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Page 34 Times -Advocate, Novelnber 30, 1994
Dance winners
The Jo Read School of Dance participated in the BATD
Dance Festival held at Althouse College on Sunday, No-
vember 20. Dancers participated from all over southwestern
Ontario. Top photo left to right, gold medals went to these
12 and under 'small group acro' dancers: Lindsay Muller,
Meghan O'Rourke, Heidi . Muller and Keitlin Van Osch. Mid-
dle plc, left to right, acro duet members were gold med-
alists Sarah Trottier and Katrina Cavaliere; acro solo bronze
winner Jon Erik Lappano and silver duet acro winners Erin
Bowers and Lisa Johnson. Bottom photo, back I to r, small
group Jazz bronze winners were Kerriann O'Rourke, Aimee
Hoffman, front, Anne Vandenberk and Jens DeBlock.
Parkview residents learn
how to prevent scams
LUCAN - Activities started early in November at Lucan Lion's Park-
view Place. Due to the scams in various seniors homes, two constables
from the O.P.P. were asked to speak to the tenants. The speakers gave
many suggestions on how to step up security inside and out of the building
and protect themselves regarding hank accounts and credit cards. The ten-
ants also had a meeting with the Lucan Fire Chief John Riddel to discuss
safety procedures in the apartments or anywhere in the building.
Later in the month Bob Benner gave instnictions on the issue of power
of attorney and wills. There were many questions from the tenants and a
better understanding of the new law was reached.
On November 14 Parkview residents had a nicc turnout for their month-
ly social evening. The liderton Entertainers provided a musical evening,
which was greatly appreciated. These seniors are gifted with musical tal-
ents. The group had a lovely lunch with a birthday cake to celebrate six
November birthdays.
Residents extend their sympathies to the families of Ilabelle Harlton.
She was formerly from Granton and had been at Parkview a short time be-
fore passing away suddenly.
A speedy recovery is wished to the sick in hospital, Lill Ashton and Reg
Skating planned for Zurich youngsters
Friday is a day off for Zurich cell-
dren so there ,will be public skating
at the arena.
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - There will not be any school for the Zu-
rich children on Friday, December 2 as it is a P.A.
Day. There will be public skating at the arena at 1:30
p.m. to 3:00. The cost will be $1.00 per person.
The Grade three students of St. Boniface School en-
joyed going to the museum on Wednesday in Gode-
rich. On Tuesday the Grade one classes (A and B)
also went on the same bus trip.
Christmas banquet
The adult fellowship Christmas banquet will be held
at the Mennonite Church Hall on December 2 at 7:00
p.m. Tickets are now available from Liz Adams,
Dianne Steckle or Pearl Ann Martin at $15.00 per per-
son or you can phone the church office at 236-4933 in
the mornings.
Senior Diners
Zurich Senior Diners met November 23 at the Com-
munity Centre with a good attendance. Lee Regier
was the 50/50 winner. A poem Winter Snow was read
by Faye Skinner. The Penny Sale was a great success.
Games of Solo and euchre followed.
Bowling dinner
A delicious Christmas beef dinner was served by
Tony and Marlene Bedard to 14 Zurich Golden Agers
bowlers Thursday, November 23 at the Town and
Country Bowling Lanes. A Christmas Search contest
was enjoyed. Door prize was won by Maude Weston.
Mary Reichert and Ruth Lindley had the lucky chairs.
Santa appearances
Santa Claus will be coming to the Zurich Co-op on
December 3 from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Lots of ac-
tivities are being planned for both young and old. Also
on that same day, December 3, the Santa Claus parade
will be held in Exeter beginning at 11:00 a.m.
High school talent
The South Huron District High School Drama Club
students are to be congratulated on a great two hour
play they performed in Exeter last week called "What
Glorious Times They Had: Nellie McClung".
They will be going to St. Marys next March to take
part in the Sears Festival.
