HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-4-5, Page 2Itis and pbyai- for 7' iglu be any tnstiOCitttIo4':t. classes, 1 1ndiiierenito Ling., When info nacho:, 14 h%s 1 totliei+'(a death (though he h 1 d uo fatal leisoti ring_ front thedegell- raduotiou of prober nal the.9th (la) of thktnust devoted*f sora), he ren}srl,ed t "l'i'cit, ,elle was old Onugh genoten knows."" .Though, formerly" devout in observance of religion, he Mid become very. blasphemous. He nnrl no ono willwould ilea; ten the truth if it were pirs- Able to He, and seemed to take anioet intense delight to steal and secrete about his person any object of even the moat trivial value. lie made fre. aiuetlt attempts to rah the dootoz' of hia witch while bending over ,him to .lid. minister stimulants. -ate. Dr. Rev- zn utt, St. Pierre, the highest I'aristit' s,utltority on iwettnity and mutters re- Ittting to psychology and pl:yriulo;y of tho brain, Doing called in said lie could account for his position eri°y by supposing tufa while his ir-telleot huei re !trued along with his now life. JItis sot;1 bud Acute forever. Re tii.4t. Rt re •this tl afire only of iii4yni3y, t it, brain would not have increased in lt::tll'►tiri(y, tier would tete memory have remowed. se per tot. The blasphemies and obscene con• tt11:t:Intl cenveraRthm of Isaacs having • the , tor ilprrtll.qC, 1 it `•reIvesdettarrnil ed !,t �!o tiissttai thine the stiiuuins and dia. d :A., silo slept in the hour:, hating 1s:�tttsect the battery. Ting beingteeth• up re of DAT ort elv seemingly vision - Ting secured a &Uila- r11Roi}tZfl 1211 Foscs Ntitli:an Shines, a el; pr , the wily, of L'r,t ou d. lie immediately proceeded as€rate the trutli of hie biter enb+tantial Assertions. Mr.S: AS dying den allaeti,ie disor- ti after having krearil,�ii`Dr, i riet theory, ietit for imu Via tele ll lata t1liitve mentioned hating discherg- a family i'hyeician t4nd lannced -.It wh hty under the mare of Dr. d'A: UY:o1l1tit at'tivul than D;. found hie P ttieut e,t the }paint of cloth ami rein snore strongly to 'demonstrate the tenability of Ins own belief, Rte deter- mined to allow Ur. Isaacs to extire be- fore tryi.tg his experiments, Nu f arn- tilll,uts beingexhibited, fir. Ieuae, quietly breethott hips last on the morn - in , of Nie it th fit 1,1l0 o'clock Dr. • 1.4era laforPted of this fl4ct bi' one of the (. t d &inn of hiccoughing began, F d 11td in thirty minute's the animal ewer the tltlrsea, iraftl4tli:itely had tine be 'J t 1'41.1,4 in box, eoustruet:d 1s.tikr dolt t►14 nil ',gigue of hfe lit'+appetwres, , and laic w a.:1 pocked with elitircurii :qui en. tirety covered with l•o.inde al ice, al,ucl then Lad iw romova.l to Lis oft%, miter,: in the presr"::ce t?f I?r.5. I Bleu, E tietiIa:4 at. 9 121^estrit kthe tF96r It it?" is tttialnt'ta1 i eA: she .4,4a,.lott,y of 801 e;tc1 had Ilio body ri neeaxotl from tat la r;e, sri, aiii thoroughly elry to,a. lalat';.u1 cru a talar, tern trip of which was form- ed vita plate t) i;i:t. a two inches in tt,ie mess, The Paris ..era arttasdictr ae-sign ce this ra�uite of ti.s expert. them as follows; `two'moisten's then began wiUt dry Motion to tIlisa'lpoo the et:tire surface of the body This; being thoroughly done, the doctor utntie an incision, reaching to the, spine id the first vertebra, And buried there a Smooth tOpper },late attached to one