HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-1-18, Page 1-1Ig"VS '
VOL. iv,
EPA -El?. tiTZ):1.1.
.CEERISTMAS jThe acc'eaat Or, ek us
deinPrid;opk it: rally,
the trcos -• :le we the nit
Icier:isle:tine f a. eiiutitry. ` , ' were
1'. 11111 111e11, 1.4- it:, 11.v CIlitilott .11 of ill
14.1-4,b4S iltor.., the.. 1.3) j, A okie eak.s.,
the more insen• growth, • be it louger or shorter. Ity
.cont tl:e atioespher.) such iv:emotes as this niy eeal the ohl twin
s is obvious, in a, hot oat:, so int-ale:Nu for ship building, be tialty a fll
.;trImjvra,11,e of the leaves is eon- preserved from si ect•lv ev.:ereation,- the porpat
a,civtAay IIftw that of the ettetosp;tere. k' rcuoac..iy 1r u. the gover-meat diseov red.
i4 pa rosily cooled wines own,: i'..r.asc. bleat, v.h eh, kr „3,,re,;,•/1.-, „IA spec/11;41o,
81 contact: with teem, sod is forced ti eget:ell •n inane to an ply oil delect4 aed
to the crime w
.d, and what til
movistg freely in 804
ed to the number bo
Tisis is a subject whets ne
eeatistieal inquiry, tbou,g
of consideration. Secict
to dread from nudet-.
ltLow mauy persons may
occupying.a •respeetab
perhaps weareog eaucti
a hi, bear. .with the] .
(It p.otting mtrivato e
eanable Om most 1181
Wits qshaLkillg reilvenitM8118.i188-flt (*14* ;
cal:111411C!').4orlasi't itp(71'Coz'18 o4 tile t4ri!4 8" ,
iu town or in the country, wherever and
38 171140VAIT:' goCletY 4:,0„, may be -it is
1150110.11) t Play prtsent.
ter the sed heneath them, and 0816 ileagulti.uring e 1. There eat. • „Net oily does oi,e.c.cklf the a mitt know
rs tarsi ths rapid evaporat 44n, 4.4,44 t tisitt 1417ti ay c.rat hew the tither Ilia live: -it kiwet not
seri:Ate, and allow it to penetrate the vtt t.tre would 1....as stuteirt:stit j toe: how the other hail sties. 11 is impo•eihlo
substil te the lower water-Ilearieg strista. I to the toluonsble asystain tot to.guard against undetected crime. AR
w;..ette is finds its way by bidden elms- itstel, begun in e hat is now styled the good a d t.vii this %wild go band in
keeping the aprings and fountatila grktat American Des. r tue mid tares string np
Ate 111" Fottiott of tz Intent monitors 1'4 03..1 1411.' O'er. TI4
n'anY '1"." "t 48411'•..Y Eiv4 ,t had take% its ra,sssi.g (tree mere of these f<8414t. la:Aeg for U1s: e
gis,as of s ort.1 ..•
• '
tiS • , • •
-,i,.. rue, 4 t, ,i. 41..6. thclltie iit de 0 nest irt .Iti. , ci. a fe0 deela'.0 4-1 acre 144 like kilim •
1 l‘c"" ""`k l's"b1"1" ' ' kP was 4 th. isti.e insitace is tit/a of the i nott's lei. the tun, ,,,,:, 88(04FS regions, Melte.
AMU: of Inc! ofte . very .akly daWy. A 7 geoids whie4 a the go O.)» eggs.
la 4 of rivul ts Ink ienn:a1° , 1"..'"1: ono,taiu twee of the Camay Ishiut. .,, ',' dinc the prair,s and great uo.t ,atezt:ro
152701 AT. .tto irtanzt.3.biel.;avveret,1 Ilo: fib.i.e,j., tio.t.t; ,„sroall ways ,I,i,e41.0, ),,•,c;;7,4, e,4),. -use 8'1.e:tee..4I. it would be ) i a,
Trim evs I
s. -s ed the nation tlid,, terrhers A .,.
