HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-1-18, Page 8ES , #,r an 'a Stars ea;lo a a atit*elt atlaatee, g." .luaie Lawrie." - aee after voieg eartght up the sang, ut-t its ltn.ler ra,5kiO4 Zech ld c sex izoclueat rich awl 4a.xd.4,4 �'iJBSF rave►:e.Nva oenfisai•ni. ),iii, l:srmina tae dere not speak, hum as file se114 grad barna er, t... llliwr rlisau tike 4,dialia'ae17o:0 ttaslzeal Q x .irks stains yf pllapl er, 54ze 1 tido ularLeuing as: ea;u i,:;ruc, a x*•aig ti11. eG'aerr DVi.; • file i.1lBa4ila3't ley a leern e troll1eva rolitembors. 01. ones gtr,uias a liro at lie,! Ilaitzea. alt tiseStts:ia)t enarters, 11's'I:h bOCOa n.la Of seat anti 'anvil of eliril, i z,d Ltillewirag of the mortars. Antl.114al Nora'a 4yc, gra durt b cr •1)tinier tizub anal gory ; A :4 k w;tialz7ary.tuQurtni for kazsta Wi.ti• sato et '• ASmir,. Laario." f�u,s.. iiur, team) lieuersd rest 11,us troth az:+ sans l;t aziaag, is l fllsop a #rt: C13v ti„tter(t ^- kl:e;u�T).eg3�:a tI.(�43;iria,t^, frQ 1 C174e eta, fame tl�ygtl•er..-•�1ta f=at"site i.rifsliol .aaildten ata raiMrti on oatmeal t1j5.1, /554.;04.5*➢; e•it12n, t 1• 1st to groat strong.and ht;alCitr, tacdl i.a, ➢tet i s Broil eau rat., awl,' lit t .ratan: tht 111. It as ;tCnii quiet as tleyir:ihlo tare tiw tilt:dont t, for the liaistror, :mitt tow tile" t.t•lar.ir4, ➢.:d,' ;teal finer hard-tvot iutag titers all rlassys would Ito grt•ot: It brei Jttt ti 31y its use”, nue! thslt••11,iu„ 'sit J1 ssiC is, ti .iii tir➢'tt .tullu,;lnt•t•.i, kept At ;k lli.t.tlai l". llatll,t;li i tame Malt. a,.tltti;sl food, it 1, s it1. than 1a•a➢, puri: rot 1, tilh, and hatter t•tlo.:au to boot Hord miaow, 140,111,4 0% tutu It or 111411.1 ItiNllydk 1i,gor, ',Alis: its ;brit tiv+idetatlltlt con,atN tri nut's not ln,1 inning \%envy of it, for its i, az, fife tot lire tJi(tahl or tea an 1, N heal tri: ;:raths,at htN:atl It eau lie eaten ttitit Syrup :AO ha tiler, Clic Naderk� pudding, .s18 to - With ore.uul sugar. ) e riot l aiµtIi;aliy guild 1m , ming netbt s . ilial !shoe. mental Ihrtvstoo gl'ial 't alainant h.i. 11.4r31 Ifs; tit", xud 111t•v 1u;1Mr ohs) a rla°;ti- Lek-11hl Of 1hl N601,411 riIttl ]tt`1u11ta 41 Jal,.na:•t 1141relluilua t4. Jr i 414)Lt'iI !Owe l,, and the haler slupuld b• trolling Ilia 'tiaetl it l s sti led fibs 'ru):.111 p\Tle 1'11 r.tS.- ftu•re atria :hili. iingnitlr LION ;11/119it lilt• 1r nthlaal+Mill',! Ill tnes.4no. 1lasou 11 tilt, Al hustle Cabe. 'fiat• c4Ju,uau.1 of Lllllsi i'ict lino int l it: 14isti. t.11i g ttit' manor, :111d Nye g.i1ii" trout 1 rt'ptivt situ"e intuits :--- 4.When the eirt•lrti ti; lie appliorl to 111 ttib1i a ono end. 1 s1u ,rin l , nt 1 .tarots,• pass berme e ally t lit t.t i, felt itt the t1tl..•' u1, toad flute bovotiiI, are tu,t,ll iittt tn• luxe thti full throe of t1itt current. i, .0 -w tion. Till first signal is tuft in foil! le ot ,- Cit at. second, but the ib11uN•ilag ones through more rapidly. As nattily 1„t 1d 11. teen Hart!.! have IAN.% NI•IIF over the ulnar• tie (abko in Of N minute ; iilta c ap 41:1, ttsun13y he sent under 1prenanre.:Intt 1 stet! t• iL miunto is a gout i working late, .,tax• igi.:. rf tpvehc words have been sent) :a'k Oa' Way i1'0.111 NNW York to l.ol$i un it fpr• t tames. A iact,not yet rsplairieal 1,L): scientists i, that 5,•1diett'it•itr dotes not at,t t as rapidly from New York to Londux as in tine opposite direction.” Aa n the ravine rtautt the Trabne .trfreesttero pike, accos ley Weaver, of the Thi*d flank, took flim from his bu i gagged and find hint, carries 1tum into ciente thicket, robbed, him sf and left rim to tree himself as beat he could. By desperate exertion