HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-3-8, Page 6Qld. eoough, w
Olt ! that's easy ()tonal:4 1 m
my girls off on the buckwheat straw
ealotauee principle.
Bat what is that principle ?
never heard of is before." !brain, he slowly dragged, his inartisti-
buckwheat, audit puzzled me to knor
how to get rid of the straw. Nothirg
would eat it, awl it was a great betl,er
ott, langanc, to um. At lad 1 thought of ap,!an. slimed our duttes, regrettiog that so
ers high rail feuee around it. My cat. weighed in the balance saw found
tle, of curse, eencluded it was soe-
p. no ret2-4S. thing good, and at once tore down, the ,
asy nut down, fence
:nut began tor eat the straw. I -st T. 11A
to he jolly agreeable
went areland iawn.
e ler b;.'Vera4a,
every night
niitraTele interest
ems/ling about /Vat, tUtertniued, tet tat the straw, itod
44 'verses.
young luau.
a -him
011.4tir,,Ropa digkoWdd circles
octagonal periPheries's oeel.
th a centrifugal idiosyncrasy, or
'abler, well say a disenfroo-
oeuity,, what effect would the
e exert ou a crystallized cod -
tided. by the tell from the
oua rafters .of the empyrean.'
Full fore° of this ponderous
broke upon his bewildered
" Y411, I u4ed. ratsQ a good deal of eally cobbled shoe from under his ehair
and. started iszom the room, We heard
him descend the stairs, go out. and
close the door, We then placidly re -
I stacked my straw nicely and built a promising a youth should have been
oe=edthena away a few tune? anil
, put up the fence, - but the itOre
drovethem away the more anxious
!aiey heaame to eat the straw. After
!dna ital been rereatagia low time
Zosiadulamee in tiphis
natura ter ins) to admire,
Tat lite? t'a 314; Cat". t4r some MIN
They s pizon c.mipleto and entire;
1;" a cheerful eanipanien,
eat it they did, every int of it. As 1
, stud I marry my guis oD on the same
princtple. AS hen a young man that I
don't like begius calling, ou gir le, 1
or rum, though
Meet:rage him, in every way I VA.
As a lesa la the devil's orLa vixtuu, Wit luta to come ofteu und day as late
,s41.). etato it, as ho pleases, and take pains to hint to
h4 Luthe girls that I think they'd bettor set
rtearci in a wraith: with retn. s
their cape for him. It swats first rate.
1\.r Le got ta
And teak 'tan more ho
And it gwwed en Liza ta5tvr conlfaSter,
fil inter at m-arat.r eeild.
1 was grieved to elisvvvo this here feller
ef ini;d1:4`
At Z.Itit.LQ tirandcri.4.°
his resre,,t ;
o.▪ './ las aetiNle el honor
1,1"..te Ilandlet airay ea the
'vras ilreaLl:n;
Vir.Utue:e: Loa step fen' le t:sinh.
lag'descar to return: litis-r,'elf freluent,
Ani el:Alt—by taint; a drink.
ESVCilifbatyQ11130 fellerreen.
She done it the bin:lilt rt;
N:ante in thetarr,em t.,rte evcidn',
hada't drittiduz; that aa,y,
And siot Liss& dawn to the tabie,
With a, terrible sorrowful we,
, be:sit:ash ?' we asked of It verdaut look -
And there a-grw-ania' upeettal, jug youth, who app lied for tux editorial
: dot likiraif a gone position the ocher day.
Y'SLI11 W01.116—
own Wilms being uov Infe.t *ceration and.
tinning out daily et targe utit3 of
IN ita )611
CV.% for allparyfses
cannot be surpassed iur$1-he Do ilk-
rarnestrono olietatteu can always bee*ralie
eitlfor ot the hilos or deliver.] by teams 1aw
est remuicerativerntes. Orders tram a distance+
protartly tt...ndecl t.
