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The Exeter Times, 1877-4-5, Page 6
rt TIIE ws,w.« ot1:T or " 1ttf'-Oatifr, say pilgrim feel: trmaw: is laud; tti3vavea beat oeea eattrand, g cep, y deep, be s tan! Si.e st steep, ter3 scarred, o'er the deep, e uue:nein.; want. pith bluer whereof snore insepele, tee white ,imps ga,, alta la oS c t'.s ret, for re . Ay mite r'lii we -:en-r e3 fear:l•daee::a?i1 and t')ssittg ftee s, Wit.1 Cn)ahrjla"'(i JL 3 sea, lee: to.)TJ et ante, !reg iiug die ep an the send at?tie !lett eteLila.e et my feet, Strap e Wt., of v 4 4 an i w,.t+e rope TitoTsui sweeauee, t'ee to ste'ati Of tete derk,eevt ruhi of .the sea. My fairy dessttlhatlett leis lain. Cie%moored in aauhe a -ac+gi!itttea bey, Perm) by fair salsa a^toii the male, till swl(it`y on its h e a) s-4rd way, Me ships l my stately ehrotes lave; T all Macey a royal erg. r, Lite white -wined ;bird* lh►yshmeding:some. Aud ieiug tiheiria,tbcrei treasures tutA*me. Pearls from the tttterm:.ie's watery eel', Pare goll from sunrayerient Was. With toady a rosy •e:aahbsre,l s1n.,l atel jewel wrought by thin Cosies a:W.1%1;11 leh4 ctt.t4itl.:e, Of eaau:lal-was l fuel veered pallet. , Iiteltao,s al; with many S folic t v;tve: Anil odorous with ireiii < itrctrar>wct, Of late the seeueey of Ie e:and, it geyzers and voleanoeo, as well as its teary proximity to Europe, have made+ it a f avoriae haunt of tllo ubiguitoue t'euriet. so that the iilllttlaetttnte have, in addition to their zlatt:rcd re:ionrcer. the additional one of preying uu the Melte of p,1settge Reit.) c h a h to seat tltettt. mid l their Wend. Toe island was die - covered anti: Fettled ire Uho ninth can. tttry ley a;ui,erut,ts from Norway, to nbcrirr`,ivat inhabitants having !veer ex. keel here. Fiesta the c erlie•at period these a )+aa tree were distinguished f. r the turbulent clutrat;ter atf tbss;rdislesesttten, their love of fretadom, sol their love of letters. While the rest of Lnroile arab steeped in i; norane.e, teles lec:luuders, 'titivated lettere., and their sage men tanel Nie;dela crinpoeo 1 their popular Ihietr'ry which have sister received so Inllf'll attention from met -lent ::t, heels. The same love of le;trnine. di tin ;t•:tiihes the inhabit.iuts at the present tidy. They still speak the finest dia- lect of the Danish, and have numerous work either written in or traeelated 1 an their mother tonsue. They aro l.er,pitatdlo and kind, though primitive in Malty reepccls, and dress in a pie - t ''asque and real costume, of wbioli Wei are immensely proal. They aro said to inherit the character of their itre:fathers, and give an endless amount of trouble to Denmark, who now owns the island. It is in fact, the Ireland of the little Scandinavian Kingdom— the iuhabitants bearing, in more senses than one, a remarkable; likeness to the Emerald Isle. It aught to be ended that they arta honest and mold beyond even the high standing of the Danes ; and that though poor, it is rare to find one of them who can not both road and write. a Russian Crimes Every, crutevtl haat a pl5ysiehguoml,lttxti a character of its own, and stf.er ex- neriuilce of an English or au Irish erawd, one is rather -plea- ed with le Russian oue. Not that it is clean .or savor, b';lt'tit- id ,-so extremely gopd. natured aut1 well-beh,tvad There, iso' very little pushing cr elbowing. ,E v- pry one is courteous to his neighbure; tied yen are Lslir'd,not to see atllyttcts of, brutality or to. itielt . ariy . deeiger' fu lnLx.ing in it. Slnilillg toot-lnatut ad faxes are everywhere, 1)6 -maitorwhat; ilia tank yr position, for good ituiao'r'is indeed the chierktiaartiai beds: ` And then such a curious mixture of people' ltd seep 'll. cro d l`t!1nsrc11Antsl"rta'ith rr a tun„ dark bine t r L1rLt,k caftatarb, reu.eh- ing to their heFrll a1,3a Cl"tea cravats. tie.l ti.