HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-4-10, Page 1VQI+. iV,NO. '11 YG1LL;3 at.1 I VILLAGE tiF CENTRALIA. ?ALUABLE LANDS FOR SALEG'. From 41 to Go acres. of the most *amities oraidity,with good fume Baru thereon. aim siboat Save teres oi splendid own. It adjoins the stall- wav Station (west sole). is of great prospective value,taduta•y be obtained .n very favorable terms. S 4eILL OUESTb.lADS. -- From fexrtost44tatres a acl:,of ii*.ebw,tofiend,onths westside et the fustian, 4t comoon farm prism. and an terms of rot -meat to snit purchasers. - These la„,'eabut the mew attest, (which Via be tinoRue=p:s itunudhetclyalter barvsttirnnµcic alai with t e railway, end connecting n nun 4114 Yelbonrne st.ects with the Bide. oad. T 1L1, .G r, LOTS.-•-I''rom $50 and upween. eeserliezto position, Ant ofth. US lots laic( out ori tine sett tide of the Station, A8 have bean disposed ef. A plan of intended on:- vey o . toe want tido can be Feta on application. Livered ceaceseions ane to toparties purchasing In Week, or buildidg Factories sr 1tliUs of say d.script oa. { I li UUI) Lt1TS. -- With fruit f' uees at full bearius ago. Only a few remain• #n.l;t &;auto plica so otberlota, seconding to situ- ation. IiE&1• COTTAGES, ---Patties not islil.tg to go to trouble of b+tillingoa their esuaecouut. car•+ 130 ucco:ulnodutsd with OM) of tfiorerecontly built c.rtt.;es, iaew under res0.11. wbiefl rally be par.. cl:1.g+'d 4a ve.y easy tern's, tad at tacta4vencii be; cud cost price. a 'I-I.I'IT-A.1e BUSINESS OPENINGS Jot every kind in this p1►reenereus end Marin:. •lllatn,uataol.14.&t It. It 1.wuia, is fact tilling up. tatgfar beauty of stituatlen esuuot be ascii- { e4. Geode.ta gashed market atths depot. with unrivalled eisippingtacilitieo, ( I+ureeet,schoois, Ala mon alI tits conva:itescos of tows, wit Rout its lucoromiiaac.a. THOMAS TRIVITT. Centralia 7Sascli 8.147 1 -se. dpi R SALE. -That desirable property its ssieter agencies iu ueefuluese, Let ONTARIO, TII It3DAY, MAY 10, 4$77 1 Tow:cswn. Element:lt.---The protested election has at hitt been decided. un - coating Mr. Bekar, end we understand L tint Melting for w new elec- tiatn to fill tile veceuoy on before the 28th iust., has beeti ieeued. A, good. deal of interest will krob*bly be taken in the tennis. A,, great minty people are completely unratified over the de- claim, it net being clear to their be- lzightedunderatalldiug how lifa Belzer was more liable than (lino other meta here, uo specific charge being made against any of them, aud the protest being entered purely on the grounds of illegality. Law ie certainly a strange 1111113183. CKCDVI OW. proprietors. - Tw vI*ro.--A visit to this tillage, (antinion we altould like to callone4of the suburbs of Exeter, were it of a trifle lees eneguitude and the people not quite so proud of their little towu so. that their sieve of the m tter--Exeter the suburb of Crediton—might not have a pre& like) is Almost sufficient to the - pet All i ices of hard time aud diesotve ell ttneicty Ass to the very emptiuncee of teat pocket wherein y,lctr poi time of fi;thy lucre should fiucl a dwelling, Ou every !land are tokens of thrift, neat - twee aud comfort. Dwellings are erect, e' send ingentle of erectio'i which hex° the tendency to ixuprese (nest fe.vtarate ly the sound of the stranger the teepee - ability of tits} people wlio have been the meant 'f puslliug it forward. It ie well supplie d with fsetoriaa and nulls. very uecessary adjuncts to the growth and prosperity of *no plaice --which ea. ploy %'member oflsuuda. The date Mille, dnriug the summer season give work &bout a hundred nal. ployees, and under the careful manage- ment of Messes. Sobnerr & Willter, who, this season are extending their operations, give ua uaiued satisfssti t Mr. Staebter'e cheese tactory within e few days, be in full blast. We under- etend that the comp&Iiyhe expectations of an ezteneive buanluer's bu,liueee are most aauguiue. Tire grist mill does not ftall behind hi noted en:than street, Exrtrr, con istfag of Dwelling house, containing eight rooms. (;tore two sturies l igh, it good stable, good living well et water. largo weodabed iUeonueetton with the Bente. For farther particulars apply tie the pro• prietcron iha pre,nieea. J.1'. IlichigTstg. • does an ezteueive bueuleas in grating, chopping, eta. The plttulug hails doers a large burin- eee, aud is seemin fly well patronized, A L t breeches ofd timber o tra a are re- t etna lana. The safe that went through '\'acetone's fare in Eincardine last H eek 'withstood 1. goosi test. Upon o ;.ening in the books, patient cash, 4., b, found itWarmed. which its a capital rec- ommend to the lanars, Ira. J. wisher Co., of that town. A fitted shooting aycidextttl:ae taken piece neer Toronto,. a boy of seven yearsofe a shooting hie sister, uin seine ,yearn old with x revolver, which. they had hem plat. ing with, putting it intoe 4h other's manila. Feint young wolves caught in How - ick a few days ago. The steamer city of Bru ieo1e with bah pilgrims on board is ten days overdue at Liverpool. Mr. Dell, a rennet of Crowland tp., died the other say from eating wird -j 011 SALBe LOTS 19 AND SOUTH j psrenips, .R: halt 3t!. itis con. Stephen, 104 acres, more or beefour rowJohn Richmond. of ch has Colchester, tee twee iota hoo.o nee .ro• frau a Saran. , presented, and all saclnt to de well. line fuer owes, each of 'which has batt Vowing Tile farm will be divide to suit parcllatters, >3 ing orchard Situated 2 nitres ..est glees- T,uLaulxa.—Mr. :Ireiten, Merchant twlha dlir boaaou, All the lambs are Fiiitorlsapply toThewaoatm 11?;unit,r,atormi, tailor, 40151135 to be all alive to the alive,. vas the prutuieet, or by letter to Loco wants of the community. nasi is resady The Quebor 1.'roviucial Goveriln.etut OUSE 1111(1 LOT F011 SALE.--•• et all times to sup ply YOU with the has instructed ids ageute to encourage none but tteticultural emigrants to ;. oirsail erre°o't lana. ia`htam=iite"et ;a`n choicest and best cloths, and perfectly n+reeertyisrent tunes stool Exeter•oreharl and W11114 tt,tirtake them up in the best other iutprav meats. Apply te.&.l'A'rt'ortonth° stylar thee a &11th('& r „ ..+. 1 -,.. vretuisea. l testes azn s1,1•A-• 1 e ,woullt tbirect' ' .1[01.1SE TO RENT ON GIDLEY tine atteutiou of our readers totho ad - street with four licdranins, trout room and lee of 'lir. John. Troritll]cl:, til �kitchen, pa. rtrv. and a toed br,ci, cellar, and n nrtieutarE an• l another column. By it it will he seen that he gives his undivided attention to the bltickemitbing Laud wag;ou•nlak- goal barn on the promisee. 7: or p B.lytotrtial1a*F. H )DDISn, Exeter April' , Cot RANI) BEHt./TEL.--T un- �, ,lersigued having rented the shove hotelf•iz iib btltiilroai, And is prepared at all astern of years, has relltted it un for the cam times tt turn out anything in the cair- Sortel the t:aveiliurl public. Geed lichen at the leo Good hostler it attendance. C. RYAN,prop. siege tvtlgau lino on the shortest 110.. ithey. tier{ and at such low prices that aston- hement still mark every lineament of vn1r Countenance. Tole ELEcrune---Owing to the dosis. io71 recently gliveu by tate Judge in the Stephen election trial, it became neces- sary for the Cuuucil, at ite tart meet - lug. to lrrrnngefor a new election, as by the decision. lir,_ leaker's seat lyes declared vacant. Acco,dingly, on Mouthy last, it was arra'aged to holt the notninatiau at the. Town Fall, Crediton, en Tuesday next, the 15th VA.LtAIILE PROPie1t°'1'Y 1'Ol:t sp1C. Toe subscriber effort for talo :8 (terse et excellent land r utile south of the vil- lage et Exeter, being part of lot le, cnn.l, Ste (:ten. Tilt rt.' is a tined well and uuinp on thy }aendoesThe whole will be sold in ens bloc' .er in lets to suit purehstsers r.nd 011 reatun4,' tonna. Apply 1GO1tfi;N, Hay 1'. r. l;lcetn, .dcarcu 1.1817. ,r'_ 3$a li'ElITT FOit .ALE.