ARE C15.11TO
lie don't make mauy calls, for the girls for
vat Limos eonly as they. can. Rut B A
Wiwi e,.. young fellow that J. lik0 comes
areund, a wan that 1 think would itno , ,c, is," ,,,..i...1.1.4..,6.2,..rrs.1
snit me for a soa.itt-law, I don't let him .M. 0 (174:01 Xi 0 04Jr .4104*, A. K 4 7 . IMO
urt40 maus cans before I give hied toil
MA.IICEf 8, 1877
H IVIowen and
fl*Years' ,,dc!sitess Cared by Four Et stiles
01 CPustitutlanal Catarrh Remy.
Pain la Sboahlers, Back alt Laa,p,
DrapplagiIs Thraat Disappear.
sr..taaA:ro, P Q,, Sept. 12. la3.
2,11t.'r, frAitP17:141
-Nap Sirs—B.4ex dentronn that others ran!: I. non
soinetldng of the merits of your Cevenverleast
erATAIOHI 11timsay, 1 wish to mform pat whet it
hes done for toe. 1 sot tweutylee yours Is had
Iwo out et health fur Shoat five years.. I lind
employe.] three or four differeat deetorat af0 tried
various medic...Mee, niftiest rectiviag goy tamm•
lief% hanolit. but ceatinued lather to ,gtow %retie,
until lab fall, when 1 had, ?acme ae bsd 2,, iv
Asada taci0 au liour'e 1VO1I t A time. Hal .iovere
cfereueas and judo under the blionlider Ws Ns and
thmutlx 110 eteuiders, with skr,y1ame back. and
fee]Ing la ray risht lung as though them was a
weight beating it down, with *metal droppiag
ti throat and down ups aw,huags. Fuel* was
my condition when 1maaneueedite sake goer Ica.
t'arib llencily. ono bottle of whicapai
and gave air au imprint.] appetite. rind :flier tea,
log tear bottles 1was neural to lik.rath AS to
Ito able to cuetzto hord ;Ind c.mnunc.] geutz. neh
ee,elleppinguuclf•arliK land, at which I have
beau engem 4 the raot swam, M: recovery I at.
tribute egiosly. tr..b Gotta Igkating, to the use of
roar gatanda nt-cly.01-4!'2.7a A
Y.nurs truly ligNET SliTHER,
Roo tt per thottla ; 4•40 IFYa gt1. 1 of onr oc4ebrate1
r 5'‘ rut I 'Singe
'kt.fittbst olfwged out
rstd that isn't woutcdm
ray hotas,a'. I ten tite girls, too,' tt.hE\ AD bPLEL:S1)11) 5T°e4
thy het haVe atu,ytitiog to do
wan tam, AA I siva then), nidiati Let ki
uei p
to ept_ak tto Lira agatu. The ,yetur2O1S Liu tog
'ay each other, and the
next altag 1 knaw tia..; are engaged to J. SOUTIICO S NEW sTou,'
be married. When 1 C63 that they
ore determined to marry, 1 always girt The stock comprises Teas, augurs,
in and pieff,end to make tits best of it. Coffees, vraps. Vinegars.
That's the way I manage it."
Spices, T'Jbaccoo, Pails,
Broom, Brushes,
C031-011 &e.
'(mita to be an .E42for.Esr".;71bing111 11,4‘1 tiWyrtraillt 1?ird'e4 sn
(V44 la.k
00 10 QUI011.074 0 0
i) are houtal to seB cheap for cash.
Have you had auy experience in the
11.& E. STU-X.11S.
Haven't I though ? he replied as lie !
lie wai thinkia* and thiuldie and tidal:I i',
hboyed too loot under his chair to
▪ eussin' 91f aud Lis fate.
nal ended hi thinkite usual.
By ord.:Ting a** bourbon straidln."
dig NSili Oass in his i.sycre,
hide the tinskilltul pahing ut a beet:-
* woods eubbler. 'I should say I'd Lad
some expetiente—havou't L Cul rcsruzz-
tivd with the Putupitinvilto Seitonicr
When Lute the place from the birce,t 5 :Ur six, weeks ? II,du"t that en erionee
Thc re imam a young ,3 a like a spit it,
i ciente n '.'
With a face that who wonderful sweet.
":!....ilat %, ill do vory w312," WO replied. C. SENIOR.
