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Times Advocate, 1994-11-23, Page 29
1 20 Property for Rent ONE AND TWO BEDROOM FROM $395.00 TO $525.00. Call Marlene Parsons 235-3777 Re/Max Bluewater Realty Inc. LARGE LUXURY 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS with three appliances Laundry facilities in each unit. Ground floor units available. Phone 235-2961. (4tfn) EXETER - Two bedroom apartments available Fridge and stove Last month's free- Phone 235-0512. (19tfn) APARTMENT - available immediately - 2 bedrooms - Hensall $475 00 utilities included Phone 236-4961. (Ilxfn) ()NE BEDR(X)M apartment. heat supplied. Main floor 304 Andrew St Exeter Fridge and stove. S347 50 monthly Seniors Discount available 451-2131 or 471-0407 ( 13tfn) THE RAU MANOR in Zurich has a spacious 2 bedroom adult apartment for rent. Washer and dryer hookup available Controlled entry. 236-4607. (17tfn) I" SEMI DISPLAY FOR ONE ANL) TWO BEDR(X)M APTS. FOR RENT 235-3777 (221fn) ELIZABETH COURT apartments. Hensall, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with fudge. stove, heat and hydro, laundry facilities on premises. Third and eleventh month free. For more information and viewing opponunities call 262-2827. (24tfn) HURON W(X)DS. Grand Bend. 9-10 month (ease. Newer 3 bedroom. 2 hath. one floor wooded privacy. deck. furnished, whirlpool bath. fireplace. private beach. tennis, etc. Phone 1-673-1605. 238-6362. (321fn) EXETER - immaculate one bedroom apartment. available immediately. Fridge. stove. washer and dryer. First and last required. 235-1187 or 238-2433 after 5 p.m. (351fn) IsmeammlWWWIMMe TWO BEDROOM APT. FOR RENT Ideal for newlywed or retired couple. Stove and refrig- erator, fully broadloonled, laundry facilities, cable TV and heating. One year lease $513.00 per month - third floor PHONE JOE DARLING 235-2208 ZURICH - 1 bedroom apartment. 2nd floor. new carpet, no per.. Available Oct. 1. 236-4320. (38tfnc) GRAND BEND - 4 bedroom. 2 bathroom. furnished home available Nov. 1 - June 1. Dishwasher, microwave, laundry room, nice deck. 22 Queen St. $700 per month plus utilities. Phone 235-3526. 235-0233 or 238-6346. (401fn) THREE BEDROOM HOME for rent in Exeter. $600 per month. first and last month in advance. References. Place of employment or source of income and your phone number. Available December I. Phoneevenings 235-0608 (4ltfn) GRAND BEND - For sale or rent. 2 bedroom condo. River location. Fully furnished. Main level. one floor plan. Available Nov. L 5595.00 plus utilities. 542-9357 after 6 p.m. (42tfn) HENSALL - 4 bedroom apartment in lower half of duplex. Large kitchen with dishwasher. S595 per month includes oil heat. All other utiliitcs extra. Heather Rogers, Estate Realty Inc. 235-1621. (43tfn) EXETER - Upper one bedroom apartment, fridge and stove supplied. Phone 235-3293. (43tfnc) 20 Property for Rent TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT downtown Exeter, heated and fridge and stove supplied. 5365.00/month. Available Nov 1. CaII 235-1354. (441fn) APARTMENT 301 Senior - 1 bedroom available December 1, 5307.00 monthly. Own appliances required. To view call 235-3569 (44tfn) ZURICH - luxury 2 bedroom adult apartment with controlled entry Phone 236-4607 (44tfn) HOME - 2 bedroom, 8 miles north of Grand Bend on Hwy. 21 across from golf course. close to lake with access to beah. Available imnediatell/Phone 236-4607 (44Ifn) FOR RENT - Suncor St Exeter - 3 bedroom townhouse with rec room. Call Paul or Monica 235-3061 or Ducharme Investments 236-4230. (451fn) Corbett Up to 2500 sq. ft. available • Bay door • loading dock • office space CALL 294-6651 TWO BEDROOM ground floor apartment. includes firdge and stove, one block from Main St. available Jan. I. 5475.00 per month plus utilities. Contact Gary MacLean 235-0800 before 6 p.m. (45tfn) EXETER - large two bedroom apartments. fridge and stove included. rixtra options available. One month's free rent Phone Glenn Haven Apts. 235-0349. (45tfn) TWO BEDROOM apartment, Brucefield, heat included, utilities extra. Available December I. 5346.(0 month. First and last months in advance. Phone 482-3026. (46:47') GRAND BEND 2 and 3 bedroom condo. overlooking ever. Pool, tennis court, central air. fireplace, jacuzzi, year round basis. Phone 238-5906. (46tfn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT - available December I. Stove and fridge supplied. 5300/i onth. Call 235-1354. (46tfn) COUNTRY HOME for rent in Usborne Twp. Located 2-1/2 miles east of Exeter. 