HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-10-26, Page 26ANNUAL LOCAL CALF & YEARLING SALE 1 County of Mtddlesex,County of Huron & Local Municipalities AUCTION OF USED EQUIPMENT Saturday. October 29 - 10:00 a.m, Sale to be held at The Middlesex County Central Garage, 5 km. West of Hyde Park, Ont. on County Road 17 (Gainsborough Rd.) 1 Mi. S. of #22 Hwy. On the N.W. edge of London. For information phone (519) 434-7321 Ext. 231 (2) 1990 Chev. 1/2 ton pick-up trucks, complete with radions, V-6 automatic, power steering & brakes; (3) 1990 G.M.C. 1/2 ton pick- up trucks, complete with radios, V-6 automatic, power ste3ring & brakes; (1) 1989 Dodge, 1 ton flat bed truck complete with radio, V- 8, 4 speed, power steering & post type hoist; (1) 1975 Ford 800, complete with 1979 Frink 2 -way sander body, V-8 gas, 5 speed & 2 speed rear axle; (1) 1982 Chev. C70, complete with Frink 2 -way sander body, V-8 gas, 5 speed, 2 speed rear axle & front snow plow push frame; (1) 1986 Int. 2574 tandem truck complete with 6V92TA diesel, 13 speed roadranger, Frink 10B2 body, plow harness with air over hydraulic controls, frink one way plow & wing, 18000 front & 46000 rear axles; (1) 1975 Ford LT 8000 tandem truck, complete with 3208 Cat diesel, 5 & 4 transmission, 12 yd Frink body (5 yr. old), plow harness, Frink One way plow & wing, 16000 front & 42000 rear axles; (1) 1981 Champion 740, Class VII grader complete with 6/71 diesel (N-70 injectors), 9138 electric shift transmission, 13' moldboard. 17.5 -.25 Bridgestone .rajlals, 9' pne way & 12' wing; (i 1966 MF 2135 industrial tractor, 4 cyl.gas, 6 speed & PTO; (i) 1983 Ford 340 industrial tractor/loader, 3 cyl. diesel, 6 speed, PTO & ROPS.;(1) 1984 Ford 340 Industrial tractor/loader, 3 cyi. diesel, 6 speed, PTO & ROPS; (1) 1991 Ingersoll Rand P-185 CWJD air compressor (185 CFM & J.D. 4093D diesel); (1) Emglo HD portable air compressor (31.8 CFM & 11 h.p.electric start Honda); (4) 9' one way truck plows; (3) 8 yd. hopper sander bodies complete with manual controls, screens & single spinners (operated from truck hete with 8 h praB&Ssengine andd electric slide start;(4) 16 sander wide X body,4 hifiberglass overhead doors complete with tracks & hardware; (6) 16'2" wide X 14' high Insulated steel overhead doors complete with tracks & hardware; (26)16' 2" wide X 2' high fiberglass overhead door panels; (3) antenna/steel light towers approx. 40' long; (2) Kuhn GMD 55, 5 disc muff disc mower; (1) 3" trash pump; (1) 2" water pump; used culvert of various sizes; etc. EACH ITEM IS SOW WITHOUT WARRANTY ON AN AS IS BASiS. Any announcements on sale day take precedence over any previous printed material. Mlddleeex County or Autioneers will not be held res slble for accidents. : Cash or Approved Cheque Sale Day. Lunch Booth AUCTIONEERS Tom Robson Hugh Rlaon 0484967 Ai$.0833 Page 26 Tines -.4 po ale, October 26, 1994 Lions to `sell' paving stones Scenic gardens fundraising to begin new phase EXETER - The Exeter Lions Club is read- ying a campaign to sec local citiiens names 1nunortal1icd in stone in the new. MacNaugh- ton Park scenic gardens - for a contribution to their fundraising program. Lions member John Stephens said that fund- raising eflorts for the gardens will expand out- side the search for large corporate and per- sonal donations. For $101, anyone will be able to engrave a three -line message on a 12x24 cm paving stone that will grace the walkway through the gardens. A $5(X) dona-. tion will buy a 24 ern square stone with six lines of text. and a $1,00(1 donation will see a border of 10 em square stones framing a 24 cm engraved stone. Samples of how the finished pawing will look will he on display soon in a Main Street store front. said Stephens. adding that ono of the hopes is to sec the stones purchased as Christmas gifts in the recipients names. "1'c'rc hoping it will catch on," said Ste- phens. He said it was pointed out to him that since each line of text on the engraved stones can have a ma.xinuun of lepers, the first line can read "in