The Exeter Times, 1877-4-10, Page 4II. Y 10, 1877. quite below their value. This posi- t telt waall rendered more marked wheu it became apparent that the growing crop in California was going to be very greatly below au average one, Even this failed, to excite our market, nor did the prospect of the closing of the Danubian and Russia* supplies have much effect until war was all but com- menced. Now, the question is. have we advanced more than the satiation justifies, irrespective of war ? We think not yet. The great deficiency of American supplies is lu some ne,a,ure made up by India, but there ie still a large gap. Australia will send us ma thing thie year, while the continent of Europe ie also sUart and competing with England in foreign markets. 7n xe arcs to home ierops, ore have bad „a i;ilex' autumn eos,iug a:.d a WoltiC prirg. It is doubtless trite the aanount f wheat sown is much i legis than usual, bat what is sown, although ser; backward, looks well, as it has no itt ea injured by any frost this year. The conclusion we draw is that roes (}nt prices far wheat are jtlmtsl'1ee1, but tlttat a further adtaace will tlapand up un what gunutity America will sail,, .1.n arica holds the key of the position iilk)1•ta til,tu she has douse tat auy time for yeaal s. '.Villi i'tatee there would ha a tt,311/0 ra' fall, uattiutibteclly, but this is Pot Ii!: e1v to ocenr short of a complete leu.: :i ant sictoly and no ftitlhie coin! ;i •. - i ai a. Ile war is expected to be to ilial; anti .rales ore ill Asia, but I:an' 11e it is likely the Ilul iana will a tails reaeh the .li autube, and, if they Gtau t res, Wilt Booth ovt"reotilethe Turk* S°s'ital lhalaa. fit 3-c)mly traaila IS n liOille. t IL.t 5: 1.,T,41.,,,s 111taaya t•Cttur after thhG rt)tc..a 911,4 ii 1,re,l,:amts from tate finally eri. td Asaessineof tall oineit nhr,,y twi+- eatitlt' the Slater whose r:aaute appears thereat)), to cast his Ate at the election. 2E Oa, (1) la p,'rrttil baiter owner at the time of the revi: ion of t17e waes,inent I Irl ita3 cc"ased to bo lit lh, utile ->i Air, t Iasi/lent of the eh etorul cliatric:. (tli ltt ease or income, if the voter ha. .l SL to be rd idaut'of the rnuitleitatal ipy or htto writ ;said all municipal tale. iat rt cif l;liell biome, stud (113) ha or, •iisa ataate tho v.,ter la ^•;i.ay aua lint' a)rrupt lariaetices ea dtaioa,1 tJy the ela- ion law. week 11 a f In the ,! ngland re scale; 00 horses any moment to sin the East.. Lieu. moms to be Cowman- lt hose we And steps then to etlen; slheu the icipaatiou of Eastern dli'a l- iitaudaiy last, the ship rrm Lotatlou, arrived fall bri;ugint; tett large 0'I pouudea h°ill al lulls;, 14)km sbo.nA, •2'1 cases ofi fuses, and +:J caries of other warlike store's. The gains aro to be at once put ou the citadel. The ftrmitl;abr f array of long traversing guile aloug. the Grard Battery were exercised by the I3 Battery. What. thele thing.; paatend for Cittlaadil, we are shoat iu fa poaiaieu to say, but aro of the opinion Limit it id inore ati lile'stltls of press iraatiou aaativat trouble, from lna:dtliesomt aeiailbara thau Ae :a defence at zaitlat paaittve iuvasion. 1 Loodoa tlialaatcl stay's the Cllauntel t Beet has Tee lved er, do'r * to rr.'k.'etl tea tdat' a!*.