HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-11-2, Page 11Hallowe'en fun lr Hallowe'en came early for children at the Sunshine Nur- sery in Exeter. On Wednesday and Thursday they showed off their costumes for each other. From bottom left: Brooke Bell, Michael Pond, Eva -Marie Allison, Carrie Powe, Leslie Switzer, Kurtis Brand, Thomas Morris, Amy Switzer, Paul Christmas, Amy Eveland, Ruth Mercer - Ross, Dianne Steckle, Tyson Christie, Kelsey Holtzmann, Kate Anderson. COMMUNiTY Remembrance service set for Zurich Times -Advocate, November 2, 1994 Page 11 Zurich seniors are planning the service for November 9. By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH - The Zurich Seniors are inviting the public to a special Remembrance Day service that they are holding at the Community Centre on Wednesday, November 9 at 12:30 p.m. Open house The annual Sew Special Christ- mas Open House will he held from November 2 to 6 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the home of Lionel and Re- becca Wilder. Phone 236-4020 for more information. Bazaar St. Boniface C.W.L. parish ha- zaar will be held this Saturday, No- vember 5 from 10:00-2 p.aw in the parish hall. Hot dogs will he sold also. The annual K. of C. Harvest Dance will be held on Novcmher 12 at the Zurich Community Centre from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets are now available at $6 each which includes lunch. Music will be by Mozart's Melody Mak- ers, sponsored by Zurich and Sea - forth councils. Bus trip Seven people from the Zurich area were among those on a bus trip to Toronto last Wednesday, shopping at the Eatons Centre, see- ing the musical "Show Boat at the North York Performing Arts Centre and dinner in Milton on the way home. Girls Club Members were asked to have their friends and families save the tabs off pop cans to save for a wheelchair. They can he given to leader Linda Hendrick. Hensall's Toddlers Inn was the place to be last week for Hallowe'en fun. Here students Warren Elder (left), Nathan Kinsman and Kelsy Long listen to a story. Yuk Yuks on tour BLYTH - The Blyth Festival in- vites you to take up the challenge when Yuk Yuks On Tour perform two shows at the Blyth Memorial Community H, Ii on Saturday, No- vember 26. The afternoon "family" perfor- mance will feature magical comedi- an David Merry who has performed in Yuk Yuk clubs across Canada for over ten years. His comedic tal- ents have entertained audiences from Greece to Venezuela. Magic, juggling and escape acts will keep the whole family thoroughly enter- tained! impressionist Mark Walker will bring an endless list of amazing characters to the adult evening per- formance. He brings all of your fa- vorite celebrities so you won't want to miss a minute of the excitement. The laughs arc endless as the stand-up comic Tony Krolo takes the stage. Krolo's talents as a com- ic writer and performer have taken him on appearances around North America in comedy clubs, televi- sion and radio. _BEN MAYOR Town of Exeter Public Utilities Commission Class Environmental Assessment Water Supply and Storage Project NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING As part of studies to provide increased water supply and storage for the Town, the P.U.C. has been investigating possible locations for an additional water storage facility. The potential sites that have been examined have been in the general vicinity of the existing reservoir located in MacNaughton Park. This project is being planned as a schedule 8 project under the Class Environmental Assesstnent for Municipal Water and Wastewater projects. A Public Information Meeting is planned to provide further information to the public on the proposal and to receive input and comment from interested persons. WHEN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1994 7:00 PM. WHERE: TOWN OF EXETER COUNCIL CHAMBERS 460 MAIN STREET SOUTH Following the Public Meeting further comments are invited, for incorporation into the planning and design of this project and will be received until November 25, 1994. For further information, please contact: B.M. Ross and Associates Limited Consulting Engineers 62 North Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 2T4 Attention: Mr. Matt Pearson Environmental Planner, Telephone: (519) 524-2641 (Call collect) Fax: (519) 524-4403 Subject to comments received as a result of this meeting, the P.U.C. Intends to Instruct the Consultants to proceed with the planning for this project. A Screening Report will be prepared and placed in the public record. This notice issued November 2, 1994. Hugh Davis, Manager Exeter P.U.C. 4 They meet next for 'Japan Night', November 10. Hallowe'en parties The Brownies had a Hallowee'en party at their meeting last Tuesday in the St. Boniface School gyre. The children at the Bean Sprouts Nursery School also enjoyed dress- ing up in their Hallowe'en cos- tumes for a party at the township hall where they attend school. Don and Betty Oke entertained their grandchildren to a Hallowe'en party at their home