HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-1-18, Page 7I '1' AuuAut 18,1877' .Ital. Sit, it 'NTS It X laTrolt. W.i1.a e•oma 1 9,121 to $1 Si ie. Wl'ott1 „ .., 1 00 to 117 drloy se 58 Vats„, -„44.1 to 45 rot,AiOe6,„ 60 to 60 j.&i r3( 5 .., ... 65 to t8 a 7s ,. ., 18 to 58 t 25 titter ... 18 to 21 1 2913mal 7,0 •bb1,... ,b 00 to S 50 it �n 72 to 11 Silents .. ,.., 14 to 16 Boge , 450 to 740 31eof. 5 00 co 6 0 T1i;lss.. 6 CO to 6 50 Seeepslriar ., ...-76 to 1 23 �gaY S 00 tel 10 00 r)ried Apples 1 75 to 2 00 , t:lttoct - . 73 to1 40 1,aad. T 1;t to h5 wool ;17 10 °Turkey* :rxl to 1 ' 1e fi'.e5a .. .., , 30 to r0 hne1a .1•r_.. ................ ...„ ............. 110 to50 H€:RBAL1,Itorlttetssame asaboro. 87:, 1.tA111'6. (rtapotto4 rognlar y 117 A. taalbraith,t'torIl) Dodd wheat, per bualtol .., 1 55 t¢. 1 39 ,prior, rzizcot .., 1 ;3 to 2 29 1; real ..,, .. ,., '0 to 50 Pr 7r• to 70 outs .,. ... S110 40 pot*t t.A ger bug ... 94 to 90 Al l atv. ,. 40 to 59 Iee1per lb ... . ... 4 to 6 ',4 aaoa ” .,. .,5 le 7 ' k per trot ... ..... "519 to vas Fg1r,per tisaen ... if to «f1 ;ttylr .,, .: ,. 17 to 1* Xaa.. .. ...................... ........ ...,-. BUG to 9 00 3(. t 14. FOUB BEST HOUSES OF 'i'rn i S . T. EATON e "Co,, Toronto ,'j(. EATON & Co. Lo.ldou 7. .EA TON & Co.,Harailton !i. Y. 1EATON & Co.,St. Marys W1131022 ct co being the must extensive •414yPyR o;322 Always °stain spaci4.l. ;i@kttti're by hosing dry.goetis and elothir3g. Yon can save 15 ilea cent, ('lluy for cash. Way s of buoifasa-. Sell far enrL. Alark gctcrosponn. I.Outy one price. the nearest of above house is Y" EATON 4: Co. M.lik'S,selling tremendous cheap f',r ca7.11 this month. LOXDQN, .EGRDN AND BRU(:B. 2'.13fE T415L X. t4`raixe wIl ran until farther matte* as fellows: oanla :+onto, Ateit ditrod 7 Naioa ,.. .,. " 300 rat. 7 10 A.il lirwen. '" ... ... " s S4. 'a ft 45 enguleboyo,.. .. " 5 48 " A 1+e, C antralia ... .,. ... " b o1 " 9 .'3. ENote.• ... „. ... '" 6 50 all la 10 lien gall ... ... " 6 33 " ii I t li;i••pen "" 5 41. " 11 Sat " lh.w^etleld „. .,. ... 1 33 " 11 45 cIbtiox . ,.. ,.. '' 1 19 " 12 4,1 ,: it hl5hoto :. -,. ... "" 813 " . 2 2242.412, L' nolurdl00 ... ... " 10 35 1.i.' aerla•GI 54417211 1:tue+raino \S'ln,lkoot... (lintel 7lruooAel Ripmet ... Flinn/P.11 -.. Exeter ... efutraits... Londa* .. $1.00000 WANTED IN 1) i H SAIVIIIVELITha ]ttan Afiroii 8 60.1.14. 10 SQA. ]! 9 10 '"1 i °'4r,a ::: :: 9)4 631 x ., 9 9 4; " 205 °•2N 344sCV :,.oral 46 " °' 4 49 leautU.Y 1 't 51,1 °50s.—Soutltcy, in a 1)"tter ;0 car .bgerton Brydgt's says "Did you ever observe stow remarks. ly Ohl 3(2o 12l'1n48 taut feu i y lik•nuesscs, which, htvin been kept, as it were,. 1.8 al) y:anee while the passions and busaless of the word engrossed the paries, conte forth again i11 age (as in. infancy.) titen. featltres se,thug into t eir primary char 7tahe.r b•'fore dissolution 1 I leave, sen Ft) 110, :aif,Cillg instances of this ; a bro- ilter a':d sister, t 13(11 no two par tins 1. mi ;die of life could have bee.. mora mi- ll3e i0 C1lnfte'1a>ICe or in character, 14 - c•1>unI.," like as tw its at last. 1 now .ec llty f,.aat.herva lerea.0cuts in the 1uokil.",- g :t,:l, where tlteyZnever used to appear,' Hover accuse a child of a fa ilt u•iless •1x1 or c•rttin he commitlei it. 1'.'It. $.,ollld not be treate'l With s11s1)1011417. 'We t ho Ila :.ct towards them in this mut- t° las we .eel the oug It to net to.v;ir1 nth»rs, only lei li greater tenderness — not lays, as is usually done. We slu).t1c1 always put the best construction possibla 1)11olt their cut:at:et ; that is, unless 0 , :L.,: sure a chil1.1 iS telling a lie, and Cd,l] prove it do not show the least hedit:aton i;h beliewiug whav% the s,tyr. Far be.ter that you should bedeceived, than run- ning the ri k of showing a truthful child you do not trust leo. Your simple trust may nl.tke a lying child truthful. ' Your d)ubt of his, truthfulness may make a truthful child a liar. Don't rely Itpe11 +410411( tel 11011.1 rely upon the mune of your ancestors l'halts- ands have spent the prime of life hi Valu Lope of help from those whom they cant.