HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-1-18, Page 3ANIL la 18,1877
" Magdalene Itees, are you in yirair
fright mind ?"
"1 think. so, Aunt Harriet. I feelno
.,iireinonitiooe of insanity,"
Miss Harriet Hereford, of Hereford
on, tho render Will 111140Atana
character of Mrs. Hereford and her
tile:4, and there is tie need ot further
explanation. ;
Itatpli Howard's note 'to liagglalene
cut the heart of the noble girl like a
knife, but after the first page wait over
she folt vely thankful that her life had 141,1014d b in her velvet
ehsir, nuts applzed her vinaigrette to
her nose. It WM more than she could
ompreliend—thit aehoard of coliduet
in her titeces. The fitsinounble woman
uot Imen with that of this serbid man.
She gave him be& the froodbin he d
sired, and their path soparat
The property left her by Mr
..urotz,(11.7.4714,1g,tifoor1 1:11,Z"of'eoghall,Yie:rhourle
of good .kltrd and Alice both of trl
in a distant city. Tito busi
%sound eense."
" Thank dear. lama It'zi.11`5:c_19adact although Haw
by Judge Doult--1
buye no (nigh strongly opposed the t
acquiep,ed. Ifo urged ber, thrOughler
m'uoti Ev.„1.. counsel, torotaiu at least, the phi man.
OKI whore his grandfather hAa lived
and died. But this oho refusal to do,
jtLatut "11;:.."(1`,Z and likewise did she decline the year-
ly Knututy he wished so much to
14r rycs sho? with
.tt vain, and at'stly ibera wa0.1tle lar" har-
And casting off all this Malone
el3erittilitti!M lik 11'011 in the our of
eat to neighboring itetate, 44 re.
her mil Ii.
coptress of 4 fiallriSilin lieadeUlYt
" it. it ' TaT klutT• Hero fr,r two years she livod on with.
:helping me, I will never eltrink, front
'that .4.11a 1 411041 bo doubly a coward ifet 11°Te• And vhat 4 harder than
that for n WQ.1.1411 ? Sho may no poor,
If to the path of jns- and horrible, and unknown, hitt if there
'Lige, now that .it se and so
urly tictfore me, swum 4) othe,r; utiroureyhtteinirtit 11411414o:47g, hor4, tthitione
wise than Prol)'-'40 to do, 04°1" end of thee twe yenr4 o t Mitgag,
'despise tavocif forever.'
lone found her strength (Ailing. The
"Uow �Uuh1 Iow ritli01110T18 Tito I :
pays:emus preliCribed MIair 14114 010
41°1'3'tY Y°11r8'No r 6'3°4 14 the sultry dilly day,slio beheld, for the first
tin J'i would doubt that for a moinont. time, the groat ocean.
-aohrt Lvreonough was of sound mind, Halsey Beach Watt quite a resort for
"4'41 in fell resse3eien of Liu faculties quiet people, who. the noise
when, he made ths will which gives you and faehion of Newport And Long
eTerything of w Welt he died poeseeseil." Branch, proforma 400104ton ona the
" (41,14ntQ1. I do ""laPnto thm• substantial tableof Rook View Rouse,
But when the will woe made ho was Tho mond evening after her arrival
under the intlustice 0(1!U angry passion !„fauduieue widt.„.„1 a„,vu au the beet%
AO 110 men can he perfectly eane when iiec'w quiet elawseiiii" wa3 evorytjaus'
114551011 8WIl.y0 111,84 Utterly. YOU, know Neseued but the eemehee broth of the
t1.8 ei"m"9.""s egwollI" 1 4°. /19 surf on the heach-,-11 around old as Ore.
had set hie be on having his sales ation waif., The sun Inv aown,
narriage with MU Vene—a ladyf
° breath of south wind swayed lazily the
wealth Ruaaoch position—ana that flof red, white and blue at the top of
lien refused to ubey Mw1 hoosing ra- the flag.etaff ou Beacon Cliff, awl be.
