HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-4-5, Page 8CHER, and $. S. SCROD at R of- our AR BIBLES, J. tt Edges, Ilefereneee ad Index a tempt of price. GRGG-, LE AND ameris , STATioxr:ht AND aooz- F1LWC1', PAIS ST, =RTES. LOCAL, F'hs Timex may be hail for 5 Cts. ver copy at d1. 1I,Roaa&regil4s mad J.Gri cg's ,Book- stores. wadin th is a very sink through :. the knees in wet he empties the wa # t of hie shoes, he wonders why people are not oblig. ed to keep their sidewalks cleaned oft'. HORSES ARMED. — The heavy draught Clydesdale stallion% recently of %voter. it sensation 3o imself up to lush, and es. TUE TIMI C —The managers of the affair Abiding that asa rebpeotabla portion of the eat- abtea remained after all has fully sat- isfied the wante of the inner man, de. terwino4 upon having a Rocial on Mon- day evening, which idea they accord- ingly carriea into effect. The price of Admission was place, at the moderate A14111, v, 1871 pu,rehesed by llfessre+ Cherles Mason, Sum, of ten cents. 5:1110 hall, was again of Tockersrnitll, an Haavrkshasr, and comfortably filled with an anther Fe Hodgson, of Exeter, from l)r. Souter. who listened, With appreciative at. Tales of Buffalo end of which we made tendon to a progrAmme, which, if pes- 141n Savenerton wisheM' ue to say to orro ndir country of the c u the farmers that he will not buy any grain aiT the market After this week until after seeding. Dceriseee,--11 area went ertiOata►1 testi;. or thelnetnrel rues extracted, eaU tat J !. kills dieted offiee, isn Fsnsetee block, Bxowaoo11 Orr:Nixo Dar.—On Thum - day, Aprtl 12, the millinery a towrootam of Jas. Pickard ictll bo opened witb all the novoltiee.of the semen. Call and see. Dlaemer c.—The St fary'a tlraoatie club performed in Drew's hall an Tlturaday evening Inst to a poor I1;1uee, Grass Itts rOVEla.- -'Cleo plata glees window plane which was uu- fortnnetely broken some time ago and thus since dtafgnred the otherwise handsome window of tate 1)queinion Laboratory, bee been removed and a aonntl glass aubetituted therefor' Fztr,n,—SeYorat cellars and ambles in the vlllego were filled with water lest 'Sunday awing to the :rain storm, aua one family:bad some difficulty in getting their horses out of the deluged building where they soon would have found a watery grave. mention a fear weeks ago, arrived on Bible, ryas better than that of Friday Tuesday last. They are very fine aro evening. The priucipal feature of the ;mals. One weighed 1720 .pounds, entertainment was a speech delivered 1si,1►1rai1jPI , School, Jl.'4►.Ar11iA,elen.— A very alto• cessfel exentinaatiou ,woe held onFri- i ay, Marelt 27.th,`in S. S. No. 0, .I3id- dulph, Muss Letitia Friars teatober The pupils' were exaaamiued" by 14Ir, (lavers hill, :Miss IIlt-Louchliu aud ,Mr. Smith. tulle forenoon •floe smaller Children. were, examined, winch. proved very satisfi etery. aud the weather beim. fa-' vauranbte a large unlrnber of visit=or•s wa4 present, 'and. at noon alt present par- -to+ak of the refreshments provider; by the ladies, which Were not at ell ant of place et Abouttba,t time of the clay. In the afteruoou the larger scholars were examined thoroughly en the dif- and the other 17:50 aefter corning oft" by our young friend aud farmer towns- l ferent branches, aud showed by their the train They are a good color, be. Many now of Lontlall, Bev, F. ;Whit ability ailri readlihess to answer the ing 'brightbay and ere a veil limbed, look We congratulate frank upon unsex*ons ativenced to them tlirtt they ng b a era cell 1 oa,ta dl Iii rite *natter. After One, "" Heather doaik, will be travel- the proznptnc with which he respond- the exaanihaatiaan. several addresses were led in this, viozuity, and the other, ed to the eall, stud the admirable mans delivered Kadin winding up the Na "" Never Mind,," will travel on the old iter in which he net/14141a hiuleelf. route for several years traveled by erre. The proceeds of the two entertain- tired to their tionat Anthem was sang by the sehi'l. ars. After which the people a=.11 re- ltomee, highly pleased Mason, meats trill be applied to purchasing rata with the entertainmennt of the day. As ART'Ere'R ?MONTHLY, -,.- The April Qrgan for the divisi"" far osa we cell learn Miss jriaars, is that number ofotlhae popular ;monthly is re- Lantre.ttre-..