Ana she glided right up to the table, )1 'but %% Len aver take young tutu ou our
And took the glass putty away, edit.,rial stuff, v,e guntfrally put them
". ensue says to like, "tor, kis over ; '' throu411 au examination. Ilew much
I am only a woman to•day.
rejected you oncosn ruy singer,
La 1 tomo to you lowly and meek,
For 1 o.in't live without you, my darling,
thought 1 NM strong, but I'm weak,
i• Yea aro 'annul in a terrible bondage,
Ana 1 come, iere, ta share it with you ; are 31182' as ottaY
Is there shame itt tho deal? 1 caul Lear 'Who WAS the first man r
• For at least to lovei eart truAdam, -why. mister, 1 know all'—
'What was his other name?'
have turned fres. the home of my Childhood,
Anal eonie to you,lover and friend, His other name 1 why he didn't
have none.'
Leavitt.; comfort, contentment atllionor,
Yes, he did. You see that's where
And ru stay to the terrible end.
we've got you. His other mune AVIIS
I. there hnnger and want Nth° fature ? Ebenezer, Ehetezer Adam, Esq., late
I will share theui with yea and not shrink, of Paradise. Nobody kuows this but
And together wel join in the pleasures, editors and see to it that you dadt toll
The woes and the dangers of drink," anybody,'
Then she nista up the gloss firm and steady He said he wouldn't.
Inat her face wasas pale as the dead)•
iliow many bodes are there an the
t• Here's to wine and the joy of =ousels, human body.
The sot.gs, and the laughter," she said. `Well, 1 forget no we but I did know
Then he riz up, his face like atempest, waust.'
esArnat ! Don't you know that ? Why
And took the glass out of her hand,
there's 7,4t32,921,444 bones in au or -
And slung it away, stern and savage,
wintry num A luau that snores hits
And tell yea his manner VFW grand.
are twelve tames one 9'
'Twelve why any little boy ought to
on, please, don't be to fast,
who disuovviee America,'
41itumbus I Pshaw, them questions
And he says, / have donuwith i,Nally! one more than other people.:
What bone is that ?'
And ru turn Loin. the ways I have tro
e trbIt is situated som
Anti I'll live to be worthy of you., dear, 'Momone.
a merciful God.', where in the nose. You won't forget help ine
that will you?'
At ha more was remarked it is needlesHe said he wouldn't.
For me to attempt to relate ; How long would it tele a mud turtle
It is some time ago si es it happened, to erose the desert of Sahara with a
Bat the sequel is easy to state ; imull orehan boy to touch him up be -
1 seen that same feller last Monday, thud with a red hot poker.'
Lookiie nobly and handsome and game : Well look here, fluster, if I had a
He was whaJlin' a 7.31lieia.gea'lemon, slate and pencil I could figger that out
...nd a baby was into the same. but dog my ssin if I'm much ou mental
'ri wine tie.'
181a.o and pencil I Did you ever see
'Aro you there?.' said an Orangeteem
to a Ribbonman in 4grafe,' being about a slate and peucil about a sanctum
to be banged. I always said you Well we'll let that question slip, Have
'You'r, 0, yen got good, eoustitution'?'
would come to be banged,
liar, Baia pat, 'if it eas the last word rutty tolerable.
I bad to spnko, I did not come, I was 'Row to g du you suppose you could
brought.' live on raw corn and faith, avid du the
Several holes were charged in a drift work of a tenni elephant?'
in a Gold Hill mine. One blast failed ' 4Lurd, 1 di*u't believe I could live
to go off. One of the nainere was or- mor'n a week.'
dared to go in and see what the tuat.er Well, thats about as long ayou'd
was. 4 No, Bart he s tid tread ;,.1 was want to live if you got an editorial po-
blown up if, Oalif orny tvauee that way, sitioil on this paper. You alq,eur to
an' rd rather lave me work than be be pretty well j osted, we shall ask you
kot again.' one more question, and if you prove
'My friend, don't yoti know that it is equal to it you can take off your caat
very daugercus to take a nap white the aad 841.1
train is in motion 2' 'Why so 2'
ex. 4Let'e have 'er, 'squire. I did't oor-
cleinaed thef individual, waking up— respend with the Putnokin 1.3 Seraemer
'Why so 2', 'Because this train iune
six weeks for notiliu', let 'er cozne-I'm
()vet' eepere.' ou dee1 1 am.
Fresh Oys te rs
tore, 24ast 2; lock.