memory or. Plaques can also be installed on the 12 benches that will he tound in the gardens, with a purchase price of $310. All donations to the gardens over S25 will get a tax-deductible re- ceipt. The project, which is expected to cost about $175,000, also got a big boost the other day w hen the family of the late MP Charlie Mac - Naughton, after whom the park is named, do- nated $12,358 to purchase the Shubert Choke- cherry tree line that will border the north edge of the scenic gardens. "We were really pleased that was the one they wanted to take," said Stephens, noting he was contacted by MacNaughton's son John, who was eager to support the project. Tsvo major gardens remain to he "pur- chased" in the park: the $18,0(X) Tiered Ga - mho Garden. and the $9,70) Crescent Garden, for both of which Stelihens said the Lions have some prospective buyers. The largest garden, the central Rock Garden, will cost about $37,(XX) to build, and has been undertaken by the Lions Club itself. Donations of materials and labour has been coining in to support the project from several sources, said Stephens. Everything is on schedule and the planting of the last 24 trees in the gardens this season is expected to be com- pleted this week. The gardens should then be ready for a major planting next spring. The Lions Club is acting as general contrac- tor for the project, and may he able to realize some savings for the purchasers of a few gar- dens. "We still think we're doing it the cheapest way," said Stephens. Donors list Donations to the MacNaughton Park scenic gardens project are as follows. Some of the funds are earmarked to create specific gardens. Others are to help with the overall costs of the pro- ject, which are expected to total about $150,000, plus taxes. jtecent donatippa Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Alpha Tau Chapter $300 Kongskilde $500 Eric and Terry Heywood $300 Stan Stephens $100 Scouting Organization $214 Donna Jones $300 John MacNaughton $12,358 Donations before May 1994 Exeter Business Association $9,900 Exeter Town Council $4.000 Bart DeVries Photography $400 Clinton Community Credit Union $2,500 Exeter Optimist Club $300 Exeter [Sons Club $50,000 National Trust $1,000 Gary Bean $6,000 ' Ausable River Nomads $200 , Royal Bank $1,000 Exeter t,ioness Club $4,350 Exeter Times -Advocate $1,000 Andex Metal Products $3,000 Exeter Legion $8,100 Large Auction Sale to be held for the Huron County Board of Education at Richard Lobb Auction Building in Clinton Saturday, October 29 at 9 a.m. MACHINE SHOP EQUIPMENT: 4 steel lathes, 2 Contour Band saws, tool and cutter grinder, shaper, cutter grinder, 2 surface grinders, 2 pedestal grinders, 5 drill presses, Clark hardness tester, steel tables. SHEET METAL EQUIPMENT: &own & Boggs power table, Shop Master cutting table with magnets, hand shear, chest bender, edger, 30" slip roll former, 2 rotters, etc., drafting supplies, 10 Lincoln welders, 3 Miller AC DC Welders, 2 hyd. presses, spot welder. GARAGE EQUIPMENT: 10 creeples, 5 large Allen test units, 2 tire changers, floor jack, 2 Bumper Jacks, alignment equipment, cherry picker, 2 large Smojseeters. WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT: 10 wood lathes, 2-6" jointers, 2 table saws, 2 radial arm saws, Digital radial arm saw, Digital table saw, 6 scroll saws, 2 band saws, 17 wood clamp vises, 19 hand planes, wood chisels, 2 mitre saws, belt and disc sander, buffer wheel, 6 electric stones, hand tools, 2 hospital beds, type writers, electric cash register, a few dishes and pans, electric sewing machines, stainless steel trollies, fire alarm system, 32 phone system, Ford Jubilee tractor, John Deere 25A 80" flail mower, International Cub tractor with blade, various windows, etc, etc. • Terms: Cash or cheque with proper ID. Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton Infrastructure grant confirmed Exeter will get more than $500,000 for four sewer lines, and the Old Town Hall EXETER - Provincial Municipal Affairs Minister Ed Philip joined MP Paul Steckle and MPP Paul Klopp in Exeter Friday morning to confirm more than half a million dolla,s in funding for the town's in- frastructure grant program projects. To the $526,679 first announced in January under the Canada/ Ontario Infrastructure Program, the town will add another $263,339 for the construction of a new sewer line on Rosemount Avenue., an ex- tension to the stone drain on Al- exander Street East, the re- placement of a sewer line on John Street East, and the renovation of the Old Town Hall intcra municipal office. The three sewer projects, worth a total of $211.631, have already been completed. The Town Fiall project. although a hot issue for this fall's election, is slated for a con- struction start in mid -winter. The press conference was at- tended by a few members of coun- cil, including mayoral candidate Lossy Fuller, a supporter of the project. Ben Hoogenhoom, the candidate asking the project be put on hold. did not attend. Municipal Affairs Minister Ed Philip said the fact Ontario allowed the decisions to he made at the lo- cal level as to how to hest spend the infrastructure funds proved a good idea. Other provinces have allocat- ed their funds themselves, "Our program seems to be work- ing better than other provinces." said Philip. "You have the Mu- nicipalities and school hoards de- ciding what's hest for their com- munities." "What it symbolizes is a new style of politics...cooperation rather than competition," he said, con- gratulating the federal government for initiating such a partnership. Philip said the spending of $2.1 Killion, shared three ways. in On- tario will create about 37,0(0 direct and indirect jobs. The four Exeter projects are claimed to create 490 person -weeks of short-term em- ployment. Although there are plans to re- direct any leftover funds hack to municipalities that want them, Phil- ip said that appears unlikely. "So far. we're expecting all the money will be used up." he said. Grand Bend's official plan in the works However it could take a while for the document to be completed GRAND BEND - This may be hard to swallow, but the ex- ceptance of Grand Bend's official plan could take up to four years. At the recent council meeting, Annc Marie Howard of the Lamb - ton County Planning Department said it took the province four years to approve Plympton Township's plan. "We're happy there won't be a lot of debate but they do seem to be getting longer," said Howard. Grand Bend has a little bit of work still to do on its plan and dep- uty -mayor Cam Ivey said currently, there arc a couple of groups which have some concerns which is delaying the process somewhat. "We were looking at the re-classification of some areas. It con- cerns some property down at the lake," said Ivey. The last official plan for Grand Bend waft drawn up and -approved- - in 1980. The village has gone through a lot of changes since then in- cluding expanding its boundaries to take in portions of Stephen and Bosanquet Townships. "Our old official plan was somewhat dated. There have been a number of people talk to us," said Ivey. "This council would like to see it get done. it's a process that goes to Toronto." The county's planning department along with the village send of official plan to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs who in turn make their changes and send it hack. The process can be repeated several times. Got a news tip? 235-1331 MP Paul Steckle pointed out that the infrastructure program came out of the Liberal Party's platform in last fall's election. He said the promise was to find a way to put $6 Killion towards rebuilding the coun- try's hard services, and leaving the decision for that spending up to the municipalities has proved a good one. He compared the project to ren- ovate Exeter's Old Town Hall into a "civic corner" to Stanley Town- ship's Community Centre Complex, built under a similar program in the early I980s. "That has since become the focal point of our municipality," said Steckle. "If you were to take it away you'd have a