8 IA4 4 't law:, , SAW Atte- Ittoi,81 tm• *Jr e:,:an!. e, .64 1,X,iillot lmin 7.va.•...ik
"*"4"1 11" " 1144,4 "I'S' A141.45`"?.44"'"t51"M"nte' t•ASISt14. us drope upon the leaves, 44.,y. ; tor a ver: It) pea. ut ali ionds eiviloat''
ttioreby diatio,:luellted from EX, ' _treat •
is tilft condensing Inewer ilsest Isla us, toe ft'stit, Irt ftrests n.g •01, tea
74.4 00114' `E Felto at.ou of a leant ate
alien tow hoc leo'. thwii two '111.444,4"e Awe bmeellte st1.111 mil mi.:vise. Our Arent raPpress
; him red toot ft ty thew d and a. pre. Pi", .1,1411$ PelTet.,1111 would hi.111,0 0 who trassi jou of ;0, v. rt,
Mir ies c. la rat Stant r
a j oeou 4 184 cousatessolle part, orttmsr intment-v le• 4
carto,ts sta,0 EVO) culluesr (me 88411 wo jug (of moKI, , water "mew Omits by reserving them for vent 81 4
FANCY BOXES, tne Asa; Alum oet eimewientlY heated /win,
t in a four ysque tstey wou'd ise aide to
WRITING illis.SKS. reduce toe 14,7 rilagion, for under the
WORK. ROXN;A: 11,:nwon 1*- W40. et.h ,demiely pork& ltut :fill hirer im`portunee, lease thelmelirca with the o.
VOLT wnereiy the i bot t1148 1 lusts.
1' f: l••••41': c4, mul 31 the C .41 a few geuerat ens
'):` 11 o greater piri ..1 thit V,111.17 3741a rro
o 1 Es e40,,, ee.1 taw shuPst auto:Ira:4 (102 188-3
v.4.5ch it 4(08 i$. 110 01;411110s tjo
.‘• ivu ,. 4.ti.1 but. 41 I"* are
A Dia. eitar 'tee wan, at 1.1,.b. roll Aced the •
; lam% toe duitr bation tho In (1 3 sa. 4 41 4 „
It0C14.1:50 ii0.118Fci • 10 • • •• • • - lip, I • ' ;SCR',
" INt to. ter 44 '34'...4l( Was till$4
Its, hi the ia intuco of forOsta rege- *1,44 mi 1 111. 807 aro 1 v 0'0i1g4;r1 118 )41fl*
eveli when we vatsont perceive that it w.ols. use prosti,,A. of a foreot p
5, II:miens 484484.00448,,vitt (101111, 11••••
Also largo stork r.f.
Opposite Cot.tral Hotel, Exter,.
stores are crowled Iii
'Mt EDS.
"Tnasnie. -
Dud.:414 tinovs,
Act' wrs.
VALI. 'WINTER HATS (trilarruld),
BOOTS a stioEs.
A SP.44E1M111) ',PT OF EENDY
tat.C:S 1110 S111,1111 10 amount. Trees sitel- wouitt treacle ...Waimea the %aloe 4.f t•te
1; menies, el,..eiwo iow eel.: wif.w r . tool. .0) ..._ _., .
4 reetii41 oew, even In the &test stele, ii eertatts that it wool.' greatkv antlinent 1,t1Nether, so we fei 1 we must attrsbute
'14 *018 alt1 110 11'.• V.,441,1•.1 P.i 1 E.,WS, 1:13, ataia, Tle-r • 4 0 I •
: n r rasentg roots penetrate 1 the regular soinuaI eztitsfall end the tu- tIth c..14kor a crime ie a gei 4 nivaaure
411 18 forming a eon. of epouge, which 1 sges• dile dove 4.0. ...le „ to the nercaw of esteem len alai the
rr,vents it from. Wiens wanted awsry by An immense geld for mad effort al spr.ad, of science, eurtidius; the arts of
ohly eseeptseste rareane
' 4411. St1 St,114,1M i,s7,t14 t•-•.* roitt4it$
Ntit114041 it•^4.4.MS 0,1 1.1.4011011. II CO t4:81'
&Sate th a large lad, of it
the ferests eirch at co clothed Om
Ihiskat Lave tong tests iltalroyed *4.1
failattE1C to.outailie of antiquity note too
wonky iti mad 844 of Lietor.C31 80'
3444*4 ,t,•44 1.4.41, 14111 iteality l.roula side
1,,ay font. Chorre 4
1184, M..1(11 111':.11K111, 11 Lip pliCortly 0
thE, U'ito;a1 vtopire, 1.tnos issia tne mut
1, it1F.,1100 10,*1. merely i.cil
out prat.t.e.illy 1.y any ex
rept iimmets wailitering front 41;0 SCantj
fountain to Rotel
Tito name chary is repeated in modern
times down to our own day and °ter
tho worti1. eqloit the forret* Vivi flowed through riu-.-----,iog this more,' by a there is a clump of trees I " •
widen showers, and give out the water thin 440d1011 open for every local cam. the ix mini to keep psee with imteat,,,,
slowly aud tuition ly, thus equalizing WI 1 tahhitY aud for every 1001 lenlihelders- taeiiities ot detection, and supplying, at
tow, preventing &WS on the 0i °, With ha t Takeo the atuue time, adalaiional uwtives for
end droughts on the other. When tin) street but (wets highwoy ought * few the r erg oration of 1.11.. co. JEw eana
forests tot toll sides and mountain shirts I years be bordered and. shaded by tram vt,,f;atiee tu cle ,,tileots,,ir tb, law, frg,n1
LW MA 444812, the r.t;o glr!4.e tw't f via , It wax wise advice tell els the old lord of the'hit.hest tt, the 1,/wert.,. fueroseo
them le from e rod. A. sudden eUewtat Ihuinbleilikoi tare to his sun ; " Bo tYll vil.ilro a - to al public men mid publi*.
