HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-11-9, Page 12Page 12 Times -Advocate, November 9, 1994 COMMLJ]VTTY New fire hall Sunday marked the grand opening of the new Biddulph/Blanshard fire hall in Granton. The ceremony included speeches.from local politiicans who also helped out with the rib- bon cutting. Shown above is London -Middlesex MP Pat O'Brien (left), along with Earl French, the reeve of Biddulph and Middlesex MPP Irene Mathyssen. Also pictured above is fire chief George Westman standing in front of the fire truck along with building committee chair John Damen and deputy cheif Clare McRobert. 'All Saints Octave' service held SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's celebrated their "All Saints Octave" with the Service of Morning Prayer, Sunday November 6 at 10 a.m. Margaret Carroll led the service in the absence of Rector Stephen Emery who is at a retreat. The opening hymn as "God, our God is alv.'ays with us," a Hymn written by a Sunday School group from Manitoba. Suzanne Davis for the childrens focus talked to the children about All Saints Day, remembering the Saints, Patrick, Paul, 'homas and many others, also all the Christians who )ave gone before us who were follow- ers of Jesus who were unknown by name but by their quiet lives are just as important a part in the Commun- ion of Saints. Courtney Mac Gillivray and Crystal Davis read the scripture lessons. Suzanne Davis gave an excellent message based on the readings "I Will Dwell in the House of the Lord Forever". God is the Alpha and the Omega. Prayers for sick were led by Margaret Carroll, remembering Marguerite Grecnless, Hazel Eaton from St. Patrick's and Gwen Waghorn from St. Pauls, clos- ing with prayer "For the Church". The service ended with the Hymn "Nearer My God to Thee". Sunday November 13, St. Patrick's Holy Commun- ion Service will he held at 11 a.m. November ACW is to meet next week, date to he set on Sunday. Personals Margaret Carroll attended the bazaar at St. Pauls, Kirkton on Saturday, representing St. Patrick's. Harley Davis was a recent visitor with Matthew Ire - dale of Exeter. Ron and Margaret Carroll and Suzanne and Starr Da- vis attended the surprise 70th birthday party to honour Arnold Cunningham at his home on Sunday, given by his family. Our best wishes Arnold from all your friends at St. Patrick's. Hugh and Hazel Davis attended the grand opening of the Biddulph Blanshard Fire Hall at Granton on Sun- day afternoon. The Davis's called on Marguerite Greenlee in University Hospital on Sunday evening. Linda Durnan and Lucas from Auburn were week- end visitors with the MacGillivray's. Joyce Sovereign of Lucan was Friday afternoon visi- tor with Mary Davis. For a Councillor with • ABILITY • EXPERIENCE • DEDICATION who remembers the voters' needs ON NOVEMBER 14 RE-ELECT ROBERT DRUMMOND to Exeter Council Approved by CFO for Robert Drummond On November 14, 1994 Re -Elect Wilmar Wein for COUNCILLOR in tephen Township ate' Over 30 years of Municipal experience raj' Lifetime resident Bir Ample time for your concerns FOR QUESTIONS, CONCERNS OR A RIDE TO THE POLL TELEPHONE 234-6377 Your support would be appreciated Authorized by the CFO for Wilmar Wein Carnival celebration for Grand Bend parish A magician and a "Lizard Lady" were part of the entertain- ment." By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - The Catholic Woolen's League hosted a Carnival celebration open to all families of Immaculate Heart of Mary parish in Grand Bend on Noverpber 4. The special event was organized in observance of the International Year of the Family, and held in the Alhambra hall. The hall was filled with music, laughter and noise of children and parents, tots and seniors, celebrat- ing the life of the family. The eve- ning began with a clown, Amy Co- ber, of Watford to entertain the youngsters, and she kept busy the rest of the evening painting faces. CWL member Josie Britton ran the craft table, also occupied by busy Lingers throughout the carnival. Magician Steve Burnett of "World of Lafter", London, enthralled chil- dren and adults alike with his mag- ic tricks. Rapt silence was punctu- ated with applause and whispers of "How'd he do that?" The hit of the evening had the unlikely title of "Lizard Lady", Val Williams of London. A staunch conservationist and environmental- ist, she kept the interest of the younger set, and some of the par- ents too, as she displayed a variety of snakes, a tarantula, scorpions, millipedes, centipedes, tree toads, and a huge South African bullfrog. She described the habitat of each. She always stressed the fact that these creatures are beneficial to hu- mans because they feed on large quantities of insects that torment people or damage crops. Even the poisonous tarantula or scorpion cannot kill with their bite - the tox- in isn't deadly, only painful, and they too, have a legitimate place in nature. Indigenous species of frogs, toads and snakes make interesting pets and may be safely released into the local environment when a child tires of them - something you cannot do with a used python or second-hand crocodile! The adults clustered round when Williams