�,l;t aaottrat tlselt, rttodv., anis' showheg a shirt collar if they have one; stout old wa•men with silk kerchief':: Sr CU ,d ai+c inrl tliei "Haid " tltl'itq ".Keri congeal their hair ;7:419'y,elnpliter's V:gays and apprentice,. in wrest seetlas .tJ,e a dirty han4iu dressing ,golvn ; Artie., tans ii their blue wocltitrg•blocise tr;'(he ordinary town. peasant innheis ;radshirt; and high boots, and the itIuzihlcic fresh` from the conutry with¢ y, coat of iitic&vad teem Spun, Cltet'crs wtaund , i,turitl tails' le_,s iu lieu of Rtoel;ings"". tthd'?fi;utcw,s. made of plaited linden '1) irk ; here• and there a s`ltileut, v'ltlt dil:ty, -shirts ,tt ti long 1_a a tttid 'i1Sa`tt f ill'{'" fill f'1'=llitllJl.a evide qtly ;of the, ill,,a'that neatness ie inns -m att.ible; with 1earnlrlg ; tixler's prtt1•ably' hexa• priest ox, two, find it; i tt se.hti,ere. a :. F ,, What a awolleterful help it would be to every cultivator, if he could say to this soil and that one 'tell me what you are made of; what is lacking in your composition to make you grow a goad crop of that kind,' and the soil shute answer,: '1 lack potash,' or ' I lack phosphorio geld,* gr ' 1= lack lime;" etc. With anoll answer& 'we 0.0010. g+a: rig ht to work and snppiv the dei ient element orslements .Note it is guess work. We put on stable 1.1111n'urg; and as that generally contains all kinds of needed elements, it produces good re- solte. , Yet, in deiug this, we often add a great deal that isnot Deeded, as soils usually lack one or two elententae-Sta- blo manure, if purchased is one of the most costly fertilizers in fact, or would be, if we iluew jest what else to buy, In all the older States w 3 need, or cellist very pr ei'ltably use, tun" more silent, jerky, tel id" 1 g''aoutihittod: work is what ii. uses here . Booxl litoPe.-Ploav n >ihol 1011 a "one lin April- for zabtigela. %No, toot' strop pays. better that this. Choose a piece of clean corn stubble, plow ihorcughly;. open drills, in whiol; drop platers at the rate of eight or ten totes per 'aero, cover with the plow, level with a light harrow lengthwise of the drills', ea Its Oa to obliterate them ; then sow the seed over ,the manure with it hand or parse planter-, and scatter a `little gu- iso, or blood fertilizer along the row. Four pounds of seed for au.aare it ro- uired. We prefer the Yellow Globe.) Au't ainvto get big roots. •but a full crop of fair sized Llues. We are satis- ied with 30 tens, or 1,0110 bushels, petro, a^.re. At this rate a bit het costa 5 eta., or lose. Sow late.tbis month, or early in May. Cal VEs.