HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-10-26, Page 30Page 30 Tines -Advocate, Oc'tobe'r 26, 1994 co Huron Rendezvous held in Holmesville The barbecue and dance was for Paul Klopp, M.P.P. By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH -A Huron Rendezvous for Paul Klopp, M.P.P. was held in Holmesville at the Community Centre last Friday night with special guests Elmer Bu- chanan, minister of Agriculture; Ed Philip, minister yl Municipal Affairs; along with other M.P.P. members from various ridings, and Tony and Fran McQuail. A pork barbecue was enjoyed by everyone along with dancing to the music of Mozart's Melody Makers hand from Zurich. Reminder Don't forget to turn your clocks hack one hour be- fore going to bed on Saturday night October 29. Personals Visitors on Saturday and Sunday with Jerome and Carmel Sweeney and family were her mother Jeanne Bedard. Windsor, along with her niece Lori Pether and five-year-old daughter Carlie from Arnhersthurg. They also visited with relatives Percy and Marie Bedard and Nora Corriveau at the Spruce Villa apartments. School news Plans are being made for a Hallowe'en party at the Zurich public school in the afternoon on Monday. As well. the students at St. Boniface will be having fun that day wearing costumes to school. Richard Thompson, a children's autlior, visited the public school last Wednesday and gave an interesting presentation to the students and autographed books. A child identification program will be held at the Zurich Public School on Thursday, October 27, by the Royal Canadian Legion. There will be no school on Friday, October 28 and its a Professional Development Day for the teachers. Bazaars St. Boniface C.W.L. will be holding their annual ba- zaar in the Parish hall on Saturday, November 5 from 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be a hake table, harvest and merchants ta- ble, penny sale and white elephant, also a craft table, plus lots of draws on various items. All proceeds will go toward the church building fund. The Precious Blood Mission C.W.L. 'are holding their Christmas Penny Sale and Bazaar at the Exeter Legion on November 2 at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Cost is $1.00 at the door for 12 years and up. Right to Life The annual Stratford and District Right to Life din- ner meeting will be held on November 3 in Stratford at the K. of C. Hall beginning at 6 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. Gucst speaker is Dr. Margaret White, M.D. If you wish to get a ticket or a ride, phone Sylvia Mittle- holtz at 236-4922 as soon as possible. 4-H Due to a lack of interest the 4-H club's project on "Sew Easy" will not continue. Apple Day The Boy Scouts, Beavers and Cubs had a nice day on Saturday for their Apple Day that was held door-to- door in the village of Zurich. Music night There was a good turnout at St. Peter's Lutheran church on Sunday for the music night. Ladies' Auxiliary The I.adies Auxiliary of the Blue Water Rest Home will be meeting on November 1 in the auditorium at 7 p.m. Membership dues are now being collected. Public skating Public skating is on Saturday from 2:30 to 3:45 p.m. and on Sunday from 1:30 - 3 p.m. Cost $1.00 per per- son. Senior Diners A good attendance of Senior Diners enjoyed a deli- cious ham dinner October 12 at the Zurich Community Centre. Faye Skinner welcomed all diners and visitors. Charles Mortley was the 50/50 winner. Skinncr read a poem An Autumn Stroll. Toe -tapping music was provided by Claire Masse, Ned Thompson and Lloyd Ottcrbein. Games of cuchrc were enjoyed. New president Louise Hayter chaired the October meeting. After the reading of the minutcs and treasurer's re- port, members finalized plans for the euchre party. on October 24 at 7:30 p.m. They also finalized plans for hosting the monthly tri -County meeting on October 18. The meeting closed with the Seniors Prayer. Cecelia Farwell read a poem "Make the day bright by thinking right." Several games of progressive euchre were played with winners high: Ina Neeb and low: Bill Smuck. Eight of the members attended Zone 8 Rally in Sea - forth on October 13 and several came home with priz- es and draws. Annie Finkbeiner received a bouquet of flowers for being the