An excellent stool: of (ire...gins andConfeet
07 Ou band.
1.A-- Sportsmen supplied with Antutuliiion.
School Books, Statiorfary, 'Magazines
shine Noe dlonof ovary kindfoa
rjlbe undersigned Woulkt inforni the iuhabi
1_ thants of Exeter and vicinity that he he
one door /south of his Tilaolcamith shop andhopon
the same liberal patronage that has bean as
corded to him in tho
line willbe extended] to Min In his new branch o
business, His moat wagen will call at tha resi-
dence of ho villagers three times each freehand
nil kinds kept constautlyon hand at his braoher
N,Biaolcsmithing and wagon making carried
onas usualin all Itsbranchee;
1DRQPERTY FOR ALE.—Two lots ou Main
.E street, contain ng one-fifth acro each;
goodfranee oottage,e attaining six rooms ; :good
well and pump, ancrStable on the pre1nise8.—
The abovo is eligib1 situated for business, as
the lots are lmth fr: nt lots, and oonVenient to
the street leading to the station. For -oration
lays apply to J. WHITE, Tnxss ORiee, Exeter
Consumption Cured 1
An old physician, retired freta active
praetiso, hafin,o• had placed in his .hautl..
by so East India Miesiosary the forum la
of a 'Vegetable Remedy, for the speedy
and permanent euro of 'Cansumption , A a-
nima, Brea:militia, Catarrh, and a11 threat
and Lung Aficotioxis also a Positive and
Radifull Cure for Nervous Dobiliby and
all Nervone Complaints, after havin
thoroughly teetedlist wonderki ourati rc
powers in thousands of caeca, feels it hi..
duty to make it known to lsia euffcrin%
follows. Actuated by this motive, and
ommoiontious (desire to relieve human sue-
erl:rig, he will send 1.112Mt op etnesoe,
all Who desire it, bilis rooipo, with fol.
directions for preparing and sueeeenfg);
rasing., Bout j return mail by adgm.-
'mg with atom , naming
. c. wrzv 4,5a,
B01 NI DoceAnup, e,
in"crort Om -
., Qui in. aelia;tit.,', ueon,
tintas..oe of tie
'4%4 10II'II te» t!tr.t ai-
way ciou har.d. and maiic! t'forcloz
llaruess of Every PestIoll;
0t1 kanal,Atul bald QS Olh
tr4e. Ail Vili?1"4 WaT.:44..C.i.1 tarot -at.4.1,•tif.;*
gun; dtal,;,•il.
Fitting CoUar,s a Speekay, i1N4
rondo! noi fjJ:i.
Aaq.t7, 3. (1.
rpHE liet.11.0011.1.QN
Zu1,1 UNan
TAti9.,,i,,,ii Q*/,',7..',,,
A, %i,: '1 ••*
•',.,,,:z.', ' ,,. • "'IN otr-l_ 'c''', 4„'4:::* .-':,:•:' %
.,... ••-,:: rt '
. ... ,
- - .t., . c
. • "
Bolure gat the W. 11.nefflAchlon watch
b, efor.0 buYing. You frill have another atter af
ing taxon. All who wear thom rocoldrnmsd
fluicland Slivor. I oafiles ami fletinetur n's ,
DurstbisstrectIonflon. .140, the t,,-,:mouiela
The isrgoNt.befititraiettotv,14 of :fur fr..id
Jrarolry, Clocks, Byer, and 'Chita] Ware, Vaitcy
Goods, ft.m., ip the lereViiiiie.
ovary description. W, 44(.1410'N
Tufadtm s London*
• 'I•7;f1C1....2:..."`A,
Single Reapers
11 altda of Grass aucl Grain, fled an au eon
difialiS Pt !loll Laid surface,
Wa Ono offer v, Trial of eur wre;;5•%t tr
Ter, nor
JONNETW3 GrZe4Ki:3,D cat7.11PED
Witi6 to an: tn.: 1 wit -4
Two 11r.blrs,
Two ilter-
- our Ji.lii‘g • .
47yrked and N.e,yctl.
Ocif oilcr:,,
etc., oto.