-•Sj)aro Ibe 'heifer salve's of the brat cows. A very geed heifer inay manure tlhltn ctau be obtained. Now be raibetl qar slsito milk ; the erea'n may collies the all-important tltheation, what be replaces by n. heel* oil•Ineet, To atoll n ' use --what I;t ill ba tae ClheaP.. feed a calf for the buteher for 5 weeks, est well beet paying fertilizer ? For- merly n is eult.:ral chem ste proposed to analyze our soils, and tell us what is lacking; but they now know that in the present state of :ai;ri.tlltural ubom•. istry, at least, that this is not prowl'. cable. The fertilizer, nllttlufecturers come along, and tell els each in turn, that hie article 'ie just the thing 'tti'u need. We try this one, and titan that one, at 11. great deal of exi•euae, some tin ta'with good r'esnita, and sometimes tgnife etheiwise. Iu its former case Baa go onand bay' and use more. d, iteljbber, having a different eon, foe �1 lows our example and fade. and is die l gusted, not to say discouraged. If we fail in our lust trial, we Loo are die - gusted, and pronounce hili.artiflciul fer- i tilizt:rs, and agricultural science, a huttibrtg. But Wen when we succeed, we 'are not sure 'that we have got the beet or cheapest fertilizer.""'•Soinething Ifelse might have furnished our so 1 with jean what we wanted at hail the cost. Now the beet way to get ut the root '. of the matter is, nut to go luta costly f esperiuhents, buy ieg by the ton, or score of tolls, a fertilizer that is hi;;lhle 1 continently&, but to put .a few simple gntatiuus to our fields, in the form of experiment:, that any ordinary enitiva- tur can carry ou at email cost which, if made carefully, will afford a barge :amount of meet ireportaut information. 1n au itvere;ing field, lay oil a few tun;; ;clots, and try off oue plot a siuglu ler. tiliznr, another an neat plot, alai 80 00 using various mixtures of the fertili- zers.. A Bingle trial of a season, will give a groat deal of information, While reltetteel tingle pill be of htill greater seethe. ;Titus ascertaaiuing what will pay best, we can its future, buy* Rud, ueo largely just that fertilizing element tied ouly that elle, orunly those which are needed. if poltsll la the thing, we should not have to buy and pay for tt tot of other things, to get what we want. Tho cliemis;ts can tell us ac- curately what is it, this or that fertili- znr, and whether we get What we pay for, or inteuded to. The sultiv-atore wide make these experiments -who thus ask Moot questions of the soil -will be the most successful, anti they should lie begun at once. IBMs about Work. PLo*lae.—Nbnee 'hes fertile sei: should bo turned over very deeply. At this season,this should be well rt mem- berei, because there is uo time for the weather to mellow the fresh soil. For spring crops. the soil should be tura- ea eap urf-ed_up mellow and rieh, that the seed_ may push into active growth at olive: Fauenizezte For the ,reasons jut;t mentioubtt, fertilizer¢ -fuer tise.oil:epltng crops be suck as are quickly soluble, autl readily,.takeu p by -the phuit, Now that the' u.il©er((aaiuty • iu xegaard to the quality of Peruvian guano 4itis''been reimpved, thio isej)OLI1itI51}ie bast. special farttl zer'to use without previous exptu'iniont. Seo Prof. A.twa- .or's attiolo On tabtitg fertilizers. Some of the; el]aunisal .mi,stures may 'lie eau tiuuely-04'0 a 'feu IA °for guano an. Spesial.clop9 i•.•,e ': g , •I.c vii Sibeic -Orin of the most en- etouraoiug evetctreof ]rate, has bon the oper_iug of feu export trade of beef and ,rico ton to Cagltusbl? If kbii seiceeed..;' ; stall er,3tase,:ras new' seottne. •prolaaylp,. „School Books, Stationary, lrt•aeeeaints it'�will ' i ovi"do way -eelof 1 a y u. .oar,.