HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-1-18, Page 2TR TIMES or Dull Times lav nu article simply because it Is eheap if you do not that which the approaehing season demands. liay It eau go hest with yen: motley, and Ps cola end sbe clothod. iu garments suiting the aererity to your teirantags tC.csallia examine, a by. s stir. g.tre. ani lIre ,•.,"1 fin 11 a Si ffered f the tigene. •..r eareeal bens. •111teltr At Mina Tho &Holt the , a butter font Thames mud. 1: qs:-Oia visitthl th011aeo 742di- e.0ted we found four 131C11. prowled! • loug poles feud nets:axed to the of them, engaged iu collecting, Itor- ti tee of the materials floating en the w.,L.r at the cutlet of theNorth fet- ,rgitus tikvAmp Niort-o,i. 11:w mon iaWatt," II:el re I eo as t ecrese t --,r;es of erns. thren4le 1.111kh tit*: -5,49 pusses into the wer. aitd t'o ilatartua that the thve of eel - .ting is littf.:41 ahem- an hoar aud Lail idattine, Cie flow vf thc tide. The I. atialAs 4:41.:40. were stiora ats. 111113 01(1 preeeuted a meet -,re4esiteel urrzelratte.l.e itii tof g or:144.4,3, melt ae mat- t, -.1 hair, Lee cf weeda lifts or :112times1 It a tr*,' *natter, fisTiet a fair 11 4-1iol:ling of artiele3 of fat- After el.11104.1194 (1I,kr Ibboat,: oth their corgi. ute were take It to small 1 twvs, hem there are appliances for 0 e‘r iodine. and put living the fat. We Italue Mitilli/P3 of the nrAeriMs from t -e. mien, mut, aterward everttted strut e in to extra -t the fat, with a rtew tt,; itete tit it woe prawitetide t- polite the fet ee ni to render it fit r..). in the tuanufaet are of butter as Wecttil it to varimiR ifiprocesees,Itut c mil f.1. '4 in rendering the fat bright and fret' om offensive and disaireeable 1 uni WO Cm liodtation it* Furling the public; that thao need uM 1 .4 the Joist appreheneien of theirbrealt i let table being supplied \shit •,betet 1; -.ttany " matnfaetured from fat r.,. e e.re.a from Toamee mud. That the UO fat Vora tho nullione Of leitchens i Lead In, and contained in the se- t .en discharged into the Thames near ; 3;.irlting creek,may in part be recovered end fltITZfM1, i ; beyond srquesti n oi tioubt, bat it is equally certain t! -it the; fat so recovered can only be pur tied such an extent as tu fit it for it,0j,the manufacture cf tho roost eon:trona Nadi of soap and dip candles. rareavat 2o the Potato Thr;. The Colorado potato beetle, or pots - to bug, as we geuerally call it, has at laet found its match in the shape of a mite parasite, Prof. Riley, at It tut:et- a site St. Louis Acadensy of Science, exibited a potato bug which was w ectuplotely tovered with a rate para - sae that the point of a ?aeriale could not be piece 1 on any part of the beetle's body witiLatt totiehiug (me 0.tf the para- sites. lie estimated tho nuniber •of, •„m.o.