HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-11-9, Page 11Zurich bazaar a big success
There were prizes for
lucky draw winners.
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - The annual St. Boni-
face Parish C.W.L. bazaar held last
Saturday was a big success with a
lot of people winning prizes on the
merchants table and articles from
the penny sale. Those winning from
the ticket draws were: Beattie Ge-
offrey, Zurich won a grocery ham-
per; Ann -Marie Watson, Zurich
won a $50.00 "Loonie Tree"; Ge-
raldine Charrette won a home-made
cloth country bunny; Sylvia Mittle-
holtz, Zurich won a baby quilt; and
Mary -Lou Denomme, Zurich won a
kids basket.
The Optimist Club, working with
the Boy Scouts, will be going
around town on Saturday morning
November 26 from 10:00 to 12:00
p.m. collecting canned goods, good
toys, money or knitted articles for
the Huron County Christmas Bu-
The Ladies Auxiliary Rest Home
Bazaar is this Saturday, November
12 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. in the audi-
torium. There will be a bake sale,
tea room, penny sale table, apron
wheel, residents crafts, plus cake
and crib quilt draws. Everyone wel-
Harvest dance
Plan to attend the Harvest dance
this Saturday night, November 12
from 9 to 1 a.m. at the Zurich Com-
munity Centre, sponsored by the K.
of C. from Zurich and Seaforth
Tickets are available from Ralph
Smith, Doug Debus, Karl Regier,
Mozart Gelinas Sr. or other mem-
bers or can be purchased at the
door. Cost is $6.00 per person
which includes lunch.
Free dinner
All volunteers who helped at the
bean festival in August are invited
to a free dinner at the Dominion
Tavern on November 20. The so-
cial hour begins at 5 p.m. with din-
ner at 6:00 p.m. Phone Doug
McBeath at the Bank of Montreal ,
236-4384, if you are planning to at-
The South Huron District High
School concert bands and choirs
will be having a "Pops Concert" on
Sunday, November 20. beginning
at 2:00 p.m. in the large gym. Ad-
vance tickets cost $2.00 or $3.00 at
the door. Phone Carmel Sweeney at
236-4702 for tickets.
Their famous "Christmas Con-
cert" will be held on December 7 at
7:00 p.m. Admission will be a
canned good for the food hank.
The South Huron drama club will
be travelling to the Blyth festival
theatre on November 18 to perform
their play "What Glorious Times
They Had Nellie McClung".
They will also be performing in
Exeter at the school on November
24 and 25 at 8 p.m.
Tickets will be sold at the door
for $5.00 for adults, seniors and
children $2.00. T'o of the cast
members from Zurich are Renee
Sweeney and Marty Vanderhoek.
Christmas in Bayfield
This corning weekend from No-
vember I1 to 13, Christmas will
begin in Bayfield. All stores will
be open from 10:00 a.m. to 6 p.m.
with instore draws taking place.
A tree lighting celebration will
begin on Friday night at 7 p.m. in
Clan Gregor Square, followed by
carolling and refreshments and
treats in the Town Hall.
There will be a choir competition
on Sunday beginning at 2 p.m. at
St. Andrew United Church in Bay-
Tickets cost $2.00 per person,
available at CIBC and Brandon's
Hardware or at the door.
Auxiliary meeting
The rest home Auxiliary meeting
was held on November I with a
good attendance of members and
three visitors. .
Donna Klopp chaired the meet-
ing in absence of the president. It
was reported that the new window
awning is now installed over the
doors in the auditorium to the
courtyard. The Auxiliary is paying
for this.
Six birthday cards were sent out
by Verda Baechler and Gertie wel-
comed two new residents last
month with a fresh carnation.
Marlene Gingerich read the min-
utes of the last meeting and gave
the roll call.
Membership dues were collected
by Helen Otterbein with a total of
44 members to date. The Lutheran
church women had the birthday
party on November 8.
Mary Gingerich and Grace Mar-
tin showed the group the Christmas
gifts they will be giving residents
at the next meeting December 6,
beginning at 7:00 p.m..
Marlene Gingerich and Martha
Ducharme gave a report on the re-
cent two-day convention they at-
tended in Toronto at the Royal
York in October.
The annual family Christmas din-
ner will be held at the home on
Sunday, November 27 for the resi-
dents. Members of the Auxiliary
will be helping to peel potatoes, set
up the tables, serve and clean up af-
Members of the Auxiliary will
also decorate the Christmas trees at
the home on Monday, November
21 at 9:00 a.m.