- 1r, T, at. Wetson, Qt yen, first female teacher ;IOU Imam t,uurht in ceived and contains agreat variety of eall, sl..irped per L. It. ak large. that Belton', and when otentiteno� n a of erfor Hutu), •' t anter i s nye float; H m t 1 ti a a�Pa z duties e� 1 t ataoi her there, a. Ina. tl y qo to ala Moen intenAstu)g nt atter. lire e f cents n ret *snick ton, on Friday last. This timber is to thought it was gwnng .tat be as failure, Free ENGINE k'aeceecx.—No. 4, corn- patty engaged in practice with their engine " Defiance," on Monday even- ing last. The water was taken from the tault at the corner of Motu and Huron streets. The engine was in good working order, and threw the water considarably higher than the roof of Hawkahaw'a llansion, House, STonn.-- Last Sunday a violent arteria 1 o ompanied by a terrific gale of wind from the west swept ;over the vil- lage. It lasted only a amort time however ; but it did more toward break, ing the baclt of winter and preventing the sully rough -'un lingering its the: lap of erring than all the sunshine cf the previous week. The roads were in some places rendered almost imnas- sable, especially on those parts of the main street where so much Kind was wasttd last summer. R. S. MURRAY is prepared to fit up public buildings, churches and private residences with Velvet Carpets, Brus- sels Carpets, Tapestry Carrots, All - wool t;arpets,Dutch Carpets, Throe -ply Carpets, Matting and English Oil Cloth, Mattrassee, Feather Beds and Pillows, at short notice and at very monerate prices, 500 ends oil cloth at cost. 500 ends carpet'iat cost. No. 126 Dundas street. No. 125, Carling tireet, London, H. B, Imam, L I:?,,a, (of Nolles ,tt Abbott Dentists, LondonL•Llcentiate of BoyalCollege of Dental Surgeoittr,,m•all be at Central Hotel, 7i ;.ter, Monday'add Tuesday, April 9th and 10th Special attention to gold filling Notice of fature appointments will begiven. end capital, and to them we are i •tr;;ely' indebeed.for the proud pusi�ion we new hold; as" beim;, one of the beet markets in the country. We have also au ex- bellent groin heaver n Me. %V. U. Charters. To nem. uta oar tall-iness• and public aa•lva;ategee, beeetee tb' faaotariee going up. we have two churches, three general stores, two grain warehouses, true ptark-1aAS41itaa:;. estatalialnalltnt, entaitll emits' end turning factory, taipii butele, harness slurp. two • oarriego ,1nd blacksmith slurps, one boot and shoe store, ince tinaallop. the cebinet Vial erooln, (ane' pump pant ry, ono a; veher elle;"" (best in "lls uounty.j two or throe b'lilding firms,. two livery stables. 1e pubaic liaall, raaileey atetion, Wee:mph office, post corneal Aaoerieaan express tece, A real live insurance agent ie 1 tlna persa�n of lir John Mason, and tt i good U. D. in the permit* of Xr l:c- t)erwid. Now, : it Editor, how is.thee, for high, Damsel beiat; only one year old? _Hoping iron s ill give this 1 a place in your vaal i ble paper, and thanking you as a reader for the menny Uensaall items given heretofore in your putter, showing yon are not aafraaid tt? 1, ,prtak a won al in faivor of a eeigllboriazg �� n of"n 'in your own,. village, for leer neat 1i 8 Moura, A .fasseee 'rs. A Geste rartm.—Mr. Alva Baker .a few clays ago Dotal the Inlet ni Ins furfur near Renault, for nearly $800 aan acre.) l9rge number of well executed illustra- tions. " (Jur Familiar Birds " and A Cruise ;among tbo Atlantie Is - lends " are very ,entertaining an in - motive articles, There are several Amusing ettetchea, a *lumber of poem, stud the continuation of" Garth," A woman hater "" and " Ee' repro, or my Fatber's sin," The editorial depart- anent is well furnished. We itoticu that the y have adopted anew style of binding the magazine ; instead .f be- ing stitched 'withthread, it is fastened with wire rivets, •It is a .great hue prcreorient over the old style. "nrcir.