swells emery rirttlet into a torrent, ever/ Petting id A 1;•40 ; it, 14111 be growluil ts•dies, Insurn C:vent aniee, and 1843? lwrook poor% ito 4 ozomulatiola bite i while ye are aleeping. This one een- ;mg orms__,,4,,,vo ag, no 1,„„,,,LI ,,,,ie, it,
tile river, whose olutnnela aro 'e a !equate ter.00 ig said to havo been worth millions 1
;to members id 18.41 it ill cal 1 voltam* *2; 1:
to Carry off the smitten accession. -.1-fenes to Seutiond by turning the wat.mtian of au that ito e p at 1,r,,sent poilit, to g;
disastrous innodttiona, folAlowed. ti‘ inter- ' landlord* to the allbjecL ; alla it' ia go. 4 11140Y to 11111.1.10 le tra.uta on the) vti It
veil by low water. Tho supply, which advice bete as well as there. Wherever Ian, e 4,4 motto' i„.viNtsi eks,
uhutild hero boo i distrihutail over weeks. on your farm there is st km 41, unavaulahlo '
exhausts I in hours. That whiclt • for plough. or scythe, put in a, tree and
eliould have Irolds"oci tip in springa and leo jo row 44 11086804' on A billet to or' '''" -- '....4." .
g ••TAI.EI or UT tizat4V510"11141i.-4100.•
been crtt down for collo pleettatirus, (lows green is rraried at once through
proierve tlient as the apple of your eye.: 1°7 b(•)) ia,i siki, mild" 114;Alear)1.1
and more than twenty year* ago the less the great 8880312 80 to tl e oemil, to be &gabs 1 A keen axe in a i * tut woodmen'.* hand AwItil his
KtAniff" 115tt,71 141.411". mut II,:
er ' et ePrbtge end feueteNe 11 41 gr"" 84) * taken up by one o:Ation only to se I will in an liant ticatroy what it has taken '‘al`aw4a,,f,:i„.":*vouillugi.o.41,,,,0,1nwinhIlat alTittliwiee 01',
b.'I bo a threatened evil. When, to cen. . through the tame retold, with little bo.., a century to produce, and what a aeotory th„ curbstone toljutang a rag est ld••
Of pow ' teries llgo, the $1:c0 Islands fill into the eat t w the land and torten to its great , eaunoo repleee. A. few coeds of wood
sore hem ho was telling S114184847one
• injury. Tice absolute yeariv dischst?* are indeed wort/t something, but not1,49 „r h,,, ,„,'„„ 1 „„,,... . , 1 ,i„,, I; 1,„( a
, Immix of Cm Dutch, they sere etott.e,t
To increase the valve of the zusetortly, .,1g11,03, via 0,,,,,r,,,g,.., ,,,„,1, urrAore, Iwo .10 nertmy totry Fart tit uur 41,03.4 , l'oe boa ,e utg is Ws awry :-
i with dense forest* of spiev..lwarirg trete. of the g -eat riven, the lifissiasinpis, the usual tlx an swer-flowing fouUtatn. 7" i - ----""-f"' - "-; b"- - '1*- ' --•
'sir' v tt 1.,;418 t.:,10 %Ail 11 401 gra islisiotitevt,
; the DtttOL 144 181$111 an 'ut"'"11111141,) sensible Change frant.generation to gen. States one of the most pressing needi its
entices ; but twoollehsvers. even of ver, i that of more trees. Plant them, then, foe Wuxi oboes, Cid 11 net yttll fo.Fgvc ....,
,4404tructitnt of the forests; ; and these
S ietantla were cseiverted 'Oats arid deserts, co.raillerablo sizey smelt SS tho Di11111bS, ; in every xpot not needed ter other uses. It': 14:31' i44 2444 Ill" k " 'LW') 11111"re:;" . '4
. ". Not many years ego the world was the Vistula, and the Connortient, are 1 Above all tltings, spare every tine tree )74'2" u• ".wit'?,' n' ,...':reat'..1un3'. 18 ?°14'3i.:
. . set
_ utility 1 :1 al ..A• a e II . • .. .. .... ellile 11.41.1 Ilel,r,om atoutir 4014.*S tltiO4C/IS.".•
Mkt ; while vae xvittleve MR I nOW growing. pitre rile ti 0:0 --..810s
urs a Speciality.