„]letr9a”r, tut0L$ =rositea^t:``dtffieu'1tses. Iiistetuleaf, ALL TFII3 L,liit]C91' NC�'Y t;;_ Cru .:le& aleft e3.pot'tii rain;'otliIifill #ot p 'ewiaS Yr bh1ate a]oe.Ptesof every tisalit r 'grctw and u o it i.ue's-tees, and export i • r 'OAIRD' 1'tit,:.1 f, abler" iS trsea.r:413ir t.vrsif4e14v.er:QA1# {minis,, i ell BON Milk, lfoes nos, pay, even if It bung $10 or $l2 Oar cows are not so good as they. might be, did we keep and generously:raitte the best heifer calves, Or•tg'inregi ittapep. GRi111113i Benue—Qua pint -of brei:i sponge; oue piut of street rank; two tableepeons ":olases; oue-half tpl. auolh fat atilt. Mix all together, anti `with graham flour knead into it soft dough ; put to rise in tine, and ar;u,tsu light bake) i9! d moderate oven. Farregihs,--'yarn eggs; one pint but.? termilk ; oue tet epouulut saleretee ; .11rce fourth teeslaooU t alt; dour enough to snake a eti0' better. Fry in bot lard, putting in a,, r�lraeadtll at tt time. Fee:race (,'ars.--tine (egr �.vell beat- en ; ttao ttthlespe,ous batter ;. one eup sugar;; one-ll)tlf cup sweet luilk; tso teaspoons baking puteder in two cups of flour; flavor with letn,ee. This is cheap mid whit: fresh tory goad: Morn$tt s Weiss OIXE.,--Otte cup sugar and outs -half cup butter nixed well .together; white. of three ogge beaten toe faith ; e no tettep +on soda iu one-littlf cup Milli ; ono -half sup encu atarcb lemon. l'11t�1T CAvn.--Three eggs; one pound of sugar; three fourths pound butter ; two teaterQons stela ill 'two caps sour tnit,e:; oue: wino glass of brandy ; ono- t'ourt.11 Monett citron ; 'three fourths poende currants; one venial raisins ; 000 nutmeg ; two tableesin nus ohms - mon ; one tablespoon of dews. .6.11,rTn V wa�.3wiw7 Ify supply of English and Canatlia.l Tweed; i.r the Spring trada of 1877 ©ahAP DLTEAZLE A'll) fiTS:Lit9R. W. GIIIGG, 1(eruhAnt Todlor� Nan semi, ldaetee., wo will Bend FOR 50 gENT3ta any ar- PiliLTO dress 1 elegant Gents Watoh Chain trills •9en1.1 pair Sleeve Buttons,1 , tut Cbfrt„Studs, 1 Collor nnttoi•, 1 , h[a gloia ring. 1 rarities dte- =ond pin, ltebsil price S3. $100, - COS stook must be ao1�i. Dinah-ated catalogue of jewelry, watches, *e. vent with every lot. Silver watch. gaottime hanger, 54. hatch ire. JEWELRY to all agents. Mol TAEAI, SSQV3 LTY Co. Irn'oit1nnr, ]Etoatxnvsrt>;, P. Q. GOLD MASON'S AGENCY. Hens 11 ASON'S AGENCY, SING ST., JAI.' g:1SALL,Auctioneer, Coo,oyaueor,'n earl& . gate tlexerel Cornreisoion,Agenb. Mosey to Loan, Properties fe.•r sole' Irarms to Losse. 'Verses Moderate. 1.4 J1 t A Hesaall, L.OR�I 'rON' S:kOSv'w: 1 A*luL 'v`, 1877 ,, J'.'.fj: `D` :1tVLI M 1 X, gee/per tesaf le. Nioltole St. Mary's, Iii. see ' - ' pates teaSts LIt,, Jt! toat•uann. Ca to travellers, And the pnblie ., �eui :t!Jy, that Inviriffg porch ex. ed, their inter- ests in the U - erF basin es; will be prepared y r to .ftvaahs t ries bee niches and short )laude. .7.C-:EVEREAUX, It iatho?tta111 otel, 8r. Autry' Hs'r est Harnesz 1.1 J. 0, Gallon !VIN ('x removed :rem llociiertillc to it.•.. -.11 wen ld thanlethe pub lin at initis; for the ttbtral sul'port aceoraled hint to the past, and in 'soliciting a rot:, tinuance of the sane would Intel Inthem teat tae watt ai- weir have en lannel.end make VI order arrless of Every Dest�rilltiou WHIPS. IZ ' ANEET:. BRI":i11Es, • Ct RRltYQO lBS, &o. hewers *81(81(4.1(08 pelts os cheap as any in Ow -trade. Ahs wore warranted mod ea*iafectiets guaruncocd. T. MA wY'SLIliL WORK ou, drasfn lilp. toeing now it f i' 1 ertWon and z, tticiling ontdeitya t.P.r ii etity of taut; ft,r sll.urr ewe cannot be surpassed .ins the Dentine ice. 