HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-3-8, Page 51 Kocii 8, la"IT .ictlagocrs U1. rf ioes. St' lifit**4 Arap.,tipy 04$* INK•tOir(} ,„, e(ir, &nt. „. 1140 o. U10 • 44 44 to 10 ••. te 1, r% id to 74 1,4 to 12 *attor ,„ 19 to $7 Vloar ear bath- .,, SO to SO Fuerts 14 to 14 flers ........ .............. 444 to7 ka oat 659 so 9. hides ..... Oa to M Shyers 42.07, Ti: 7'09 to1 M 2104 ATIrlas ........... 114 to 2 44 04i, 904 ........ ....... Tito 1 GO ...... to J7'. Wool , • 11 Ot Turkeys So to 1 de , se. so 14 22A1.2. iz 44.kt s try e a XI 4 ve. Err. 32A177'1. tnVolted ',*:0 A.Oalbraltli•Clask) arI3est, par tre.r....o: .. 1 SD to 1 44 • S,,w1ng wiazot SO 1 1 to 7,4 triey .......... . ....... . ...... t Au7s 4'I. rotate:or for bog ... to 10 .4.1ralso " 'Soto 0 Deaf per (Lb ... 4 to a to 'York' par rar't Odo to I:gr./tor dozen .. Irr to Volta, ... 15 to ru'A%TOIT t. S1nVy* Gents' Furaishin Clot:41)4 e6ta to Lone.. purchas2d from MOIRA RENON, AMERMAN & CAI AM PM MARKETS. rt4r Cattets•-•,14.4 Itiagrli.fuca. 11ZY • E,A,TON. Cb. cal Tur TIMES FARMERS AND MILL 111X1,0 Attention r 0137112TZ stt D,Miarli Ilardorare, pedals, 0113 road Mass, st. ldrhry's Lime. Viattor Pods, THE ORAN' QANG PLOW and Other Agricultural implemout7. gents for the- Galt Founiry =anus XagiOres„.111ileirs, Pla,o7ng, 1137711Ing• and.other woad. .vrerlsing :machinery. Cirelt10,V . Crosscut and Hand Se.ws,Ttope, Chain, Gas Pipe and Steam Fixings. F,l113911.$ al.001',UX•eter,. a .10 'N.,' wfee.1,1, .rof 0 "7"""1***•"'"'"'""""""'""".."'"""" LO2DU:4, MYRON A!1D B13.11V,O, 57:ez; T..1.314z. V7.ret'io voll TIM. taTe'a farther notiee ns follows: I(2 Mat4 Mira 4.0 4.,,0 fro4, 7 Zs A.11 4,,t 34 " 3 44 ... ••• 111-..u•loNoq e .. .... 4 ;4 " -•.1 ;5 rt " 0 04 6 te " le 10 1174rasil ,.. 11 11 " 11 IS ' li.t.114.t .. ,• .. "0 11 " 11 le " 11 ., 11 4a " Cho: I 4 ,. • • ... " 7 19 " 10 44 . 41•11.-.1a ,.. tIli " 2 l''........t...'4•1e - -. " 10 R. reiNo siar:n Noll ilffsrr71 Wbazbi,lat .. *10 •Faa • a a 0 ( 0.k.Sit. 20 Se,,.. 0I0 " 3 34 ra.r Itreco,olol .., - - .P.lis o 1 Nizikro ... ... ... 0 SS " 11 7.1 ryli " ..,1 01i 1:5“14,1 ... ... .. ... 10 00 " 3 45 0.v...••••lia .. ... .• le 12 " 3 Pi Loi.riou ... ••• dia• ...arell 40 Walker's stores aro cfowdea lull of now goods TWEEDS, FLANNEL, DRESS GOODS, LADIES' SIIAWLS, CLOUDS, JACKETS, FALL & WINTER II.A.Ta (trimlnea), BOOTS & SHOES, A SPLENDID LOT OF RED'S MADE CLOTHING, 10 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN' LAST SEASON. Furs a Speciality TEAS 15 per cent. cheapey than ever offered before. Be ware and give uo soil and esti* fy yoursolvos. duc ts for CASH or READY PAY. PICIKATEM have just received ..NES L1 C T OTINTBEBIM would retort% thoaks his customers for the Ter), liberal tronage best4w44.eabila ta the pott 31 would respectfully enuounce to In. 'as that he hes greatly redacted the prices otherness, es will b4 weft perusing tbe price fist; ML otta er work la the harness lbw at propo:t;onally low price*. 'oluesPn and despatch. 11001V .AND D1101•31. In %MS branch of thotrado.oTery ca,:mt at rbe,o,post Pric.es. CROWDED OUT • CROWD The undersigned 'finding filch promisee altdgether too s for their INCREASING 33-13 SINE SS intend shortly putting up an ad1iti011, and lin ardor. to make B.00rn will cAll Goods at a Great Sacrifice for one month. 15 CASES OF NEW SPRING DRY GOODS congaing of Ncv Prints, Dress Goods, American Ducks, Cottonades and Shirtings, all purchased before the ad- vance in Cotton, ancl will be SOLD .AT BOTTOM PRICES Also received -Spring; tweedo and Coatinas in all shadms and priecs, If you :want a nobby and good fitting buit of clothes at bottom pricss, call at SA.N.1 WELL &:PICKARD'S. .CENTRALIA JAMES PICKARD and CREDITON. Is still at his old stmia, whore will be fond. ueverything a person 'wants in PARSONS DRY GOODS, Sr WA_LIE3t. , Centralia and Croditert 26. Oet. MLLIAINERY, . BRADY-MADE CLOTHING. • • - HATS and CAPS, ''. GET' FIJRNISHING, GROCERIES. • HARDWARE, BOOTS and SHOES,- „! C. MOORE, M.D. C.M • of meGill 1721vors .2)beza tsmal ruytitoLart, Surgeon, be. 0 am, IMIsosidrusoo-17 motor, at. CtrIleettenstar-s is 10 S.M., fbIle4 7 IN 24 PORI. NEW CARPENTER, SHOP, Tho undersigned would bog leave to eeettahn tho Public that that they have opened out a • CARPENTER & JOINER ZHOP On the strbet loading to tlse B. C. ehnrolnod that they aro prepared to contraatfor all kinds OF BUILDING iSr JOINER WORK. Flans and spoottleations 111-- ',Logi, Iva from their experienee ia,.a.ne busthess, they feel confident of giving smisfootiou to those whe may ;Aram. them with their potronolgo. FUNSTON & RILLA.RD Bulor 10$111Itty 11,1977. 