4 bedrooms. Available Jan. 1, 1995. 5550.00 plus utilities. If interested phone 229-8266. (46:47c) APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Crediton 234-6310. (47c) THREE BEDR(X)M HOUSE in Exeter. Available December 1. Phone 235-0382 after p.m. (47tfn) DELIGHTFUL one bedroom with fridge and stove and balcony. 402 Williant St., upper apartment. 5475.00 per month includes utilities. Available December 1. Phone235-3526. (47tfn) For classifieds call 235-1331 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT- upper level of house- large luxurious rooms. close to schools and downtown Exeter, recently renovated. Fridge. stove. washer. dryer and microwave included. Some other furnishings negotiable. No smoking or pets due to allergies in adjacent unit. References required. -Available Dec. 1. 1994. 5660.00/mo. incl. heat, central air, plus utilities. Approx. $65.00/mo. Call 235-4033 anytime and leave message. SMALL OFFICE FOR RENT. 147 Main St. Exeter. 5400.00 per month includes heat and hydro. Call Dirk Coolman 235-3948. (47tfn) 22 For Sale or Rent KEROSENE HEATER 2 years old 599 95, rocking chair 539 95; glider rocker 599.95, chest of drawers 539 95 up. Coffee tables 519.95 up, single and double beds complete 5119.95 up. humidifiers 539.95, crib with mattress S89 95: skis 559.95; skates 515.00 up, recliners 559.95 up, sofa and chair sets 569.95 up, strollers 519 95 up, tables and chairs 579.95 up, 2 hl back leather bar stools 579.95/two; ski boots 510.00 up. bunk beds complete 5199.95. child's spring horse 52195. Quality Used Furniture. Downtown Brussels Open Tuesday through Saturday 12,00 6 (X) 887-6534 (47c) 25 Notices Women Today of Huron requires OFFICE SUPPORT WORKER 17.5 HRS./WK (Flexible Hours) Must be familiar with women's issues and be able to support the goals of Women Today of Huron. Must also have a strong working knowledge of computer software NewViews, Excel, Winword, Microsoft Publisher. Must be able to work in a .multi -task environment and have own transportation. Only successful candidate will be notified Resumes to be submit- ted no later than December 1, 1994 to Catherine Armour, Co-ordinator, P 0: Box 276, Goderich, ON N7A 3Z2. 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of EILEEN RUTH SALMON late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, deceased. All claims against the Estate of Eileen Ruth Sal- mon. late of the Town of Exeter. in the County of Huron, who died on or about August 7, 1994, must he filed with the undersigned personal representatives on or before December 30, 1994; there- after the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated this 18th day of November. 1994 Lola May Sidebotham, Lyla Eileen McCoy, Kenneth Ross Salmon, 133 Jalna Blvd., Unit 128, London, Ontario N6E 2H7 By Their Solicitor. GEORGE E. SINKER, 53 Front St. W., Box 250, STRATHROY, Ontario N7G 3J2 Times -Advocate, November 23, 1994 Page 29 Heart attacks don't have to be fatal Improving your odds against Cunadas #1 killer. GoDERICH - Crushing chest pain, sweating, shortness of breath, nausea and overwhelming fatigue - - for many thousands of Canadians each year these are signals of a heart attack. A blocked artery is usually the cause, decreasing the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart, damaging the tissue and per- haps interrupting the heart's rhythm. For those who recognize the signs and act quickly, the progno- sis is extremely good. Improved communication between emergen- cy services and hospitals, as well as advances in emergency medical therapies, has made new treat- ments more widely available, more quickly. When treatment is as- sessed within an hour or two of the onset of symptoms, odds improve dramatically for a healthy recov- ery. The longer the delay, the greater the injury to the heart and perhaps death for the victim. Studies show, however, that most people wait too long before calling for help -- on average four hours or more! Approximately 70 percent of deaths occur within the initial four hours after onset of symptoms and because of such de- lay, almost half of those who die do so needlessly. Calling 911 where available or your emergency number is the first step to survival. Victims often deny the symptoms and delay getting medical help. The symptoms can be subtle and confusing: pain may not he intense, it may he felt more Youth groups to meet Meeting dates are set for the Teen Set and the Trends. By Joan Beierling VARNA - The Teen Set will meet Thursday, November 24 at 7:30 p.m. at the Bnicefield Church and the Trends will meet Thursday, December l at 7:30 p.m. p• TJr�J�J I I MAIN J�� L An ESTATE ST. EXETER 24 Hour Service . ,< •• rJ 17 S C, tj r ro 5+ is S P C criBROKER REAL . 