>aliterralle;ail, Itte itara tars very c.it:ltetiog as tti tilt 1 aaiaewas 4ii' the 1I or Turkish ka sat . l Tia ta) the present, the '1'a1rlt-• llatssi avail it pa tt;y much their own wa ' c Baa^iliCraalrlta tris', Haase d1, has i, 'a 4111 .1. ails.. 1,Y.aiJ t:.ti I BARD T.aIES$. :quay were found a year afro ready to prta let that the al (: s haat} bean reached air wast we were that:, to titer into the aartraiat t'1 pro sataity. Wefind u e1ti tinct• tIlia p:li:tisca2'"Iliolag was without tt bash", Eli gr.a.tt•al y aaltal surely from that that to sate pr4?,,cllt here oh brow:lace 11.9 trade lacca ou the tleelilte, ;said we veu- tuie iia say that 8ueu acanoray ha beta. Y uteriti* the past flaw Bunts Ctltili as wou'd teat have £Viiia; at I'lttt:e oveu iu drr;aal!!d a few ,auotlitll, before, At zlaa jlroaent, the Watteau:la u the coy 5ee.ui only in tho lart,y}:t c+,ivt wad )c'u ;love golid reason to thief; that the auetting three utouthe will be tht most trying time Canada has tex;te Belt- viral si o e its history Megan. Datil this la;,.t,at tilos ..a••. _rwhoa.m,a famine N700(1 LEON bevu a ::l�5t Cttit:iin, hilt, lu.»t provitit:u.b.:::", it Lifts ot'llrledAt A 8M - Stilt of the y.. when Seo.k is plentiful. Not,titllst:xuding this, the laborer bac to pay his Dille laud ten dollars for cs•. ery barrel of hour be colistuues and iy 1. restrluted to the ofa. 1..1,,.....ga 9 This, it m tj n.: said, a U.not be ("bvi.'.t0,1, 1113 ia] uot,"i'.tg but the pr.iiuca of the farm h. o tits itieC. aii1 in lulu tal:'::n place.-- }oast then, is the iili;:eipal reason why, u.,1 eo the demand is greatly- increased, a c,trresioudiag increase should tale place iu the other branches, so that wit.la'ilt say lose, the employer might be ..b1,: in a corresl onling rammer to retuu.rerated the employee. This wilt have to be done, in order that privati. n may not ensue. The fanners hold the k y, atlas. to judge from the present ap- pearance of their crops., and the very certainty that their wheat, will average, when marketed in the fall.,ed per bush.. they should be::b`-e to advance consid- erably the wages of their hired help. Thus •could the dir3r:ulthas of the shard times be partially tl,ally aint,liolateti,, and at the close of the present harvest we would muter upalt and era of prospetity. The f 'llotyiur, e:srrespoil,io]1ce strength- ens this view: 1aV : 0h1 Cort . ^t,1 te14 y •1t K ry raider date uF III., 20:1i alt,, ltbont tln� lasts a ivtai:ce in the Eitgli,li market.. for wins Lt at d. corn, and ' the fotore of c ,i•ti as '.Lays. It will baa t'bscrveil t1:) writer ,a'her s41't)l•gly favors tlir buil hitt:resit la wheat, land the bear sale in corn: Liverpool, April 2%).—The o::tbreal; of war bot'v.)en f'•la.iaa sur] f Turkey has greatly t Sita;ti th;, grooms m:arkel: • nolo rapidly twlv.1.'i;iter1 pricer, a 1 :at these altered, price's it , ,V.•ri r t 'Ry:)iie to carefully .examine '1, ala!?er i1 There can be no j:) bt, that the !Navy 10054, ]ti the gt;iin trade hasp year 80 cripplers tl>':r; t1 111,;ti tt'they, ;vete till- able uable to Of wh iitt att home at; 1 .a`. se,a :h G t,;ey, O1,11 se would, aunt that prions for uir:•iai ssere io'ce1: TIM TIMES" R;• t(lc:i are iguanaill Ottawa th:a }Ian. Alex.:if;lcl:t;uaie, _Premier, is to eeit;u the Di'p;artulont of Pnl'lie Wi"ork:, sial, take the Presidency if the Council, oil, yet•. Comehnn being ai.ppoltltt'.l to asont' ,lltiidal otilee. Ur. lttu"tiugtlttn or 111r 'tl••tt Is to take the Public Weeks, Mr. 3,ztith alai r1r. flake retiring from tha '•sitti,try i;;ar •privaatla taataiuts. :1' Ir. Lam