Senior Diners
Forty-two Senior Diners enjoyed
a delicious dinner November 2 at
the Cummunity Centre. Yellow
mums highlighted the dining area.
Ina Neeb was the 50/50 winner. A
poem, Autumn in the Forest, was
read by Verda Baechler. Progres-
sive euchre followed. Winners
were: High, Frieda Moore, Low,
Harvey Hohner; Lone hands, Annie
Golden Agers
Zurich Golden Agers will meet
Monday, November 14 at 7:30.
The public are invited to a pro-
gressive euchre party Monday, No-
vember 28, 7:30 p.m. at the Town-
ship Hall sponsored by Zurich
Golden Agers.
A baby shower was held at the
home of Mary and Curtis Ginge-
rich on Saturday for their great-
grandson MacKenzie Aaron. The
baby's parent's are Janice and Mar-
low Gingerich of Tavistock.
A family pre -Christmas dinner
and get-together was held at the
home of Cliff and Delores Ginge-
rich, RR 3 Zurich last Sunday be-
fore parents Curtis and Mary leave
for Florida.
Sister Margaret from Hamilton
spent a few days this past week at
the home of her sister Audrey and
Ralph Smith.
Get well wishes go out to Don
Beauchamp, Cecile Meidinger and
Leeland Surerus, Art Miller and to
former pastor Father Paul Mooney
who is in the hospital. Fr. Mooney
is now at St. Patrick's Parish in Lu -
can. Get well wishes also to 10 -
year -old Michael Groot, son of Pat
and Bonnie, who spent the past 11
days in Site Children's Hospital,
Happy birthday wishes go to
Paul Rau and Danny Denomme,
both on November 4, to six-year-
old granddaughter Heidi Klopp on
November and to Dustin Clarke
who was 12 years old on Novem-
ber 7.
Welcome to the new owner of
Erb's Country Kitchen, Michael
Ryckman of Dashwood.
for PUC /n Grand Bend
Prosper Vanbruaene
working for your best interest
- active in PUC since 1970
- Medical centre since 1970
- Lions Club for 30 years
- Fire Department for 40 years
- Resident of Grand Bend for 43 years
For dedication and understanding vote Prosper Vanbruaene
Authorized by CFO for the Prosper Vanbruaene Campaign ek
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Back by popular demand... Country Flowers presents a glittering array of holiday
designing. Bring a friend to a wonderful evening of Christmas creating in our
beautiful setting which has been filled with the scents and sounds of the Holiday
season. Learn to decorate your own home with the expert advice of our talented
designers - Class size limited, register early...
Wednesday, Nov. 23
Thursday, Nov 24
Tuesday, Nov. 29
Wednesday, Nov. 30
PLEASE NOTE: Adult classic
starting at 7 p.m.
BOWS! BOWS! BOWS! $40.00
Victorian Wreath $45.00
Outdoor Swag $40,00
Table/Mantle Swag $50,00
prices do not Include non-refundable 0.00 registration fee.
CHILDREN'S CLASSES Wednesdays 4-5 p.m.
November 23
November 30
December 7
December 14
Musical Wreath Cost of $20.00 per class
Kissing Bali Includes all supplies and
Country Swag registration fees.
Fresh Arrangement raxvotord,
Samples on display in store
-4w.. PA.;
Times -Advocate, November 9, 1994
Page 11
Paul and Shirley Bedard Sr. are
happy to announce the arrival of
their granddaughter Amberly Bri-
anne Bedard, born on October 29
to proud parents Paul and Shelley
Jr. of Zurich.
Pete and Eleanor Cecile from Te-
cumseh, Windsor, along with his
brother Denny and Nan Cecile
spent last Wednesday to Friday vis-
iting with their relatives Jerry and
Geraldine Wszola at Southcott
Pines, Grand Bend and Jerome and
Carmel Sweeney and family in Zu-
Marie Gingerich returned home
on Sunday after flying to Florida
for a week to visit with her daugh-
ter Vonnie and Darrel McKillop.
Ken, Sylvia and Jennifer Mittle-
holtz spent from last Tuesday to
Friday in Chicago and attended the
funeral of their nephew on Novem-
ber 3.
For closeto20years.millions havePitched-
In, "collecting millionsoftonnesofgarbage.
This year people across Ontario will head
outdoors May 2-8 to "Pitch -h, for
Conservation," a program of the Ontario
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