--�On Sstnrtluy last, slnortiv before noon, the fire -bell was rung, and iu a very few minutes ;the fire engine war ready" for Taction. Happily its lervlcea were not needed, Tbn cense of elle adenyl was the discovery that DM of thechiniuiee of the Central Ho- tel was defective, ,and smoking con- siderably, 'The Rescue " WAS not long until she also was on the scene of action, anti ;tad a fire broken out, wouId have been of immense service as on a trial, nor more giganntic sister engine of the south was found to have " a screw loose somewhere," and could not be made a ork. be used in the construction of vessels for the lake trsde. This is an entirely. new enterprize in eltese parts. and owes its origin to the facilities afforded by the L, H. & B. for the shipment of nneh heavy timber. Mr.. W. is doing an immense bnai'leas in the timwer trade this season. " An/MIMING UTTERS.-- .From our ce- change we learn that poatmesters gen- erally desire to cell the attention of the public to the neccesaity of putting the naarlao of the comity in which the peat office is aitnated, aur etell as the name elders port office itself, on all letters., except auclh as ate destined for cities and larger toaylis. The co Won to stele the comity as part rrf the address is often the came of lettere being alelnyed, eye Woes, ---Wei nava the facili- ties and aro turning out work, which for style, ueatnesa aptl perfect press work can not be excelled in Ontario. Ca11 and see, specimens of our eT►rds, programmee, letter -heads=, bill-aeatais, circulars, certifeatea, peters, &e., &o. Hollsxs roe Estonevia.-- Canadian horses Ream to he in great demand in England at present, and the horses of the county. of Huron, tong renowned for its eiccellont steel; of all kinds, also appear to be in high favor with buyers. Mr. Somerville, Y, S of Buffalo, Ilse visited Exeter three tinges during the Last:two months. He pure) ased twelve splendid etude last week. lie shipped to ];ngorsoll, thence to be sent to England. Ho inters 3a visiting Exetdr again shortly for the purpose of buying more horses. LATE Moms, --Owing to the ex- tremely bad state of the roads between Exeter and Lucaiu during a great portion of the year, end the late hour in the afternoon at which the stage leaves Lumen the southern mail doer not arrive in Exeter until about 7.80 o'clock p. m. The peouto ,aro caused considerable annoyance and incon- venience in the town, and at other educes along the route. When the various municipalities ihrough which the London, Huron and Bruce passes grantedbonuses, they did so upset the supposition that tho slow and tedious system of coaching the mails would bo abolished as soon as practicable, and a good decal of dissatisf'tction was ex- pressed when the Postmaster General some time ago, in answer to a question by lz°, G oea.w.ty, member for Huron, stated that it was not the intention of the Government to have the mails car- ried on the railway at present. If the avails ever arrived itt the time billed, ilia people might patiently await the supreme pleasure of Mr, Huntington ; but they do not arrive for sumo houre after ; and hence considerable dissat- isfaction is felt. We hear that Mr. D. Johns, the pos'master of the vil- lage, is taking the matter in handl, and is preparing a petition representing to the Government the poietion we are placed in and requesting them to hand over the mail contract to the rail- way company. Mr Johns will have no trouble iu obtaining signeturee to the petition, bait now 11 is proved to their great sa - iafactwn, that abs is just as efficient a teacher as they desire. In feet we be - neve from whet we saw, that else lute more authority Ana control over echo], lars, than one4tnlf of the male teach - We now bo;ievuher Wiled is III a very progreesivo state. ONE RUO WAS Tnlrltx. B. C. Cui. cu.—Qiiite an interesting 1 service was held in the B. C. Church on Good Friday afternoeu, it bele,' the occasion of the reception into Church fe l nvship of 120 persons who have bro'i converted during the past few weeks. The following was the order of the service. conducted • by Revds. Butcher and Allen. After the opening exerciiss, t,n address to the new t'm- verts, the adniuistration of the rite of Christian Rapti: ua'to lir. F. England, end ;hiss L. Latta ; the Sacrament' of the Lord's Supper to about 815 par- sons ;aud the relation of Christian ex- perience. About•30 or 44 persons still remain to be received. The meeting will in all prob close on Friday evening next, TBE STREETS:—Tho recent thaw end the warm rains have made the streets very slushy and disagreeable, and some 'of the crar'siugs 'are almost ill - passable for pedestrians. W1neala man is talking softly along a ridge of .what - ma It A CANADIAN I.'xovasrt O,nvu.