he re- leasee! himself. One of the robbers wads arrested and identified and subs°. le %ul l aderrest and before investigation g one of them .sent Mr. \\\Teary word through an attorney that: Ila had saved his life, an the other robber wan-__ u to to kill Mr. Weaver, that he might 1 pal r nasi he to confront them its an aeon, ; F, Re a^ @ ' ;oar. Both !nen were, however, °envie - C ted s•ind sentencer to ten or fifteen '� om `t , ' Fa yearninrptisonuaent, et' 0 g Some time after hal was stint to the174 penitentiary the one who lika''elalimed a to r to wore !=treed :air. !!'sa'cr'a life be- "ere .r'„ carne n claw loader in the convict Sun. C) `O' Q ot o day -school, end scanted determined to o `d lead a better lite. Several izifiuential o 1,,4 members of Ilse Methodist Church, wile . „. haft kept an eye upon him, home at a length eouviuced that he bad reformed' as . and in lt+74 applied. for his mama.. ', Gov. Porter, however, refused to par• doe hilae that Christmas, because the 4 receinrnor titttiori of Mr. Weaver had not beet) obtained, Just beforeChrist• utas, 1871)", friends of the reformed convict applied to Mr. Weaver for his szcdniescenco fir) the pardon of the man that Chrietmistst, Mr. Weaver, eon- sr"rttadt acid tlsa convict early that t;'handouts 1uorniog walked out of the laristou atom. tt, 'free man. Going to Jtiaawicsa Ilaltliette's adient he told that t;pantleman he desired to see Mr. Wee- ver for the purpose of asking forgive- aaessz for the rough Mariner in which ben lytta trentoli hint, trod to return the rnnuey of 'which they haat robbed him, wis'll interest. Mr. Weaver, being nick tat the time his son Thomas S. 'Weaver went to see the convict, who nae the swains proposition he had maria to jos. title Baskette. But the money was re- fused drift )nothing Ulolo was heard cf the marl until 7a short tune ago, when it was ascertained that he had become a pastor of a church and was leading a pi pus, useful life, It is said that this reformed convict received hie educaticu at Bethany College, and was really a Man of much mental elq aoity. +\pother convict, who had paeticipa- ted iu tho penitentiary Sunday 4;6°01 work, upon heaving the penitentiary WW1 ordained a miniotor at Lebanon ala is now in charge of a congregation out west. BABE CHANCE for 'B A.R GAI N S 4 Sharp Boy. .et. story is told of Governor ehitteac"ton who was ono of the. earlier Governors of Vermont. He was quite an extensive farmer, luld 1n those days to be a Gover- nor did not generally interfere with the incumbent's ordinary vocation, He had two sons. One of thein was a boy of bright intellect and the other decidedly dull. The old gentleman thought that natnre had done enough for the youngest and that he would make his way in the world without any more than a common school education, but that the elder one would need all the aid of a liberal education to make up the deflicioncy of nature, and he was ac& diugly sent to college, while Lis brothur''s. was kept ou the farm. It happened and : spring that antung t -.e fruit of the Govhrner'aherd was a veru stupid calf. It wouhl not suck or driuk, :and nu amount of effort on the part of the father,. sun, or hired roan could iuductp hint to take histsusten- .auce. After repeated trials tilt good Miall's patience gave uut, and elle 'ld to Iris lou ` Fi ee.i su, what on earth will pa '3o with this stupid foul 1" i4 I don't know,.. father," was tike, ready reslii,usu, it unless you send' 4111 to college With Marttn.1 1 In Lolidiali, Eng., a female'lavwyler• 'has just 4raeil aitiarddo by the Council of University College the J(.,•sep .Flan e. scholarship