is to take the a:ileo ref :trialister J u;.ticae, bat Mr. Kellam is to be tak ,•a ilitu the Cabinet in itlacc of one .tis "hie Neva aSuotlta- lrtenhbers, iIthe itiial,gss arc on the taapis. it •is C:1D- aal,art'a L'ta't,eill that e,'tl,ii,iurable rec0.1 truis;:i.nn will taut place. • A. TsatN r 11:T 3`l a+ltl 14'+:olaaiell, ]abets siull rets: ; rams;;,1 rifled sixty-ciiallt pi:au:dors for the citadel batternai, it .,} ,(thee, is uow ell route from Engle.0 . Ind it is also rumored that the 23rra F s 1hers are comma to Le st:aLi n a t Lt a: ant. taa:tt 1 'v`..a that ...:slut the base bait seatoln is. folly on, toothache be hie with the 8 t.J•+1 ploy rtbc`ut batlf past eight a. m. It pasts nu 110112.•—A larked Exchange. a Sir Sr'lle;, a tr SSe, N :kir:X :r'T UANCIIESTER C,ONTRACTO11 1tt122.;ED TO POVERTY—HIS DEATH AasJNG STlla`al•,RS. In the ninth of July, 1870, there arrived iu Brussels a sharp, active, ili- tellis8llt-100kiO4 Englishman, ap- parently ab:int forty Tears of sage, it. quest of work as la brie;slayer or stone. mason. Ile gave lite name of Jsaine. aims represented that he wawa from the vicinity of Manclu'ster, Eng land, where he had been a contractor, and a builder on a larger scale, but owing to reverses he haoi beau " clear- ed ons," and lug ruin lead been oom. plated by a lawsuit, in wbieli he had lot i'u,03O. Shortly after his arrival he obtained tut alnyalt•l;t from Mr. James Kelly, and although it would bo easily Peen than. manual labor was not is ItP }e applied lad 11n elf so eat - e,stly to Isis task that in a short time he innr:d ilio.,;if to the ' •toil front which he stated ho had been freo fjTM 1±1tt'e]ti.'trail3, Towards tate fell hecto:- barked iia o to or two btuidio'g (Te v- tiliis 01:1 I]11 oWn 11ecot111t, and was On - big ao well that ho purposed sendiog for his wife and three children, who .]a- side in the neighborhood of Altrincham near 1llaueli.:itra•. In Di.."cetnber haat, he contracted a ,Overs t]ottl, Whlcll set- tled on his lungs, and culauiarated:; ip his aoatli by 1;ai ice a "few clays �Itt a' left' .,a inti sitter,. hie icft t ] a i _,1 ons Ra to0.11.4 boAt n1, 1.110x1 of r r,rnlua io,1iii, with h is. friends, nds, gaud its "1,1, morons hail, bee•im ' %ti ! %-t ,vidian":tett by his'. pro- ln )got it ao roe Corporation ude1- ,t Citi to 1 L xre IL) " bit fuuor.,1 and WY' c' 10, 1877 correspond with his relatives. No clue ern waltz, Asked, ,a Ahid whet fol- to the wllereaboute of hiefrienals could lows?"` bad A liaises head. WGrea4 up - be found, except by ea:amaui.ug his let- roar:j I'll alum Ion what dtaosang is, tare (of which he had A large number), 1 looked through a window at a dance :tinct they sere aceordittttly seonned by in tide town, the otherevening— the Rewe, and the name anti address do you want me to gine names ? --• of his family discovin dem-tared, On exama,. and I etaw as young fool of fallow ap- ties it was found. that the name by proaoh a Young 1811Y. and S 11 show whioh he was kno wn }here (James Rid- you what followed. Were Rev. Mr. in8), was an assumed one; that hiss ab. IeDonab, tripped acroes the pulpit platfo •m. and, bowing politely to an imaginary young lady. said in soft tones " dear ;Hiss M---, can't 1 seoce from England was to avoid flip. petering ie a case of Spun:), magnitude which is now pending in ch+anetry ; EXETER Planbag Mall) SaSh/ DOOR AND IAD The unite 1gued sdi,u:d utop