war on your hands. "Although at the time, there was a small war over getting it done," he said, suggesting the current con- troversy over Exeter's Town Hall. MPP Paul Klopp said he really liked the way the program first al- located the amount of funds each municipality could spend. Huron County's allocated amounts were announced January 24. Giving each municipality and school board a "budget" rather than asking for applications for a pool of money proved a good decision. "I hope we can do more of that, as we progress," he said. Mayor • Bruce Shaw said past complaints from towns and villages about upper levels of government are "going away", now that coop- erative programs like this one are allowing municipalities a share in the decision-making process. Shaw explained that the town held a public meeting to explore ways of making use of the grant funds and ended up with "a nice balance with what's going on". Although grant program often are spent "underground", like the three sewer upgrades, Shaw said the Town Hall project means town res- idents will "see a physical man- ifestation of your generosity, and the taxpayer's money". The mayor invited Steckle, Klopp and Philip back to see the finished Town Hall reno✓ations when com- plete. He also pointed out that the town's $263,339 share of the pro- jects was accommodated in the town's budget over two years, with- out any increase in taxes. RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Sat., Oct. 29 at 9 a.m.: Huron Board of Education shop equip- ment at Lobb Auction in Clinton. Sat., Nov. 5 at 9 a.m.: Large auction antique furniture, glass- ware, collectibles, oil lamps, 4 chandeliers, clocks, Royal Doul- ton from old Blyth home plus ad- ditions at Lobb Auction, Clinton. Thurs., Nov. 17 at 11 a.m.: -125 acres of farm land selling in one parcel; 100 acres workable with buildings and 25 acres of bush located in the Township of Stan- ley, 1 1/4 miles west of Vanastra then 1/2 mile south on paved road for the Estate of Stuart McEwen. Phone the Executors for information, Jim Broadfoot 233-7032 or Mervyn Falconer 482-1572. DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Thursday, November 3 at 1:00 p.m. This is the annual Local Calf Sale and we will feature 800 local calves and also there will be a good offering of yearlings at this sale. To consign please call BRUCE COULTER 294-0585 BRETT COULTER 294-6164 SALES YARD 666.1140 f t� ESTATE AUCTION SALE OF COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. For the Estate of the Late Bev Taylor, Sale will be held in the llderton Masonlc Hall, llderton, Ont. (8 mi. N. of London) HIED. EVE. NQV- 2.6:00 P.M. APPLIANCES: Fridgldaire white refrigerator and electric stove (like new); Woods deep freeze; Maytag automatic washer and dryer, older electric stove. HOUSEHOLD ETC: Newcombe piano and stool; table, 6 chairs and buffet dining room suite; square dining room table; 6 music back chairs and compact table; chesterfield and chair; coffee and end tables; kitchen table and chairs; (2) Panasonic coloured T.V.'s; couch and chair; 4 pc. bedroom suite; 4 pc. bedroom suite with air mattress; desk; shelf cabinet; swivel and rocker upholstered chairs; lamps; hl -fl and records; odd wooden chairs; blue couch; antique desk; double beds; playpen; de -humidifier; sealers; books; picture frames; blankets; linens; vacuum; knick-knacks; small appliances; pots and pans; everyday dishes; luggage; milk can; clothes horse; fan; bar stools; Christmas decorations; radio; some tools; filing cabinet; patio chairs; ottoman; cello cabinet with light; etc. Plan to attend this real good household auction. TERMS: Cash Sale Night Lunch Booth AUCTIONEERS Hugh Filson Tom Robson Phony/41)/1644333 LARGE AUCTION OF TRACTORS, IMPLEMENTS, ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES AND MISC. ITEMS TO BE HELD 8 MILES SOUTH OF BAYFIELD OR 1- 1/4 MILES NORTH OF ST. JOSEPH ON HIGHWAY 21 ON Saturday. October 29 at 10:00 p.m, TRACTORS: J.D. "R" diesel; J.D. "D" styled; J.D. "AR" styled; M.H. 1949 44 rebuilt; M.M. 