—Two lots et Main street, contain ug one -'fifth eel sash; ;boodframe cottage,^ cntainingsix ro ,sises.oa well ant putts(, and -stable on tii"i 'The above is eligibly situated fo-tinsueFs, ns the kits are b,ih ire ut lots, an+,convenient to the &(suet leading to the strati."For naatieu dare apply to J. WHITE, Tc Es Office, Exeter T11 .Yr,1) ON ''E PUB IISES of ti :o tanscriber.lot eon. id, }Ti,you or about Christens later iopoxty, ens paying steer. Party proving provinc,,re r. • . 1+enses, can hare thap/ACOE;-01( 7CHTEE• TDYKE. OT1C1 IS HEREBY 1 t n thr.' t Cc11rl4t Xtevisinn of the as - give rot: i' the vinaggof Exeter, for the sssvi: a 7te Reid at the School Home. Ex - roar I11,,, Lar the is-,th stay of May, 1877, at 2. oter,++u E• c,aftmrioou: By order sr'otock h.. M. EA.CRLTR, Village Clerk. T.iTICP,-- THE UNDERSIGN - 0.1 hereby cantions the public ogainat ,,,�itlaituj± for a nota of %hand, draWII iu favor o hom)as Cornish or, bearer by hint, for 595 , ted March%lth at eight Comi O'eer, ` :t: he Catholics ofIialifax have su'b sortbetl S. SOU to inirchaee a pair of horses and a carriage for the new .Arch bishop. see' ,t< Crosbie, a young Chinaman, to at tie present slime prrsoiug Lis to tiers under 1lr. Tassie, at the Galt :'alit t' rite Institute, - A petition asking Governor-General Duf eriu to commute the seutouce of Austin Humphrey, convicted of mur- der, to impribonment for life, has been circulated in Whither and Detroit, proposition 'a A l 1 ltloll 1 on foot to build a branch of the Wellington Grey d; Bruce railway to the viliago of Arthur, and the leading men of that section are moving heartily in the matter. The Township Connell of W lsing- htrnt has reseed one goad measure since they came in of ce ; that is to not allow thistle diggers, alias !togs, to inst. It is the intent ion of Mr. Baker ,y t perambulate the Queen's highway. to again seek municipal honors, abd .A. roan named Israel Fisher, work - the probability is that he will bo allow- ing at Hogg & Furd.s steam saw mill, ed to walk the course.. If he have op -1 Galt, met with all necident on Monday position bit case will not likely be its- morning last, whereby Ile last all the fingers on the left hand with the ex- ception of one. $1,40 P known throughout the Province se a 1 Mrs ',*clary Nixon, temperance lecturer, end bud many P Varela Nixon, late of Bib friende In all parts of the country. It of Stratford, is etid to be $lea since been reported that be is lying age. She is still able to thr in the city of New York ineauo. elle and du as much work Thomas Osborne, of Sarnia, brake -s younger women. man on a freight train, whilst coupling care et Ailsa Craig, on Friday evening. weesraahed between the engine aud neat cor. .1.I1 only lured a fear a�tin- lateta, The.Advoeate is glad to learn that j the A. U. Gibbon Maf'g. Co. are litely to start with a vapitel of about $75,090 instead of 59.000. It is eAj'eet"gid toe that at least forty or 'Atte barely alit re - Perhaps the most important fact of, emit employment at the start, nand if the year in eannection with tho salt! business turns out as is expected. this intsreat of Onterio luta Neu the cam- number wi11 