TEAS' 15 per cent, cheaper
thr,n ever offered before.
1 Mira apd glee us a tall and ratty.
fir yoursolve9. urlitecm. nta for GASH
C t d Crediton 26 Oet
0 nsum tion Gurad
thrilled by, 88818 8488-10 ti of famine t e
;serape, but multi a. bully old gal, and
Cape de 1. era Islaoto. Ti rod there is 030 lir one ezeept imracthatcsy after /0, 111e1311y the me particular love g tree
, very light 181,4 1mr11n24, and require* Colt- rata t irm. whatt they are greedy swot- 1 whien elseItered you in childhoutl, and
'stant Meieture as a condition of hit ty. kW. nu.. throttah the overstiwi of one 1 which youhave no solemnly roved, to
,Por ninny yeava the il a:eating hteri if au 8 tite cone law, inall tamers upon tam- c „meet, Lut it rrott many other .treta_
humidity %vas noticed. The river listcor. ' self Mu spsosite evils uf floods and i er;ery mu for Lae tleutructims of which.
rides in Underin &en. whielt timer bwas ' droughts, 1 you 181842101/thew good anti *diluent
former/y floated to the sea, gr dunity i Our first sailers and planters were of ; „mon, Stare 11 cm, uot merely frt nt
i dried
Up until it became a mere rill, ncesesity destroyers of trees. Until they ,
, / the reason that a, lino trge is one of the
' whose waters, except *4 184* (I-iiiile, coidd "NAoliefl tho great prairies rani U.:teems t most beau tifn: 1101-1(8 01 Nature, although
that us it good and t niul rensort, hut also
for tho far higher reason of the duty you
one pestertty. ...elope° is beginning to
het g videlhardly be seen ahem its pebbly bed.- ,31.u»8, they found almost every rood of
The diminution of moistue groand covered with dentin forests, soul.
have 110821 equal ace with thteatruc, 8. snust be male away with bifuro
f th.t,.....,,.,,. on *11301111iAill.. 011.10Atittrcoota begin ; it wits teo110wr
I. ;slides , r • .oe
44 1 . t 11t II
t MO 4it I 1 j1 s
Sotys sae's got three mattresse.
• tlit Iojons hair that la: srand-
an1 temp wmhens hhoeuswea
agluau. All my grantlfathe s
11,11•8. atuf withlujou hamtot*,
ba, 281744. 317 gra &other hs got FL
• 81111-8(4184* 448181. that I gatewas mad
Isles* Ieeto onus mit 1. / the ark. My
graudf tiler used to shout bears'i
.stitati oroekerli.ea'n allbido' of
hires'it every. ing, My graudfatherihot
-11.014' 0.4. E 41(4 'I8 oAni44 440
and the Portuguese goverurneut savr to make fresh clesrtng thin to are th'atoicfrsgaintiahonor a wolf one day
lustemade lawsprohibitinghe cutting1:oknp Lnojcinowbit„01,;04Butntanifold oreis in4t e 11f
growed mst'as rti out of
down of trepear sminga and rivernotwithstanlingtin destrctin it Vhar to innum wefareistsny hatne wot-lrim into a antler
ources314 vine culture was profitable, estimatedsmile twenty-1re 3e485 6414htus,nbseho,ielandexo.a allemit thre:. hula childrenMy
and the Ik.s 48444.44 powerless against on- that thrty per cent. of the areaof the mle° na'vaeacing us, haor
grauna•her rumen grabbed the welrii
mediate interest. So the trees word eut United t.s.^es mut yet a do Ise foest. In
dew n more and more ; the springs failed; 1870, the es boats watt fifteen per cent.