wire of au electric buttery. The Pais- iau,,was neatly *awed up 1e hold the 1 platen) place, and the cicatrix covered � with collodion or other tinders of gut's'. .cotton: Another copper to eonneet-' jug with the same pole of the battery was buried M the base of the skull And dill A t11ir1i of zine, 4au13e4t4 the opposite polo of the battery, watt but- ted in a similar manner at the base or the sternum. Everything being in readiness au almost imperceptible stream of electricity wet; rurnbd on, and so gradually insreseed that it was fully anhour before any twitching of the muscles was dissevered. At inter• valss of five luinuteil the touting was =Welled •ivitle lithe juice and water, t) prevent excoriation of theta by - the Strength of uhf 'itquor. it the end of an hour, as i Bove abated, a alight tre• mor of the missiles became discernible and at the cud of the second flour very minute globules of peepirrtitsn oonld be seen with :ha magnifying ;;lase up- on the glands of tete throat, ,iailine and groin. At thio point Artifioial repiration Rai begun. and Rept Tap. Toward the close of the thin hour the flesh had n. moist feeling, the entire 9.-.n1•fueta of the buuy being uovereel kith u ligLt perspiration. From this stage WO beam it best to copy verbatim the !diary of Dr. d'Alembert :— Fourth hour—Breathing being ag- t tbliihed, artificial respiratiou waai die- cmtitrued. Time between exhalation a.id inhalation of the breath, twenty sec auds,though . growing more nat- ural. F.fth hour—Slight pulse ; breathing a'1 right on forcing open the eyes pupils found much dilated ; Qyee not Sixth .hs ur-Le`t in charge of attend - wits while'pllysiciane aro at dialler, no reliable notice of progress'tiakeli. Seventh hour --Stili ; improving ; pulse regular, though very°weak ; eyes open and shut of thenrselvee. Eighth hour — Stinsulntlou with brandy discontinued,, strong egg -nogg of goat's ril'c.sutistituted ; sten dff pro- • gressiuv.,. Ninth hour -1. muttered attempt tc :speak. ° Tenth, Eleventh and. Tyr.ilfth hears —No ehan a exceptthat in the lest haif cf the twelfth hour, immediately before It slight slumber,, the patient Called for ."• Wife and Etta, (his child.) Thirteenth Fourteenth hours— Sound slumbers, from which the pati- ent awoke refreshed, laud ' began a con- :versation in n. Weak tone, Perfectly rational. •`!.' s battery kept attached to Mr. Isaacs au (i the 'stimulants ,con. • •er"•interyale and - is "h at°'lot. tinged, talo � ;. iii larger ejuautitils: The meet asingu- nl'ar. part of tlii:i truly strange story, is, the fact, altliouai Mfr 'sand: recov- ered his intellect with the renewal of Ll, wife },t moral re torpid 'Wen Lis Svife and child&n'erobrought to lli;ll he evined(1, no emotion what- ' ',el, hat-'e'er, ;ma while memoryreeatled every u his former life -.-sulci all of leatll heti resumedhits eastsy, lan- nlediu,te1y on Pis dissolution the Lyes -rano, the Henn shrive led, a hideous tc:; ch pervaded the allele apartment, end the tsarl ire h- d ;ill the ril"lrea4tmace laelrit► bet%it Hefei for weel:t.. Thus W.4 out of the meet reload: Ili ex. :fialµQtiE3 etre ect,rd. Dr. At.etuberlt says, that prior to Pe hes has mad* several rind- tht b :ni»ae of c'e.. and rt',nt1 to death far the pi:qu• to aitx; %tinI'.;Weft n'z. tI.I kIAI"tTLEIL, e s gent for JOINS, ;rntoS. Difc, CO'S Illustrated Fan). ily