HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-4-5, Page 4rengenments by to offer the the beat paper rotating to MI the fare' and ug much in- tim household, s for thatsmall num. The price orfs' is $1.00 per an- hat of the Tanis $1.50, two or to enabled to cret what erwrae cost him $8.10 for no farmer or country ¢should be without the .rig. we fully expect a large ill avail themseivosof the of. are measled to snake then. Norrie, Charles Illackenxie, Ur. Blake' friend, Moore of Goderich, Jetts, 'Ladanrre, Howley, and Charlton, 1 these have had their thousands, while the vulgus have lead their bundteds, Contracts without tender, wilful anti aggravated violations of the ludepen, Ideuce of Parliament Act, favoritism, nepotism, and jobbery -the reign of the Party of Hypocrisy boa indeed beeu rich in these fruits.. It would be etrang;e if there nag nota deficit. Why, the money locked lip to suit the pockets of Cooper, Fairmsn, & Co '1'LlttaHA sI'HLL 5, l,t777. TUE LATEST "INADVERTENCY ERTENC ," Went the M4fiotVeal 2R The deeper the research into the ads. tory of the Pcentlees purchase of steel Mails the clearer the conxtcti.4n that it was one of the most stupetit ona,putting it mildly, blunders ever committed in this country, The subject indeed is so far reaching in its various rArat:i,ilttttt on and in; vast in the Amount of mom sTo a°?,; shalt t'aa return' extreete f. oa l tale* vatril'lint a Department'of Put Le Werke read more litho chapteril i the reeAniti cf A 'sal:itigtonn ring than »iue c,ilicus?l flews nt of a purely Ile.' 1.5,iriraiontzl Iran ale:malt i; this /aim country where the stem morality the Party of ,Par sty preset s es tit 113 1.4sy standard of public morality. Lu the first chapter we have th Premier, that thoroughly practiceialan, buying $8,000,0a0 worth of rail in n falling lu arltot, although bo know Iiia purchase will not, be needed fo yearn. Tho clas)orftsl Minister of 1 i tenon b last prophesied another elle sit, .end is packing up hie ready reels t'uor area interest tables l+repttraata I4 abeetiring tt fresh loan in L mann, neverthcloss 11 Ir. Itncht•nzie cries xl+a retard it oa ata ilneoovt)nient bents;» for locking up three millions of cap it:tl. In chapter two we have the Pro ilnie ' emphatic denial line is not t„'fl t practical tical but n truthful ;.'tiro cite) that his brother is n monitor of as than through which the rails worn punk a. ea. Chatter 'three consists of the arti- oleo of partnership el Cooper', Pavilion a0 Co., which establish the fat that Mr. Mackenzie's denial is nabsoiutely: 'ntrue. In chapter four wo have the Pre- mier granting the cnntraet for the transportation of talo rails from Mon- treal westward to Copper, rturmaan, tt oI the cost of revenue collections, find $1110,000 in Civil 0overrment—Rail thin extIavagallize in the CO.sentailed by the deliberate jobs the Government are perpetrating,, and who can wonder that the country's finances ore running; e«teeetting low ? The Government's trestle policy, or rather want of trade policy, i l draining; the country of its a wealth and Iia, elation, while talo pub. move at d