The Christmas Music Concert by the South Huron
District High school bands and choirs will be held in
the large gym, Exeter, on December 7, beginning at
7:00 p.m. Admission is a canned good for the Christ-
mas Bureau.
Nomination meeting
There will be a Huron N.D.P. Riding Association
nomination, meeting held at the Town Hall in Clinton
on Thursday, December 1 at 7:30 p.m. to select a can-
didate for the next provincial election.
Women's Institute
The Women's Institute will be having their annual
Christmas dinner and meeting at the Dominion Tavern
on December 5 at 12 noon.
The Lions Club and their wives will me4.t..t the Do-
minion Tavern on Monday, December 5 at 7 p.m. for
their Christmas get-together, dinner and fun night.
Blue Water dinner
Once again a good turnout was had at the Blue Water
Rest Home on Sunday for the annual residents/family
Christmas dinner. All those present enjoyed a delicious
meal and some entertainment.
A surprise 40th birthday party for Sally Desjardine
was held at her home on November 26, given by her
husband Dino and family, with several friends and rel-
atives arriving to help celebrate.
The children of Theresa Hartman along with their
spouses (20 in all) had a pre -Christmas family dinner
on November 27 following Mass. The turkey meal
with all the trimmings was prepared by Richard Erb
and staff. Those present came from Lucan, Windsor,
Waterloo, Mt. Carmel, Zurich and London.
Kaitlin Elaine Allen, daughter of Steve and Denise
was baptized at St. Boniface Church on Sunday after-
noon November 27 by Fr. Wronski.
Juliette Denomme recently spent a couple weeks vis-
iting with her children and families in Kitchener and
Waterloo and while there had a pre -Christmas get-
Happy birthday wishes go to Josie Dietrich, who was
92 on November 22; to Vera Thiel on November 26;
Deb Regier on December 3 and Stephanie Gelinas on
December 4.
The family of Ted and Janet Soudant moved on the
weekend from Edward St. to the south end of town into
their newly built home.
Berit Wallace, RR 2, Zurich spent last week visiting
with her daughter Lenore Alexander.Ruth Gingerich is
back at the Bank of Montreal in Zurich. She spent two
months working at the Goderich Branch. Ruth and Jim
along with Stu and Linda Gingerich, Ron and Bev
Oesch and Brian and Irene Hall from Grand Bend, just
returned from a two week vacation in the British Vir-
gin Islands. They chartered a 50' sail boat and sailed
the area with Brian as their captain. The weather was
beautiful, hot and all returned well tanned and rested.
party held
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - The Order
of Alhambra, Algarva #168 of
Grand Bend, played an impor-
tant part in the annual Christmas
Party hosted by Community
Support for Families of Clinton.
Sir Noble Philip Walker acted as
that jolly old gentleman from the
North Pole assisted by Sir No-
bles Cor Vandenberk, Gene
Creces and Many Stokkermans
to give out treat bags and good
wishes to over 120 children
from across Huron County.,
This event, held at the Clinton
Legion is sponsored by the three
Community Living Associations
of Wingham, Goderich and
South Huron (Dashwood)f,..for.-
physically and developm;nfally
handicapped childrenr,ajtd their
families in Huron County.
Entertainment was provided
by Richard Knechtal of Walker-
ton, who delighted children with
songs a* -•guitar, puppets and
magic tricks. There were draws
for door prizes, refreshments
and balloons. This was also an
occasion for Algarva #168 to
present a cheque for $500 to
Community Living.
Sir Noble Philip Walker pre-
sented the cheque to support
worker Liz Herman, for their
Sibling Workshop and to defray
costs of their annual Christmas
party and summer picnic. The
adult workers of ARC bakery in
Dashwood helped bake the
treats, and the Challenging
Learning Needs students at Ex-
eter High School not only
baked, but packaged 150 treat
bags for the event.
These county wide events pro-
vide valuable opportunities for
families to connect with each
other and offer networking and