( frienals, and thousands have starved 111• osuso they had a rich father. Hely 111,1111 the good. moue whichis made by yo1404 owwn exertions, ,and know that better r Ulan the best friend you can have is ungnestiou- , able dl.t a•111i11at.r.iou, united with ttaeisite 01 Cleat alter. As intron, rAyr Aon. ---The line •of con. • duct elaobtaa by a buy during file live Peau; tircui 1111 0tl 'to tivu11tt trill, In :duces; every; iuldl11103 lltt31'tWle+ her l°hula3 tel 1 l'lite: As he hs then careful or 11re1Ptis' pruucut or imprudent, industrious or - doleut, trutlrlul or dibntu}111iu , luto] 1igen; eu 1;„;u1 1 lut,,t:enlperate or dissolute, 60, will,: 1N' uta ml after years, *71(1 it needs 110 pro - 1002 10 Ulst his hol'oseopC, br calculate Is 0111a11Cbs. r. road up hill in life niay bo hard, t 1111 late It in 0betel; and t hey win. nt .letii'ts t><;illtct a hill 7,11811 i•11131 11 It:tt was Bard to .tienr , trill { M remember. If yehug 111031 wool selVett', work hard, live hard. their (:511y day:*, tney lie'•, sir noses to the grilldslelie.aL is nfally do. 0 the above amount, have have deter rued to mark down al1'tlle balazlc of their stock, at the lowest bottom mice. For intending cash lhur 018126ers it will be a rare chance tt secure great, bargains, asp the goods are all new fall gal. is, including newest styles o res* Goods. Colored and bead silk shawls Shawls Clouds Boots and shoes and eve ytbiug pertaining to first -sears Mock. ;.*MADE CLOTHING, FURS & :IZLLINER3, AT ROOK BOTT, Z a.tUCES, Call and two. No trouble to show geode. Coffins 0 order a FUNKI The hes Show Ra THE NEW GROCER" Hooper & Bissett THE NEW STORE -'l Hooper & Bissett 4.4444.4.4.414444 NEW FRUITS FRESH TEA., r. Pi'RE SYRUPS ---GOOD SUGAttSI„ FISH—ALL KINDS and everything in the General Grocery Line FLOUR —FEED- -A ND- --FEED--AND--- ' PROVISIONS ---STRICTLY CASH ----r dellvor*6 to 411 parts of the tetra Remember the Place, On D0011 SOUTH Of MESSRS SAMW.LL PICXAlt11'S Farm Produce taken in exchange Hooper & Bissett .ria D1SSETT iti 1 r. H00TEA. —.— ,_.-- ._w____..... CASH ! erg'! C t. E ill FURNITUI E AND UNDER1AKINS R ONiS IN HENSALL. The undersigned would inform the inn*bitan of Hay, Usborue and Tuckersmith, that b c wino anent on Fridaty, October 27, his ne store with Mellows 4 lot of Furniture as an he seen north of Loddon, and at pricer: tha will be found as low as any house in the trade, if no- lower. As the goods will be manufactur- ed under my own supervision, will befotmd to give entire aatisfaetion. Those Training to furnish their hoib , should call and examine my Mock beforepnrclia'sing elsewhere. FUNHRALS attended on the sh..rtest no- tice. King street, Hensel Hensall„Oot, 26, 1876, (1y) JOHN R►,NTON has oompleted arx goo the GREAT WESTERN R'Y for the dein' ry of ibousauds of cords of A st-c wtaod, either dry or green, at EXETER AND HES. NS LL, HARDWARE ; SCORE O'BYRNE & Co., EXETER. The Cheapest Plage in Town to buy Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass PLASTER PARIS, WATER LIME and ST. MaA.R1Y'S WHITE LIME IT— • Cali a d ser their ehooping axes, Eedge Tools of tie heat doseription all l<s f Saws.. No infrier or rusty .tools in stook. Chain Reps, Cow -ties. Hinges, polis, and: ,Lt"sill• All kinds. of Planes for Mesbanice. As' w1+ got at al triule,draeoui t., wo `are prepared: to sell cheaper than' any -house in •1 O13711.731. and. Co. ' • CIVIS Cord wood to be 4 feet from scarf to point ; crewed wotadttx average' inches. Cali early and make arrangements with him asci get aj ecifications. ae' 21, 1876. JOHN BANTON. F ANSON'S I3'I,t)C,K, Exeter, THC MARKET QUESTION ISAAC CARLING Being now in receipt of a large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at the Ita*WeSiNeel* $ The inhabitantsofExeter and vicinity need not feel troubled at the want of a market wherewith to make money. but call at the store of the subscriber and SECUR r, , 'THE BARGAINS There to be had• bi ''Overooating, Full cloths, Broad -o leaDoe Skins, Silks,Winceys, Delaines, and everytllingi needed in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department is Complete. An inspedtion invited ISAAC CARLING 1: ti ;No trouble to ishow goods. For cheap Gents' watches, Go to S. E. Jones', For cheap Ladies' watches Go to S E Jones', For cheap Ladies' silver watches, Uo to SE Jones', es, Go to S E Jones'. silver : plated Go to 8 E Jones.' For. Boys'_ silver watch For :endless variety of ware, For eight day.. clocks, Go to S E'Jfnnes`. For thirty hour docks, ' >, , . Go to S l,. Jones', For Ladies'Tuskin gold setts, ,,. Go to . 5,T•1 Jonass' laces' and Gents' Gold chains, Go to S Ea Jones'. it 0 ,r