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The Exeter Times, 1877-1-18, Page 4
Lv ill ed au stetto en o iositic tinted ree tritaae. a ort one aide of rbe towohne, 13 Imo fonr. S;ll itt Iniudred arrear rate the other. A props,• s ala 13 that they take Blown all the hese and sell the merle, and: let-tete title anti sheep have rill things ist IJattJittn. B emphaatccally refutes, but lvisex A to try it hiuseelf. A, good*l, asrtil swill, does try it, and 13 aaasiete she vet a :fat of his stoi:k to ee nee' sate sine ear ne Canadian producers s thing like rite niilli+dna Of dollars unaalty, to assist in paying off their n tuitionaal war debt, and our lewd. veu•born statesmen arty ii ie all right, etet►l,ly be- t.- ns a it id a Reform doctrine l To its auntie this et.'•ll more clear, let ua Blue - trate Bute : A has as pasture of forty acres JhNUata? 13, 187 • visiting els , '('yet at teatawarts `ATV. --.In r ',Seek noose -wove you Gmz,s.--It ill Ws - bee Pet' i of t%atiusxttes' we toed : ".ehere was taken kindness to exempt girls front do- eloek, the ( aro artificer in Rome who made vew]. of big hcusework simply beeeause they- are thou. la 1* aU`ep- w re res litlass of .$0he iaablaa to `be bpiroken aaater that tluse web oltaare ng enough fur deny y u see o�girl ill to e aehall BYer , tt$ r le irii- tier ase made. of gold and ailvec, 1'1'hen, study, *'4: a girl of average ability, if therefore, he bad made a vessel of the she is est►tdious, will learn tho leasou ro ` •' 1 pure s art, and such as he thought a pre- gttired in that time. Two hours a day is; scent worthy of Csesa i alone, he veto act- all that ounhe to be given to music by .ruitted into the presence of tent t.teu a yonn, clad, and not ten rninutet of peror Tiberine, The gift was pre sed, a that unless she is fond of mueio. 1 bo - skilful hand of the art - t applaudedt -have the day Is past when. a• girl must he &matt an of the giver aeoepttd. i ]earn music whet er she likes it or not. tist, that he rutgitt euchauce tee; As for lkeusewur . that can oe worked. d the spectators, and promote in by decrees urate] she lent acqui.rad a ret further in the favour of rue" general knowledge at it. Let the girl took the vial out of eau.ar',s ,11a1 e one duty assigned he'a:ea hers, a 4 and threw it with :such e,r 7e0 Lave herr to understand that it is exp' ct- ., ,r .ed of a•r an ,► n u the floor that alio le et e.,l el her, , t a change Qe that duty occa,:ion- ouid have received. ai„nte . true; : al!y. Suppose she talc *Alm entire care 0.te5;ar was net .ani; t...,:n -tt of the priors for three iuo:►tlis. Teen iztr a arngltta'd with the act ; l,tac, lee; cleanest to tonne other part of the house, metes, taking op the vitat from t•a .. Let her ntaake cake once a week, perhaps, gruetttd (wield% was not broken, bier- o.ily , (W let l u provide the dei sere so teeny suedes, a together, as if the aacbstaa.tce ug liars in the week. These tit.• gs wiil not. foie gno•s had put on the taco er u. a sport her lauds unitl aha is •nun n Il r:i- tri), I,iny. in the , s! tit :all that sort of tbiitg. :tr angst scDn totter and leave e. without any visible mews' e' ,a► autijaart, To come •loavntaathe Mottle pan arizu:Jmstt, tet us examine .a few •esf lira pillars upon whirl: the theoric. are foutleled. One of the moist ftlittiai isle prupoa:ttieus that our opponent' utter for erguuient as that stuy buei- tai•ss or utit+�rpriso ':hitt is not table to 'ts a 1f ought to be abauduuet'i :;ustuit