-mites at 800. Tile bug had been at- I racked b those enemies and killed. - is ea oial eowardic o Said, is as comm rt as to girls And aomen. along men the practice ef falsehood se, perhaps, not more rare than emong women, but it Is apt to take 4 less harmless fer111, An ittoozoo ote skates can cut a pot tier we than e.n 8. A group of las- ies were skating merrily en the river uear Ontre, Wis., erthen a noiS,V, grace- less scamp uppenred upon the ice and began to auney them iu many ways. So pereistent were ids persecutions that the girls we resolving to take off their skates and go home, when the avenger glided front an opposite hank, It was only a girl -a coy, rosy, slewler girl. $he went up to the young ewe. grace„ and seizing Lill by the wiles dumpod hitn upon the iee. Shia ban. dled Iihrt as situ would at, feather duster. She toot, off her daintygleve and eta a ilii cox,. till he roared for help. She dragged him along Ute iee and rolled him iote a snow tank. She also said %meshing. Site remarited that if 8e ever troubled them 3...gaiu there W0111(1 be er Cr?retter'a ing,neet on the river. The iateet phaseo the Eastern Questien ts the rrin-..atation to the Porte by the xepretiontatives of tho Powerof se hat may be regarded as i the European ultimatumfor the con, I sileratiou witielt the Porte will be allowed three days. '.tilte p4eiliputen.1 tiaries ure law, tating a firm stani), and Immo duided to allow no morn cows -Ions vhile Inrlivy, it is said is begining to show a ilisDositton to The r..:,-talt et this new step still proba, biy 14.11fo4e /MOTU til..t.14. J. C. DEVEIZAEUX, s•=ortl A. 7,ile1:01, The potato hu3 seems to have a num- ber of naturel enemies, each us the toad, the crow, theroae-breasted gross - beak and domeette fussie- There ere no loss than; twenty-three lased ewe miee that 'attack said till it. 'C/10,, bug Inas also beau nitrating easttyead across •everal years, ntiI iktl.tntie oeaan !awry. grave,' 'ts the lit It hats new re Wa lope • and let the Hooky Mous ,0411411:. . , • Mrs. Vit $8-20 • it d ty. Fthe ought t peratie bast. Tbe Graiid axe talmoi. ' 1E6 Cie rieltqs f rubies iii the world. • A groat deal 1 iitoil alton,t $ le ter ly. !eye. bit MANI sister • (Ina W;11 0 i tip -0114.11...and it now clitne,noVel 1 broth e'r in '•. tile worlit. ' .:, IL 1511114 --I 'Iti.:i s It o o •el. . ' t 'e , 1, 0 I. 141.) .1' 0", to his wife bi-at be Lind bin ft it. e011 - vert to cretno.tiim, en t site •eitid if. ahead ; Liaveyeur asItes- returned 0: D. to me." 1.^4„ • • • )141g torte le ) to, (N) to trnrellero an•I the pletre ‘Itete-reiie, that havityletreltw. thetr inter. e.t.t in the Iv. basillesa. • 1011 hop:spared -..1...14.4.4a, to furnish rigs hie terms owl eh, rt make, DEUX, >nth nal I-otel, at. story; Idoweis and Reapers rt"ixt. e• 14.; 2 ie I •. • •L. !- • • pr.]. riiti lo All the abo feeling st.tis largest b town, hn amino pains will bo lost f Ifiglieskpriao paid for Butter and Eggs. Alms. a 4 40144*6 Orth of 3i, Vatilleil'a now block, Nita $ aunue olowx, IZok ata. au and Vancy, ranging is ing, Rats. Cape, Glorea, sare.Waii Paper, ite. sisiters,whe have left tkia Stock is the 9 call is kindly solicited, as; well as their good qualities. MINIM to rash purchaveris. Tire reet.listpectfally yours, 011,13., P. Clarke BREAD FOR PH A T THE ( Exeter Ba ery, GEOBGB liORT MOBE I LION bogsto apprise the Inhabitants of Exeter and surrouniling tounti7 that Le haf purchased Mr, James Lindeay's Interest in the above nekthliehment, anti by rict AttentioP to bueinese he hopes to meintain the ou110 liberal patronage in the future -which was accorded fee late Arm, ara from hie Lute, experienee in le imeinees he feel, confident f giving every setiefactiore. co lq'orthmoro J.A.NTJAIT 18 MEDICAL. "FP. HYMYAL-COBONER rb)%' the °minty ot Goren- Oflitte.uestiloor to t. -curling's stortnlireter. I '?)111:11,fEBrk ;'Brricre);1 )rf.k• a •litan roymenergeon. Ste. tnnee an 1 restaxmce--.Eseter•Ont• ' timoe boura-sto re a.m.,a1,4,2.to retpate. I-1 R. 131101NNING re 1 Physician. Surgeon, Aoconvlieur. Mlle* ...Dominion 'MedicalLaboratory, One tiOnr north f Davis' blo.elsvraith shop. Main 41t. Por.eter., UP, ideate, Dr. BrONTO .ing'4 s„.urn VV oat. J. W. Damor.. XO SI, is., Graduate Victoria. College, Member Doi.. ege Physicians & Sorgoese. . G-- T, • LICENSED DENTIST. May he consulted protesslorially at the DOX- MISR:34,1. 110TE1,. Exeter, ou FRIDAY o *pelt 4119ritato week, ircg for the present year, NOV. 14, »X& /at, I:51h and Ali operations performed. skillfully and at VW, 905111,10 VINO. "111Z. BAYING, 0BAIR-At% UNI- YEBSITY Trinity College timelier College, Pnysielans and Simpers Out.. next dear south of Mr. Geri,* Store. ;Vain sk E.setsr. A. /4141xItir t44 urp,:eart Dort t MO Worded rertioauert4italm.t.. C'eloe In Son howl -1100k. 11S-iy II. KINS5341.X. DENTIST, ill 4.1.... .41%., il.niNSMAN orri".7:=It: -.. 4 Id • " - 1tt-Vi° .4 • - t air li sla oft -....k_.,..04- . ,.- • .. -- is lin1st. IL ... -' irlvit- -triton haunt lilt 111*;,pi,sri. &seri tiro of' J. Dell`r 4: Pre• -twister. e-;101;t1:41,1'Vg call respectfully solloitQd, Qui,. ma T4 6feellCe...,--•110:11".i3 Tr01110r et DIRSett.Fdirctie'n-y.ii • JUST RECEIVED Groce AT THE EXETER y and Liquor Store A large stock of Galeen, Japan, Young Hyson and Black Teas, Raisz s ourrantsy Pru:zez, ZDIIIZZ) Applos CIA.NZTEID es4 Lobsters, Salmon Bitter Sauce and Pickles,. Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Tobacco and Cigars, Wholesale and Retail. G. A. MACE Main Street, Exeter., C. i& SClIDLM-er, EICEITZ11. Unaortakors and re Ilmituro 31anutlIcturers INTOI:LD SAY T() those who intend purchasing to do so term s = r • 0• e...121•• Me in xiinfattorer. Tbs 314,% proS. Wo,di.,n, to giro tit) purehubi rs the Cc. lieneat, which mintiot fail to me rt the views n the • Grang •rs. Our ex? gurus taro . ass thanthose ot city 11611(7tit.CtlirOrfi.OWIlietp.1.00 t, '40 can O011 OLIO '; dealer wiz* lseys te s.1 %vitt must ixiee.titiri• The TIIOMPSOli WILTIAN3 Mfg. Stratford WE OFFER A TRIAL of our celehrata Single t Emblems Mowers Single Reapers n all kinds of omit, and Grain, cart tin all co n ditions est:Aland. surface, AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR NO SALE We elan offer a Trial re our Wrought Iron Two Dar JOHNSTON COMEgla REAPER AND MOWER This lac:Line is supplied with Two Pitmans, Two Drag-bers, ••'•Two Villget• bars. Von); Liive,•,• lied 'and Keyeil. - „ •Self -oilers, - ,!: •ete.., eto. Can. le cliatigsx1 fr04.,'Mpter. ,to Reaper - OR REAPE:R T011OW Eft -*•-• Vrt=""*."7"*"Nsii2 Wg ° ealispeefa1attreition to our undertakingdaptut- tse meat, which 15 more corn plate than sver,rin we hart added savored new lenigne et lute. The bent eetillar Okilk.AO shrouds.end. every finer.l' requisite al, the lowest prices. Our now hoarse pfonaiumed by competent yudairs to by second to nose ;in idle ... ••=.4%.: proyfiree. LEGAL. row -16, 1-..l'ef,(,1-0'.