705 diesel; M.M. GV1 diesel with cab; McCor- mick Super W-6 with TA (excellent). IMPLEMENTS: Kverntand 3 pth 4 furrow plow; M.M. side rake on steel; Int. 155 manure spreader; M.F. #10 baler; Allied 75 ft. mow - conveyor with 1 hp motor and control panel (new); 10 ft. 3pth drag cul- tivator; A.C. trail mower; 10 ft. chain harrows; Keewanee 8 ft. 188 hy- draulic ad+ust 3 pth scraper; bale stooker; 3pth forklift (no mast); tan- dem axleoe dog. MISC: Stihl chain saw; feed cart; set of 4 steel wheels for Int. W9 and Ford 8N; rear steel wheels for J.D. "D"; various front steel for Int. And Case cross -motor; numerous magnetos; wagon load of small parts and tools. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Clear vision Enarco gas ump (re- stored); two smaller gas pumps; New Idea electric sign (new); old parts books for construction equipment including Cat, Terex, M.F., Int., and Lauren; approx. 200 farm and construction toys in various scales including Dinky, Ertl, Hubley, Matchbox, etc; approx. 103 Par- kie 1951'-1952 hockey cards; Prestone and Firestone clocks; cigar- ette tins; old oil and gas cans; Int. farm dealer sign; two electric beer signs; 1976 Team Canada picture; old calendar and Family Herald - magazines; Waterloo Coal and Feed sign; oak wall phone; wash- stand with harp; press -back high chair; horsecollar mirror; copper boiler; Harriston "Princess Beth" cookstove; rattan table and chairs. TRUCK: 1949 Chev 3/4 ton with rack and hoist (as is). Most of the sale to be held undercover. Proprietor and auctioneers not responsible for accidents Decision of Auctioneers final TERMS: Cash or cheque with I.D. Prop: Wayne Krantz 519-236-4433 Auctioneers: Doug Jacob 519-271-7894 Waffle Ross 519-539-5077 Large Auction of • Furnishings, Antiques & Machinists Tools, 1985 Lincoln $aturday. October 29 at 9 a.m. at South Huron Recreation Centre. Exeter We will be dispersing quality furnishings, antiques and collectibles from the Hibbert Twp. home of Cliff and Linda Marsden along with a large offering of tools and machine shop equipment from the estate of will known Exeter resident Mr. Earl Carroll. (Two Auctioneers selling). •r `: TOOLS: To sell at 9 a.m. - Logan metal turning.lathe r►g,lathe 10" X 24" model #200 - bed length 36" and a large assortment of related tooling; 180 amp. Lincoln Arc welder & converter; 4 X 6 horizontal band saw for steel; 12 speed floor model drill press; Tap & Die sets; 8" table saw; air chisel & bits; Walters hand grinder; impact gun; jig saw; testing equipment; socket & wrench sets; vise; 5 drawer tool chest;' air compressor; calipers & Micrometer round bar stock; pipe cutters, belt lacer, armature machine; Wagner paint gun; battery chargers; full set of Precision Collet; Bearing press; gauges;threaded rod & welding supplies; Durastill water distiller; flaring tool set; lawn mower & bicycle parts; roto tiller; old Popular Mechanics magazines; auto manuals & hundreds of lots of related tools and accessories. HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES: (To begin at 10:30 a.m.) Lovely drop front desk with matching chair; 9 pc. dining room suite; matching 3 pc. chesterfield, loveseat & chair by Ikea; Oak music cabinet; Victorian marble top parlour table; glass top lamp & coffee tables; 3 pc. parlour set with sofa, loveseat & rocking chair; several upholstered chairs; Singer treadle sewing machine; quilt rack; a good assortment of smalls incl. a beautiful satin glass style table lamp with handpainted;Indians & Canoe Scene; unique brass & pewter Tamp; Royal Nippon pas. incl jardinere; Nippon & Noritake; set of 12 opalescent ped. dessert dishes; Cornflower crystal; 8 settings of Sterling flatware; 39 pc. (12 settings) antique luncheon set; Seth Thomas high mantle clock; Brass & Wood Pendulum clock; stereo system; Hotpoint fridge; 30" electric range; Woods upright freeze; Cub Cadet riding mower; Rockwell table saw; and hundreds of useful and collectible items. CAR: 1985 Lincoln Town Car selling certified (loaded). Auctioneer: Bob Heywood 235-0874