i c , If It cahoot compete with others of eta Oasis it is not in the zatera;ets of 11.e ta�tuutuutty that it be eusttaini d. n leeks t4e:11 cutrtt„ii at the Bret gin++cc, but if the duetriue had been acted uja-. uu wlwt it cheek would have been jut tate �arogreee of thia country Suri..; this puz,t tatcut / sears. Not e, aaitJj! s'aailtvaay tvould loaves begirt i:oristrueted i that tiine,fut there is not nue iu tJeiie- :arta Haat luta not beer largely aided he i ublw grouts and bauuees. That t; the cenemua ity as a w halo .uses heel csallrtl upon to rueiyt single corpora b graze nit the jaaaeture thus opened to.., ;all comers. By--uud-hye it is'ut�eessta- rl+ for A to get n supply for his cattle to make uti for the teprettatiune al' ilitaaae of B. He pee to B andorrice far a return of his generosity. 13 shrugs ahoulde: s, and, tial's, "`yes, you toy tura i:' yetis settle on my feria., hut a t 'Qt c ' r i ,tweeter r cent. . u you nu t pay me et: r p t t taf tiiuir vitae f•ar Lha pricile, ,." New. if A. watt a good Free•tratie Ref ruler. would just sway, ell right, H: , B , at' e my doctrine." But if hu hap- , aap• aa:ttaiel robe a tatuhborn Cosit;ervatise, �.. w believed in fair trade a:t well ae trcir jalaty, and was not in the habit c l' z4dittg to chinch, Ito would iu some lto- aite.trlay sttgge;+t to A that he had bot- ter emi;r'ate to a place where the tem- teem, em.tee , mot it has cheerfully respoot a d jr.: raatMa is not very often below zero, cell, with the huowled je '11.a' 1 ',lite v. suletiou of the Dominion i+' 'tu rite, a 1, rt P1 lata of the 'Valuta States its forty our butaalred. A. represeuts the Free Trailers aznoug uta, and 13 the 1,urericen statesuhtu. Farmer, and uteehtauice are called inion to sirppurt as °eveni:hunit whutte policy i$ to,thrcw Clown the feucez, close tip our facto - es, suucl the tuecltauiee out ul the .outstay. and thou apjiviut some ul ilaetuseives ugeuLe to 'bring over more nuiigiants to .apiece the loss. Tjtfa process requires ,uillious of dollars un - in the promotion of the enterprise+ three err: mdirectiy borsalitted in mtatay cases Mita theta the scriptural measure e•s tliirt�, t:ixty, or even an hundred ulei. Our people as at whole, have out b•.utt Vend tit -the benefit et' granting bon- uses. to fuundrics and ether nutuufec, dug establishuzostd. :lL r-icii•alitiee have discovered that granting inunno ity from tastes for as number of yeaare to eertaiiu brunches of industry in: Orel midst as more then gimme up in addi. lens to the population xequi:red to c:arta nuttily, crud is what is cafled ltefoini, on such husiuess, Iii these azul tunny • -- — - . �...... other ways is tlio facet thoroughly eat• i]aotr:gae at �aflt^1tR'1tu. iable:died that it doter pey tri isle the on the eveiai.ng of the 2u1.1 toot, a public to •+ouino down haudeotmely' in very pleasing asurpride toult platee at 1,ruwoting the general progress .and `I�livaville, at the Trustee meeting irs growth of the cuaaitry. Were the: z,ar-, laeauntotiurt with the itfe tiradtst church, roar-intudad principle, that never a caret after third. was lit.1t3. a meeting in can- uectum axil the aiabbeth Schorr'. Rev. should be pai ted with till we had re- 1 , Weigh tcesk the chair and called els• ceived the mets. for it than it would pro- oat Mr. Brown, Secretary, co read the i cure le uuy euuutry, to prev-.I:, :then minutes oft tst meeting. '1110 secretni y adieu to anything like process or time. responded, but was very