493 Dirk Coolman 235-3948 Ron Cottrell EXETER - Excellent family home located in prime residential area. Three or four bedrooms, large family 9 room with gas fireplace, 1-1/2 baths, nicely landscaped lot with inground pool. Interlocking brick drive. Asking $149,900. ZURICH - Just listed this three bedroom brick home on a huge treed lot. Main floor laundry, two bath- gi rooms. Hardwood floor throughout most of house. Garage, paved drive. $109,900. e CREDITON - WEST - Three bedroom raised ranch on 1/2 acre lot. Over 2000 sq. ft. finished within walking distance to public school. $114,900. S ZURICH - Beautiful 5 yr. old home. Authentic Victorian replica. Three bedrooms, two full bathrooms, fully dfinished basement. A real beauty $152,900. 13 dCENTRALIA Two year old raised ranch situated on a nice lot. Three bedrooms plus walkout basement ready. $127,900. r j SNIDER SUBDIVISION - EXETER - Take advantage of this limited time offer. Fully serviced building lots, paved roads and curbs. Starting at $42,500. Four sold already. 4 BEDROOM BRICK in Exeter, completely and professionally renovated. Large newer addition with family 5c sized kitchen, oak cupboards, main floor laundry, gas fireplace and more. Priced to sell at $129,900. HOBBYIST'S PARADISE - (Exeter) This property boasts just under 2000 sq. ft. of modern living area plus about the same area as workshop, garage and office, plus a separate 28x34 shop with gas heat and hydro. j' Located on a 200 ft. deep lot the possibilities are endless. Only $137,500. (j' LARGE RESIDENTIAL LOT with workshop and double garage. Near downtown and hospital. Reduced to $47,500. 78 THAMES RD. EXETER - Completely renovated 3 bedroom, small barn, gas heat only $99,900. 148 WILLIAM ST. EXETER - $126,900, central air, gas heat, 3 bedroom, immaculate. 175 McCONNEL ST. EXETER - Finished rec room, 2-1/2 baths, only $145,500. No GST $*,e00MAKE AN OFFER Vendor motivated includes large shed. r.5 55 DEVON DR. EXETER - Fenced yard, central air, 3 bedrooms, brick drive only $149,900. 60 HILLCREST EXETER 3 bedrooms, gas heat, fireplace only $89.900. ( 139 McCONNEL ST. EXETER separate dining room, double garage, central air, whirlpool and more only $179,900. 216 PRINCE ALBERT ST. CENTRALIA full basement, central air, main floor den, built Ins and more only _ $152,500. t 81 ALEXANDER ST. EXETER - 4 bedroom side split, double garage, loads of room only $139,900. Don't miss this one. ) 1 20 NELSON ST. EXETER - 1900 sq. ft. living area, 1900 ft of shop, office and garage, deck plus large shop at rear on 200 ft. lot. Only $137,500. 1 1 i OFFICE FOR RENT - Main Street Exeter $400/month includes heat and hydro. Several commercial and investment properties still available. 1 e1 1 Call Ron or Dirk with your needs. , : ' PI rl r1 rl r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 rl rl rl r1 r1 rl r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 ri r1 rf rI r1irli r1 rl rl rl r1 rl rl r1 r1 el r` rl PI t) The Varna U.C.W. annual Christ- mas potluck supper will be held Thursday, December 1 at 6 p.m. at the Varna Church. The Stan Lee Christmas party will he Wednesday, December 7 at 6 p.rn. at the Blue Fountain Restau- rant in Clinton. For reservations call Anna at 263-5360. The Official Board meeting will be held Monday, December 12 at 7:30 p.m. at the Goshen church. The flowers in the church on Sunday were in memory of Robert Taylor. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the families of their loved one. Preparations arc underway for the Sunday School White Gift service and Christmas concert combined. Anyone with news of any kind please let me know by Sunday evenings. My number is 233-7443. 0 0 &itale Sea//.- e}`iL©C c. 3 415 Main St. S., Exeter 235.1321 it '8. 