---,oar, W. WhSOn, of 11110tOWn0hita, hats 1et•etat1y received intimation of the death of hie farther, which took piece on the 18tH nit., at the homestead f=arm in the townaidis of Ctuuber'aand, County of llosaell, Out, Mr. William =eon WWI in Itis flOtlt year at the time of his detail. Iie ITaa barn in the Coalltty of Westmeath. Ireland, ennigreted to Can- ada in t1*e year 1802, aud settled on a farm in the above named iownehip, where Ito lived until hie death. Like his eldest son in this towanshila Ino was a man highly esteemed by his followts, and was an active nand useful member of sootety. Mrs Williaun Wilson of Hay, is the eldest of 18 children, apd we hut oxpieea elle nnanitnoals wish 'of ell who ;nave eujoye4 the pleasure of his aoalnatntance that bo rimy be spared to as ripe an raga ns hie worthy par- ent. Azr.AN Lixr, -- This Company's Lines ate composed of first-class, full - powered, Clyde build, double engine Iron Steannshipe, of 'winch oute, from Portland every Saturday, cutting at Halifax for the snails and passen- gers. and are intended to be dispatch - ea from Parttnnd as follows :— Moravian ,.,..24th March Circassian... 31st Marsh Polynesian 7th April bcandinavian,l4th April Sarmatian .....21st April Caspian 18th April For ttcltete and particulars cull at this office. S. or T. TEA-ItleserxG.—Tho enter- prising spirits in the Exeter Division S. of 'Temperance, having a desire 'to spread the principles of their order, and also a lack of funds, gave' a tea•meetting on Fri4ay evening last in tine store lately occupied by F. W. Mitchell in Drew's block. Punctually at,6 o'clock the doors were opened to' a large hungry and thirsty crowd„who sat down at the tables, which were spread with the most tempting viands that the charming young ladies of Exeter could prepare. After; ample justice had. been doneto these good things, the- i'icitors repaired -to the hall over- head, where a choice intellectual feast awaitli them. A eplenddid pro gramme, consisting of tonging, ng, read inl{e, recitations, ate., .was well Tend- ered., attai'at a very seasonable hour the company dispersed, having enrich 11' t t til t b thirtyodddollars► he supno poses is is sno.a, o escape totreasury y. some 4 To the 'ditor of the Tures. Dean Sin, --I have no eioubt but that yourseif,a nd. many of your residers Fon TUE Lean ok lJ cto% JoiATzrAr• [r. WonIoiwis of Stephen, alto has lately worked up unite as reputation ea a breeder of all ktucla of Meek, left tbia lownahip yesteralny fo lsarrine City,. gichigen, whither he has gone at Ow request of oleo of the forewnet Agrioul- rural Soeletiee of dart Slate, to travelaria splendid yonntg stallion " Oae ado. Baauk,'' Our neighbors stem to have taken quite a ttney to t;antuliau bred horses ti late genre, ars quiteat number of Qanadiatin stallions, are traveiliug in. *miens parts of tato Utuitcd Stater. Colman I. 'rua�icmeatis,•-Alt then mal e - present. ,Minutesof former meet - lug read studsigueti. Moved by T. Yearly, weeded by 'V. Baker, that the two petitions requesting old to ex- tend the gravelling of Exeter side road lay over until nett meeting. Resolved that • Treaaurcr deposit witu Clerk a. copy of absentees. Moved by W. Ba- ker, aecoaialed by, C. Either, haat here- eftur all orders paid by `Treasurer be dated ami reecipted, Next =Olin; elf • Council to'be at euli of Reeve. The following orders were pentad t T. e Coughlan for 50 days in 1877 noting as'Treasu,er $11 50; W Fulton, error in ausehenlent for8 yells $6858; Aufilt lug, $20 ; Crediton Fair, $5; J. Lewis, collecting $90; 0. Prouty, pert salary x,25; A. Llobkitk going to T. Coughlan will be pleased to learn that Henst.11 is 1 for roomy, books &c., 2; J. Lewis, no longer a here Nide Post Unice, as a slashing ortio,a &c., $5. eslttain party chooses to style it, but a rualmuiu line and " distributing as I ail iufortned a.source of revenue already to the Government, although only in ha infancy, whish specks well i G'EJ1'TKdLl r1. MADEETs AT CE. TRALIA. — Wheat ;1.25 to $1.40 per bushel. Peas 75c. Oats 42c, Butter'20e per pound. Hay $0 per, ton ; Wood $2.25 to $2.55 per cord. INDIAN Cones.