oldest one there. Cook book Don't forget to get your favourite recipes into Cyn- thia Tripp or Rose Erb to be put into a 30th anniver- sary Bean Festival Cook Book for next year. The com- mittee in charge would like to get this going as soon as possible. Recipes will also be taken by Carol Prang or Barb Jeffery, all in Zurich. Deanery meeting Eight St. Boniface Catholic Women's League mem- bers were among those who attended the Regional Deanery meeting at St. Peter's Church hall in Gode- rich on October 12. The theme was "Challenge and Change." Hockey passes The Zurich Minor Athletic Association is selling season's hockey passes at $25. For more information, phone Sylvia at 236-4541. Harvest dance St. Boniface Knights of Columbus are once again planning to have their annual Harvest Dance on Satur- day, November 12 at the Zurich Community Centre. Music will he supplied by Mozart's Melody Makers. Personals Happy birthday wishes go out to Marg Suplat on Oc- tober 23 and to Arlene Seyler on October 18. Congratulations to Ivan and Marjorie Meidinger who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with a din- ner at Hessenland Country Inn. Several family mem- bers, relatives and friends attended. Welcome back to town John and Mary Earle and daughter who have recently moved into the former Schilbe house on the corner of Main street. Dr. John is again working at the Zurich Veterinary Clinic. Herb and Donna Klopp enjoyed a three week holi- day recently going by train out west where they visited with friends Carl and Marg Willert at Olds, Alberta; and friends in Vancouver, B.C. They also went to Van- couver Island. Judy Van Aaken of RR #2 Zurich, along with her cousin Cathy Hawkins from London spent two weeks in Chiclayo, Peru with their aunt, missionary nun Sis- ter Loretta Ducharme, from September 22 to October 6. Judy was guest speaker at St. Boniface C.W.L. meeting last Tuesday and showed the group several pictures and craft items she brought back from her trip. A money donation was presented to Judy and in turn she announced it will be sent to her aunt in Peru to help the poor people and less fortunate.Earl and Do- reen Oesch spent Thanksgiving weekend in Toronto at the home of their daughter, Faye and family. Alida Rau had her two sisters visiting from Detroit and Alberta for a few days last week, and had attended Lori's wedding recently. A surprise house warming party was held on Friday • night at the trailer home of Ina Neeb. Several of her friends and former neighbours invad- ed her home and presented her,with a basket of plants and two dinners at Dining for Seniors. Games of solo and euchre were played. Lunch was served including a decorated cake made by her daugh- ter Sylvia. Several relatives on the Bedard side, attended the fu- neral of Frank Ryder in London recently. Late husband of Eulene, and brother-in-law to Percy Bedard and Nora Corriveau. Marg Neeb and her sister enjoyed a trip to Las Ve- gas recently. Friends from the Blake area will miss the late, Hugh Johnston of Thorn Loe who passed away on Septem- ber 23 in North Bay. Don and Maida Gaiser of Dashwood attended the fu- neral along with Bruce and Betty Seebach of Water- loo. Mark Johnston and Joanne Campbell were married at St. George's Anglican Church in Goderich on Octo- ber 15. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Campbell of Gederich and the groom is the son of Bob and Carol Johnrton of Zurich. Line dancing Sharon Romphf, Dashwood, teaches many interested dancers the form of line dancing at Stephen Central School Monday night in preparation for the video dance planned this weekend. Exeter UCW hold October meeting EXETER - Marian Dougall pre- sided for the UCW afternoon meet- ing on October 14 at 2 p.m. and opened with a poem. The minutes were read and roll call taken followed by the treasur- er's report. The. offering was taken and it was announced that Darlings donated S204.17 by tapes. Marion Dearing reported on the bazaar. With support grants 1994 our mission money helps many people, $3,000 given to safe homes for youth. Devotions were given by Luella Taylor with prayer on blessings. Barb Harrison commented on the book of Esther. The king loved Es- ther and made her queen. Dorothy Bullock read