onal, Val putty e trrat they have.eonout-arced t,n,sie,ss, 21 t,.,.,lera line, and goat too, l,rer lata tot , tone -for lleniaiue. IlionAghout. or for parties +e 1n s. a- ;; t't Yr OW411q'iterIll, ,ard tll:it;Ley keel c-..,z.o. t. and that he bad beeniu aftiuelat (dr-, h:)ve the pleasare of a "sacs svitta 17 'n etae:a ortmstances, but bat beeli rained tsars!' i you ?" Then the Reverend gentleman Window B1ii1" the machinations of a former partner. tripped hack again as if llearitag n Ioultlillo;s, The•abose is not published as a sen- lady in his arina.l: And uow watch c Jr1'4.Die � 'oek, Ration, but with this hope 'af bringing' that young coupler The young laa?219 to the ku,awled ;e of lois friends it! Em., begins to perspire, Iter eyes .l ash..tttt * ttC i I C. gro.vta excited, the yoang roan ie 21,1:221 . excited ; he takes holes of the young .-1R11i11g tlaspa,:eh.orak'z lwith lady's baudbaudhis touch thrills be, I through and throngh, aaltlAff hoof rte' AndIro-t a'1ar thorough uuoule•l:a raS s -c 1024- into the chance, he ready to .ru,e, on , are s rt't l t -.e iasis eYeal ni ac+ .ler her viirt`Ie the arm,,oil:aatoaa that tsar•'}'+. ,i!,e-.a P' .+i.ctZ,,I enoyl oro Ic<:t o-. �t' lanes the fact that au architect awl builder calling himself James Aisling, (eTscleutly an alias), surrendered his soul to his Maker. without riving any clue to the whereabouts of his reiatiyes /3,trese&a Past. cane 11 tlrettxt•rtraga zt':trreapoadence of t:le Chicago 'Blue,," Toronto Maar. 23. --Tho people of On. tario are willing to Let their hoot); twat all y can I reduce a 'more Nadal am! wonderful man of God than Brother '1 ui11m to, of Rruulclin. in the person of itWilliam :1toi:Ioltah, itfatltotli,st illrs.isiet•, of We flourishing town of tho bo.la,r explotlt:tl, killing the (t aat:aill t'.tri':, on the Great Western Railway. three engineers, two ilrt'nut'11 anti 01'0+ Brother McDonuh has been for some trimmer, and injuring the cook ; Via years re a •..e:l ns the chnnp'ou rest of the crew are all well. Whet: aa:shor er (+P tits Dominion. the surgeon of the .[..ions went 9a: 'The otlae r day ltt' preached a sormon b lard the 1I10'l were all &•ad bate oa chaste.:,,:. The heats of the Con fireman. Witco n -i ;ell the cause of `,aa *euee ;lent a t;ttutigraapil1ar to the elhtereh, raid the replan of the `:e;hti')ti ataao 042.11 tII8cl (may AS :leo. 1411124 ,411 0 orf tan 91262:121113 a'; aiaa',t Bather iltln)a'.h, w1tiolt will be bruht;llt hafar,. tale. high 3Ietlseilislt tl•ibatnul that j et;ts in Tor ludo iia ,Jan,;) !AM . The tout was the twelfth verse of the fifth chap-;' Friona ea JI I*.:MN ps AN. ;tl•'s• L.,3141: " And t•lt•i hay= and tate angler :llcav,triaski, of New Stunt, d viek tho t:airet hail ripe hold the lain,' Winded his photographs to tloci les+� are to titalr .':'fasts. but they re? aril sengere lti' baawd. a Jertiy fa+rrf^y b ,ae shut t=ie won; of the Lord, re altar cion. late 011 Saturcih.y lught,:u:tl then jit:/at+ tilal� r •t i ()aeration of itis nastily," j •: 24 into the water and 'wax's tll'aaSilo t beil,l y:uu as e:a3Y of th tray iii ir'i .tits of .fly wife me at:ad his pivt;lre' '1(.1 sisal unatln,eript 'report en w}deh theitti4ln^iii„ his dent-►ty, arc-ttar:able e11naf.