'the r to follow the bent of his own in. fore her, at her very foot, lay etretchad
eclination. Ho married a poor farmer's o t t the illimitable viten.
daughter, and fromthat day to the day
of Ins death his father never Ji n The long melt of white, glittering
sand toiuptcd; :11agdalena to proton
facie, Ho disowned him—nay, more,
cursed hint and his children. and whim
'Charles Orooneuglt died, his own fa
ther turned from hie door the mosson.
gor who crime to bring the melancholy
tidinge. You knoNT 110W it has been
0. ja
You aa,
st roe
o wkibm you
her walk, and loitormg along, she
melted he extremity of the beach.
Just beyond, aoross the rocks, there
was a patch of end oven whiter told
moro beautiful than that she had just
.since. The widow et. hie seu has sup. crossed, and with a light step, she
ported his two children by hor QtY0 bounded over reeks nd sot foot
destry, and brought them up rigutly ;
a eon and daughter, so I have boon
told, that And mother might bo proud
of. The property of John Greenough
belongs not to me but to those child
"Magdalene, you arm over consoieu-
tious. Mr. Greenough gave it to you
.of his own frea will. You saved hit
life, and Ito loved yon batter than he
qiicl any otbor person,"
" I was fortunato enough to render
him a service."
14 A. service] You speak lightly,
'Why the dog vronld have killed him but
for your interveution."
" Aunt Harriet, no.credit is due to
me. Hero knew wo,aud desisted from
his attack anon the helpless old uniu,
because 1 oalloa to him. There was no
sacrifice on my part. But for this Mr.
Greenough felt grateful, and during the
time I taught school near his house I
• frequently went to read to him. or tell
him the news of the day. I never
()reamed of being reward:A for it, Ile
was a hard, At ern obi man, but I Gll-
joyed his society, and I havo been hap-
prer always whilenright."
And you aro resolved ?"
"Yes, 1 am resolved,. ...out Harriet."
A better smile wreathed the hand-
some, aristocratio face Of Miss Here- fairly. He had a strong reliable face,
ford. not a handsome one. Tho forehead
" Very well, lvlagdalene. 1 hope was broad and full, the features toler.
you will not repent your deeision. I
have tried hard to do by you as 1 sbould
during the few months you have bee
with me. You know that I do not ap-
prove of volativry poverty. I was
greatly opposed to your mother's mar-
riage with Arthur Ross: 'Not that I
have anything to bring against your
father's character but fro was poor.—
Well, he is dead, and rib is lielen-1
will let them rest. But I hoped to have
:made thoir child' understand what • was
for her own good,,„I , haver,failed, j1 vi,IIttiAc colci tho air is gettiny enli-
ster:as. I hope you have no expecte- iy-
iiion.from Me ?" , He!go,v,e her his arm. How delight
faeo flushed, a.,seornful fnl to: lits lonely Woman was the 'sense
'blase wasin her dark oyes. '44 fl proteitiorkhitt r n'apresence gave
takonvare of myselffor three years. I 119r.
think I need bo under no apprehen- At thedoor she paused. You have
Biwa." Then ber fa? 'softening a lit- done mo a great service, sir, may
tIe a she added "No expecte, notInow your name ?"
;t4onsaave your love. Yon are my only ° Alliston. And years ?"
upon the treacherous west°. At the
first few stops icor light weight hardly
made an impression ou tho sand, but
sho went onward alio sunk ankle
deep and with a spivs horror stealing
tver her Au found that it required all
her strength to extricate her feet from
the power which held them. A voice
from the rocks, ringing cloar through
the distance cried oat
" Not another sten forward. Be -
mean where you are. - You are in the
Halsey quick sande i"
Sho turned towards the voice, and
Hon defined through the eloom ft tall
man hurrying toward her. A. boat,
wrecked and bleached by the storms,
was stranded at it. little distauee ; he
tore out a plank and made a bridge for
himself. It brought him within a few
yards of whore she stood slowly sink-
ing -the cold treacherous sand was up
to hor waist now. Ho stepped fear-
losely ou it, and succeeded in drawing
her out and lifting her in safety to tno
plank. 110 did riot speak until they
wero standing together en the shom.