a note on thanks at thanksgiving and Marion Dearing read a story of the widow who only had one coin. Almira Ford read 'Here's a Pen- ny, Run Along" and Mildred Thomson read giving something that does not give the right mes- sage. Margaret McBride read a story on sharing. Happy Birthday ! • Friends and four generations of family were on hand at the Exeter Villa on Sunday to help Olive Bierling celebrate her 102 birthday. The afternoon event included a cake and party. Teachers enjoy dinner and entertainment By Dorothy Dillon SEAFORTH - S.T.O. Huron - Perth District #9 held a meeting and dinner at Seaforth Community Centre on October 13. President June Boussey opened the meeting and welcomed every- one. Ros Campbell, a new retiree from Huron, played '0 Canada' and John Hayman, past .president, gave a toast to the Queen. Howard Sinclair, past president, handled the In Memorium' and Bob Hamilton said the Grace. Thanks was given to the caterers. Carol Simons wel- comed and introduced the new re- tirees. Entertainment included adult puppeteer, Marion Doucette, Clin- ton, who carried out a very enjoya- ble talk with an 'old gent' she had brought with her. She was intro- duced by Bernice Jewson and thanked by Alice Andrews. The group was then entertained by Stratford businessman and polit- ical personage Dave Bradshaw. He gave a fascinating story of history in this country. Dave was intro- duced by Bob Moorehead and thanked by Mal Doherty. A business meeting followed with reports given by Eleanor Smith, Secretary -treasurer; Health Services Information Al Jewson; Newsletter, Ross Haugh; Goodwill, Dorothy Balsdon; Membership, Carol Simons; and Huron Unit President Ralph Smith and Perth Unit President Bob Moorehead. Eleanor Smith read a letter of res- ignation with regret from Ed Fry - mire who had been first vice presi- dent. Howard Sinclair introduced and welcomed the new first vice president Ian Monroe, Stratford. The afternoon ended with a draw for an S.T.O. sweat shirt and flow- ers which were won by Helen Gar- diner, Goderich, and Margery Huether, Seaforth. `Wearable arts' topic of Exeter 4-H club EXETER - The Exeter 4-H is back in business. This year's topic is Wearable Arts. What do you think of when you hear the words Wearable Art? Some of the thoughts that came to the members' minds were jewelry, something you can wear, creative designs, unique patterns, and no two articles are the same. Exeter has a lot of new mem- bers joining for this club. They will be discussing many different ways to decorate and create things to wear. The first meeting was held Octo- ber 13 at Melinda Nethercott's. President is Chris Oestreicher, vice president is Melinda Nether- cott, secretary is Kelly Farwell and press reporter.is Juanita Chappel. They discussed the history of art and experimented with food colour- ing, trying to make all the colours on the colour wheel with mixing the food colouring. The second meeting was held on October 20. The club discussed how different colours make you feel and what colours are appropri- ate for certain places and things, and learned how to make beads from different types of material. Then they put them all together to form a necklace or bracelet. At the next meeting October 27, the group will learn how to dye shirts. REELECT Bob Broadfoot Deputy Reeve Tuekersiuith VILLAGE OF LUCAN 1994 MUNICIPAL ELECTION GENERAL NOTICE OF POLL & ADVANCE POLL Advance Polls 1) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1994 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. LUCAN COMMUNITY CENTRE - COMMITTEE ROOM 2) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1994 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. LUCAN COMMUNITY CENTRE - COMMITTEE ROOM Polling day MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1994 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. LUCAN COMMUNITY CENTRE - MAIN HALL "NOTE" Last day for application to the clerk for a certificate to vote by proxy is MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1994 at 5:00 p.m. BLOCK PARENT WEEK OCTOBER 24-3O/94 Family aM Community.. o Handl in Handl Please contact Exeter Police, your school or Lois Godbolt 235-0691 for more information. We need more Block Parents /I�/1�r�il r1