1- SEPARATE WORKSHOP/OFFICE Ideal 3 bedroom home, maintenance free exterior, fenced yard. Master bedroom with ensulte with jacuzzi. Large sunroom with hardwood floor. Unique home for the unique homeowner. $110,000. NEW LISTING - Purchase now before the Interest rates risel Under $100,000. Thls 3 bed- room home features a large kitchen, 2 baths, separate TV room and above ground pool with large private south facing deck. Close to downtown. c c c c c c c c c •L•-I"►L-x D UNI ImiI4-IimI-I. a in the arms or neck and may even decrease. The potential for embar- rassment if help proves unneces- sary, and simple unwillingness to admit that the pain may be serious, is often enough to persuade a suf- ferer to do nothing but wait and hope it goes away. Increased awareness of both the victims and those around then) of the symp- toms and appropriate tctions to take in the event of a heart attack are simple and vital steps in help- ing to save someone's life. The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario has adopted November as CPR Awareness Month. This an- nual campaign aims to heighten the awareness oll the importance of learning CPR -- especially for those who have family members with heart disease. Early CPR has been proven to provide a victim of cardiac arrest with a vital chance of recovery. CPR is an emergency procedure used when a person is not breath- ing and their heart stops beating. The purpose of CPR is to keep the victim's brain and heart supplied with blood and oxygen until emer- gency help arrives. The research data is clear and convincing; it is a matter of min- utes that determines almost half of heart attack deaths. While preven- tion of heart disease is the ultimate solution, greater awareness now of the signals and wider implementa- tion of the actions already proven to be effective could help save thousands of lives! The community is the ultimate coronary care unit -- but to be ef- fective, more training of the sig- nals of a heart attack and the ap- propriate actions to take is necessary. Actions include taking charge as a rescuer, calling 911 or the local emergency .number, and perform- ing CPR should the victim suffer heart failure. The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario is dedicated to increas- ing the awareness of the signals and actions for both heart attack and stroke. The Foundation's Emergency Cardiac Care and Heart Steps programs work in our communities to influence the con- tinuing reduction rate in the inci- dence of death from heart disease and stroke. For more information on heart attacks and CPR courses in your area, contact the Huron County Chapter of the Heart and Strokc Foundation office at 524-4440. HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO 4. -�-` sit 4Ir >3 y t+:•- ......:,:.at,1.:7.i.......,,... The "Farm" Boy has just Listed. . HOBBY/WORKING FARM Near Crediton, 100 acres o producbve land, income approx 520.000 Beautiful 4 yr old. 2 bedroom bnck bungalow with oversized garage Modern kitchen and huge basement ready to be finished Open concept Great location. minutes from Exeter Pnce - 244 300. OPEN HOUSE SAT. NOV 26 12 - 2PM Take Hwy. 4 to Crediton Rd., oursty Rd. 4) %Mist to Crediton, North at main Intersection, 1 concession, follow the signs! 100 ACRE HOBBY FARM With income of approx 521.000 from barns and land Large yellow bnck 5 bedroom century home. huge living room with fireplace. spacious country kitchen. 2 bams and dnveshed outside Must be seen Pnced to sell at 5229 900 ` R. R. #4 LUCAN 2 Storey, yellowR one set on 1 acre. PRICED TO SELL at S129,900 STAN FRANJKOVIC The "Fares" Boy Associate Evoker Stdtrit ERWIN MEYER Sales Re xesentaeve (519) 471-8888 (24 hour pager) sutton group - preferred realty inc • ► • • ► • •► ► • 4 4 RF/MIX, Bluewater Realty Inc. Marlene Parsons Sales Rep. '396 MAIN ST. S. EXETER, ONT. Member of 4 Office RE/MAX 100% CLUB 4 4 4 4 4 235-3777 ► ► ► ► Res. 235-1304 "WE HAVE A SALE GOING ON AT RE/MAX" OPEN HOUSE Sun., November 27, 2:30 to 4 p.m. Snider Crescent, Snider Estates, Exeter Soon to be finished, over 1400 sq. ft. bungalow, 3 bedrooms, attached garage, oak kitchen and main floor laundry. $159,777. 41 4i t► _ t MON OPEN HOU -E Saturday Nov. 26, 1-3 p.m. 45 Huron St. E. Exeter Come out and view this Victorian 2 storey brick home with beautiful hardwood, oak kitchen, loft bedroom and fenced yard. New price of $129,900. .1 OPEN HOUSE Sunday Nov. 27, 12:30 to 2 p.m. 50 Hill St. Exeter A lot more house than it looks from the street. 3 plus 1 bedrooms, gas heat, central alr, rear deck, and wonderful view of the park. $159,000. OWNER RELOCATING - Newer home featuring large country kitchen, oak cabinets, 3 pc. ensulte, 3 plus 1 bedrooms, newer 4 gas furnace and professionally landscaped. Asking only $125,777. 4 MANY OTHER LISTINGS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS, PLEASE CALL THE 4 OFFICE FOR MORE INFORMATION. ► 4, + ► ► ► ► 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A [Got a tip? 235.1331