Bible tet. hest arta t:aeop.st tr'rk of Ow kind mall upon yeti in a fon .days, agent for the " Illustrated History of the Centennial," " Cross and. Crown, " /111A0 EYAlfs, Well, -digger, Etc. Ttte YnYaerlier'would Intimate to Ma lxh Weil, of Ceutralia-audthe aurzonadiegtevrash ') avid villages that ire la prepared to emit:act for WELL -DIGGING 8TOl1ING, ETOL Akeilig luta a nnatber Testa expositive. at tbot btt:ineas ire sen guarantee fiat.istaeti*.a. Orders Solicited. gbtbe &cam tired to Centralia, P.0. l3akasAsr pump itrALsked it requited. Ceextetttlis, &oat Oak T8T6 ars::, E Mime 6, /87' .mosemaimmingsmEmat l l ARD ~ 1 MEDICAL,loix$D MAN i—00110.0,ft FOX ?kill at 1,ie old atrial, /dune *Oka* fined everything . person wAnte yrs Gl'OD5, MILLINER -, CLOTtiIxT.f -. I A 'ii and CAPS, GIENr.I.'lfl' Fj�R*(CSkITNCic, GIOCTRIES, HA.RDWAIIR, BOOTS and SHOES, WALL PAPER, PATENT 1IIEDIOINES THE MILLINE bY D 3.17 i UI ER TAR )1ANA.GE:sf];.I.T OF A. FIRST-CLASS MI L N atom ire crowded roll of n.ew goods TWEEDS, FLANNELS, DRESS GOODS, LADIES' SHAWLS, CLOUDS, •, ,JACKETS, FALL k WINTER HATS (trimmest), BOOTS k SBOES, A SPLENDID LOT OF RIJADY MADE CLOTHING,. 10 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN I,AuT SEASON. Fr Toronto, and 1dr. W. Y. MS is 4tiitt attending to the Order Clothing Department wldclt has raced s mimess, awl speaks lar -aeon. go es all A.ods as law as any *refer reliable Amuse, All kinds of p"arrto 1'roduee ° taken lel Exebtarg• for geode at highest Apnea. OLD BELIABLE HOUSE JA3fUSPICIUUD A CUBE ,1 the Comity of fiurau:., Ontee, next door to t;te tiug'a atore.1.xoter, O. MOORB,1i£xD.; O ltf: I n a rn GliA1Y UA,of 1AScGi11 Tlnfvgre. Yon :te ni t•.tyipe t r st�p •,seen, .to. fi91aeean1, esedtilf,e I♦xeter.r,t. A a ecsucure-5 to 704.m.,stod7te10p4m. tirW."13.1BO\VNING, M. D. M. o P. fi, Graduate Victoria University. OM; and residence, Doutiniort i U..orat.,ty, RtebeV It. ij'r+/S srFt f1aIulInSNrIiTnITd ING, GRADUATE' ,Nf- TnoynCCgOtgneC,loe I A. ELLIS, >r e Surgeon Dentt, hnnl,•eato permauontlyin k,set.,r. ()shoe in Z; an .604 NOV 11100k. ,1134V • IIw If'S4.4,N, DENTIST, 13,IfIl•IS.taa 4 iiatiert. -stat �.n..q.t Ea ea:r. U TIMES . , 0 •,— )uly buy what on rust need. Vo not buy an article aimply becaitsa it is cheap if you do not require it. talo Rflriie ruepty would, buy that whish the op'rotteiting tteatonrlernaud'. iiuy to the best aavtntag. *fa :peeve Ton eon no best with yon, money, anti tis cold end Ulaak weather is gaming, bidding s'za be clothed in garinent: suiting the 'severity of the mason, .yea well And It to your ndyant.ge to coil and examine "Es Wiueoys, Falr Dross Geode, ladies R[arrtlea And Manna Clothe, ack nud Colored Terret ux,Sha.sla, 0101140. 131apkets. Flannel*, Plain and kse ey. ranging in price front RFs emote to 45 cents, (ientlinnen'e l'ndetetabing, hate. ('onyx, Gloyea, Kid &nt. Cloth, tient% end hoes, Graoeri.s, Crockery Glatcaware,Wall Paper, e, All the above mentioned arta41.' here been bought by ,ieitore,nho have. lett (:mein,, e;,tisited with their pursha,e. I do fret say that thestock is the billow iu town, hint there are wine better Imitated. J► oral is kindly solicited, gild uo pains will ahs last to 'how you Ole geode in their'Niece cwt well as their good qualities. iligltest price paid for Putter And Vow. .Also a tiheral Coolant is cosh rtwchasers, Two