‘iliON,NVISTSON .4:CAD:Pr Zarristera (MeV ta OP. 1411 Zitato. .JONES ZtIOSVItIP, Gitrristere, Atiornoys=atlaw, ;Solicitors In .'houcety. conveyances -a. CUUM11*.ioncrs in IL lt. • 1i.taries Prdolie, Marrs C. S.JONEN. W. C. tez•-Httfites wt i. , AlltRNO tt; .11AliDIN(;. Barris tor4.sternels. eo1iciter3, Cotnial.tainer-• . • n. lir....tc. A's sr( r. -11erras's B!.01.1i. 'Water Street, at, Nt 1, tons .4. II »»1's. E. W.1ranorna •'\'‘r ltleDIMM11), II.A.., A t otaSTER*NOTAItt, l'ONVEYNNERe UCCA'S. ONT. for al\ till° •Different Societies, Eitla,reement of -,••••••,4.4.....m.........;."..watelarremimerimarova,40144,0•1844114. premises.' NEW . DUTCHER, SHOP The undersigned would imforra the. inluthi- . thants of Exeter and -vicinity that he has ITh,uNnnnsifili-xn, =g713;•ED.-,.70g. he mn cc•olmiherealepeticttiilua rone470: ,heNsvO0',uxiet ;c1;thniiI7 .5ince t: his ,nurneroue•frienil4pit,stistoote'rs vita:the' , fact that he has.aulargoalts..prikent plaeo of busbass. eani„.,addett Int .1?•••:, te "his '-fittAc of Loather,, inekuthig,, leinne OatulkatiA and he .p:etnirod td -1111 tel'brdars th LL f VOrOdAr'tli tli shoreittno-' time, 'mid in a st:ie that (tumid Vbe Itttilimiabc1 in rthe o 3 Jirondit hf,13 .. Z-0' • • - • ' ' ' TI/OW ftee4 14e.,t1-q, 40e144r0441Miagliigil t gentleeet,%.,' -„ r43:7 end for Catalogues, • •Nir . • ; -Exeter. 'jai/. • 2141-1''"'' • a,.!,73,1agsl anon, tilveS-cfMgzI5 • OPENED A NEW BUTCHER •SilOP . • one deer smith of his Illaolcsinith shop awl hopes the 4sule ilharal patronage that has been ae , cmded to him in the • = • • • • :11LAONSMITII AND vaupa starasta lino Will wittodderl to him in his new branch n business, lila messtwogrui will call at,tlio rola- donee of bo villagers three times each week and ,177 Ti; ME 4J Tilltines kept e'onstuntly dit hand athis .butcher strop • • ; 2 : =• , • •r= := • N.Illaehanitittilng Old wagon niakfnd g ccirie` nuas usualim cants bitanclins;• •ri .4 ' ' '41-`DAVS' • .., ST hEARWSLIXIE 'WORN: ou erayee k14P(1"°1111g 't6n:tniu',b r,ot4tiiir '!".F5king,..qt;2,.. 4. •• .1.‘ n • tto) '- lu tt, r, K.; c.4 Sit; ,/1:11•111. olotaltsS ,t4at for ni1pi5BcI,1.,4•4 , icannot•i..-be surpassed IriqictpflitV.,cpt#,;;; 4.447a:. 1*!, 0,4111)41.&-i'-gt lif:410/6 0 t tithe itlliyrs' futi Clem duhrwiln,i+ raterieltgaritOrleiaoil 1‘2; • 71C'. .'1.%11.'1141i4OTit CLZa4e' o• . SOclaa '0N. 1' Ddbdn'tnIt'serantl.: lIfOrtgages. Purchased •,0f : t ' if) , c ...I t• .114 TO.N '41 " L. K.t Moftexialtiotelili 64 Farm • "t: , .r):5* -01 .3/' • ° " .4• eo, 1/47. 1,-..0•,;itulea'4. Lessalan„Jan 1,001.10• . 90101' I S. 0.1.-grisELL, PROVINCIAL Lana surva--e"..to., will lie at Mick. isen"a :le t el Exeter, en the -West Triestiav in MODUI. Ortl/V4 fII ".• NaOt left with Mr. John so:el/bum will reetise prompt atteition. Vt/ WILSON, ISSUER OP t 4 Marriage Lietneos under tho new Act ,,t tire Pirst Delco store. 