uricereixiuiai- opulent iu our country. i3tttfurtlier . warsly interrupted by the entry of ubout as hundred Whet and geutlemen, bear - where, w"e ask we.nld be the eeuue iii h ing baskets, so the already aesemt,ted municipality voting a bonus ler the es -members of the S S. looked much sur- tablithwent of a factory.. that would prised and none more so than Mr. S. give employment to three or four lino' P. Helot, acrid bus good lady. The claimant endeavored t s aj ologize for •fired artisans, and then inviting the the t nnduct of the freshly airived, by ,competition of a foreign tiren tc break saying that in the whist of a mnitipli• down the company that they had thuscity of business during the afternoon esibsrdizud ? But says theorizer, ttould he had out had titne to take tea, and you ask aconsumer to pity four delle: s that some of the ladies had proud ed ;fur a pair •of bents, when a foreignto supply' him at some stage of the business of the evenia g with a lune) ; market would supply thein for three and from the apuealaauce of things, the doll t.rs and a half ? We at ewer em- trustees.aua friends, he thought, would jhaaticalty, yes, if the extra fifty collar have as altars. Ho then, pleasantlyre. goes to ilia. revenue, which the pttrch:a- ferred to the. :tut horitative poai.ic n at times taken by Mr. Bro:vtt; he had been ,ser would have ;o pay iu direct taxa- given to understand that be was c*oing tion if it .were sot cullected on the to show it that evening ley formally dis- hoots. The revenue must bo raised in chargiug Mr. 8. Bone from tete office art.. of Sale superintendent; to give stouts away, and wby not an shell •raises as would contribute to the building the requested the aettstmore of a $aance of twonhi- nip of our iustitutiens and the iucreaae dies, hat+ the sen.ence •night be pro •:,f the population of the eountry. We aouuced. Mr. Halls and lady were are annually voting large sums of mon- asked to take the front seat. The ey3tc bring iutuiigrants. to our country, cnairman then called upon the secret and when we get''them Here, we havetary to' read his denouncing discnar e. at We taw members and friends of the Elim - to quietly tell diem that wellave cistla- ville methodistchnrcti, Cannot allow this op- ing tit.Lewin' to do. Our sugar refin•_ portuitity to pass. without expressing our ro gret at your departure from amongst us. Dur - mit..., our ' I;wire factories, and other ing the period of your sojourn ill Elimville,, establissLiue:nts have been chilled aiu nay the interest, yea haCalton ib the'wolfaro° of our church, mingledwith a cotzscientious re- count trf fureigit corpetition, atilt they gard for the discharge of the various du,ties de. had better Hasa lin to ; Mns►a3husettea relying upon you have well Merited. this tee= tituony of affection and esteem: -'rhe;geniality or atop .at New York. • And theta, to of yourdisposition has proved to us that true rite tigt tr:tta,,trrltlt, we mast snake t11+• religion does not of necessity }roduce a mei- the effect, but that as, it•brings ]raspiness: ndreissiou that our markets are open, to the heart *o can joy and pease be displayed for the lull erica" prnducer,while theirs iii the every day life ofit. poscesrrer. 