Capt.. Norm & Co., is the $1,900 000 deka arta *1,200,000 to boot. The differs -nue between the cost .of steel to -day an•i the cost to the coun- try of tela rusty piles, monuments of the capacity arf alae Party of Genius, scattered between Halifax and Nana. info, With MO lose of iuterest ou the $0,000,000 so invested, h more thou double the amount air. Cartwright ex• peers to realize from the malt dud to taw. To thin add the increase $100,000 in Departmental salaries -.100,000 in itornigation, $ 200.000 i lie money is being wasted wholesale ou varaciona And it iscrupul:ona partisans, Gina- .ln ntr na in defiance of party .rotes i3 seem, hat of the statute law.. 'THATt'Pit0'�1.C1'1U'N” RES01.1; TION. of The Exeter Tinny has been endear. oring to make capital trot of the assor- a lion that the South lining of Huroct Agtacatltural Association, at a late di u',actor's meeting, , passe 1 a. reanlutiott ' favoring protection, \1'e learn that it 'sial'housing of the kind. Til, re olu ion was drawn out, but no notion or d t nti vote was taken upon it. And if there lona hoot a resolutitn passed, what • coups it have alanonute l to ? Theta • tcc•rtn only half a dozen persons present, atnt1 is the voice of the majority of that mall cempanc too be taken as the sense rY ate' the whole society. When the trans comes, and if that question is raised a, ttt party cry, the Toms trill see that the I flouters of tilts South Biding are not • t•n be caught with the chair of'' rrott•e. ti.•nto home industries." • The above is from tL'e Clinton .1 eu • Kra and alar deceive:4m a of its read. cns. The eaitor of that sheet has beet, nislea. The resolution was submitted tp the meetiimi+, a vote ;Wire taken oln i1'•, ;uttl it was e'n'lists in a Rall electing, with only one dissenting voice. • Co., although they have lint put in at tender, and although their term are 20 cents a ton higher tuan the toady, of far. Samuel, of Montreal. Chapter five ---read this is a nen and intensely interesting portion of the wort;—consists of the artioie0 of part ner:hip of the Merchants' Lrtke line, on whose behalf Cooper, Fairnnnn, Co., obtained the transportations con- traot. Mr. Norris, M. P. for Linooln. has throe -elevenths i f the contract, and obtains that proportion of payment:5 • nib minting in the 'argue gate to 156,- 000. ' What ftirther research may bring furter the Premier and those aseoacia led with him in • keeping the secret alone know, but be it -that it may; 11 cannot =.rasntit more nat.nindingc felt. tures titan thn•ae already .a material- ized " tln•out'11 the medium of the -im perfect retitrns already :se'cured. Dr nbllese we shalt bo be sieve that the hon. member :for , Lin- e'oin appointers Couper, T'aairtruut, .0 Co. Iiia agent'; „ lay 1•nativorteneo," and ticketed, the .$12,000 of public tno.uey by fort uitott-'ntynclyen tttro. Tho girl• ;•tut oan'taiii sinned having the Speaker: of the l{onlso .'f 0• inmon r at once for a companion hard an exemPlae, and it ih probable, tltereft.re•, that the defence •• Put forward in thn.inrter(egt of the 'inn. Aor will also be filed ou behalf of the minor sinner. . Dt whatwl. tate.. 