4C-11 AtIOTIOHEERS. ,..1.01.01. I rBROWN, Puhlie Motion:Per • Nviurbeaca. :inlet prompt 3 attriid ea i onus reformable. Witielielstru.out. 11.167:1. HOTELS. Ot31111' MOJA': ROTEL, Enloe, out., John lawicshav, Proprietor. The prepriteor hating lately poi -chased tide 'hotel,. Mos relitteil a d turnisliet it in first-ruin:el style. Good accominodution aul hoice Moors 6311t signers at the bar, Large sample room for com- mercial, men, (Seed stabling •uud attentive hust- lers, 00AIIIEROIA.L HOTEL, FRE IDS - above note' has uhungellhands carafe tuorettghly refitted tor the coins:tot of the trrer ming public. (Sped liquors end cigar: at Oa. bar. Attentive brattier always in atto......03.e.:2 amens forConusonciai Trot eters CNNNINOMAN, l'rep. IIOTEL, Mitrfrut Square, Stratford. Itobert dhere,proprietoor. This “utel has lattiy been purcha,3,3434t overlie:ultra. eseullent natl. roomy =ohms..A.tstrutive hostiew. every 33W84 U41400 iar tee Wm:tinting ouolic,nun bust Minors tied tigatu at tla bur. same:era, Ull 0, 1076. 110- s *1••••• '14 OYAL 11 0 T E 1J, -This house, • ti now undo :the managententof Mr. B. (11011s - tie, who hum thoroughly mature and overhaulet it, no vr possesses every action. otiuttou Mr tiro pa- • to. Splendid stabling and seell-rabeci telt uttariti/t bastion; ;gaud liquors and Mears. to • Air AN SION HOUSE, EXETER, ILL ON8,, W ITAW1(1.1.AW, rrovrtotor. '1 hi *IOW and commodious acne is DON% ttnuplueucLux.il :1ttod up throughout 'with Itrst-funittura. 1111* boat Of 1.,I4uors aucitht tuotats& of Cigars at tun liar. The uouse incapable of UatOutzt odutizeuIr musts. Excellent stables and 401 attentivehos- Gterti,• • • • (54-11-.) )UEE N'S LU CAN . R • ges..em Pkorrittor. This tirst-01333, hotel' liars latoly changed hands (from J. Dewey to 11. 54B'51$) and is littecb:. 'with now far. Uwe toroughont, 3'roo 'bus to and from the station 011iee forithe newLlitur of busses to Lennon. '114e bar is rePld.rta with the clones tit 1.iluers and fri.g- ritat Ifavanas. l'eur commercial sample 3110241. 1•1004. lit 04134 end attentive rhostiers.•: A bus runS 14 aud.,from Olandeboye. good livery stable in eetinoction, . 14s1 F.AISOELLAHEDUZi 11 WANT reliable ,eueegetic can , V A vaSeIng agents in eVorY, tONF11. 14 t110 Do" "reinicni for'tlie 3183 '•"Illustrated Ilistfiry of toe Doxiii)iloil bt (Ittcis.,:" Ttlts ,•work is 3f ely tricig- nitfeim 6; ebatitheag o 000 doubut column quarto pages,,And Ort: SOO sixiicr,,Wgio page in. iltitAitifk Tilh wbrk IsspubliribedrIr...atirts, on a .pinat .wribili.ineures its weicoine to OVID y Ittglisit *cling frinu ,9"3'en03g0ti4 ,VOTIllgulvii-er ladiee ,S•flo YAtito All ng to work, wo .svfh guarantee a lierimilashf.1031i031t fdr two ytto,e, told sao:a • Don't l'uti to write for our private &arms, sittopit pstea, etc. '.rifin.iii:a grand opportunity for sithool teacbors to make more than doubly ifikillrflariewirithethe intaferifielfillif their pro. leisselee tin tiORACIIO, worit,ikb eingtatatitto•cilir°4 et a coat of S20,000 for the literary, artistic past, mechanical wait cif &educing the plates, by the'', obi. well.lrueson, reliable Lovell Pi:intim, ADa. P,O3/11i0D4OE; ,,Oii.; In, 01i014OrtiO,/a *1,A 4gOttOso iron) agent a tiriti afP 'tar rintortnnted to tie Pilblildrors.10 ono., gewts an 10110/..5,-, 404ENZI121$13t rEIGNET-ttlit ' li1113034,11`pihpfs xavier l t, l ''. ' ' 'jddIsTIIElli . •