dons north of X. Fsnsea's now 41et13t, Unix Street, n.mprt tfillle yours, John P Clarke For cheap Gents' watches, ('u to For cheep Ladies' watches Go to 8 13 :June's For cheap Ladies silver watches, cio to ►a'E Jones'. For Boys' silver watches, A OS Furs a Special qty TEAS 1.6 per cant.' cheaper than Baer :offered before. Be sure; and give °;inn ,;call and satin fy yourselves. _Inducements for CASpi or, READY PAY. GENTIZAIA. and" CREDITO'` . , PARSONS & WALKERI,,: ventraiin marl Crediton `20. Oct. ISSOLu121Oii •OFF' PABTN3aR— Dsnir; 1oti:o is herby given that $ho,p ntt; norohip heretofore o rtiug botwmen 'the qnder- sitnmd,irbe Intone and style"of,Ltel1iue,4 Hie'ks, in the village e of. Cant slis noun of iron fi kI K tY. has this clay beou, cligSolvad by Mutual c xt ent, li IIi6k$ rotiripg from the bilsinosli, J Tiollins oentiituirig the. business'', stiff debts duff the firm will' be collected byA J emodins and all the In- idobtedne.s of the firm will. be met by 4 J.Eollin• Flittueel ('ent elle tills loth dr, y of ILI*zck, 1817 41.JIiOLLtrs,ILL'foss.,.tt Go to 8 E Jones% For endless variety of silver plated *IMO, For eight day clocks, For thirty hour docks, Go to 8 i Zones, Go to £i B Jews'. Go to 8 E Tones'. For Ladies' Tuskin gold setts, Go to 8 E Jones'. Foy Ladies' and Gents' Gold chains, Go` +r3Mt1. FUST REC YVE 1T �'sil, EXETER Grocery and Liquor Store A.large stock of Green, Japan, Young Hyson and Black Teas, 1. ,g . . '>r O ur r .e t, run, :011.ZSID Apples CAITINTan 7111:37T, Sardhies, Lobsters, Saimo Bitter Sauce and Pieties,, Bremdiei, Gins, "Vales. . Syru Rye, Malt, .Scotch, Irish mid Cerumen Whiskie Tobi ee and Cigars, ° Wholesa le aria Beet a1, Main Street, Exeter. . wow a mew smosmame99.. ' k °( Unci ;^takers €� 1' a t t� xrniti i ''r'a'VTCULD Bk! 'pts �f: who 4s•lp.td olora puxertap lg ,t ..d o srt fro= , the' 'ieat.afaStara: mhw deader wheoitigs toe* dt Again Mutt n:learn have a prd9. 44s"oleirit to give the,. purchasers the, benefit, ifufeh itaaliet tail , the viol ate to' meet 'H (d•,e � va ex oe i" ,lare ietaa&thisar bbt y =ma "lnkttuore,oto nen: id,, v e en+ri roll gree• anifactu'er W:OvLL h' , ,eallsaiocialattontiol Orta in dtl a' to cuz uud k rt g p 4, � mont,'rdhfotS ie more tout r lvlotq,th:x? ° vel, µe We hay, adddd several Ytt'e designs ti 3r't :ate../11i bet coffins �„',•;; et, sleets, ebroods,a4d every: " notal 'ae at.the 1� §uisite ur 111INV is prttnonncod by ': ".e :+ a ent � u �to,.b ,� t � ti(res . Y t p O 0 n dt O. 33OII .'lA the The oil ea- t alot s-taab'1 Per ria , is sift; on tuned .fele;:, tyre of d, 7le1Vi Ail A1iUV,IoV,ili, 41', ;.V0V,,1 tvl.itl,ilUU,l. -4 1lddrt:tors, Attorneys. Solioitora, do, 31' aevto Loan an Iteal F.utste. Fa;ason':13tock, Z'octrer. ,� ESS118, JON S � �OS"I3 f(tzristfeto. Attorneys -at -low, S8ltritor18 tt4tivery, I t'ornveyoueers, Voutttitstioi re in . A. at. Notaries Public, t, Mary's O. i, JOSS S. W. 0.111080.M1.' Mink IAlinttere. meek, 'Dater:t., St, Atary'a ttl,t♦ ARD1NG & Ii i. iDIN(1, Barran tz tor s.ttorne e, elicitors, Can:raitssaonere 1. it., tqc. tntkt, 1:—Ifiaa Mees 33 o4nt, 'Water Street, tat. *to , y tl. .. us li.Ilatturce. >3.fit.11arecrelti \V D, tit"ai3i'NAYCONY?«, ,tre`AS,0NT. S. (A.1,.MPliELL. I'I(:} k ' I Laud Surveyor. &o.. Illi be a> Ilra+•h- liaw o Hotel Iwxetr+r, en the tintTuestlay itt •acv ntuuth. tart,-rs for vrork loft *to Itr..itiI In�tAnnnwatt receive prompt nttc tion. AUCTIONEERS. 