'conntr n 1lf iv .:t •What;cnn •it say ? itEv"i-y .ilfty of the eoesian tenni .ntr4sost.ever • psaie public. records, 14 ituiight aitIt' di.ele.. aures vehicle ;tlta,ttl•t 's(nn' Ci,tv,r>i- )menti pot stipperteL1 ty" i oujrati1t zrnt. sorttiy:' 1 hP;urlrriio-stelae °' sited fotli4.7 of" the 4 1 f,iriifagrfat;teri..HeitalN tet h,• t�. mobs p ,iieieal 'ptn,rti. »ns:frolst the ripeel“. erIin his ohrilr dowlfasa?d . •' °h ti(ige Fenn lr Simpenn, ex. -Senator Ftwter, Mr. A :glia, Mr. Jealts•r, Mr, Vail, AL-,, t),:lITE a 'iiuii)lier of'-•Jft>forta Papers efer iL strong terms of condemnation t,o the violation of law, the Postmaster General was guilty of grantivg rt printing contract to Speaker Anglin. The men in power at present owls .ought power that they might plunder be oonntry and fatten at two public .crib, and it is vory unlikely that any ,reed will be paid by them to any re- monstrances however strongly they ,nay be couched against their violaticn If principles than su blatantly enunci awes, )then in the cold shades of mire itiun. 1--4*'- G FIRE. --On Friday evening, 30th \larch, the house oceupit:d by lar. 1,V. ratnes its a ro idenco and Cooper Sttep was destroyed by fire. The loss is :bout $300. Alt the clothing, fnrni- ure and valuable papers were burned. No insurance. A defective stove pipe ;:rased the fire. Ross Pros. & Davidson are prt :)areal to do all Mende of turning, etc. Buildings t contracted fur and sati„fac•• fon gtinranteed. Look out for their tdv. next week. F.4 7 O IS DAY GOODS .9Rtfr4Dt., f' LOr7'Po.4'. • Tat 'ikkk b. MILLINERY' . ANA .i;S '0"3 ' !C -,ac ODe$t Just received— a ell selected stook -of Millinery and Fancy Goods, very Qh.eap For Cash - at 1tUS$ G&RLIOK'S Exeter, Out. .kpnrentico %Antea to learn the Millinery. - . RIGG SON MIT:i $TPRRT !IXTE;1. nowt* for the Art tenBa.i.s af man/0x. w ily Sewine ac e VaNttlf.ICT4ttY, a;�go`C ', Sootleaul. 1310 SALE OF SEASON NOW GOING O ' A White Cro's (gusoessore to G. B. Smith) DESPERATE PIAIOES FOR. A St1Qivr TIME, Ixsrssria «'►)nrl s4«own in ever ,P)-* To bend this week, first shipment of goods pteretrautahll':ltlri;tsis, ' oaght by own whol:, atelo aver, Mr. P. ilendorsan, elan of the whale -ale arias of Q. T3, Snaith end Iltuderstan, lt)runt+, Tl►e redneti,tn in ?rota, at whirl: those geode were nearehased.iawithootx paraletlinthe his. tort of our lushes;,stud Along sitar the retlnc• titin; in the lsatitmee of our wince stack. arta that wonkier of every e:ustOaner wit() Roe t10177. fl. --.-Gomer redactioo in Boots Au* $hoc,. r��7 } ��VV�+► St. Itfary'e. 0 + al 0 1' 0 rt E4 CC 1 P1 o a cj r c, t:1) Ow x4C to cb re 4, 7771 r..7= t. 40 Cit N• Crr... '"4 ,w .a co - •T.1 o er a a. to Consumption Cued 1 An old phys,ic's's, retired from retire praotiaw, hntring had placed in hie hand* by .rat Ent Iu ax iiimionary the formula of a Yegotaabio P,.omod', for trio speedy V.7141 permanent ear,+ of Conenrnptima, Ae- thine, li1•onrbitirf Catarrh, and :.JI throat and Lung Aftrotaons : else,' I'ositiro unel Radion. Cure for Nervous Debility :out ell Nrrveno Complaint', after Laving. thoroughly tatted em