—Al car Toad of corn from the west. slightly damaged, for- warded here for sate. was readily dis- posed of to the fanners at 60 de, per 160 lbs. A fow more carloads of the same nrticle.would meet with a ready sale. PisisonAL.-Bev. J. Holmes, niter fulfilling an exchange of duty for a week or two at London, has retained to Centralia,with renewed health estivigor. WHOOPING.C0UGH.--This trouble. some affection was a few weeks ago very prevalent in this neighborhood among the children; but with •vernal charge in the weather, we 'are happy to say, has mow entirely disappeared. for the protrese of r+he place,;and man- NtiCement of the alio. . The inliatbi. Sweetland of Hsutland surronunding men - try are certainly indebted to Mr. Sweet - men our excellent Inspector, aud the Postmaster -General for the change made in our mail route, thus maetiug the wants of rhe place, so that we now receive and dispatch two inailat a day in place of one, thereby enabling us to answer lettere 24 hours earlier than formerly, which is a real boon to our business men, Hensel' continues to grow notwithstanding the hard times sp;,ken of everwhere, and it is the opinion of many, that more buildings will go up this year than tLere did last, in fact building has been going on all throngh the winter, On some of the stormiest days carpenters might bo seen bhsily engaged in the erection of buildings, so anxious are the people to get into the, anti on every side may. be seen piles of building niaterial,ready to be tired whenever the spriug fully opens. Among the* host of other buildings going up, are two large Man- ufactories; Itainely : Saw and Planing Mill by T. J. :Wilsou on a large settle, Aad R Planing Sash ar4l Door Factory by Messrs Psttersou and Bell. Both establishments are . in the village, and there are good openings dor other •iu- duatries in the place, viz: such as a a oed;'_F1,.nring Mill,.Foundry, Tannery Flax -344i, Etc.: We. hay a already a R,aalte,Snaith and 'Toning Factory on a large lode George Cottle, also one of the heat Pork Packing establishments in': the 'country," - carried on oy the ;Meagre . Petty, , who, during the last pork so1Pon,,lluught not only the hogs "fared llere,.Lut bed buyers in the sur- rounding tewais 1614 iiilggesl. Indeed ,the *we. Petty, and Mar. T. 3. Wit - soh may be called the Where of .'flee place, altl*otzgll,' all' three' are .bachelors, (strange to says) The lliessrs Petty l n'rchased.all.the hoge,bronght to lien - sail, and Mr. Wilson, ell the loge, bo- Cmee u Tore•Plaor.– In addition to similiar presents, made _ to other cl,ureee, Mr, Fitton,of Exeter, with his' accustomed liberality,; • hats presented the , Bible Clhrietiau Cl nrelt nt , Cen- tralia with a handsome ne w time -piece. The congregation tender htua`''their best ilu►nl;aaw. Divis;UIiCouwrINsPscTolt.-$i iekey. Esq., the,Governnneut D. 0, Insnector, passed thiougirtins villaage•'a few dart ago on his too of iuepection ill County of Huron.: He is very enxions to bring about 1a`porfect-nniforenev of , practice the Dlvieio'n Ceurt ef; i!'lts throughout eel's getting out an unrneneo'gnantity' the province, which)(meld:bi a great 0e/square timber for the BritishisBritish mar - by • Dr, Q hs - PURMDBUGS it; CAEMICALS, DYE STUFF. SPONGES, HORSE & CAT TL MEDICINES STATIONERY, .FANCY GOODS BASEBALLS, & BA _OS; CROQUET SETS, TOPS, BACK COMBS, SKIPPING ROPES. RUBBER BALLS, deeideratu e } ket; ,All three are'.men of enterprise MARBLES, ALLEYS, MOTTOES, 'f SLATS land FRAMES, SCHOOL BOOKS, 1t;c. &c. Sheet and half dime manic con- stantly on hand. Music requir- ed and not in stock procured on the shortest notice. Itemeinber the stand : M. M ROSEBRUEN'S, eirectly opposite Control Hotel. NEW CARPENTER SE14 P, The undersigned wenld beg leave to aegvyiati. the Public that that they have opened oat 'as CARPENTER & JOINER 61101? Oe the street leading to the B. C. church, arz4%. that they 'are prepared to eontractfor all )dinkier. OF BUILDING & JOINER WORD. Plana and epeelfcvtiona fll- ` toed. and luau their 1rperience ,ii ane business,' they tee eonfident of giving satisfaction to those who >ray ,favour them with their patronage. 1sUNSTON & HLLAIRD Spier J naNt'/t1,187s.` . 3-nm