•t of Oa church in tibia' ,ritY .sots pr'osataritia charges of "iia • tiet:s'rlt saki slh:atnafll (/ .ntluot " on the l",art .1 the preach:I. The e}1:treh, it Inas he well to t Hotta was Hired to aur- frial7tatvh, ittcauthitig two Or three hun- dred 41 72.'11,19. Tile history of dancing ie £,a1 of all that i, berttstiv, *tartan-, inar,ieruna sisal t',:atf111. it slam lava fantod that the felri.aia dt'btas ment of d.an;•in; •stn th t .Jolted States has been the primary cai1s0 sal Tifwto: tm Of all tho alive •1t H 11: the co'intry. Loci;. at Pratte, a c'alalry 111tat 119 tncou agin; .►ild liu,'ueiug the at 01.11 Why, ovary €.vary In an in al'rA ;o can fid It and dilillCtl and 111tta1)' &toeiin; scalawag .of 8 111 s.i2Cllag Chili 2wy IlwePp leave, +. France for 11'ranvtd a g.ur.3, 1:11;1 ;Totts t,. Now York aa'ttl Citic.tag'1, a here }1F. tt12alt,tatleas himself as a teacher of musics, obtains a po=iti rn in a family of: young ladies, and is soon t'1lgage.1 in the work of clearing tent these] young; • irla of every shred of virtue that they may possess, wing from family to flim ily polisbing off the girls as he goes. This French scoundrel has bon ac- customed to seeing women (laming in them birthday attire, said he soon has his pupils in this country taught to do the salve thin,. I11ave /to doubt the same thing ie done iu this town. [Great commotion among the ;males in the congregation, and cries of " Shame 1" " Shama 1" and gen- eral smirking and muttering.] Waal is dancing ? Is it amusement ? No. lei it healthful exercise ? No. Every- body knows tlist tho inner life of d:anc- ing is. consciousness of sex. 1 will re- peat it, the inner life of the dance is tile consciousness of sea—a feeling, A. voce, " y011 know how it is par - elf," .Cheers taunt great e';(,ettr t lasso E TEllteI r n AtrelDfttir .1r t. -.rite S. 1°lie.ati S. Guinn, }u't armed from. Liverpot 1, reports being sight•:led by the et''ta'1!'er Sitlol,ian, of Glaagow, fr'nn Nosy Yuria for l3tieto1* as alis;.abledl and r"'ei:lirin„ 11 srih';$',):l, St2e' sent the raises carat, on Oil board, who reports that 00 the till In ix 11:t:1 s and p iillc:iti;) lie?la/f?T:tld'ar tilet :aiwi e, T IO .11.7 . -4 1-t .4 E i'.t T. �11�'Daa. RAA 0, for GAl eaplotian be answt'rrtl "1 ss ll kis y .'nrp c'i , in the merlin);,- b'lt the died i11 2a, tis'+: r 'a 4%421,44401N �.I ,I1�aV minutes outs it was tru tissible to loan li" it,:lr,,24 el to•t Kit(t the cause. The Woman praet as it under wait bold will not arrive It its d-:' dilation ander tato weehi. BaltN. Ittta:a.s'5 — ilt totnt, en the lath ult, the Hr. James lei.:affin, eta SUn. �totle,-I•,'St 3tsry's, an the 214 nit , 11 • vi:a of .tl~. tic -lige 11•ir, }legal ti • tae"f Wi t, t(,ary's 1"aluSie Sahoot(', eta dem-it1: ". • AND f,,l"I.I Nla111 „5,10'Ii. li 40rT1IC0TT' ; NE W The -dealt compthies Tema, Sonar CI ilk :t, 5;4'121►°., VittI'!;aar5, S14Na , `.'la;trees, fails, firtia'nn a, Jti u.lie% t'a it= .9ii &e. .v2rythin, nn eh' tii.'t'rr'Lrn'. 1+r4einull t�.1Nt in 1"1C(9'2 !It' L'or !,it, l . We are bett:'tltt) toll cheep formal% t. & E. "It'i: ' 1 as. 1) 1NTl:tti'1 OF 1.EVISION. •t til; P t•.mrtoe +•cv;8i112( ttlo ateP1 't•.e111Y01t •' tl 1 1n .rove L: "I t»•pin,n for ti.� soar 1 w 11 i,l At the ova Hall ere.litou, 071 1 a3 44 1e ,,ri, tI,n° of Nay. at the Your of tett t .1 s. m. Dy 02%1040. 