in jurisprudence. °isho Making liar way in such active bull nese itt the laassv.as is allowed .to parser D who are riot-"citlled to •tlr6 bar woman Saxe not. permitted to practice lihere 41 Yate How much ;does a fool sigh ? simple -lett. tiWS W „LL C$ ysur;just opened oat a NEW AND SPLENDID TOC :OF GROCERIES, J. SOLTHCOTT'S NLS STORE The stock comprises Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, 'Vinegars, Spices,;Tobaccos, Pails Brooms, Brushes, Cool -Oil &c. Llrery thixig in the Grocery Line. Dater and eggs takes in exchange for goods. We are boandto sell cheap for milli R. J E. SSPIC ER S. MASON'S A&NCY. I eiasall TASON'S AGENCY, KING ST., H1:NSALL, Auotionear, Convsyalwer, Ire riuranee and dt onerra Comanlsaion Agent. money bo Loan, 1'rot•ertioa for silo Farms to Loam Teams Moderate. J.,11 M01'1,.licuaan. XO![ -BV S,NOSYRa LOGS WANTED IT TENS.ALL• T. J. 'WILSON. would inform the inhabttauts of the our - .rounding township, that he in prepare ed to buy all hinds of logs at Hensen, far which the following prices in cash `per thousand Will be paid futteri ut arid Cherry, 5.00; IIom- lock, 4.00; Soft Elm, 3.50; Rock Elm 6,00:;- oak and.Asli,'.(white) 8.00 ; Birch Beech nhd Maple, 4.00 ; Basswood, 5.00: Pine. (3.00. He intends erect- it1` a nary•saw mill„ PIaning'°.Mill,. and dash and door Factory,' at the above place, in the spring. Lumber at the' axil:' at former 'prices,. :There w ifll be a isan constantly os'" hard to • el 'the loss. ip CO C�tC`tCR 0 Trp 0� 1►rla' rx ct C7CD Q el CD \ 1-1 Ott0 174N va 1.4 tl% Q . I o ot 02 0 t'rt Ola ((D fila GS - !""t �I W �+� t.,,t' 1'••�� HO 0 23 CCaa, -• m 0+ lbs tz5 "2 tO CD iv et- sd 0 CA 04 it 0 Se Cr, 0 01 Ce CsiIP co et) ter O n+ +'C c7t'is, P rio ot • o" Carr 1R i•0 2 in I a act c's rn ,TA f"'11) o Po LTJ rn o 0 0 CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS V711. -GRIGG SON' havejuut received orally and1ocket iblos Testaments and kfy,, n T3ooks, Prayer 13oo1is, Ohursh Serrico, • rtndaY ida,gasitte. SUuda at horde. Leisure hour, Cbattsr !Box, I;riti,h Workman, ••i .ptVork.sronaan, British Juvenile. i3aila .1 Rape, pAntily I3''riond, ga1uily VIsitor, (birdi'e's Friend, Children's Garland, Infant's :atapaa:iae, iteeitatillit anal/ix. logne Books, Canadian Abuasfacs,'-ray Ilooki, Fpsttabio for X.tu as and pea Fears preaentx, titriting Desks, stork Boxes, I'artrrionina, Diaries, it577, Albms,card•eates, Autographs, Violins, concertinas, , Jukatauas. 4Sattees, !look -marks' Steroi:eopes and 3[ieroseepus, t lKE'S► .MMENGY. P/?OPEFi'TY P011 SALE alf.li Jit)FARMS FOB BADE—IN the coeuttes of iluro* as 0. Ntitltlteaaa, fat11 pI411et114u en ari,lttaatte a N'1ENDING DING purchaseril can be Pup.- Had !llp•rtad with fall vartlottlRrpet bin *Mimes i•v I LarNt Ober e, PRIVATE DWELLING in Fr1An- eestowu,pleasiantiy situated, everyoouve. )+fence, tttec•o•G,(tla t of an atru, goo4 aarcaiird a1124 g9rto,t,ea tory :es euxl,ieterms. U fr. First-class trick dwellings! and it largo number of frame dwelling tx serious Futtes of trio vlllRca, rltPallier cif building loth in tit arssrtrc Q; line bushiest part cf tit o vi 1140 ""0,000 of Private Funds to Loran oat Ylilago aft% ])term iteuerity e1 A low rale of int )dist. 1MOI1TGAGS BO[ fxllT. C a\"3`"'.k.VC'I.