HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-4-5, Page 7r
Ap1L51 1877 TEM TIKTS
1124.6' .14,`,44110- ;,;“...1:6464,-440,I110,atl, :S.P11111.2:L;C13.4141C,',. AA, r•Ina 4.. • ma...A., ,....mern.,Aordi , e wry,. ,
elletiothropereeissother leecepteessi,
When the- blue glass helievers be-
come tired of their hobby, es many of
teem doubtless already have of mes-
merism and " movement," " grape,"
and other " eurees," which
from time to time have furnished em-
s/items for izaitile or held ont vein
hope to the afflicted, they will fid new
tioid for their credulity in mental
'eerie 'Kitty invented in France, and termisu oompcfset by himself: „poor
'e tech. ecconling tO ono ofour .heet Preston Packer, practical printer, pre.
FreIz °°nte"-`°Par"rie', w'rKi°1" vioutiely pigpen painter, poor, proud,
wireeiee. Here are some eartiouler pereory present publiser,
*mules we.m" '6.4S t‘gta'IY (part proprietor) 'Princeton epeuny
paralyzed over her right side. IJr
body 1114d kitTerly offeeling ; and
sharp needle thrust into her side. at. The editor of the Indianapelie deraid
exacted uo notice, Dr Burg simply tells about a girl so"MOTS" to
gave her a cylinder of gold :to hold in nearly faiut wheu -addresee by le gou-
the baud, elm being h'inilfoided. Lu
liftteu athletelto felt a pin prick,
then recognized the touch of plurelo
ensibiiy.Another had her left
aide paralyzed This called for a cop.
per cylinder, whereupon elle too VOA
cured. Then a, von. able witobe
jew e as in a stunt:kr imfortunate eon -
44014 $1145 cured by limp of iron
under her tougati teed* bandage of
'iron plates ou her heed. Ie should be
obeerved that intoxlmneing vnetele up'
0» these people did not prodnee geed
reunite. Their 4*syettlioe required the
negate named, and *20 others.
°muse, of course eleptriety, it bong
the fueltion to retie . that mitelt-misneed
word to explain enything width h.
not ecadily comprehended. hone blue
ge14$4 t.? lore " Vectrie
e.oueeeettiy," our contemporary oldie
aid the hetet Elet:eptitIO, Mthilt",(Zel-Ot.
oce;g•ral eoltuutte to Re grave 4;on-
Akne urgaarro Ol'on
A. weetern editor soliloquizes thue
"It makes Eta to realize that all
the train robbers and bank burgl*rs
were once good little boys, and set on
the door etope waiting for roe to come
home from the society meeting,"
A middle aged oompoeitor at the Gse
zotte irrootoo, N. neneed
Peter r. Peckereelso eery* d AU sylvan.
40344 at the printing Wilhite/4, at
Princeton, owl the Mowing ie in ale
Queen, bet who required no pressing
to sit et the piano rind eing "Some-
body's watchiag tie, pull down the
ity•of subjects, end regained perfect b 1.1 •
A Memphis reportat corrueentee
tittle "'Die writer line ism the sun go
down in tile WaVell of the
Swine gulf,in the Iledi:0;renean, aud
behind the Pyramids:, but it wee never
etteuded to ite couch with mere spleuo,
dor titan yesterday and the ditybefore,"
N • Jersey editor lost hie bet geld
pen nod Doltier 8. shott time ago. AS -
ter Itirtidog a thorough 40 rob all over
the ealee a 4 amusing A dozen tramps
with the theft, he hepponed to reteem-
We whore no last placed itesed bending
dewit the top of his ter, diecovertel zio
less tuan louden penholders, of varioue
which he had lost during the
peet two yeara. So it is paid,
Rev doth the 11111e 1*(40..lier•roneb,
Around thesinetum roam;
Ile sett, outlast* and, &tato ear auk
And wawa Itionslf at 1 ome.
But*liters suould notrasaut
The pretty creatures whits:
t able pang wore never saioat
To put n host oulam,
At 14 Sir ni,son fer the lonofit of the
pour at cute Of the rade theaters, o
very pretty adroit; presided ever one 0. A. reporter, meditating matrimony,
the steeds, 'when at U4Ibk8*MI Wh14izOm described a piece of eetenery t "The
hapeoned to be 1,resent, beetteringlr translucent waters of & mole, etreawiet
*eked liar how niech oho woeld take or warbled gaily between emerald beuks
ee kiss/. She g1neoi ninirit-or and soothing umbrageous sheeleve and
steiniv, mei replied thnt oho would not dowsed gently into the calm boom of
the lordly lake, while soonteilizephyte
breathed fondly upon heir peaceful
1114014." Ile got married next iley,end
has holm wondering over eine° whet in
leise any wet bin her le t tate& The
priuce passed on, but retnrinel to the
stend,e quarter of cm hour aterwaril
mud Reid, raoher thoughtfully to II 0
tees, "Will you permit Ole to 8*sk the world, he vats thinking of earn% he
„you another questioir, mittlemoitielle ?" wrote that.