fed her pets - some toads and snakes prefer a diet of insects and earthworms, but the most fasci- nating/repelling spectacle was watching the other snakes devour live mice. Unlike cats, snakes do not play with their food, but are quick and efficient when dining. Val Williams' presentation is cer- tainly an interesting learning expe- rience. Later on some of the older chil- dren performed a funny skit, then the D.J. Jim Waite of Port Franks started up the dance music. There were plenty of refresh- ments available throughout the eve- ning - hot doge nunchies, cakc, cookies and squares, coffee and pop - no one had to go hungry. The whole event was available free to the parish, compliments of the IN USBORNE RE-ELECT KEN OKE for Councillor Authorized by the CFO for the Ken Oke campaign TODD DESAULNIERS wants the same things you want and is prepared to follow through if elected to GRAND BEND COUNCIL NOVEMBER 14th. A 34 year resident of the village, Todd Desaulniers is an ordinary guy with not so ordinary ideas about this village's government. The beautiful beach, the needs of the young people and seniors, the existing parkways and taxes are all issues that are important to Todd Desaulniers. His passion for the village makes Todd Desaulniers approachable to what matters to you. He wants to be able to answer your questions honestly and wants to make Grand Bend a better place to live, to visit and to prosper. Todd Desaulniers wants to keep you informed with what the Council is doing for you. You have a choice on Nov. 14" ...select ...elect ..,detect a winner Vote for TODD DESALJLNIERS • A n)wyM Dy fl," ( ( O .., GAA KELLER Roofing & Sheet Metal Co For all your roofing needs No job too small Rat and shingle roof experts 235-3643 Fax: 235-0053 err✓✓..r✓✓✓✓.�.ri.�.�.�.r✓-.r✓.r✓✓rrrrrr✓..r✓.1.�✓.i.T 1 .....•.•..A IERVIS Jervis Photography Introduces: The Jervis School of Photography 9ntroductory photography Classes will be held on Sunday afternoon from 4 to 5:30 p.m., beginning November 13 and ending December 18. Class topics will include the basics of photography, and a very small class size will ensure that students learn what they wish to learn. Photofinishing discounts and a free enlargement are included. Instructor Mindy Gough is an award winning young photographer who specializes in family and children's portraits. Course tuition - $40.00 To register or inquire, please call Jervis Photography at 235- 1612 or Mindy Gough at 237-3892 by November 12. (Registrants will be taken on a first come, first served basis. Additional classes may be added if the first class is full.) NOTICE VILLAGE OF LUCAN CITIZENSHIP AWARD NOMINATIONS Nominations for the Village of Lucan "Citizenship Award" will be accepted by the Citizenship Award Committee no later than November 25. 1994. The purpose of the award is to recognize individual(s) who have contributed in an outstanding manner to the community of Lucan in one or more of the following categories: 1) The Arts; 2) Volunteer Work; 3) Politics; 4) Health or Social Services; 5) Education; 6) Religious Service; 7) The Environment 8) Safety; 9) The Physically Disabled; 10) Crime Prevention; 11) Sports; 12)'Other. Nominees do not necessarily have to reside in the Village, but their contribution must have significantly contributed to the life of the people of the Village itself. For further information and nomination forms, please contact the undersigned. R.J. Reymer A.M.C.T. Secretary Citizenship Award Committee P.O. Box 449 Lucan, Ont. NOM 2J0 (519) 227-4253 Town of Exeter Public Utilities Commission Class Environmental Assessment Water Supply and Storage PrOjestt NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING As part of studies to provide increased water supply and storage for the Town, the P.U.C. has been investigating possible locations for an additional water storage facility. The potential sites that have been examined have been in the general vicinity of the existing reservoir located in MacNaughton Park. This project is being planned as a schedule 8 project under the Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Water and Wastewater projects. A Public Information Meeting is planned to provide further information to the public on the proposal and to receive input and comment from interested persons. WHEN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1994 7:00 PM. WHERE: TOWN OF EXETER COUNCIL CHAMBERS 460 MAIN STREET SOUTH Following the Public Meeting further comments are invited, for Incorporation into the planning and design of this project and will be received until November 25, 1994. For further information, please contact: B.M. Ross and Associates Limited Consulting Engineers 62 North Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 2T4 Attention: Mr. Matt Pearson Environmental Planner, Telephone: (519) 524-2641 (Call collect) Fax: (519) 524-4403 Subject to comments received as a result of this meeting, the P.U.C. intends to instruct the Consultants to proceed with the planning for this project. A Screening Report will be prepared and placed in the public record. This notice issued November 2, 1994. Hugh Davis, Manager Exeter P. U.C.