'I'3 '51' . (kris. EX r. LI.E R 1, -t(a+ AIN i~ NG .1. KIT 1 }'reg'ttrod tAleall lauds of C O F'aintinga Paper -j2 .1t ratasoit ►t'le 3� inti alit:;;, ate„ I •,, and punctually, 1.:t: Tian i\(,, ;ai.thi•ss This Factory is now fitted nit with methiu(•r; t of tus latest lulp.orealent,aa,i la in NU 8't ra•- lion in the manufactory of TWEEDS, FULL CLOT'1I.4i, BLAN- KETS AND YARNS of lanaiall wli;'1l :re kept aln a flatly y nn laud aim exchanged Tor W . (IL or CASE, at ilery low prices. Costar 2e Manufactory, Wool Cart -Ing, :,1112- nin^' and ailing don o) i shortest ", Failing t1 1 tee ne.gce, ' . the £phot in^ prices i 44 Tweeds per yard, 40e; Sat etth, (cotton. Warp furnishe 35e; Plain, Flannel, 2 Twilled Flannel, 30o ; Blank .From $d to $3.50 per pair, Carding, 50 per lb, ; Fulli t Oc per yard; Spinning, 1 l;S 11 As we hump now:on hand a largo quantip of flneana ooarSI Tweeds, Blankets and Flan is more enmity understood thatu described. of our own Ifannfacturende, w.hish we can 1•e [\lot commotion nod repeated Cries of We feel confident t ave can give a gen al • Shaine !"j Who dares to deny satisfaction to those, favoring us with t that ? Read Romans, twelfth chapter, first se: se, and Galatians, fifth chap. tor, seventeenth to twenty-first verses. ki)u doubt nay w.ud, some of you pro- fessed Christians, who permit Balis 111 -� ��-• ��gg��1l"� your houses, aucl let your wives and IVII3:.tL I.11r'-lJLtaY daughters be fingered, claimed and be - slavered over by lustful and grinning libertines. [Uproar] I tell you, if you would make the piarties at your 11•.10885 popular ynu mutat shorten the lrag.r3above end' . below the women.e n , [Great excitement and cries of " .Put hint out,' ] P011't• talk to ole about atalnri:ug. [' once looked through a. stool • at as Jane., aanil 1 saw thy wotaen1 anted tole.riirn tho i�filliuely. tai]Giilg lute beasts --1 Avtiront� petroaago. WANLF;SS & BLAIN. itIay 10,43tn : A:(D 7.4111"017 COODS Justreceive(} a well selede stook of Millincry and. T.', a4. Goods, verz- Cheap rilf'GAIILIGI%'S at _8T' Exeter;}Ont. Where .las yor, Iil7eltiuos' aar)d lustful C1lristians get your Glances from ? will tell yon They algid sent from l to France, thence to !Canada, a eav York and Chicago. [A vr•iee, No, we import direct from. heard quarters, and slave th . middlemen : we're grting- TO Rn ors, we aro." Lai:ahto, , . cheers and great .ennyt O. -ion.] b elleve,ynin ; 1 v -1 r,:� eh ) 1 � ! a verity bourn=e ch:a1 this to .n is u siloI �.,. . :aid this ,Dainiuiou a 11e11 nearly ` four 0111110n square r files in tarea.1 .I+rt, Turks, who after lc okiug at awed- t, • R2 r. ITOE Z., t NIOB.' / 4 �! 'f;1t "IIOLESAI4L IND 1E1A1L Deq,1ar in T.,urn.b.er SRI ,4X.1 a. i+ATiT AND ell min "GSTs. FI.003:. OR - 'NU AND S1D121. *t,.i;.tia.:,p .its, t. -N. pia} EESE 1. An ext^ t'ive C cckou Ennui. The L ut1,er, for Quality tritbiev,eaaolot 1„ • lea tit 4 glued 1Jaurt- w1Ynrtl East .111,. 2nStreeet,Jbetweeto-enGi;ll, VietoriaStreete, sins rl„-lv1 Drxxrsxnr, if yon want artificial teens, or the natural ones extracted, call at J 2100141l office, in Fan:on's I/loel:. - & J. BROOKE Manufacturers of .si LUMBER LAT11,4sTErES aua doarersfl CEDIZ POSTSIt'AI 4 OLID rOOD. ;tiiLns-Two mites -w r'ouao1Road. .i'.1!0 s1`Oi+ r saris iivest /OCIB'.ry i 9' D ju nture nd Hort . n 7r”egrinap Purchase 1!0 Z•' 6r211.,sit j/hoists / o2teJ can o btc'r,A .1 1i/ro)L ll 11111ov rl tJ©iJy J,!eriyr Y ` On 0.1)/1 oatiiaaaheaa°Mee / laraza liI E. B JIs h N. a` / 000,1 J2.312t1t; 1850. 14:111111Ler' 2•...m f''OIZTABLE SAW MILLS, 20 AND 25 EfO1 SE POWER, tvnlilass he Waterous Angina Woi'ss Co., BRANTFORD, OTT. e] Ye" now thio Adv't'sernens