Can t changed, frora 1:lower
to 23,exrE,v.:
Ca Ill'...1.1.V.,11 TO '',.1i-Vill'E1t
111)' woutoval of !we i:,:,:ta, a 0 ' ii1144-,/ 11U% 1..:t
;ilMilintfris" t:ltiCl,. ,
i'lease call at our works annspoet
our INIttchittles baforo varshating
1 viis". r,pritl.r Catalt,gat%I.
MeTHODII.'S017 i: 'WILIJABE ,.. .
CA, 4.
J. C. 1)1:i VI,itAi.:ux,
.Wonder of' Modern Times
The rilis Purify tho Blood. =lava all dicerdare
of the Liter, Stomach, Kidneys ant. Bowels, and
aro invaluable in all complaints ineidental to
Tho Ointmout is tho only 'reliable remedy for
Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Soros and Moor. , of how.'
ever long standing. Por Branching, Diphtheria,
Colds, Gout, nhouruatism, and all SkinDiseasos
it bonne equal.
dew York ounterfeits.
Spurious. imitations of "Holloway's
and Clatanent," are manufactured Mad, sold
ender the mime of "Holloway dt Co ," by T. P.
Henry, Curran cS Company, Da un -
gists, and al.° by the 10cttjo-
of 2tan Medi.:ino col:ramify at
New 'fork, win ,n anus:cod trade
Mark, Agli in one
Joseph Sinydne,-,New tork,liko-
wino •V50109 0110 o unborfoita ot his
own make under tho name of Ite .
loamy Co„ having Ie. o trade mark a Cronont
and Fierpou t; troKt.eson M Bahaism of -Vow 'York
am spats for the same.
These persons, the bettor. -le deceive you, un-
blushingly caution tho public in the a,,a11 book*
of direct' cos attired to their niediolilo, which
aro really the !gunions imitations, to Beware or
Cour terfolts.
' Umserupti lean Dealers obtain them lit vory
low prices and soil them to the nubile in Cana-
an as my gonnine fills sad Oihbrnonts.
I most earnestly nod respootfully appeal to the
Clergy, to mothers of families and other lacuna,
and the public generally of Britisfl Nor1c Amori.
ea, that they may Ho pleased to denounce on -
sparingly those frauds.
Purchasers should -leek tofu() label on the pant
and, boxes, If the amino% is not 13S, Oxford
Stre-t, LQH{1 034 it -103: are the oonntorferts, hash
pet and box of•tbo c.crazine Mot -Homes, soars t11c
Britinh' (level-rano:it stamp,' with -PO word'
"Eloar.Owar'n rums Arai ocurtrawi.4 London,"
engravoch the room On the laliel is the address,
51a1, 0.01r.1. Street, aria ore alone.they, aro
Manilla stared. Tarldoii who 'may bo 'demi nde'd
by Vendors selling imariee n "Holleways rills and
Oirttoatint as my velatfine -wake, *Nall, cerro
manias ting the .parldeulaz a bo me, bo at apli re-
naloaeliated, and their re nirir..r divulged.
buccsNir to L. St. Naref4,
bTti haw.
to asneau.
eo ti.tte d'art
• .tivl the 1"11
,n$ i',, that
etas in the L.
• Iva
1 v.Lt1 ba].7,1tArk.1
• • - to furuib rig4
term. awl s'hurt notice.
Hold, 'bt. Mary
0111::ap Cash
saw mill, two and n half ingerWert of Es-
ter, on the town line of Stephen and Ilay.
Bill stuff out on the shortest notice thaa
aity feet.
G-. 6.; J. 13ROOKSi
Manufacturero of
dila tlea!Arg in
Mosze—Tive miles west of London Bead.,
CABLT Fon azzams
The undorsigrati having eranploted their Ito
rannery, south e of Alcor, aro now prepare
to pay the higpost price tor hides an4 Skins,—
FirrailYs wOl AVally their own niter...me, to call
' on us before offering them so jobbers. We
have ready in IL short -limo ail hiado of Ierainor
of our ow, manutootazo. for plastereset-i.
ways oat Isand.
lit:LACHLAN .,
November' ft-ro
' MUSIO. • •
Will vatic° pupils for instruction in Mustier
V ec terms apply'st
TlIQUAS 310 ,r4 S too et
i -t