1'.artieefrom a disttonec can always'b�r •+rp either at the h:ihn.t o 4gai,oad t,r to.s,e• 114 e•t retnunarative rr,tv,. ordenjtretn n alihtatnee ptcn:; by nags:.iad 11I1f'1'SON (Is t, r'f l `3eltr, I). )44(14)(11ILci\ Vc.euu t,-, xrt:" rat= {r 2 Mkt. •^ �” dF ,1 r+, ra' Fiuiny Collars a SSj:rciatiy, canal Thr, the sate ,n.e get tiro W. 11.11cG1'asihlou wa lea ranted net ria hall, tiofore burins: Yenta -ill here AO other atterseu- * Eng t`;ana. All who wear there recommend dem AAR.17, ":&-s 1, J. C. 9>r' a:u egad yilver.'1.adis. and Ooutletnxct't. 0,t' 1hattetrcot reoisdon. :foe tete testitneaittlw L"erior en,.ie••Rndebempestetoek of :1neG1oh•� Jcwelrc t lceh� ,.ice, nail fatted ZTaae, Fancy tieede,.te., it.. to ria' Pre.leee. Iternirht} of ear$ deseriptiew. W. rt �iec 1.aseaeee Tom foe . LUMBER BI.AClii, 9AIi. RA1LI , (..'ORD I3i,.�C' eeztee vvI A:tlt POSTS Cheap for C�'�sh AT BISSETT'S law still, twos ell a heif titles wst't of ns. tor, on tits tone' line of Step lieu and 'lay. 13111 stuff WWI WI the eltorttneL notice lees than fifty toot. H. OIv:E.'FT. `; —lI0LI; sALa lI, 11) 1{ET .IL De'txIeir in Lliinber SUUI13OI,tSi. LATE AND eCDAtt POSTS. nowt. I)NO4NirA1IMINO ,1)R&S Ji1)ANL?w. 13t1Labl4D, • An extensive Steel; on hand. The Lumber, for Quality or price. cannot he Meat, A good assort. avant always au asset, cheap for ('.:alt. !Yard East.14e Alain Street, between weir nasi Y1steris.Streets. • t11.1vi G. & J. BROOKS 11arxfaeturors of LUMBER LATE, STAVES • avid dealers itis • P C TOG 'PHS 9. fa 1:. ►( REDUCED- I3 llt DOZEN 0. SEiiirO1t. e'1h�V IB T('UE'� .0 SIIOP f Tito undersigned won;d inferzt t.t�, inh1hi theta of 1ixeterr stud vioinit i *Slant lie int Ui'ENEU A NEW 1WTCIIE1: 1311ol, ale dna( tenth etbts nlnokytidthatnl1 atone -qua% titooane)liberal patrouriee that had boon w carded to Inns in Om UA,.r•xesttret AND WAa1t&Y attn:`:u ]ane will be extended to htta its his new branch 4 rtueirarae lits tacit wagon wi,lcull at the resi- dence of leo villagers three times each weekat,tl rel ia,ndx htop%ennetanr:7-aet band t thio ttutcliar shop. �r N.U1oeheaal'thinr ase w on ma1(iri$ enrrlckt 40x8 nbueitn 1(11 itabranc]:aet R;D'tiVID. CEDAR POSTSRAILS ,C0.11DWOOD. RARE 01.4 'p�, �^fyo�r �'p' B AB C•AI TV Afaroo--Two mhos west of Londaumute. TOWI(SIIIP OF IAT 'It'PfII d•R7rJATEST Wender• of: oaeryi Fresh Oysters . I : oiio�va ells &Ointment . is ie's roe 1eg-b- Oh f ectionary. Smaking•.Tebaaco 25 Cents per ib: 0EO00 T'O13ACCOBS' .AIfiH CI@FA�'r ;utn+iays in aboe'a. t "s SPOB SItIBN'S DBPGT.ayi r. • uola bettter,plight. Io sheet ...this r�aa m ;h; �t' � � w dentd•, o 1 ,,St. .nl 1. prticed iu gitalin , by tl tee ge are- Si?CFR i fired 'liullialittraaliig .s, Ii.cs'atsed.in quan-e C�� "7 4ND-O• r7 t ty5.14y spas ing.'h lm :l:v.., eights yrOA.l 046 ltei`. .,_!000' M• ri,if °s 1. I tP J.: tBai aged, maYsigma `in after the"' spl:il]g•a wsrlc is ovar, and ctti 1t,.tse;' a-citlti It oloye the fall wet k,,*ewes os df flag twit ,cum. iu J'tiie,11ipiinitrm.lr If,lr .1u14 sv plow rttld i.iliioty'�s than fila-it.44G of rite, and ivitl be rila y fOr Sea'rseagifitti'tt q'hh`e letytri„ begins..:.But tit this -sea-: „cosine it br outs ip,'re•e v, oik olioni'd be ettLea t,lb although it uiay be berg. -so: Deskantteree sat Mortigages Pareliase4` If+:,i:Ar CI 4 aC..44 F' weer ro,"cries' 3rl t3lssjtr taskre .,� �► Y�sult e» aryrjwtatt.a,i'��'•'tlyr �,r�, Prwp.rry, t (k epptie•Wai rieleief4ittri