HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-10-26, Page 11Times -Advocate, October 26, 1994 Page 11 COMMUNITY Friedsburg Days donate Friedsburg Days proceeds were contributed to several area organizations, recently. Among those accepting funds on behalf of the recipient organizations from the 1994 Dashwood event were, from left: Prosper Van Bruaene (Easter Seals Society, $150), Bruce Stanlake and Lawrence Scott (Bluewater Shriners Fire Brigade, $250), Phi! Walker, (Grand Bend Alhambrans $250), Barb Reschke (Dashwood Minor Ball $1000), Kathy Hayter (Exeter Block Parents $100), Jim Weigand (Hay Township Sesquicentennial History Book $150), Ron Merner (Dashwood Community Centre $1000), Don Apple by (Arc Industries $150). The Friedsburg Days Committee also donated $150 to the VON Palliative Care program and $100 for a Community Spirit Award for South Huron High School, which was won by Melinda Nethercott. Presenting the cheques were committee members, back row, from !eft: Kim Hoffman, trgas>rirer, Val Ford, Elaine Hayter, chairperson, Eleanor Weigand, Teresa Van Raay and Eric Freiter. Other members of the committee are: Cheryl Freiter, secretary; Chuck Ford, Bob Ford, Pat and Connie Masse and Karen Schade. Week of the Child celebrated in Hensall The many events were well attended by Hensall and area children. By Liz Sangster HENSALL - The annual Week of the Child in Hensall was a huge suc- cess! Many businesses and organizations generously supported the Week and the events were well attended. Following are some of the highlights. The Crafts for Kids evening was attended by over 40 children. This was an over -whelming response. especially when we remember the same event was attended by less than 15 in 1993. The children enjoyed creating masks with supplies provided by the Hensall Optimist Club (the library also con- tributed some "stand-by supplies"). Hensall Timker Tots and Child Find Canada provided the important ser- vice of child identification on Saturday, October 15. This was a great start to our Week, and 45 children participated in the program. The Hensall Kinsmen sponsored free skating Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of Week of the Child. Each session saw over 50 children partici- pate. The CIBC Hensall Branch loaned their TV and VCR for the movie night Friday, October 21. Almost 30 children came out to enjoy the "Ho- boken Chicken Emergency" and "The Revenge of Red Chief'. The mo- vies were provided by the Hensall Library. The Hensall Economic Development Committee picked up on the Inter- national Year of the Family and sponsored a poster contest. The theme of the contest was "Family - the Heart of the Matter." The children who par- ticipated submitted beautiful artwork, and were pleased with their prizes. Megan Bisback was the "big" winner. She was not only an individual win- ner, but her name was drawn for the grand prize of an international Year of the Family T-shirt. Other individual winncrs were Jasmine Westlake - Power, and Christy Hartman. The Week wrapped up in grand form with thc costume parade, Saturday. The Hensall Fire Department led the parade, with W.B. Fields. Every child was able to take home a tree kit, supplied by Bluewater Recycling. Also, there were individual costume winners as follows: Character - Chris- ty Hartman, A.J. Rcmpcl; Group/wagon - Kids' Club, Adam David; Fancy dress - Artemysia Fragiskatos, Jasmine W -Power; Witch/ghost etc. - Matt Forrest, Jamie Bengough; Clown - Justin Campbell, Sarah Campbell; Ani- mal - Warren Elder, Dimitris Fragiskatos; Other - Ashley Hawke, Denise Bisback; Adult Dave Long, Carla Long. Blue Water residents take fall colour tour Evening of music, singing, and -dancing enjoyed on Thursday ZURICH - On Monday afternoon Glen Thiel, volunteer driver for Blue Water Rest Home, took Harry Maas, Esther Makins, Susan Leslie, Marcella Dietrich, Nelson Howe, Ruby Bell and Alice Knowles off into the country near Benmiller to look at the carpet of colour in the woodlands, both on the trees and the golden leaves covering the ground. Tuesday evening 12 Christian Reformed Church members visited the Home with Steven Poortinga as pianist and. Peter Visscher as chair- person. Visscher read the poems Nothing is Yours to Keep on This Earth" and "The 23rd Psalm." An- nie Zandhergen read a poem "God's Goodness" and the choir sang many of the residents' favour- ite hymns "Master Let Me Walk with Thee" and "Stand Up For Je- sus". The members mingled with Idle residents during cookies and tea. Pastor Larry Stojkovic, Zion Lu- theran Church, Dashwood conduct- ed Thursday afternoon Chapel Ser- vice. Father Elwyn Morris, St. Peter's Catholic Church, St. Joseph celebrated Mass. Thursday evening it was wheel - Chair dancing for many residents as Mozart Gelines Sr. on banjo, Gla- dys Van Egmond on piano, Leona McBride on trumpet and Marlene Dcsjardine on the accordion kept the residents swaying in their scats. Many enjoyed the choice of songs such as "My Wild Irish Rose," "You are my Sunshine" and "Amazing Grace." It was a fun eve- ning for one and all with chocplate chip and molasses cookies served by Cathy Shantz, Edith Yunghlut and Wendy Rau. in the absence of administrator Josef Risi, Anne McBride, hobby room convener, supervised the game of bingo to a full housein the auditorium on 'Friday afternoon. Risi, once again, like a horning pi goon, heard the call of his home- land and flew to Switzerland to cel- ebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of his sister. Welcome home to Madeline Har- burn from South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Our hest wishes to Karl Heide- man who is visiting St. Joseph's Hospital, London. The residents look forward to a visit from the St. Boniface School Buddies and Lakeview Conserva- tive Mennonite Choir on October 25 and a trip to the Lamhton Heri- tage Museum, Grand Rend on Oc- tober 28. Prizes for these winners were supplied by the Hensall Legion, and Le- gion Ladies Auxiliary. The Parade was followed by refreshments and treats, provided by the Hensall Kinettes. Also movies were shown to those in attendance. Almost 70 children participated in the parade, and many adults joined in the march. United Church Jim Allsop conducted the service at Hensall United Church this past Sunday, as Rev. Annen was preaching the anniversary service at Elim- ville. Doug Klopp was the organist, Rick McGee was the greeter and Mark Consitt and Dave Collins were the ushers. Bible Study will be held October 25, in the church parlour, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Clothes donations must be in by November •7, when hales will be packed at the church. The Prayer Hour will be held at the Anglican Church in Exeter, from 9:30 to 10:30 this Friday. The Thursday afternoon Ladies Group will meet November 3 at 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. November 6, a Remembrance Day Service will be held at the Hensall United Church., On November 13, the Hensall United Church is welcoming new mem- bers to the church. For more information contact Rev. Henry Anne at 262- 2935 or 262-3145. Rev. Annen will be conducting services at Queensway, November 15. The 108th anniversary of Hensall United Church will be held November 20. The speaker is Sheila Duffin, president of the London conference. There will be special music and lunch. Hallowe'en dance The Hensall Kinettes and the Hensall Figure Skating Club will be spon- soring a Hallowe'en Dance, October 29 from 9 p.m. to 1 p.m. at thc Com- munity Centre. Proceeds from the dance will be divided among the Minor Ball, Hockey, and Ringettc teams. For tickets and information call 262- 3038 or 262-3444. Personals Congratulations to Peter and Debbie Timrncrmans on the arrival of their son Scott David. A former Hensall businessman, William Brown passed away recently in Seaforth. The sympathy of the community goes to his wife Henrietta and family. HARVEY RAIZ- Candidate for Re -Election ` for Councillor for STEPHEN TOW 1 %HIP • Litetong Resident of Stephen Twp. • Operated a Farm and Auto Supply store in Shipka from 1954 to 1989 (Harvey Ratz Ltd.) • Member of the Stephen TownshIP Recreation Committee since 1977 - Chairman since 1987 • Elected to Council November 1991 • Served on Crediton Hall Board . Stephen T1vp. Fire Dept. Board and Huron County Farm and Home Safety Association I am self-employed and wok pan time at construction. i reside at RR2 Dashwood. 