one night last week with games to play and Hal- lowee'en treats and goodies. Ladies Auxiliary The Ladies Auxiliary held their monthly meeting at the Blue Water Nursing Home on Tuesday, No - ‘ember 1 and plans were finalized for their upcoming bazaar, tea and hake sale on Saturday, November I2 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. There will also he draws, and a penny sale ta- ble. Proceeds go towards the needs of the residents. Senior Diners Lurich Senior Diners met Octo- her 26 at the Community Centre which was decorated in a Hal- lowe'en theme. As the diners ar- rived they were greeted with Hal- lowe'en treats by costumed seniors, dressed in Indian, farmer, clown, witch, and hospital intern attire. Charles Mortley was the 50/50 winner. Susan Hemmingway recit- ed her school Hallowe'en poen. A poem "It's Hallowee'en Again" was read by Faye Skinner. Bingo games were enjoyed with prizes going to lucky winners, followed by solo and euchre games. Lions The Zurich Lions Club will be meeting at the Dominion Tavern with dinner at 7 p.m. on November 7. Golden Agers The Golden Agers will meet at the township hall on November 14 at 2 p.m. Shoreline healthco,rte. Let our staff help you select the right solution •Wheekhairs •Scooters •Beds •Lihs/Ramps •Walkers Canes $alhroom Safely Aids LS,RE STAT • RE PAIRS _ [x 176'LR\ ,\\'AI1/1B1.1 1 Ravi -1,m% tir E. (I,ntor. 482-3046 Optimists The next meeting for the Opti- mist Club is on November 9 at the town hall beginning at 7 p.m. New members welcome. Personals Sympathy of the community goes to the family and relatives of the late Jonathon Groot, who died Oc- tober 29 in a car accident. Mozart and Marie Gelinas Sr. along with his sister Yvonne Die- trich of Centralia, spent a few days last week in Barrie visiting with an- other sister Grace and Jurgen Schri vc. Lee and Rose Regier returned home on the weekend after spend- ing two weeks in Calgary visiting with their son and family, Richard and Janet Regier and two grand- children. They also went to Ed- monton. Leo and Helen Creces are happy to announce the arrival of their first grandchild. Aaron Daniel Creces was born on October 22 to parents Daniel and Andrea of Grimsby, Ontario. Josef Risi returned home last Tuesday after a two week holiday in Switzerland where he attended the 50th wedding anniversary cele- bration of his sister and husband Jda and Edward on October 16. He also attended a birthday party for a brother-in-law. Best wishes for a speedy recov- ery to Art Miller who is a patient in the hospital. Victor and Irene Hartman spent a couple days in Detroit last week and helped their daughter Theresa celebrate her birthday. Jean Armstrong recently enjoyed a month's vacation in Camrose, Al- berta, visiting with relatives and at- tending her nephew's wedding. Happy 50th birthday wishes go out to Clarence Rau of the Blue Water highway. Congratulations to Tony and Adeline Denomme who celebrated their 53rd wedding anniversary on October 25 with a family dinner at Erb's Country Kitchen. Dan and Karen Masse and two girls enjoyed spending last week on holidays in the Bahamas. Recent visitors with Cynthia Tripp were her uncle and aunt Hugh and Roberta Ferguson from the Barbados along with Cynthia's parents Ian and Flora from London. Belated happy 45th anniversary wishes go out to Pete and Yvonne Jeffrey of RR 2, Zurich. For a Councillor with • ABILITY • EXPERIENCE • DEDICATION who remembers the voters' needs ON NOVEMBER 14 RE-ELECT ROBERT DRUMMOND to Exeter Council Approved by CFO for Robert Drummond Hearing Aid Clinic Repairs and sales of all major brands available. Financial assistance available Location: Exeter, Big V Date: Thurs., Nov. 3 Fair's Hearing Aid Service 240 Ontario St., Stratford Registered vendors for Ontario Ministry of Health assistive devices program l —r1 6 30" EASY CLEAN RANGE • tlfl off door for ease of oven cleaning • Removable drip bouts with porcelain finish for ,as cleaning • Babe and broil elements born used for optimum cooking results • Insulated door for better oven heal distribution "CLEAN DESIGN" DISHWASHER • S cycles/8 options • QurckClean^controls • 4 Touchpads • 3 Ie% el wash systems . Sell cleaning filler • Super upper rack • "Quiet►ower' sound Insulation From $499. EXTRA LARGE CAPACITY WASHER • 6 programs • 3 wash/rmse ttmperaturet • 4 water levels ENERGY EFFICIENT DRYER • 4 programs • 3 temperature serungn • large door openmg Pair From 899. From $859. FAMILY SIZE REFRIGERATOR . 1S to h. u►aelt, • 2 vegeuble/frult crispers 11 high and 1 low humldlttl • Transparent aqua meal pan • tura large doer shelves • tNtRCUIat rating 54 kwh/trlonth • Some models not exactly as illustrated S[S[ E L ELECTRIC LTD. T.V. APPLIANCES & STEREO Sales with Service 432 Main St. Exeter 235-0505 Member of (43) CAN`rREX TWO COAST 10 COAST Nt1WORS ION VOlurt SAVINOI rNomonths Interest payments Selling and servlcing GE appliances for 60 years Built In Canada by Canadians for Canadlansl U.rz✓�.rr'r.�✓✓.rr�.r_/rr✓ r./Orr'r.,r'r✓✓rrrr'✓rrr�✓r✓✓.rr_/.r1.r✓.r✓-r.�.r�_/.rO 4