tyro:dart1uh mita:: re powers as thouaanrls of cams, feels it l.in duty to melee it kuowu to Lia atnffrrnng fellows. Aohaatsd lar this %'hove, rota a eonectentiotre desiro to rotie:ru aatwan'ouA+- eting, be will send Poem or esaa,ta u, to all who ureter:) it, Shia recipe, wits faatt direction' tor proparitfg and sazeakwea:#aat :sing. Sunt }ay rstern matt by a3arree,- lug with et*Tat , 1tuMing tgttx»loaf. ' - - TOR. e. isr,r:v �i,,t, td.war K. hawse vas" G. :We :arolargii dealers id Dress Goods, • We, hold • ani ,,:offer for lsale over 'L'hixt r'.Chop: anile Yards', valued at $10,000. e sell tIlizuer � and Mantles, 'f .' . �, Clotlts and Clothing. Ira - 'of genera' Dry 'G'ooc1s: �'Y (s iii N)rt.' our •X ..�' own, 'to„ ou; own: fau�lzio c "U-0 Bard:* =- sell` cylietll 'till' the�',tiine'�. 14.1a.'tatt•ar rz.lx ••a grN i t house for \Vestery bll tits. PORTilikE �` f',..r•..r.-tri, es T8REE nd rte. Ttfc 'tiric'lI1S' Cal' 1E VOUS., S., qo., • ,• f,:. u yeti rrt..:d§k i.1*.rtt4ni l+:. JIA M. EVANS. 4 • MASON'S .AGENCY.. ezis�atl .A.1101,, e?, It77 7 i NKW 13 OTC,Sma`. 'll Ski017 • 1 AsON'S AcJi.NCYi, KING S`., II, SLRNsAJ4L. Auciiuueer, Ciiveystt 4r, th surauco,ani sneectel G{uartttrelex Ageltt iiuxey to Loan, 'roperaise far bale. 'nrtue ie d,os,n. Terms Made rate, 4!' MA 1Ita ttessulla %4t.OF SFi�Oa• ca 14` 1,It ARTLEI, egant to JONJS ; 33ROS, CO'S Illustrated Fam ply Bible e beet atlas`^heepestwerk of the 'ltinti,. Arm ee;tt upon ; en in a few days, agent for History o cc Cro$s zx• o 141 Otte undersigned tdtir,2 ap,•liedit -fa d,i4otifit .ifhsp it) C.ro lto a, wha,,h amts Emeses Rrlw pled 07. Jstm's tiollgpfs.i.ttow larbp;traz,t to au on Lied. vt l ttatl:atait'hing;.. Flavins; n lnrl;o tlttebtity of lnateri,tl ou hall'; i. ant prepared IP do Ailkim4. ut the tj Illustratstl .w.AGCN mAKIN G Uio Ceuteullnal.'t lu tlao late tat stgle nueilowest prices awl cro ai, rr l;t;GG;its, i„'VITERS dt SLEIOlig j supply of I:nglich and Camila t Twoodis for the $priu; tattle of 1S,77 0734tAP 1)1Ji,AJ51'.Ti AND r is m. street, greeter, Fresh Oysters 1 AT C Zander, s' Store, 'W. (i71I(t(., >Ierrbttnt Tttrtuv, Crocores Con fectoniary Smoking Tobacco 26 Oenta per lb. CHOKE ,TOBACCOES AND Malls always Ira steel:, tom" SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School Books, Stationary, Maga-taaino,*t ALL TIIE LATRtiP NOVELS. X7.11:-oaaag Ur tkiso'tscatosof every eintaira ala, ' G. fiA.NDEM Savings anct Invsstmcnt SOCIETY O F 3 0 1\T D 4 ..ice Debentures and Ifortgiages Purciaasad • Parties rityuiayzg Mousy c4ww obitiioa .a.i vaoloapr neatly coo . apjrrovsti City or bars Pr'oper'ty, . • au oppliaation at three: taboo • WILLIAM E. BULLEN, jltomasor. Lon,;** lax 12t1e, Ia°6aa. 2t•een -. & J, BROOKS Atenuracturore of LUMBER LATH, STAVES and eiealers its GE DAR POSTS RAILS , CORD WOOD. Af .ria—Two utiles most of London11ead. TOWNSHIP OF IlAY 7. ILLSS, \IVH OLE SAL',:h; AND 1i,ETAIL D e:L1er . in Lumber SHINGL1tS, LAT1SAND C1$D.tftPOSTa. BLOOI1- INat AYli SIDING—DRESSRD AND UR. DRRNSYD. An ext'essire Stook'on land, 'The Lumber, for Qua,ntty of plica, cannot be Lest. A good. asnert• outfit always ox