11 you have any concerns or questions, please phone me at 237-3694 YOUR SUPPORT AND VOTE WOULD BE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED ON ELECTION DAY Authorized by the CFO for the Harvey Raiz Campaign e L e Saintsbury youth wins race Harley Davis took first place at Gopher Dunes Raceway on Sunday. By H. Davis SAINTSBURY - Congratulations to Harley Davis, first place winner at Gopher Dunes Raceway at Courtland on Sunday in the 60 cc Pee Wee Division. He placed first overall in the fall series with 217 points. ACW St. Patrick's A.C.W. held their October meeting Wednesday after- noon with seven members present. The meeting opened with the Mem- bers Prayer and General Thanksgiv- ing in unison. All Saints Day, celebrating the lives of all Christians, known and unknown, was discussed. All Saints Day is one of the seven principal feasts observed in the Anglican Church. Each member brought a photo or remembrance of special people in their lives who have died. Their items were placed with a Bible and lighted candle. When all photos and memory items were shared, the service closed with a brief litany of Family Saints and the Apostles Creed. Su- zanne Davis read Psalm 24 and Betty Johnson the scripture Revela- tions 21:I -6a, each for All Saints Octave. Margaret Carroll led in a prayer for sick members, remembering Marguerite Greenlee, Hazel Eaton and Eileen Carroll. Suzanne Davis gave a reading entitled "All Saints" and Margaret Carroll a reading "Gather My Saints". Mary Davis closed with prayer. Following a brief business portion with plans for Sunday's lunch, an invitation was read to Brinsley Bazaar No- vember 12. All enjoyed a social time together with coffee and des- sert ending the afternoon. Wednesday evening Betty John- son, Suzanne Davis, Margaret Car- roll .and Hazel Davis attended the fall Deanery at St. Thomas, Gran- ton representing St. Patrick's. Church service Sunday, October 23, St. Patrick's celebrated the service of Morning Prayer at 11:00 a.m. with guest Bob Heywood. The church was decorated with fall flowers and leaves. The service opened with the singing of the pro- cessional hymn "Faith of our Fa- thers" followed by the childrens fo- cus when Rev. Stephen Emery spoke about friends of Jesus who wanted to be big shots, they want- ed to be special, but Jesus said they have it wrong. In the Kingdom of God, if you are a little shot on earth, you are a big shot in Heaven. Courtney MacGillivray and Crys- tal Davis were servers for the ser- vice. Margaret Carroll and Rev. Emery read the scriptures, followed by music and a message to the con- gregation by guest Bob Heywood based on the scripture Matthew 27 "What shall you do with Jesus". The flowers in the sanctuary were given in loving memory of former members Alex and Minnie MacDonald, Will and Lizzie Dick- ins, Jack and Shirley Dickins, Torn and Mary Kooy and Maurice Mac- Donald by the MacDonald fami- lies. A time of fellowship followed in the Parish Hall. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Carfrey Cann of Grand Bend were evening dinner guests with Ron and Margaret Car- roll following the service at St. Pat- rick's. Rose Grimminick. Jenny and Jodi and the MacGillivray children" were Sunday visitors with Suzanne Davis, Crystal. Travis and Starr. Sunday, October 31, St. Patrick's will hold their Holy Communion service at 11:00 a.m. Scriptures are to be Deuteronomy 6:1-9, Hebrews 7:23-28, Psalm 119:33-48, Holy Gospel 12:28-34. BEN for AYOR Authorized by CFO for Ben Hoogeboom Elect JOE RIDER for Councillor TOWN OF EXETER ift 111 • A Business Approach • Married (Marian) - 3 daughters • Resident 1.0 years • Retired Manager Nabisco (40 years) • Volunteer to local groups Authorized by the CFO for Joe Rider Campaign i z TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE 00 NOTICE OF POLL Municipal Election Act, 1/1 Section 44 NOTICE is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Usborne in the County of Huron that whereas more candidates have been nominated to each of the following offices than the number required to fill such offices, therefore polls will be held at the times and places stated in the notice for the purpose of electing the holders of such offices: OFFICES FOR WHICH POLL TO BE HELD Councillor - (3 to be elected) ADVANCE POLLS Saturday, November 5, 1994 Wednesday, November 9, 1994 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY IS AVAILABLE AT THE ADVANCE POLLS POLL #1: POLL #2: POLL #3: POLL 114: REGULAR POLL Monday, November 14, 1994 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Usborne Central Public School Usborne Central Public School Usborne Central Public School Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre PROXY APPLICATIONS A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the Clerk not later than 5 o'clock in the aftemoon of Polling Day, Monday, November 14, 1994 to receive a Certificate to Vote by Proxy for the polling subdivision in which the person appointing the vote proxy is entitled to vote. DATED AT USBORNE TOWNSHIP, ONTARIO THIS 19TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1994 Sandra J. Strang Clerk and Returning Officer lbwnship of Usborne R.R.