tae increased. attetiison sof stir. H. Y. Atttritl's boriug l 112r, Jatneo Douglas, of the township od rt h, which proves the great of Warwick, shot a very large wild cat thiokneee of the rock east underleing , near Watford heat wee(;. I'tIO animal that region. A full no onnt, by+ Pro wise grey with age, and had only one T, Sterry Hunt, of this boring, &bests, t toe on his r iglit hind feet, the ottle. that six beds of solid rock salt were portio)1ladapI�arently been taken of by passed through, having an aggregate a trap time t.mc &ince. After tilling thicknesa of 120 feel. A considerable ii three hens and two geese. the cat used portion of this tbickuees 1)r. hunt up two wogs, when Mr. D. traced hila found to be almost chemienily pure.1to ahollow log.rand awaiting opilortu- sAntainiog 99t per cents salt. Mr. At- !any shot hint though the Head. trill is aboat sinkiug�;a !haft to work A (wean ivia , the name of Wtu1. man- these beds. The quantity of Dalt made lion, from Utad rieb, ea Tuesday after. in the whole of (Ontario region iu1N1t , VMS probably guile etjui 1 to that of the''P previous year, which mounted to be- tween two and three million& of s el . ball s The Whitby Council has reseed a by -lair that every Fenton 'who plants' Agan hat )gig *Mullett drawn to the ornamental abode trees within as ctr;� a•ui+i'icious conductor tiie mai, nod ou eight feet of the road, and three redo( slaving; hie auepieious confirmed. took apart, shall, in two yearn from the aim n charge, .and he will aw it trial. date of planting in a good and flounili- ing condition, be allowed a relate ion their taxes at the rate of 25 senile for each tree then liviint. Frederick Langdon, a man employed! taken for the Prophet's protection, and in the Grand Trunk freight -home, ; night meetings suet drilla are being bean abacouded iu order to evnii tllo held. Tho celebrated Nauvoo Legion coneegnance of uunueroue theft that lute also received orders to be in read - have been traced to his door. ` It ap. nese. pears he was in the habit of ,•,pilfering; groceries, teO,..rmu t.h4 freight -]louse, 1..,.l eaattinQ thole io Lienitighnnra ' A sir. Woodrey his a farm in iho f township of I)erhaln, Oxford county, at whith a very sad affair occurred lest ,Sunday evening, Tfia report is to the effect that the gentleman named, Accompanied by hie wife hed left for elm rch, their two sons John and Wm., aced respeotively 10 end 14 years of age, being left iu charge. John said be would visit a neighbor's, but re- turned after a few minutes' ?absence, and was about to enter by another door, when sus brother, thinking lie noon 'meted \t"eattuiuster, near Lon- don, and prec'ering a row, captured* 6 cow which wee ' rslzin by. w p.+ �„t.lBAA,da3o, and catsvered her to the city. \Vllilat attt�rjlpliup to diapers of the stolen property iu the nu►rLet, Constable int - The Mermons are apprehensive of Brigham Youug'e arrest in consequence et we general indignation aroused b' Lee's coufes:aion. Measures are being tared, as tie ge.:.erel feeling is, that it was rot through any fault on hie part, that the vcia'ince occurred. Be&ide3 thin, nAtllix;; has been found iu hie ;At Londsdale on Saturday afternoon dealings with public affairs to cease \i were onsume'a barn and contents 11ini to frtfeit his efface, and, until he consumed by fire. Is is supposed violates !plated in llirn, he should be 'ins children set fire to the straw stack, 'left alone, ',However, the people. are as 111r. ;Sullivan, who was working at t0+jwi e. a short distance, on reaching the barns a saw it, cL•llt.1611 on the stack surrouu- A Moi sTibs1TY.