e With pleasure, sir?" *Home's the place for boys' Eta a
"HAN° YOO as betrothed?" • stero perent to his sou, wim won feed
SW eyed him A tiltiMellt in surprise or going out g flied.
and then said, wait a blueli and smile, • 'Thet'e just whet I think when.you
44 No, sfr;" drive me off to althea every morning.'
" Would you, like to have oito 2' said the IMP.
lif efrliat a epoxide upon eircenteeences?'"ten acquaintances met on so, wet
she said. laughing. des, ono greeted the ether -with,
"Well, then, world you take me 7' elleetttiftd rain, tidal fetch thhigs out
So seeing lie handed her his card.- of the ground l' Second friend (die -
She was greatly surprised, and finally consoletely)-- Hope not; got two ewe,
simmered that she would give lora en there sir.'
*rawer tho next day. 011 the fide Old Mrie Sirophigh read thnt if cost
lowing moruidg he called at/her hotoe, $00,000 to move 'Cleopatra's needle'
tile reply wits in the eferipetive, and from Egypt to Loudon, and row she
to -day mademoiselle is a princeee and would like eo know about bow muoh it
as happy wife. „ would cost to move Clsopetra's ow.
e-eeeoe''--e-/----"ing mechine the same dietenoe.
,• Tim Deems or GhACI:•-•-...,t40 OLIO ' OAD ' Before we were naarried,' said he
luow the depths of grate until he has to his friend, 'she used to say 'by -by'
. 4eXperience4theilepthe or mortal sorrow ea sweetly when , 1 went down tLe
Csn you not aeo why it is in answer to stees.' *And now what dose she see*?'
our most earnest at d persistet0 pray- Asked the Mend. lOil 1 just The same,'
ers 2 It often happens that our Lord's exclaimed the ronu-buy buy.' Ah I
love for us ie exprestted mashy rebuke see,' said the other ; she only exerci.
then by thee special maulfeetationste sea a little different spell over you,'
Whitt/ we pray. This is the way He An emusieg story is told of the
fulfils His promises to those whom he 13axon x --e.---, a member 'of one of the
loves. As temporal sorrows lie shoe- oldest and prOrnlastfaini.leSist Pratte%
tors their earthly hope that they may. who had had ,asged fmr him, as the
know Him alone. By spiritual trials, .ayiog is, to marriage with -en English
Ile reveals the strength and depth of lady ofiramense wealth. A few weeks
their corruption, that, they may know before the date appointed for Ilia. wed -
the power of His forgiving and sancti- ding the lover found out that his be-
fyieg love. By manifold temptations, trothek instead of being of good fam-
Ile tries their faith iu His love and Hisily, as had been reported to him,' 'was
promise. -
tb.e daughter of a nizack • (looter, her
GOOD Anvron snort min Yo. -Avoid golden guineas lerteieg been derived
All hoestoegs and exaggeratioyi, . back- from the in:le offateut pills. "'He broke
...• 'biting, abuse, and evil speaking ; slang oft the'. Match 'wliereat his' father
I phrases and oaths in conversation:; do Couut'X--, who'cleanced to be -a lei -
placate no man's, qualities, and accept dower,' ws,s serely.distressod. So inany
the' hospitalities of Ake humbleet:killd in 'millions,' and'all lost to the ' family,
.a hearty and appreciative Manner ; Rather thin] that ehould occur he would.
avoid giving offense, aucltif you do .of- marry the lady himself,' which he did
fend, have tele manliness -tee apologize; forthwith • - ' • • •
infuse its pinch eldOeiRte `as possible ; A ?a:1.37,41d , time summoned ike, sp.
into your thoughts as' well as into your County Court. Atter ' fefOlgiag, ' teal!.
fictional and, asymeatioid vulgarities; eiibto,lli, I
es -n
...., eleseveritt 'qua -times. pro
yots will inereeeue the enjoyment of life pounded, bY, the" solicitor,her.AVas aceep-
tied grow 122 Ilidrespect df lothers.'' ' ted,'and.in the fisial Wt&racitinapaitd
tit look uPolilllePrilionard After sop-
, .• . „,,,„ .,,,„ ning the mon Clostly”he t:‘tliYfej 0 iee4
, ''"'"'"`''' . - . ;" ' . '' 'f, juror toriied ' to ' 'the .itidge,-and ill glt.
