HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-10-26, Page 15CAR CARE CENTRE I
October 26, 1994 Page 15
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Have you checked your dipstick lately?
Are you one of the growing
number of car owners who sel-
dom checks your oil between
changes? If so, you could be in
danger of engine trouble.
Low oil levels cause in-
creased wear of internarengine
parts, reduced fuel efficiency and lower horsepower.
These problems occur because, over time, oil viscosity
increases, which means the oil becomes thick and
sticky. Kendall Motor Oil researchers have found that,
if a car is one quart low on oil, viscosity increases dra-
matically, and oil has trouble flowing to engine parts.
Because this sludgy oil flows less easily, the engine
can become starved for oil, increasing friction, corro-
sion and wear. This can eventually lead to engine fail-
"If you were to check the oil levels in cars on the
road today, you would find that more than half of them
would he at least one quart low - amazingly, some
even two quarts," says Keith Bator, a Kendall Motor
Oil engineer.
Reasons for low oil levels
There are several reasons for these low oil levels.
One reason is that new cars use less oil than older
models. People will usually check the oil several times
after purchasing a car, and then cease checking when
they notice that oil levels are consistent.
These new car owners fail to realize that, as time
goes on, their engines will consume more oil, increas-
ing chances for engine failure. Kendall engineers re-
mind motorists that, as a car ages, it is even more im-
portant to check the oil level with each gas fill -up.
"The more miles that are put on an oil, the more con-
sumption you will experience," says a Kendall engi-
neer. Your engine may also develop an oil leak, so
it is important to monitor oil levels closely.
Another reason that today's automobiles are low
on oil is the disappearance of full-service gas sta-
tions. There are few stations that still check your oil
when you
pull in for
gas. Conse-
there is no
constant re-
minder of
the impor-
tance of
a proper oil
your oil is a
quick and
simple pro-
cedure. You
will need
only an old
cloth or a
paper towel,
and motor
oil to add if
the level is
low. Make
sure the car is
off for at least
Checking your oil level be-
tween scheduled changes is a
quick and simple procedure
that can help increase fuel effi-
ciency and prevent wear of in-
ternal engine parts.
on level ground and has been turned
15 minutes. This will allow all oil to
drain into the oil pan for an accurate reading.
Cold weather can be tough on roads - and cars
As winter
people are
for the al-
and thawing they'll face as cold
weather battles the warm tempera-
tures for control. This fight can be
brutal, and it can even leave scars -
potholes - on the road before the
really cold weather even sets in.
These obstacles make driving in
slush and snow •more challenging
than it already is.
Dodging potholes isn't always
possible. So, after driving through a
deep pothole, one can only hope
that he hasn't damaged a tire or
broken a spring. Sometimes, a driv-
er may even break a bracket that se -
Make your
drive time
more relaxing
Driving can
be very
stressful for
even the
best of driv-
ers. Since
travel many miles in their cars each
year, it's important to ease the ten-
sion of waiting in traffic or driving
during rush hour. Cars need to be
comfortable, since people spend so
much time in them.
One way to make cars feel more
like "home" is to redecorate the in-
teriors with state-of-the-art fabrics Toughen up against cold weather. After a season of dodging
and styling, so they take on a whole potholes, check to see what damage has been done to cars
new look and feel. People typically by taking them in for under -car inspections.
redecorate rooms in their homes
every five years. Now that people
are keeping their vehicles for an av-
erage of eight years, those interiors
probably need some touching up
cures the muffler and pipe to the
frame, and may end up dragging
his tailpipe behind him along the
Strong shock absorbers and struts
can help keep people from losing
control when driving through pot-
holes. However, bumpy rides cause
these parts to wear, and they gradu-
ally lose their ability to keep the car
Worn shocks and struts are un-
safe and can increase the wear of
other car parts, including tires, ball
joints, steering linkage, springs and
c.v. joints.
Signs that the potholes ,have af-
fected shocks and struts include
• the vehicle rolls and/or sways
• Ott turns;
• the front end dives when apply-
ing the brakes;
• the rear end "squats" when ac-
• the vehicle bounces or slides
when on a winding, rough road;
• the vehicle bottoms out.
To discover if potholes have
damaged their cars, people should
take them in for under -car inspec-
tions. When checking cars, experts
know to look for leaks, dents on
struts or shock bodies, worn bush-
ings, abnormally worn tires ,and
damaged or missing compression
bumpers. To see how bad the dam-
age, is alignment checks may be
needed. ,
Potholes can wreak havoc on cars
- and people's nerves. So, stop wor-
rying about what damage might
have occurred, and take your car to
a professional be be checked.
Genuine leather upholstery, for
example, is gaining popularity as a
re -upholstering material for motor
vehicles, adding the look and feel
of quality. An old vinyl interior can
be upgraded with luxurious fabric,
available in a wide variety of col-
ours and patterns.
Cloth fabric, with its comfort and
durability, is still preferred by most
vehicle owners and car -company
interior designers. It stays cool in
the summer and warm in the win-
To find out about redecorating
your vehicle's interior, go to an
auto trim specialist to look at sam-
ples. It doesn't cost anything to
look and you may be pleasantly
surprised at the prices.
Consider restyling your car, van
or truck. It won't improve rush-
hour traffic, but it can make the
drive more relaxing.
SStraight Line
Don't forget to
lubricate your door
locks and
handles from
the inside.
It's just a little prevention
so you don't get locked out of your
own car in the cold of winter.
z. er r'•_� ;
We'd like the opportunity to
gain your confidence
4 miles South of Exeter on #4 Hwy.
228-6114 Don Stuckless
When should you wash your car?
From the
time when
an automo-
bile is first
to the deal-
er, metallic
railroad dust, road grime, tar oil,
hugs, salt, acid rain and countless
other elements all take their toll on
a car's delicate finish.
We usually think of washing the
car only in the winter to prevent
corrosion caused by winter salt,
hut did you know that immediately
after a rainfall is one of the most
critical times to wash your car?
That's right, even the lightest
shower could cause iii parable
acid rain damage to your vehicle's
beautiful finish, if not quickly
cleaned at a professional car wash.
"Acid rain damage is caused
when high concentrations of emis-
sions from fossil -fuel -burning en-
gines_ or plants react with your
car's paint to form sulfuric and ni-
tric acids," says Dan Palenskc,
president of the International Car -
wash Association(ICA). He adds,
"The result of this process is the
penetration and etching of clear -
coat finishes, whose protective
qualities will then eventually cor-
rode, exposing the paint to many
harmful, corrosive elements. A car
with had acid rain damage could be
devalued by up to $1,000 at trade-
in or resale time."
Although you can't prevent acid
rain, you can keep it from ruining'
your car's finish by removing it as
soon as possible at a professional
car wash, advises Palenske.
New cars are treated with what's
known as a "clear -coat finish,"
which is nothing more than a layer
of paint without color pigment. Pa-
Icnske likens this to sunscreens that
protect our skin from the sun's
damaging rays. Just like removing
sunscreen exposes your skin to the
sun's harmful rays, if the clear -coat
finish is damaged by acid rain, it
can no longer protect the car's
painted finish.
This is why it's important 1) visit
a professional car wash frequently,
and especially after a rainfall.
Keeping your car's finish in the
hest possible condition is of vital
importance in maintaining and pre-
serving the overall appearance and
value of the car.
A broken engine part - even the
entire engine - can be replaced, but
once the body is destroyed, the car
is worthless.
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Because Rust Never Sleeps
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The corrosive effects of moisture and salt is relentless, so when
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