-A cow belonging to decd by flames. He was badly burned. sing no value gt}o �foi th i �% Exeter apirl 2e, 18-r7.dAS. 13A7y$iE, week gave iirth to a remarkable mon- pGoo LAKE'S A1ENCL o name -credit, three Mr. John L1uk. mer, 10th sone ]last in reaching them: Loss estltnnted at 210 tips-rrwnCe. t y it ou On Frits a b strosity. Tie calf had two Treads, one half -1 est ten o'clock the oar- and sheds tory situate.;; on the abdomen: It has stroved by fire, together with five :hor- ! perfectly developed, the otherrudimen• belonging; to Adam McAllister were de - A number of splendid farms for tyle ata bargain. ! EV1frRAL Private residences, n building jots for sale, A number of dwellings to rent Bents, notes, aeeouuts &e., cell ted iivite ramie, to loan on .€ar4 top ertyat 8 ear Hent. obey to 1,alu31 on village pr l t alta pee nage GAGES BOUGHT... f.10 FTS STANCING A, LAK .QO.t M1SSiONE ,9fi'rrt77 C 7�`nd. ' :a 1 A nut. - ]r I d tt " `• o ta. asoas 3loek,`li; titer.' seven feet aid legs in various positions our the oody ttparently with very little view to regnhrity or natural position, the other e D ing; from the spine. Clue of the foot coitaiued three large elates instead of tel. Coit/ and offspring are dead, The c 1 was exhumed after the •urpose of eiciuniug and it was found to be too 1. large number of shade two hundred or more, It planted out °onthe illage, aud protected. It plant them on both sides is next fall or spring. burial for the stuffing it, bu mu oh eau tilat Tarns .—A .tteea, •probab were .last w streets of the 1s proposed t of all our"•8:ttr Should tura; f ow well, in, a few .years our village 181I be the pttiest iu ,On- tario. Ouv public enterprise for the beantifyiur or advancement of our vil- L.ge is n'teworthy: and praiseworthy. $IiIr,DI c+. -- Already a number of dwellings gone )t 1 ha and a i lnlb0ir g vee up more is in progress, Some of°°them Bock, of Logan, will lade about $4,000 will be a oredit to the, place and to tine by the flight. Mfr. Enowltoii wawa Kell nes, eight ranch con's, and nearly all Ins farming i.mplomentta. The fire is I supposed to be thework of an incendi- ary. The loss is estimated at $2,000 insurance, $000. The Chide of Six Nation Indiaus have intimated their willingness to vote $5,00C from the capital account of the t3ix Nations towers the 1,ferno- tial now being arranged for. Twenty thousand is the lowest'st1 m. stipulated as regnited to• accomplish the object desired. A train. of 21 car -loads of tea and *silk, frons: Yokohama for Now York, passed over the Air Lino yesterday afternoon. • - 'The London papers report th ab- sconding of Mr, Marvin know nen of that city, who trailed ler•g'e1y in the lumber business. His li.tabilities:ire re- presented et $80,000, end available -as - tints oil y about $20,000: MT. George sena iflg Steamers 4erOrsf Vie c'auttnrrt try arses. The novel enterprise of transporting lama steamers across 11teecentinent has been succeesful$y carried ort within it few weeks. In October 1t'Tti, George Il. Bradbury, president of the Occiden- tal ea Oriental Steantahip Company, made contraet with Fletcher, Marne SOU & Co., of this city, for the ce)n.true. 1last of two side wheel steamboats, each of the following diluelleicans :—Reel, 910 feet; beetre, 02 feat ; (depth of hold, 101 feet. Each was to Lure two boil - Wag a burglar, o,Tn1A to steal some ors, one vt'rtirki beam eondsn ing oil- ! diem - money wh]ch ,vas in the home, called gine with a cylinder 50 inches in diem ' &ter end 11 feet length or T ,. $ till stroke, The tl t fi u Don't exile in or 11 I sl o to d you 1" 'Before John had time to answer contract plodded that the hulls, be 110 having meanwhile, through alarm built andry, and tt,gt i week should be dr ttvn the dttor close, Witham metol- built fitted tt,gc (last inert, and that cd stay the gun, Ase, stunts n atch; When cemeleted the beats should be y rail to and, levelling it at the door, dischaargf tien l.e rsslto �t i c teeieces d td "t re �u+l i ed l together ed i . The bullet passed through the . nein. ie ,i door and penetrated William's ett,ul- .sial. nt berel1 urhi ti ,1 their agree areh. 