Then he said, looking down into her
pale lace :
" You are not acquainted with the
Halsey beach, I conclude ?"
For the first time she looked al, him
ably good, the hair chestnut and in-
elined to curl, and tho eyes grey,
deep, and of that kind. which keep their
owners secrete.
" Nu," said she, in reply to his ques-
tion, " have, never seen the 80a 111.1a1
" Do not condemn it for threatening
to swallow yon," he said " I
certainly shall not, if it gives me tho
pleasure of year acquaintance. Bat
I must hurry you to the house. You
a raid. I feel some
ce bin me that I obeli never
epent my comidence in you."
"Maggi, put your face boo op Ply
',boulder, close to mine, bave A
fessien to make to you.. 1 aul not
what aura. I an.not Ur. Alliston.
My name is Eilrand' aid= Green-
ough. NQ, I win not let you go, You
must boar teit through. \Ninon you re -
'minced your itheritaucc to ply oieter
aua myseit', I Appreciated so perfectly
tho uobto emit which pretupted yott
that I mud° Yow to col; Tau out and
if possible, win your love. laved
before 1 saw you. 1 followed you' here
kora Peoatur, where you AlAVO been
teaching, and arrived just in seasou to
save your life. I claim it POW 4411
I have it 2'1
Sko lifted her luminous eyes to his,
and Ito read her answer there.
So Magdalena became mistressaf
tho grand oldhousewhere John Green-
ough lived and died, and shared the
inheritaaeo alto Al ono') renounced
and Yea', will not :."'.11,agdatfixte, Rd -$$.7, •
'deny raelliat." • ' ""A-'slidiren-fhish- 'Went' Over hie face,
""I•shell remember that you are my stooped 6Y04:41la 044 her hasiti.
niece:. • But' What of Ralph Howard ?,'",„ gagdadenejtoss ?" he said. " I
Have you thought of his wishes. in this 'shell raiiietnber:' Take care of your -
matter ?" self, and gocd-night."
.. 'you thiok so. VirCi1„,,:as Leatil;:•,w:f •:",:Atter that Miss Rosit and Mr. Allis.
, algal a,eo," .AI14 gathering up the mass top Mot constantly. They walked and
her silken araPery froiri eon:tact with droVe' and 4atolted- anneals iogethor,
einitlicarpet,Urs. Ifereftird left did
and, perhaps before •ereher WSs hlYare
they had drifted into lave. Magdalene • • "' •
liana the ediliversation wa have giv- res:isea how. deeply 'liar' heart Was
Centralia abeadl
Tho und,orsigned is now in
receipt of the
LAItGi-EST ST001.<
harness leather, Hermes hardware,
Whipe, Curry -combs and Harness oils,
ever brought to this part, and you for a splendid assortment d
will also Andover y thing WO in a first-
class Harness ebop.
The rntilic aro respectfully requostO
purchasing elsewl'ere, E ik B AR C I ,
1\ _ 1 1
to call and examine my steel; before , I
T ,1:- ..N.. : _ .... ,
I can sellgoodi cheaper than they
can be bought in the City of London.
\V. °OTTER:LT.4,
Contra/ie. Ntne. 2. 2.M.
Millinery DT,
S 'UNDER T/14 11A14.11.0..
nem 'Tomato, and Mr. W. a, WES is stilt attending !io the Order
which has PretVed nilee4n, and speaks for itself.
Wo guarantee goods as low as any other rebate house, kinds of ran*Pro
taken in Biebange for geetla biggest figures,
Istwo =vans)
Well -digger, -Pte.
The ftubeeriber would intimate tO the IOWA -
tants of Centralia and the surronading townships
"MO. villages that bo is prepared to cor tract for
Flaying had a number of Yenta experience in
that busint as he can guarantee Satisfitelion.
Orders Solicited.
Ttileo addresreel to Centrollt, P.O. Superiet
pump furnished if reptit ed.
Gentralla, Sept, 20t1t, 1676
Ordered 4.mothino...