; .'" '•• .: ' ' 1 IV .;VI''' '''. . firm 1 elenti.OididO,' Iseq(v*Ias, I think
An edieor's chaleis Hee a bilek tool,h, .he,s g umy.., ,, , , -
,. . -hard to fill: . Ce J . . . • :.• •.,,I; . • , , - ‘t• ..
' •i'• ' li. Cineintatti typo•evadee it-'7"131igh l''''''''•!"'"4",""""`"*"'Fr-'"""'"Z"'''''''''W44
r user , metead o Moe libly at
' : Tfousscit•tU.,. :lie ....bretit'Ved.k 'burial :' tom''": MIL itiIINT,71-1t:1"'-''
. , .cremation. - • .„.,,,, ,, ,s
, .,, .; . •
. '' A '• tirestatri' paper ; soya.. ,!,f that, brie liats,130hUst1; ardoss14,0 cZttai ,roothia t0
' 7.f.v, 'itin sic • is something that, staxs ,,w,ith you
Mowers and Reapers
of oar eolibratei
ngle Mowers
Single Reapers
ou ktisa s of Grass and Grain, Pla* ail con
Mucus of soilsn4 surface.
'•iot r,kf Avhite 0Ottioh plutnectprOrtfe11961),Ladies."
, 44•4,1 igi•l.t''•''' • KNE1 would setri to put °t11°' iTaio°09,: acu,11, arf IT liirglei;3' ditillalit7seoltiearretttVidsB";inti.
pigleuete:e in the "fren't tti/Yk 'df' A.i:aii-
Oa NV A.,1. w .
,:, • ca:n .coroposers, , ,,. , , e , e „,.. ., , • ' - ' • :,teeeeteihelejerveet e, .•
isalhtary ' ef' the flew: editor of It ti ' '' ' '' "---;''' '' f I.! . ''' k ''
1 : 11atti4itthyin.6 (1i.,),, south west : ..o":6:6Y - TA It its ts- t,'" , &ft ta•IPLAS.‘ 1
. ,, , . • i ,.,,,, ,,,!, , 4•4,.
morning. We intend publishin ili,4 e'lit '13i fl.,1,10 La 00 16"Frgt 5".41(' ' at. • ',..
Driocrutio" Paper. If Yeti dUn't ? iltb' '• ''', lif150"*G`AltLigr^8.4
it you niedu't road it." •. ,
zete7, .
We *Iva *trot TrialatWrought Imo
Two uvti** issuevuod vita
Two ritruans,
Two Drag.li OS,
TWO Finger -brim
Forked and Rayed.
N ate,
etc., ole.
be ob. atgedfrom wer
to Reap, er
*rsoungral of Agar bolt% (Litt woes sup mom
tunautes' time.
risme call at our works and looped
ear Machines before purchasing
$r end for Catalogues.
Manufacturing Cu., Stmtford.
Tobacco! Tobacco! Tobacco!
Tit* very boat at lowest priors.
amiorrAro TOBACCO A .srporAz.
064I,E and .11LET411.
Call at
Being avow he receipt of a, largo steel; o
Dry Goods, Groceries, NV:
Liquors, Crockery, gi
At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will
prepared to glean khads
House Painting, Paper-hangi.ng
Whitening, dzo„
reasonable prices and punetnally.
tncx,vzhvf ocrerz,p IIY
oatious. Thousands Of ca sos,
rar•u: hofotfoergtr.leJTO8ttretill
r or smell all Demists.
Ai:ow Sisl.U0.zseitqtitia Catarrh Rua ody.
bond Of asap for Troatiso on Cel-
ts 2. J. B. HARDING, BrocklitalE
The inliabitants of Exeter =0 vicinity need not feel t
at the want of a market wherewith to make money.
call mt the store of the subscriber and
SECURE 13111101611
Therm to be bad in 0Yercoating, Broad-0'4th
Doe Skins, Silks, Winceys, :Dela.ines, axed everything
needed in the Dry Goods line, The Grocery
,Department is Complete. .ku. inspection invited
No trouble to sh.ow goods. CABLING
Vie undereigeedevalelatals.tho intiL•bitaa
of flays Usborne.in 1 e ,;,.. lit it; b.
veil o-Suout ouJfrttay. Otteter 27', bis
store with as chore a lot of FurnitaTe as eat
be seen north. ot Landon, and at. prices Mt..
!will he tonna as IOW espy Louse ut the tra4e•
31 no low. As the weds win be ranzaufuta•
ed uuhr xuy own sapervi.4ma, wW Lo tounri to
entire 6014w:tie% 'nose rantiug
furnish tluir how% s7:e01 arai exauabo.'
ray Wel; bef neporebaiog (4••,,wlatn.
FIVNEVALf;.; aAteutici 4.111 :Le u150.)
E, ir..
