kinds of bineksznitbing. Having a large quantity of material en hand I 'q''}$'7' am.p,e1lared to doet'a'll Akinyd�s'�of •'�'/''1 VV �GO1V `MAKING in the latest style and lowest prices G RRILGES,BUGGIES,Z4 WAGONS aenettantlyoa hand Itaiiravoin to order • tl Oak 'f;!e* and Gas'trood limber for slily. I 4 illy steak of seagonad•inmbsr Ss Cho large.$ and best in the l0000ry .7OIJ TxiiYITigox. Crealilloa April 4 10. µ/nN;