(suscossors to G. B. Smith)
St. Mary's,
Are howing a moot complete stock of
Choice Tweeds c% Overcoatings
Iz Cananan,Rnglisli, German and French goods
tor their Ordered clothing trade.
These Goats woro bought by us (Breit from the
makers for cash in Carts,dlan and European mar-
kets and therefore aro at the lowest nosh that
«an b. rosined in the Retail trade, It is an ad -
nutted fact in this important department we
stand as we have for years stoot— First against
Gin stomp etitoi s
We know no rival either in price or in
Ito wbrek our nutnerons orders amply tosilify, and
wo get them up in the latert
No customer will bo allowed to take a garment
that is not a perfoct iltting ono, and as wo ens -
Ploy" double 'its inaity workmen as any estU3)11101.
Iriantlft itswii. By leaving your oilier with no you
will save money and havo it on the shortest no-
, id so. •
eas CO
eiseeessors to G. B. SMITE
ST. 11.4.11Y8'
$1:543 PEI1 DOZV.4"N
onEnfr "ia4 COMPANY
Clinton, April imam.
As to the ormelleuee
itriza,—You ask mo ns ,
consider it a greet strew
latent of its hind as tile,..
patronage, and reap the
of our Organs, road tho following Teetantnnials :
CLIWTON, April lOth, 11178.
1.iTe°t:of:Tour o is very full and rich, arid certainly it is as goad nn ins -
first Organ. I kitvo much pleasure in telling Ion that X
is made in Canadn to -day. 1 only hop• that you will meet with liberal
ward that your entin
erpriseerits. Tourtraly.
IVO o great pleasure in giving say testimony as to the excellence of the Clinton Organ, inar u
lectured by W. Doherty tfc Co. In power arid sweetness of tone, in quickness of repsouse to the
touch, as -well as in its mechanical Internal arrangements, it is decidedly equal, and in some pa •.
ticulaxs, superior, to any inttrnment I have oxamined, of which I havo had knowledge. It «tunes
to me that it is as near perfection as it can ,sell be. Allow me to say that I can ahoerfully rson
?naiad it tO-ItIly who may require an instrument, as one in °Tory respect well fitted so supply the
went of the times.
11. CALLANDIS11, loader of the Idethodtst Church Choir, Clinton
SILEssns.W.Dortarerx dr Co,
Among the numerous Cabinet Organs I have soon during the many years I have been a
teach er of music, I have not seen any superior to the Clinton Organ. The character of the tone
is both beautiful and sympathetetie, the intonation is perfect, and the touch easy, ant inferior to
none. Thc workfthip is both solid and elegant, so that nothing is lacking
M. 'WHITE, Clinton
Thititimg to obtain en instrument that would. oombine all the desirable improvements it
power, Suilnese, and sweetness of tone, I am happy to say that z hate realized all the Clinton.
()Igen. 'Every one who hears it, goes away pleased. The valuable qualities which this Organ.
possesses, aro much anprociatod, 11 ie a general fsvor to in our famil* circle.
GnO. STAIIBTAIY, London Road, Stanley'
Baying thoroughly tested ti e merits of the Organs manufactured by W. Doherty LC,: Co., I toko
pleasure in saying that I consider them in all respects equal, and in me ny pololt su corior, to any
sg 0! 110 fanr-f
tens, and the perfeetion of its general itietelmnietm, must make it an especial favorite
C, ,CItANYP0111), Musie Voaolier and Precentor in C. I'. Church,
A Good Live Agent Wanted for Exeter atIll Vioiziity.
ammlian.ALZW1WNEAC=XWE ACM117,1
•A SPLENDID assortment always on band. 'Any kind tarnished to orilor
assortreent N oodles and other Furnishings kept in stock for every kind of Sewing 111
...Shines. Machines liepaired. Aft /hove had a long experience with Sewing 11fachittes, am di Inuit zit.
ierstend there, it would 1in an a..1yentone to WOG.' th 'want of ono, to purchase it frmse me. 411 or,
• n'tended te. aa,osl:st. unetdoolt VOL of the Commercial Hotel.
• .(
' • .