Ilse fountains dried up, and drought nod, And this decrercr was net owing to mere
famine followed. Only et quarter cif a wanton destruction. but to the enormous
li`00110.101i 8118101 betWeen the death 11.01
bhUrne 44,141d the children fore
the Ida of a land ; that their destruction
' t
4 tbo 1.er an froit of my grattdmitier's
Pi t sed t • il I
the cooseqn nit desolation of the fairest
a)un't by n leorreki is slowly, wid
fertility, housen they used to rob Mks and tour-
portions of the earth's surface.
0M Faun or ltutonoss.-A fissFrant and bury t us gold in. a cave. Aly grand
lobrIteh..to:13133tIstfm,)1.1shi 3.11 *8811(41.8 itninide vies ancitidasiAnthul lehodual: lit6lidre,suarnude
»..),01.1e, is the very general ted bilin" water on
i.herrepting ones conversation. The gold and ran ed. You unlit to see my
practice et my eirandmother taro
tae p rut, a. id the; left four millions or
impunity with which this is done haele- grandmother and hoer her tell taings.'
;pitied rat.onal cenver4tion_ which
ought to be tbe greatest charm of' social Goon-Ishetra.- How tenderly and
iiitetcourse, into a promoking farce. .A. aweatly falls thelood-ni,ght" int) !ovine
or woman who has anything to say hearts, as members of a family .separatv
widen 14 rth saying, desices tirs,y it and retire for, the night. What my.
hi their own way ; and they who have rids of iltsty words and thoughtles•
bra ns preciate iv; 1...be err ally acts, engendered in the hurry tua bind
desreus. of iss•ming it 111.11 Eli. interrw- noes of the day, are forever blotte
century ago the laanish ioinsl-artf Santa demand for fuel, iuriber, and railreati dot a tleersand fiilks a day, sometimes
42,1 d stf The hills coststrinption.
ruz was a, gal OF
,811 cad 14,4.):.1031. retired *Iwo est'. *Ore covered with infests, mos trees Were . in 1'A 1W 8.314. 043M11,11, 118110h. Iliin
• V. fist, 813 41.: Iraq pluee4 To his b....• everywhere abundant. A person who ., heed do 1141 atiti 111 *'.a melee ts 'new de ms,
.14 i an Batt India Nitissionory .the fc-ckss . bad ftrimerly resided there recently Visit- i by government fer tack perpett.ttles of
..e gt Vo.tytytablO PA'.1p.L‘dy. fen* thy c.h.t.)...-.. ea, tile island, and found the third. Part I the remaining forest14. seined ally these l"1
)..„,,. 0-sewhiti.), Cearrh, lkiel un ei,..... L.1 P usaiss and /Ian
Alt 1 rermettent 443re et Clenteeptiee . e• ef it reduesal IA) WI utter desert. Tile' 111014..1w tt rug On&
t planters bad bared the island of ifs for- over eaPeitia 1Y- an a m'r thle sYstleat of
ji.,.p!luele133,1•:•as :r).,Iso..e:IIi;•iN,:‘ *e.,..- *as . tile 8(111 was gradually desiccated ' i for. e• n1484.1.0:0 mit lima ba‘ak ira r("141etie
. ' • even the short cepious showers Ilan i 44)1 '.1 it %violist be worth while for our
tilt lilervones 0)1el11116x, &ter li........, i 9 • t t a, 4 114 inatatt, it 8,1
• eremiceily Vcsoul el. 4343.44 (1' ..i.sa...;.. aesset .-Tha seland of Curaeoawas One g N.rtituen 0 • i y it .
powers in Illovestseds a eeees. feed. it no of the numb fertile sod wll-wateed eteie 4 on the pr.lc/01 that the trees
0.1"OtY tO Make it kittrWli tel hi44 t.t..1.01:,.. 8P0t8 011 tilli • erth, but whole plante. a.all les allowed time to cera..106 their
l'''.lotve4. Aeviated liv this .nisAlvs, tr414 • tili' S. '44 it11 thOir (1110) healitifuf villas. full growth, a•iil tikat for every trse cut
ennsetesitieves elestre to r,,itery Igtimisa ;s:pr and tercaeed, gardens, ere c),)w- 1).1c Ito down there shall .bo in ma ,ilno part; or
4* 1.,. b`; will hip"1 rtIttl': or l'Irla"4• mitt waste ; and .yet sixty mites away, the foreat another tat,2,,. 13.. 8834 a+ large.