1 }1 BROWN , DAB.~ Auot1oLt'elt• 1 s e wiecitesse.eslesprentottysttintace, at* 1 ernstreasonebie. \Yinenelsort, Oct. 15,1573. HOTELS. 'PRITISII M. would acquaint +d liuron,i'atth te& the fIsspfer'wifesup best of ler will ble.. lit, litlry'a HOTEL, 'ltinrt:el quart*, ¥ary'e. Caton IVa late of Exeter, ttte faratingen traveling putilfo &Middlesex., Out he Imo rou- above Iletel, *rad nee added largely.to enods'astTe bar the a wia liquor', Brand Cigars, An attenttvelmet. u. always on band, to attend to the sta- CATON WILLIS, prop. March 1, 1877. $na. OOMMJii'RCIAL HOTEL, z REIDS- lrur g--Tbe above otel has changed bands and is thoroughly refitted for the comfort of the traveling public. Good liquors andcigars at rho bar. Attentive hostler always In attendattrw 1lo0ms for Commercial 7,'ravelers Writ Cu on .i . ,?`rep. • 1344- 1 ANSION HOUSE, EXETER Olin., W. IHAW1U AW, Proprietor. Thi now anti commodlone hotelle now completed,and ltted up throughout with irratdurutture. The hest of Liquors and the choicest of Cigars at the liar. Tholiouse Is capable of aceornmetlatinnl; ;nests. ExcolIentstables and an attentive hos. tiers. (5t -1y.) )UEEN'S KOTi.'L, LITGAN. It ti MoFALT, P roprietor. Tide first-cast/hotel -las lately changed hands (from J. Bovey to R. 741c.Falfs) and is fitted with new fury" Ituro throughout. Free 'buw to and from the.tetion dice for the new lino of'bussent°London. The bar is replete frith the choicest Lguors andfrr1g- rantliavanaf. Four commercial sample room. Good stabling and attentive boatlere. A. bug rune to and from Clantleboyo. A good livery cttab10 in connection. 'flet BSC LLA 'EO1I • ...._..'__'`-.,,__s_=„ HOW MANHOOD a .LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just published, a new addition of D,v Culverweil's tlooebrated Easay,eutbe radi- of eminal Weakness or Sporamator• duced by e -Abuse, Involuntary Fulls. Nervous Debility, and Impocli• of marriage generally; Cousurnption, and Pita; Mental and Physical In- &e. , world-renowned author, in this admir4tlo clearly proves from his own experience awful conspquoncos of off -Abuse may removed without nteclieine, and dangerous. surgical opperations,'bougles, rings, or eordiala; pointing out tt cure at pacecertain and effectual, by every smifergr, no natter what hie condi- be, may cure himself cheaply, privatels . • s Lecture will prove 0 boon io, thousand e,nda.. , wider sealin a plainenvolope, to any ad• on receipt of ars cents, or'two „postage , Mrrt - 07LiVEIMAragPIeAL II , ' cal euro rheoa, in sione, Impotency,, moots Epilepsy, capacity', r The • !tractive, that tho be effectually without instruments, mode of which tion may and radbal1y.. inzt•'ihis apdthou ant dress,, •tamps. Sdgsoss' NEW RINI SHOP. Vt., EITCHEIri' The undersigned would inferisi iirke public that lie has opened out inpai•tofra' El emp's store a new branch of business, long wented,whexo you can got all sorts of macirino srepalred rranl „ a watch,to a,ed`tviths rtlachihe lama -denote a first oleos, and workmanlikeinauner' aud:at moderate obarges,, , e6 r{ V,2L 50. �J' �1 �f ,t �y �,r{ y if Z Emblemsfor sit the )a 'er a oci s. a s * 20 AND 25 R4 { $'bRsr; 1?owE", m. . ,., r r Annxa'ns The ti t WBtiQT;41i14'ir nittbl R "6,7°Z 3C8 BRA,NTFORD, ONT. late where you_ saw. tits 4dy'tisenxent.