'The ciety of your more private ebaraeter ba, e;een; is burred to ue by a 20 per' cent. duy+. equally Appreciated by us, and it is with the 'Tut true©Urs is tLe:wettil.er country, deepest feeling of sorrow aaad regret' that we, part with a valuable friend. In our vari- ant! by rights we ought to have antwas circles of house aa•eoeiatiou yon shall alvauta a that wad.. to : be lead. But r'ut's bd 'bald in: affectionate aemanibranee. As a small token of tine high estimation in. sour" very generous and nclthesonled which you are held by us—lierethe neerotary's, :te,•a1:Fu;P'sueru the idea ` of uskil,g it, assistants.:. Mre. J Snaith; •-aud'litiiai Spicer; liftsd a clook from behind the pulpit where it y „ oaeeIsed. and stepping forward ...t iaplell • di:l;laae that they don't mitt has bean 'e a a:t ire betting He led wets stilted for alt tle l nod. the uncertain delay of ba Ile !.lien referred to toe climber of year lie had. been antonget thein, and re• tilettatereet with what dill:Weiecr he had emit:rt:seep to euperinrtend the S. . ettid his f§reat Meets at rtcltlre,: iug it---- 1.1:Lrry r vaa;ti•as !tad been sl•et t iia the hrass,) drew out an in* raiment from, 1st i aatttbhng is eo easily Isar►tea: thrtt•l'elit►lti work, and much j'leeaay.iere 1,4,1 boort tat... hto ert and beat ,it out to it* J' reticcleave twat to some* location. Let Jttr er by him ; . oxidew.._ring to '...her tl gore This clone ha irir•apinecl tl at ata:' lues% ironing l,y tloina aa, Part of her own vaaritsue taJlereeta ca,rttitated vtith thee connuered the weed, as beaten r jclothea. But whit*a cll4ld ea in Whueal .• ., b:e► la n't meek time i with 0,tca.tr aur# rota.d td.e .a"lua,4 t••., ennatron for Lone work, and very me cr '•r i 1 t lioura s s faJtniltas of i r h• to d. 1 the tics, a rl of :all tee u<l>ildera ; buG it f;:li out ureter so mew vacations tltr+t they ca°i l•u chnreh. lie /end *pent regally aalasr�i feet lie tete tnvartt;.d tlt ta"gea.aa.atan, z the ctaa t eel tine and very little tit find regretted the pas tieg very much, but ft+lt that it wife iu the wife of the lrallingo of l?rovitlenee, He ltuj=etl to have the pleeture r,f veritizag• theta from tiote to mute at cl early virtue, tie e•antd do to stella on the isatereets of the Bine villa S. et. ire would be glad to do. sin tar its his atstauce end poeitiou would sallow trine epportu►nty. The emir - num uoulal nut help ezpreeeiug perdco- .t11y hie regret at iilr. HMI* dep::rture, r d ze,er .ail t �iwere and o tliaa l t+ theyQJ a about to au.etaaiu xtot,, only as an nnliivtel sal church at Elitunilleebtat tie It esiruaut. 1loa'ever, he Ms that as that wets 1;,:itu 3iile's loan %wield be (1otlerictt•a gone. I2atricsg the farther eristtuzuatice a rat the ureeting, refereoee was maatic again mai gain, by differeut tuelabere of tits S. S. •e..v',.,r , teed church, to car s tt+t t la,to f li,i f re at Mr tared lire, ;tulle retoa.v.tl bzud testified to their Abilities as °Whitten workers.. The chairmen net having had tea, he was glad of theupeortuuiay to tad) fur leach, and in short tithe Active waiters were pasaing aruuuil with well tilled plates, This part of the en- tertuinnieut beittsattautled to,t a choir took their position, and slang "Angor Hearer," tt selection tiuou Sankey t Meetly's collections. Bier'. Mr.Miner*. Atte then elected euperiututidcut. The ehoir galea aeC,autelenra"its n duet, with chorus. Vatiouct other Sabbath: Selenal business being attended to the ohoir aamag a aeleetioo froth the 8. S. Orgu u, Oa suggestion, Mrs. J. Smith sang 'frith clearness of voice, •etteeujleolone' of childhood," Every jlsreou appear- ed aoweit phased with the proceeditreo that although it had become very late, xt rias with reluctnucu they begun telt- leg tlioir departure, bowu uftlie trot tees thought they woulal hot object qt';' be called together ofteuer, were they always thus entertainer . 