\G LAKE CO MISSWNuri. suranee and Laud :Dent. --Ohio Fstr on'sl Block, Ei.eter. rotor, Aui11st SG.3 7L PRUE ARRIVALS IVALS AT Will People's Grocery Store, OR lJ .LV NIVA.Lr has racoiTed n largo stook of GROCERIES, CROCKERY &c. also n large stook of BOOTS cl SHOES suitable for fall and Winter, consisting of Aden's, Women's and Children's `Wear. Thole in wash of a first-olass t rtieL7 in the i3eet and Shoe line, should not fail to EXAMINE MY STOOK Before purchasing,' as my experience of thirty years in that line euables me in purchasing tc tloleetthst only whiehl canyeeozumersd. A LARGE LOT OF First Class Bacon JUST RECEIVED. THE W D. McGLOGHLON 'Waren Ia rst near ire ens° mutt gat tine "NV. D.McGlobtplan''wateh, *afore buying. You )aril Mare no other titterktao flip anti,° All who'woar thorn recommend t}iort Gold aa.18ilver Ladidtt.tyticl.(ontloman's miser, rr Dn=yles stn cot Lanlo=.. rias rho tbf484,16laniall The l�rgtrst b�io iutd chow to 3t'steukpof o *old Jtrwulry, Ciochs,ilrer, totd,Piatod Were, Fancy a e.ds, he., a.. is .thea Proviireo. Repairing of eterty description W. 11. NoGliU Liri. 7vDantOiad2p Ieezlioia,' J'Aistr.ovr 18,1877 MILLI E e:,OlY ! atls,13onntrts, dreess oars, Jost reeelrtai w lot ef white C%siriclt plumes, very sheep Ladiys' Ties, collars, cuffs, xud velvet breeelots Bed lace► and frilling, 'fa of :cite Rud bruiis, all of whicit will bo aold Qery cheap, to clan out theVIM stook. 117 ifd ENS It `S •++.* :fid ` 4'714 0 auk orruedo in tbtr latest s.•, , at MSS G .RLi GE T ,,. rrFiTn1 II L.- tuafr(.xnzlleul{_L lot7,con. 1, iorne,, t•9oth tribracr711,two Pro rn:.ry noteTan as (1BenLxo1 ofi'htlip l urifer tpvararaecira> Joseph Cape otttlor4ed bk George ;leer; paesblo , to woo xr•onths from alfarab 18, 11~76 a1.tl ono .tgaiust 11Pr. ticleeIjs for :.eo pay:iblo to ono year /torn nLirc . 1 -purchasing 'l laic is to cauti,.n nay pgr emit" oterhotr, hi 'cr4 ntopp u.aiJX. l"Q,i"ICI'1b L aiicra.e. i)ccclnber fJ2. it+�6. NE W Machine ``�2 o? ?rfGrtl. +tVI\1i itp tit eprshrine+ f.'rniorly os.taple4 by lira y t CtcOlt, more firs+ pared. to tloutr.,et fox BOILERS .4"kND ENG,INL ' Flouring, {trim anti Saw gills, fill in„,e, Iicwti- tag, Stare slid J.toolp tta,cl iut•i, IIJYtaki riaiils statin awl general ropgir prompt. atttenttrnd 1tii tl2!Hug,Pull aye, Brays, JILT n,,el other east tinge I3 rsasa:W Trus Fit kinkpi. ?fp o, ,fie, eapplie.:. Fortudry •'•taplafustari.ngeom path}•, R0L'I'r:11” RL`Li irif 411, �Saga,u. lvatar)ia•alsitlu Jlorte •, .1376, 2K ie:tfart f'kilt SA: a,tta DT. • Ai PROPERTY •---Two coater Lou) oppo- tivaa`s. 4prty C t litlrif A'• its) 1)IU`iki;lt`Cy&'illi'a11I.1a, .f�roh4 untfaiar street, cautain n urns ilfth nett.* wit,- gool!ramie cottoi;e,e'nteirtings•irrooms ; y,•ra;f. well and pump, and stable on the premises. -- The armee eituatcal for bueidwes, fila tIto lots are brain fr nt iets, dud s.•tl1"Na.iN11t fir alta s4xect leading; to the station i't,r partiuu. ars apply to J. WHITE, Terms U:fire, I:ac•ter ''snip ; rl`'t1 Its "Planing Mill,'Sash, DOOR ANI) ILE rail)! The nude-atgnnd, would ACat14:11.4 fila public 'i,, that they have cotarteneell business in therahovr linu,cnd -t:at they rreprep1sred to (Ton tractfire Btuitng thmugt,out, or for parties furadahinar their nun tuiatara:4, awl that they keep constant - Orr band Window Brindle, Mouldings, Scroll Fork, t&&c., 4rGe4 Planing done to order wit: Dispatch. lad from. our thorough anoRtedge of the busi- ness and the improved axaohinarp ',4 io7t Ivo hard pbteed to the f.tott ry, vire fool soatldent of gtTing satisfaction !ova Plans and Speoifieation an ap plication. Remember the place, STATION STREET. Era; 0] a Sz. now ard Recter,•MRy 11e76. PAINTING ! EOTTSE, SIGN, FRESCOi. Azd. till kinds of Ornamental W ori 4L50 PAPER HANGING AND BALSO- MININ G DONE BY G. W. Tomlinson N.B. Graining it Speoial1iy. Mayl.0,876. �AINTI�i G ! , - P A I N T I N J. KiTC:111Ri is prepared to do R1l kinds .of: IIctise Painting, Pa Whitening Ak tennoisablee�//,p,,�.rrp�isaii oat