hand, cheap far C'scb.. Ward Fast side Mahn Street, between Oddly and fteterf a Streets.. f19•Ivl tondo to ur.3ar cu tlau ehortmet mats'asr sioc1A of e'asott2d itgoif r $t tir ^hn'gas( sed beet ata alta reentry JOIr['BEVITlll�It,~ II*t Crediton April 4 Dominion Labor toe; , MIN S'.. EXETER. NEW DEPARTMENT. The proprietnr of :aria establishment offer* tersely A ehuice. ASSORTMENT OF STATIONERY Walsh ho, haven;; purchased it at a' bargain, Willsell at prices that DEFY COMPETITION. Pie" COI and oxannin0 for youraetre0, Flo troub'e to show goods. Jut made up, a.nothej.Ton Perry's Condition Powder the best in vna. Great reduction in Patent Medicines, as they hunt Lo sold out to mato room for rental- g ;;tore. Just received, a stock of FRESH GARDEN & FIELD SEEDS. Painily iteaeipte p,epared wish greatest caro and. frown lfurest Drugs, 13413E C•EIANCE p ' for B A R '- ,A IN S R. &i.t.i PI'�ER 3ttuajuat opened ant•,\ NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK GROCERIES . IN J. SOUTHCOTT'S NEW STORE The stook comprisesTeas, Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Vinegars, Spices, Tabor:cos, Pails, Brooms, Brushes, Cot)1.0i1 • &e. Everything in the Grocery Lino. But ms intil eggs token -its exchange for geode. Wo axe bonncl'to:,earls cheap forestal., n:' 44 E. SPIC':BS. T C. WOOLS s & CO, HAVE OP, OP • onceottt a ;Morseehoing,131tekemittt;sod Keneral Juabing'shop, at Rod rvIlle;;.•ind they.. indly solicit the pstrnnsge et tb• col triunity. Satisractiox gesranteed, soil low ptiaee:• • a. Wsontts Arpo. Rodgerylite, April 50.11117, 1 lou HAIR WORK obacca! Tobacco! Tobacco!';Cowls, ale Twists heirs Swiiohel mule, The very best at lowest prices. CH1EW1 VG TOBACCO .4 4S.PFCL.L• TY. GIGNUINg HAVANA;h,:1HUI41EDO. ItfL• nTIC CIGARS. PIPES aF EVRY DISCRIPTIOL WADI, ESA! Idle 'ond liLi'T.,11L i 3'11 at ell-digger)+w Tim saloserltier would lettai stit'te t1re lab. Nati afOenrnlia*oaths .arrotaidlogatawuilt_ _ esti eitiisoe tarot he titprepitred to so rn!aot fes • L.D,IGGtIN„a I,Iy�G, ,; B 2tOi' )iMlttrtR.hod . a myrtles, ;SI.t rears espouses** 414- tb.1 loIria!}s I0A4 81;saaitN,O*t;aOitf ; �» a rd �r WCC s � o�x t 4X t�llr attdroorelot �'eKGiitirit P.O.' '' nap: loraisitei`.k vastus of ;':telt relish 1l47i ' TEMP'S TOB.e1.CC04• STORE :EXETER: .' one door .oubh eid'L•le,Aleekemit btPliobeau a , tho ornieliberat `petrionaft4;tbaf tido beainr so, treble bo biro In two ) dor.4tr r' xs� rrr>r, atear S Hato nillbeor:toaidjid to3,f)ii'in113u1 ane,br ob t P� stieinu;o, Ede moat wiRrZiai"ria" i►?I`yt the :reef, of-�b,6.tiflei; aryl f3 fused epsli weelanae V , F , rte. ill k"ads,k}trt coa.ts31t1;.o Laxdpihfx butiehdrr � fl!n ks,nIthli g-.nd-waken °tnieleiata'osr,1o4 i'r+att paitnain,sli 1toLteaFhes; of combings ;du.rls, notita of Ctt' Fair by Mass Emma, . 'Music xr<acinin.. Ezelre, April 2flc 6, ill. I,Aaan ollu).vc'x()s investment on.Mort .sen very ed legatee terns.- Private. fund's. *PO! to • 4111., l+n. Y. EL• LIOM • '1alioalor,, NEW BUTCRE,11 SHOP .1.Mho nndestigened wttrtldi . 'sforra the iaholei thartti of Ezotor and !i•ztnnitvawnt he .lis OPENED A NEW hTJTCIi`EIt SHOP CE. S DAVIS.