11.4,111, • WILL PAPER, PATENT MEDICINES, & CALL AND SEE NWAY Cheap Cash Store, ('rekliton. ••••• -UHF, FA.ICATERSIL 1)1117(4 sTORE. APPI*R31 YM1 Wont torSito 111. All aoa rtof Dyrioltutra inbuilt': II sney Pp11700, /-1•11;04.Aesiciug PoWinlw, 9i1--lcilk and IL dt,e Annatto.alut73u and Troll !flue, M1 kinds Of spicesnd aoarroV auri. ey:ra, rloaie l'reept of Tarar tmot :alorreV14. randiars. Irdever ti!,ap abet Tri7oll. awl • ToToilet Soaps s.I.ine of bottor camitr soli tenor ficaros ilet Soaps, then ovor before cloned, nciir Itostoratitosaaa renrodas in pot rOf zion. Fan pr,yorartient wnt ittlonumber, Torfliara•y. • for lite nallliOn. Y,reir cat; an 0100 a. particularl' drown to our 111,1:11,1,41:A.NTIN:11,1 ibu cheapest t‘rill.most perfect aril, clotlftIttNitrilair drooling In use. (luviltigcauron n3tilr•TXLINS which' gn ITRARell all otl, or .pn, arw eporations 171 44:0 market:or boautifFing e thetiordeilon and softening Ino akind o!Win Tozerit 1,so “.arlontitrIco beyond. Ti. • uso tro otbess. D.ra't uso hots imitations. truly to be got 44 CAMIE AND SEE 1.78. T LIE DOMINION L il)OBA.TORY. --o- FOr tile, Si C1C 4$'TtT711:L7:roe'ziftitt7:;74'14.,t1-",1, l'igt''jZ141-.14;eWjni',.t`71;r11`Pig.;; :t:)1,9!4ti'dki• Or3, ahruit prolacteas, classic steclUlrge, 15., 1Y2.0 For the :Boys ,,,'!4.0,11:',IIu1.1.4aIli:21210.elt‘,ItAlti Lore olf at u scisrlhcc. Dior the Stable : t4,15!;2451„,.2:,,524,V,T,‘,T:,,4,;•,T,;1cr(4118 WC:I1i.b CAttlu 1fsot1.r. CoLdition Powder, Heave Remedy, ana Cough Powder., ,etc. They ,can o:glybo 11114. it zit.,DOMINION Tr41L111.103.1.7•11c.n.st. Exciter • TI -1F M.ILLINE 11:Y 1)E PAIILITNE'T I3DEI1 TH1 Att.A.11A.CIUMENT OF A FIRST-CLASS MILLINER From Toronto, artillir. W. Ji. Ives is still ottoman , lei the Order Clothing Department .vrhiell hos reeved a weitsant, and speaks for itself., ,Wo etianiatee an era,. as leiw. as auy other soli -able, hour, All kinds •of ll'aara Peattuse • Saga.- in, 1,314111446, l?',!`10.4116ot 14111". I T}TJ • OLD -13LE HOU SE • JAMS PICICA.11.1) ••••••••••imarvuom•s•n*N*f rom...••••••••••nownwrroxvhs*.*+.40 BJ3EAD FOR THE MILI i ;N AT THE • Exeter Bakery. GEORGE N6RTIIMORE begs to apprise the inhabitants of Exeter and surrounding country that he 1.11F purchased Mr. James Lindsay's interest in the above establishment, and by strict attsution to business he hopes to maintain the same liberal patronage in the future which was accorded the late firm, and from his long eitperituise in the business ho foals confident of giving every satisfaction. • Coo. North=1.ore Pro•prietor. N. B. -A eall respecttully solicited. GODERICH FOUNDRY. Foun.ders, Engineers and Ma9hinists. SIANI.TrACTIllitliS OF ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW MILLS, STATE AND HEADING MACHINERY, Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. • Agricultural Implements. COOKING; PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, Potash Kettles, School seats, &u. Ironand Brass Castings to Order. For intle cheap -Second hand Boilers and lingires ; and :Stave, ShIngle, and Heading Macoinery. Repairs on Boilers, Eugiues, Mills, esc., promptly attendedto. GODERICil , FOUNDRY and MANUFACTURING Co. GODERICH, Ont. JO N 'DREW GABINET MAKER, MANUFACTURER awl DEALER, Wholesale and Retail, in all kinds of F URNITURE. DNB ERTAKIN a. Cith'ine Of all sixes kept on hand and made to order. Shrouds and burial robes made' of the . 'boat materiel. Ittilkiltilattlt attended, to ; with proMptnese, The beat Hearne in the Centaity ffornishee for ff anew 13.00mar Ix) Xe.rOVAO0' ' •