Hems% Oct, 26,
76, Cy)
Hooper & Bissett
Hooper & Bissett
ant avorytIttus fa the
General Grocery Line
(Whored total/Arta/a tbotOwn
Itemeraber the Place
Farm Produce taken in exchange
Hooper & Bissett
X. noezn wm. DISSRTT
' •
HOME s IVEL:77 I/041 •
• -t-t-wrc71..?,.
,,trireYeara'Slckiles ;Untilby roar aatties
11 Coistitittiotp)1 64tarrb.'Repteily.
eu1drs, ckRt.L1s1, a*,
,Omplints In Thmt 0„13gpilear.
's.,1;t. is, 1800*
, .Datr . clhdirous;thhketitors min/ know
oesoethint of the aperi,tti of 'TOM' CONBTITVTIONAI
813Ohl'Itaiintir I irtah to 2i,on ot•wksta A •
luta gisaofor 174a. 1 ant tTe031tyrni5e•X0440 014; kad
boon pat of health for Slicist 11ye -*nr4."1 hsd •
06#10160 igt,fouti,ilitfortoig SautorO,i astrIed
;••1:t111:11:tittIttr &,'Zitlit;',A4121Vti
loot foal, vlaon I had becomeood n 2.1
iui&ble to do an hour's work at a thstb. 111.1 .'mi*
4 soreness and ,mitt ruder tlao •sho,nkton bidos and'
. shoal ern, vrtiii very lame a
ldling 4* my rIgimI tunas thou& there auk,h
.wigght hporing i _Aorta, with tontqau,41 clocptung
in the threat and ihroln upon clie.Infigs:8u'alt•lytati
it? bo`ralition *ben Ihonkuladoed,hrtalto ur co.
otarkb Itornedy, Amo be 1.t10'..0 which ockaod ray '1.• alas -
and :griit limprovuil sha. atlot tak•
!leer; fathr buttles,T:was?rdstoted to,bolo$11,82. *4 to'•
4„opdu ;13 and nont?rned a UOik
stavihopotnit 4*liith I liavo
gstoil sea:sou...My, rfoovory I at-
itarbuto so/oly, wit trod's' ti 'u** of•
your CAtarrli
''••• 'aP••••, • • 11
.•L ,
*4-'44.S.t. •
'11-eeereeeetereeefe...... „.
41'2' 44.
:•••.•1 • I ',..
- •.-••.,_ -,% 4t. - T‘•• k,•:,-" -
'" 'WY' • ., - e'4";''••• ,-.: .1.1 :. -
:74 i .., ..,-,;;Ast'PMT1777 ,,, • 1V6407..i*"` . •,..i. . diTr'' ..,
•--- .......,....-..,,,,:„...A.„....,... .. ' ..:••••„5,,...t.V...,,,,r, •• . .
......I.C.SA.rgver.....me!,, ...„....,4, 4,,, ...4,,,,,e,,,...„,,,,,„.„‘,„„*„ .............,,,,,........
!tinware! .1:itlivair. 1 'Lltnalit, oem, op, ee. at Bissott 2eos., hare 7,'s St 1 of....ity••3
',- ?Vac stook oil:in and Jitiutnnosi Googa, ;Aid tura now in a po.aitird: co 7)11 1,12 1•11
ett•tora ere a,tadia publid-Aviorally to tottar ailvantaga, t.1.:0.%.1.:Jas., 310 dont) 01
-wIle„ro,-. Whoy.btrp,a,band. LaiansiLlonni-elassozs, aor,.,,ir, W1114*, 3* lal; 3' ".1
Pails arid Calli of the' lati4tIlersiOls .1. cia tntity, or i't-Vjab .1?:•51n,ileht li.v.iii
134'4501, •cY. thobs •149;04,,St. abiling 411.0,414448, Wrat14144,..gtriotg a ," t a 1,r. I, •11di 0 ,,0
btlai15esp, 7tave=rittu,: log' and, Da oat-stp.• .rweni.lca,t.lotly .••tta,h1d1 20. r
.Pxodrico tak0U, ill.,,e)gellUTIC,0,.;03.80faS.' ° • .licl ; ', .ILf .1.31Z.
'• ''''''fr.i•t4C.0 +.'..s..,,,,•;1...,.:",-• 1 ,..,, • •• ';'''rt ,r 1, : t'' ', , .,',A•1.• ,,11,Jvr.,•,.i,,,, Cr., .4,, I, „ ,„ ba,..b. 45,,,,,,u,
. ,
• , - ., , , .. - .
'4 ' . L.:LI' ,..:4 d.i ...44 '4'.....•.....i:2•......., '''':. . '
• • • Yours truly 11UNRY •• • '-‘7?' • '-•• • • X
°' 7.1 " • •. • •
por • og
. •