tioii. Yet it .1s a •commen " thing for a out by: its 'benign influences ! Sinai
ail ...0 *3 4.1* It t thiyi 11,44. 104 vitii oo the Spanish mail!, the eallhicAt eege. growing, to take its place. For the=
'.8 or conversation to p211 1.1 MOre of token, indeed ; but it is the little court
ifir'et"'"* `"r 1."el''"ing "" t'll.'`"'°' fg'.. lotion covers the hills, sid theleardessed beeet forests one isundrea at, 1 twentY '
the nature of a tower -. 1pf . betel than a esiev that - eau so beautifully round oil
using. Sent by mturn knell ley ekees...".
clouds shower dawn abbisdant lslasiAlgt. yeare is the assigned period efgrea tn.
onVerttatiou 1111°11g rational hiatigs. who thc) square corners in the homes t1
tis with stato siensieg t•hlis pee.er.
The United States Commissioner of A hence divisiek of a forest is marlsed -Oil t. .
ere suiii,‘ a , I • to• kiloar aud appreciate labouring Men and W0111011.. The simpl
Boat 88 182 0..41I i. Agriculture, five years age, writes : " In I hats i x bhscles, SA neari7 °qua' " c°n- allot each 'other says. One be te re- "I thank you' for favor receiv pper Egypt the rains Whieh 'ifiglity venient, soma allotted to as nosily periols
late au inoident, and before lie has tWn heart of th.
yeasts sinee wero stbuudant have ceased . of twenty years' growth, ,so. that one
sentences finished, some parrot in Goo will MI with happin
' :..ted: by
along the valley of thatile:' A contrary , than twenty :years old a sieCoiiti .Wit it
wid so gabble, 'breaking the threradv ofdu*-aditiiiciaijfitiftllapiz84onfla*
gixer True weult)
since the Arabs hare cut dowii the trees , block will be filled witlk trees I o more
clothes chimea . in iith i 6 1 '; gratitud.
- erect had been produael in r,ower ggypt those front twenty to forty -years,
course, and compelling, the • narrator to ' .„ ifi ., hole° '
frene the ‘exteusive planting of the Pasha. ' en. The beech .here) matures. its seed
begin agam or abandon ,the . atteinpt to• nwnerS pOSSess other tkr
a of one
In Alexandria and Cairojr wh0te raiii ievey third er • !wall year . After the
instruct or • exit:neaps: .P te is the or .a theistsold
grossest of impoliteness. igeeertheless n tha end
was formerly a rarity it hit knee that ' first seed year in the final. Period a Licu-
sible requisikt of fertility'; and' tilerie'l lino, the forest treee being left. atand- saY that bine Out orten,peoPle Who ht- happy hbilies
dulge this ',Islet are capable of „earryt..s,. LY 110, it?' met
, . • con! ifiiiilthylitiy0o
is. period be otne more frequent;" tschlag, or *leering for light, takes place,
it ia' as coalition an occurrence 0,S
, .
are the
.*. regular supply of fitetnie flew; in.order to afford light for tta prelims, Thenisciv,uve
versation Wolf. It 18 Mot too lynch t0 sabje Qaii,:pt around the
f. some souree is everywhere:4u 114. 1113)1*) thin and growth of the self.ikiere seed -
e confiding
can be no doubt trent these and a linn- i ing. When the scround isAel1 eovered
8titt.V. Wsolloit. itorol Amd-
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, Aka te toi, ei ttt.t14)1: Leaden just, ,..soiox,..1424014,40rafttfoui,V, lyellegfest ilkhould be miaptitolf,,I &max, tor thexe,,' 0udMbliealidin** k.or 11°. N; il. ,141-411,411141.11 day how initah easier to bid all
WI lie aud indule in these- bretsches of seotiting thei
ihnt 111141111' tertain circumatanceil, the the whole b ecleFeactits the appearance
• • ttlA9t44 of Weed *pesetas etteetttatly , 'elegy ;eel sesnal y e eel beef; keePeet $00 end eeeelietelibi; have eein- IttAti of its brief, yet
lroviNsuir Ole LtAT lett 404001"*10 441‘Nr411.IMV h#,/010./1: 64:06 IP° iekke,w.thoh,Atkele14?eri ,?1'14."411iitttilL .*Orf0alati*461**4 os * 614l