11r. 'latfle leaves with the beet withesof rho peo- ple. The clock, wtrich was purchased' from Mr, Thos. Fitt,nt, of Exeter, was an ©logaut French time -pleat, and val- ued at about W. Americaan, ST:wv'a'.YTz TROTTING• AccxDa T Tieing a ttottiug carnival on St nth, Aveu•lo in Poughkeepsie, on Saturday, two We want you to see them i•a, bees rtee we know it would be to your advantage to trottin , horses e.cvllieled, then shafte on doso. baa w%11 save Zia per cent. by bnyin froth no. such sleigh penatrictiut,* the opiiozato horse's breast, liilliug both inatant:y. Lass, ::2,200. 13rsu.t.Ev.TO ESCAPE . tele - wise, ter the curar iutjiet if t ; worked in well enough then. ,Above all other person beside hituself nate priv; 1 thirigs keep a child out of doors a good to the like ten►pering of gime. Whet; tit deal. `Phile a child is grewing as laid told hint '. o,' lie-eemintnded Itis nt 't the fuundattinrt of her health and streng- taarlants to strike air itis head, eayiia,.,,J tit. And without health hf, is a hurtles., 'lilieuid tide tartLice moue onset to lire Glx J irt7 tTN' =^h.Mr"° Li:ea+ nasi t e .e,e known, gold, stud silver would be of a rI c 'ulit ;+,.,`t t ,ar a au. s...: ,u iev untie .t: little Yalri@ its the dire in the aa� t'lkit + "sit ti�itl.:.-so y*e..•t ar Nt1it- tr,:'t%11:1,14!"' '.11u 1ar3::t' tlt;atrra, and tt . Istat tr ur.; . t • I.t i;t.u► +:r Long .atter this.—via., in aril a .t.e roe yE'I+aste fettee tee- letter or no;.;ioe ase the uta .1 that Arnaag other rare pp,st,;,►ta a.te,t se . 3 GLras doom and rikaiews • l r.r .iia this A':: from. tie Sop.iy of :Nesta to coo at.log u ; Ancil rah i," µ- • ' :�:/"Wk "t .114.P11"1412:11. ' . Spain, were aiz rnirrors of ru,i - -,, • er unr.tr:tsaitt T «tgl.l;,. The rah, * .ill A.:ty :+• ' ail.taairae•t l.y .a, pt;'It.g to tl.ti ties . �a a t+'itti :. glass, so racguisitgly tempered ,liar r.larzJ :sits a het eat;;,na<ta l superior r.! +al cuold nut be br..k °u." •'", - are one or two praeverbs tacit tnartt troth than faalechood ; sa+t.t rand." f theta, ►statin •pi,y, is, at- '100403r' perfect :"tin t,raautrfel aicrxcn may thus ity li •ds contempt. Though sezystcry Ql.tae nil. oy, it is a Tory bad lock - it .tie or i4 l ttatd«:r a .ra,lta, or el t: ratan ..,,.a • lir cryatall zatt.. s In the fir .t Leisure Y ho in ••traiglat intro tlit:elging !sent a 1.-44,11, t 7he Eln.432 wata* Will ftuu• four •i,ieal ji•t:ent an for tilautarrsr salts six•:it;,vt ptirxtaa. ;t, n to ..i t Hots* 1' Lara.—An .camas method of Irawe1 lr • v. li r a r�. cry i to open t o dart of a lectin house Omutatiu suld'weatther. roll nJar to .seep it sate and secure. ,Plats trout voter waren, t o tem* rsa went veld e r toe heart, but it is by no reran welt a+lai►tu t ;, w ic]l ]seat m��rd kevctttat an tar aF kits• P be done by si iter strength ; end of saaerr w�+ itt err rtitrririelr >iet'rre. ids to plane t; strength uverrauch talk about love and q c , 1, in a 107,,urr f ore rutin lr ac r tkalrr•. art, sand the youthrut atte-ctetiuns of and th,odr la tem with a s•itf 1ne-.ar•l • n• lung lacks and .amid wickeclneaaa, are lot imprr such rat is used for 'Inildina .ache l lag. isoo wise symptoms—at least not of that„ of sufficient width to inclezle tlav nearer.. wrist of strength that is required to hem,. ing as top of the atone material, or Tot iraa: forever a woman who hoe opca.ed leer *'ish caar;art.