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Times-Advocate, November 23, 1994 Page 5
Space invasion
Members of the South Huron District High School band had a guest conductor for a few moments at Saturday's Space
Day at Seip's valu mart. Leading the band is the unnamed alien who only moments before emerged from a rocket.
Junk mail
might not
be recycled
Waste bins located
in some post of-
ffices are used for
all types of gar-
bage including re-
HENSALL - When many
people pick up their mail at
the post office, they often dis-
card unwanted items in the
nearest trash bin considered
to be for "junk mail". In
many cases, these items arc
then thrown out as trash in-
stead of being properly re-
This issue was raised at
Hensall council last week
when councillor Dick Pack -
ham asked why the village
post office has so many gar-
bage hags for pick up.
Clerk -treasurer Luanne
Phair told council that some
of the hags arc filled with
items that should he recycled.
Phair said officials at the
post office told her that while
they try to recycle most
items, the post office has lit-
tle control over niail items
once thcy arc placed in the
Many people throw un-
wanted mail in nearby gar-
bage bins that arc not in-
tended for recyclahles. At
this point, it is difficult for
postal workers to sift through
the garbage and separate
Tom Creech, an official
with Canada Post, said this
problem could be alleviated if
people take all their mail
"We have litter bins in
some of our facilities as a
matter of convenience," he
But, for the most part. peo-
ple are expected to take their
mail home, including flyers
and then dispose of items
thcy don't want.
"We certainly think that is
a fairly reasonable request,"
Creech s?id.
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The Exeter Bucks are back
The Exeter BIA is
selling money at a
cut rate once
again, in the
return of their
most popular
EXETER - The Exeter Business
Association launches its biggest
promotion of the year today, put-
ting "Exeter Bucks" on sale at all
six financial institutions in town.
This year's event follows the
same format of last year's success.
Once again, shoppers will be able
to buy the bucks at a 10 percent dis-
count, but they arc worth full face
value at all businesses which are
BIA members, including nearly
every retailer, restaurant, and most
services in Exeter.
Purchasers are limited to buying
$300 worth of the bucks (costing
$270). Because they expire De-
cember 31 they are aimed at the
Christmas shopper. However, any
leftover bucks can be easily spent
at any grocery store in town, so the
BIA doesn't expect to sec many un-
used. The reason for the $300 limit
is to get the bucks into as many dif-
ferent hands as possible.
"Well, last year, of course, people
were going round to several hanks
making multiple purchases," said
BIA manager Karen Brown of last
year's $1(X) limit. Since the de-
mand was there, she said "$300
seemed a fair limit."
The businesses, through the BIA,
are putting $75,000 worth of the
Exeter Bucks on the streets, up
from the $50,000 issued last year.
The cost to the BIA is $7,500, the
amount of the discount.
Brown said the beauty of the Ex-
eter Bucks program is that they are
traded exactly like cash in Exeter,
and can be used in conjunction with
any sale price or discount already
being offered by a business.
It is expected some husinesscs
will attempt special promotions to
help bring Exeter Buck -toting cus-
tomers to their doors.
Some changes to the program the
customer may not notice. For in-
stance, retailers can now redeem
the Exeter Bucks they receive at
any town bank or trust company
they deal with, as opposed to last
year's one -hank program. Custom-
ers will not be required to sign the
bucks they redeem either. Brown
said this doesn't pose a security
problem as all bucks are serial
numbered and stores are asked to
stamp them when brought in.
Bringing back the Exeter Bucks
••• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •
• •
• •
Chartered Accountants
, %
'' •
• Dave Vantyghem, BBE •
6 Homuth, Taylor and Partners are pleased to •
• announce that Dave Vantyghem has joined their •
• professional staff. •
• Dave completed his Bachelor of Business & •
• Economics at Brock University in St. Catherines. He •
• was previously employed with Farm Business
• Consultants servicing small business clients in •
• Southwestern Ontario. •
• Dave joins a team of individuals that take pride in •
• providing a professional personal service to the •
•owner managers of local businesses. •
• Dave and his wife Darlene reside on Centre Street •
i•n Egmondville •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
was a foregone conclusion after last
year's event, said Brown.
"It was phenomenal...1 am not
aware of any other promotion hcing
done in Exeter that was so success-
ful as the Exeter Bucks has been."
She called the promotion a win-
win situation: businesses get the
increased trade and directly benefit
from their BIA levy, and the cus-
tomer gets a discount.
Brown said the Bucks are an
ideal way of encouraging shoppers
"to take a look at stores they
haven't been in before, or take a
second kook at stores they have
been in." This is one way of win-
king with other shopping centres
at Christmas time.
The bucks arc being sold
Wednesday through to Saturday.
but like last year, she said she ex-
pects them to sell out quickly.
Robert Westlake of Westlake Insurance
Brokers Inc. is pleased to announce the associa-
tion of Brian and Patrick McHugh with our
Brian McHugh has been an Insurance Broker
since 1969 and owned his own brokerage in the
Woodstock area prior to moving here.
Patrick McHugh has been licensed as a Broker
since 1989 and worked in the brokerage since
We look forward to continuing to meet your insur-
ance needs with the same excellent service, prod-
uct and price. As always, we consider that our
most important asset is our client.
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Vicki Parsons Kim Scott
Terri Farquhar
Waxing and ear piercing
Seniors discount on Mon.,
Tues., Wed.
is looking at changing Canada's social programs.
But before making changes,
we want your views.
The Government of Canada
has prepared a question and answer
booklet "Have Your Say". This booklet gives
you information on possible changes to social
programs like:
• Unemployment Insurance
• Child Tax Benefit
• Federal contributions to:
• Employment development services and training
• Post -secondary education
• Social assistance (welfare) and social services
• Child care
• Assistance to persons with disabilities
To participate in this national discussion. fill in
the pull-out question and answer section of the
booklet. and return it to us.
For your free copy of "Have \'our Say" or for other
information on changing Canada's social programs.
Call 1-800-735-3551
TDI).• 1-800-465.7735
"Have Your Say" is also available at all post
offices. Canada Employment Centres. and at many
YM/YWCAs and grocery stores across Canada.
You can also share your views with your MP
or attend the public hearings on Social Security
Reform which arc being held in communities
across Canada by the Standing Committee on
Human Resources Development.
I I's 1 I\II IO (II \(,I OI R'O( I \I. PRO( \IS. II \\ I 1OI R `‘).
lea Human R..oure+$ Wv.lopp.rn.M deo
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