'rho uufortunlate ynulls; nlau' mem, Th teres, ded then a% t't' , l,arly soon lay sweltering in Ins blood, nail in „lurch forwarded the 111181 ., . , ma- chiuery of the first vessel and they succumbed to the frightful injuries lie have Since despa`ched the 11.711 and had The areceired on il 9 canes donday m regret machinery ofthe seoond with the join in the neighborhood, deceased being a w r worsec,ind for both. The rdboilerstar the very promising lad, held in high esteem. city ad boat aero delands in ow o n Dr, Barkwell, of Lnaknow stun city about ra lues, ago, and are no;v o n poses proeeedin!, tQ Tnri,ey to join the lits way to San Franc ACD, '1'!:e entire modem]. staff of the Turkish army. shipped n ats nb©eat800 l " GIl711 ic]ITbe four Mr. Dempsey of Mantratl, ac Bused boilers were completed beone shipment of abducting hit young wife, has been and taken on ]ocom •tive troche to Put discharged, as the lady's .age was proy- faro, whence they were transfer td to ed to be over 16. Level eats, rpon which they were 'The ease of Mr. Clark Pugh and his transported without change to their wife of Leaden, charged with stealing } dastirletion. Each shipment ]1138 been (tottered about twenty days after It left New York. and, receiving goods from Iiing'smili's store. came before the judge yesterday. Mrs. Pugh was acgnitted. The steamers aro . intended to run '.1'he forts in the neighborhood of Ifni Francisco to Sancelito, the other from ifax tare being supplied ,with improved nail � 111.1 cisco to.liase Rafael. guns and xmmuniti+til, anti tnur/li ac - A NEW SORT OF 11ATRI.II6NAL ADVER- tirity 18 displayed by the military au- eiseei nes.-Here is a translation al a thorities 1tl a quiet way. Three iron- t1l:atsl.norli)tl,advertisement that recent - clads are to be statianand here On- ly eppenl•ed it the ]areatus of may other regiment- of eoldiere the 'land Nous ---„1. woubl like Art marry my , liig111audern,. is ox ['rioted shnr•ily, daughter, who is ednccated and colnel G•r)derioll Town Uounoil oft nr4 1Wen- to San energetic business man of good ty-fivo cents for every shade tree family. Applicants m.ty :.end, in con - planted in the streets of taut: town. fislanee, their taddror.sen and photagrans 'Canada is Ibis year repre1entetd at to Pio. 58.1 erase of this j,)nrnal;untli of the Paris Solon, a piittting by t4 which will be 'resumed to uvti-sucees3 llotitrcnl artist having been acoepted '111 applieaalts. Anonyrn.)n.a letters by the Exhibition Committee, will reeoICe no attentieu.” This is de - On Wednesday morning, shortly be- cidndly fresh: In America we gars ac- fore daylight; s stable belonging to Mr. cutrtcln,'td to young men H.dcertisin", for Cox, Pair.;ley, took fire, and four hor- wives, or y..lin.; `1'or17r~li:abeithnsb.ande ; sea were bnrne.d to death. Two of the but we have yet to learn Dint resits ad - horses belonged to Mr. S. Sba.ndon. vertti;ing t.11..i.r dint„ Mets cur sale just' The noise lnado by the' to.itured alai • 1 1cc'ar1S 'erdislf ry'cr,)Rniphdity. 11fa3 e3)08 triols awakened persona, wile gave the therefore has t4tiglitits ra new idea alarm. run, It does not seem to be known which may cn)trsntr,tl a.tse i to fra.hers how the fit•e.,0cout red. The loris alto- who despair of aiinnnag'son.-tri-have by gt (her is $800, old fashionedniewrl8, ' :