* or l,l.uketa, t r l:utir ; a"1d. ae. I.i; ii eyes to the feet that the good things uf, tier! tedu nit ilius lwe, It tsal r t tirt!, tate real world aro by no Ineaua to be threiigll unharnaiod, wimp tanatnar trslnzes iu flap despised. + ream outside. F 70P A LEETLE 1 OW YOU VAS? VAS POOTY -tf .L -1:=•.l Youst See vat puDeni.Peobles Say "l' Caflans�z1 Co's t oo, s are ilea Cheapest And Bait V albs they ]hive ever seen onerocl for sale, aaud they buy them by the piece. O. §, We ti Jti't charge you a cent for looking, and if yen don't want them don't buy them. gaud we won't be off+ uded in the least. H REASON gram from Havana says that the1 Spanish merchant steamer It%htezurnn ooptared by the Cuban:•insorgects. WAS barred at the approaacl• of the Spnui h war steamer Jorje Juan. • 'Ter captors lied to the Venezuela.. eoast. The Jorje ,Titan picked up 24 of the former craw of the ltiontez i n: , kept on board as prisoners by the Cuuttas. James F. Davis is the name of a Windsorite who crossed Detroit river on Friday on the ice. dragging a srnalI boat after him. Just what his object was in so doing- is not ltnowu, bet he was quite lionized'uponhis arrival on U. S. soil. The Montreal Bank clerk, Barber, was sentenced by tbePolice Magistrate . to five years' imprisonment to the Pen- itentiary at hard labour. The arrest of Dr. Phelps on accouctt of his connection with the May -Ben- nett duel appears to have had tiie eft. feet of thoroughly scaring the heroes of that: escapade. Both the principals are in concealment, and twc of the :secon- dary actors in the: affair have deemed it wise to take to their heels. Rtimonie is etill rife as to the condition of May after the meeting, one authority stat- ing that he is seriously, If hot fatally, wounded and another affirming that he was unscathed, The Russian patient are eomtnenting in extremely hostile . language pu the procliamation'of,the Queen as Empress of India, and one of their number states that the Ameer• of Afghaatittt❑ is arming agi►iuet•England. The suit for $226,000 broughtagainet the ..White Star . Stea•.aiship":Co." by , the owners of the Harvest Queen, which was rain down by the ; Adriatic ova= a• year ages pommenced en Friday. DON'T READ THIS We -will sell yott Wo sell you We will sell you We will sell you e will sell you We Will sell you We will sell you. 'We' will sell you We will sell you We will sell you • We will sell you We will sell you Millinery at Less than Cost Good American Prints for 7e: per yard .A. good large Cloud for 25 cents. White aid Colored. Handkerchiefs for 5c. All. wool Merino for 37 c. Dress' goods in all the new shades for 20e. worth 30 Black Gros -grain Silk for $1.20 $1.85 Colored Silks for Less than Cost All -wool check Flannel for 25 Ladies' Felt Skirts for 75 c. Twilled. all -wool Blankets for $2.75 Knitted Shirts and drawers for 45 c. each BLACK LUSTRE S :We can give you Black Lustres at 20, 25 30, 85, 40, 50 and 60 cents. They are the celebrated Blue Back Star Brand and you will save from 10 to 15 cents per yard, by buying them from ps. MOURNING_GOODSI A SP]CIALITY TAILORING DEPARTIVIENT We employ one of the best Cutters in the -county, and Sean snake you a suit, NEW, NEAT AND NOBBY. Waguarantee you µ•fit or no sale. GROCERIES We,owill sell you a Tea for 45 cents worth 75 tette. Mice, Coffee,'iobaccoea and •Spioen, at price* thin then.. . TEBMS=Cal:h or Produce.. 11. Sugars, Currants, R people cannot help Only CALLANDER 4