eel .:i„ 1 WILLIAM BP:UM1 ,•-w I. tleaIei IQs#, itea ettgat The r"itla'Purity tho Pined, noi'ioct all di.erdels ,et tb"uivalnao T,iv.r, ibises*), ]€loners hn,' Bowels, and tYi b]b� ire* comila$it$s,iholdentel to lremales. The tlietediAi'b°L, •tiro 0o1y relimlrlerotneiy-few. 2t ad Logs, Old Hound„ Sores and Ulcer, of how- erx,loaa, s4saaeiag,,]rot Bvaashitrie, Diphtheria., Colds, Belktheniraatae;e, anal a in' a "eased Isaaaao egwi. Bran OF NEAT York ? .counterfeit s. Spa:ism baibetst•ra ,t ".1Yollo,vay't2!i11s *ask 0i1011114.3474 aro ntaniathetu:ed sal sold nadirs MSNeat}r sof " Ifelloway .R Co,," by J. F. Itesry, Correa as r xo , • Company, Dreg - by the 'ltietro- eine' 0e1rtnaey of as a8Eanmed trate —.Again one .t New Torh,it$e- *eh atorfeiteof his pie, .ad at..e poLilha Medi - )l.. -v• T iiitt, w merle. bans_ Joseph _II►Tda.ei wisel "iia &I ewe r the pawn ppi73o,- 'Away Ce.. having for a trade mark a Crosarb rad S.rpeet; teeXaesaa d Jiebbine of Now Ye'rk 1.9rt 110.01-18 tRna. ,314,,,,,,01,..A±..;itoher ,to trdeco , vo y ]n, un- blarthi y eestiesbhe public in the tenni] beehe of diaoetriehe ratified to their modioiroe whiskrosily trkorsgte letr1i6itations, to Destardslsf Ci sorrpsaorl Dehisce ebbate them et cors low wee. and i1 there bo the tab tfo iri,Cana- dee twrialiptusioolnivatrxonioxiatau. 1 amestmeraeelly hedreepoetfully appeal to the Clergy. ie mothers etfamilies end ether ladies, eat** yshii* pserualy of lirutishi Nesbit Amort- ise, that they tray be pleased to demennoe Ph. Ssarisity tiers !ragtag. a. Peiebut te.s ebeald leek bo the label os the pots ' 12; L! ei,..'eftesters5 ;!d';io. Niki, Oxford sw ias4Wi.tssyy eve Rio eenntarr nits,, /Seek elf8.l b at et Or ttoratae Nadieines, he&r. the Bei**,Ailveetaw.ipt. itterep;; „fruits the words swats- rcete Pt' eta Axti"Osrrxtr.t'n, London; NM eveoh: 'Olathae label is the Andrew, se eandeng /eyelet. r,eaddie„wbere algae they are. ;lghs• ibetetred; barb*e whq'mhT•1, d,freaded ,y'?a iiaSiir32ti)taiysArtliii!".tlt`illtaw ,. fills sag, Qlrttneet`ee•sw ga.etee me aka% *el , tY .sn- t Etc ::. ' _ JS ICZ na e:just opencil pat a ZIEW AND SPLENDID STOCI. OF GEI. CIE' . ', IN J. SOt%TIICOTT'S NEW STOP.I • • The stood oomprisos'Tons, Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Vinegars, nes, Tobaccos, Pails, $rroorns.. 13rurbos, Co.el-Oil also Everything in the Qrroaory Line. But .01 state G In eggs tam in`oxahunge for goods. 'We .0.e.4., -Vo Mt deo. sail' a ca;l forett.lt;', , i .' , B. & E. SPIO! RS EXETER l: tin -. i11,t:'1: ash' r141 MEg Thai. uncle!signed w.nid acquaint the rublte. (hat they have eotnmonood filtftnoss in the above. tires, and that tkey aro prepared to Contract for Buildinggthroeg1out,. or for parties;,tertair.hipl their io#nains.totin1 4Ena,evartft eseiteoe,•Caaeiett1K I enth._ and a'a d i, ..'st. .e. r., WIll dea17#:!,,a3iirta :*�. , a, c :c : i,;,7• ouleliil• e, ,•, h,:• Seio11, 'ock, G., ,t �5 P1aipilig eserlo1 eteet9l eStr4ALe Dispt,tct]t,:„.., ..... Ansi from oar thorough ,titowisige of Uto haaal- naee.d..Qblar„ium(3L,i}vod).al ,olenexyf. ':i'.ioh sips 4heropamides*leced in time fhobeiry, wir teal amides*etc giving satirfaobien I ,k”,1. r ; +« l r P1anrea4a;;ti",.po9i$o4t nus, on;i pliestion;• :r�t,�l'a*.I"4rt�•rA i;a "t 'i[.° . d¢Bemoaalres , u t, to SITATIO ,shrfiettiia, ialie Fiafsaarlbsi<,te inti. 'be empty reel. sesessestesee Ikea e.eieAtat never divulge'�' Oka. •'n,, ;;t' 1,441 wte;rfV• R ERS..