#3, EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S5 TOWNSHIP OF HAY MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 1994 ACCLAMATIONS The following individuals have hcen declared elected to the indicated office by acclamation: Deputy Reeve Jim l.ove Councillors Blaise Ducharme Gerald Shantz Don Oesch Janisse Timmerman, AMCi' Clerk;Returning Officer 1 HARVEY RAIZ- Candidate for Re -Election ` for Councillor for STEPHEN TOW 1 %HIP • Litetong Resident of Stephen Twp. • Operated a Farm and Auto Supply store in Shipka from 1954 to 1989 (Harvey Ratz Ltd.) • Member of the Stephen TownshIP Recreation Committee since 1977 - Chairman since 1987 • Elected to Council November 1991 • Served on Crediton Hall Board . Stephen T1vp. Fire Dept. Board and Huron County Farm and Home Safety Association I am self-employed and wok pan time at construction. i reside at RR2 Dashwood. 11 you have any concerns or questions, please phone me at 237-3694 YOUR SUPPORT AND VOTE WOULD BE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED ON ELECTION DAY Authorized by the CFO for the Harvey Raiz Campaign e L e Saintsbury youth wins race Harley Davis took first place at Gopher Dunes Raceway on Sunday. By H. Davis SAINTSBURY - Congratulations to Harley Davis, first place winner at Gopher Dunes Raceway at Courtland on Sunday in the 60 cc Pee Wee Division. He placed first overall in the fall series with 217 points. ACW St. Patrick's A.C.W. held their October meeting Wednesday after- noon with seven members present. The meeting opened with the Mem- bers Prayer and General Thanksgiv- ing in unison. All Saints Day, celebrating the lives of all Christians, known and unknown, was discussed. All Saints Day is one of the seven principal feasts observed in the Anglican Church. Each member brought a photo or remembrance of special people in their lives who have died. Their items were placed with a Bible and lighted candle. When all photos and memory items were shared, the service closed with a brief litany of Family Saints and the Apostles Creed. Su- zanne Davis read Psalm 24 and Betty Johnson the scripture Revela- tions 21:I -6a, each for All Saints Octave. Margaret Carroll led in a prayer for sick members, remembering Marguerite Greenlee, Hazel Eaton and Eileen Carroll. Suzanne Davis gave a reading entitled "All Saints" and Margaret Carroll a reading "Gather My Saints". Mary Davis closed with prayer. Following a brief business portion with plans for Sunday's lunch, an invitation was read to Brinsley Bazaar No- vember 12. All enjoyed a social time together with coffee and des- sert ending the afternoon. Wednesday evening Betty John- son, Suzanne Davis, Margaret Car- roll .and Hazel Davis attended the fall Deanery at St. Thomas, Gran- ton representing St. Patrick's. Church service Sunday, October 23, St. Patrick's celebrated the service of Morning Prayer at 11:00 a.m. with guest Bob Heywood. The church was decorated with fall flowers and leaves. The service opened with the singing of the pro- cessional hymn "Faith of our Fa- thers" followed by the childrens fo- cus when Rev. Stephen Emery spoke about friends of Jesus who wanted to be big shots, they want- ed to be special, but Jesus said they have it wrong. In the Kingdom of God, if you are a little shot on earth, you are a big shot in Heaven. Courtney MacGillivray and Crys- tal Davis were servers for the ser- vice. Margaret Carroll and Rev. Emery read the scriptures, followed by music and a message to the con- gregation by guest Bob Heywood based on the scripture Matthew 27 "What shall you do with Jesus". The flowers in the sanctuary were given in loving memory of former members Alex and Minnie MacDonald, Will and Lizzie Dick- ins, Jack and Shirley Dickins, Torn and Mary Kooy and Maurice Mac- Donald by the MacDonald fami- lies. A time of fellowship followed in the Parish Hall. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Carfrey Cann of Grand Bend were evening dinner guests with Ron and Margaret Car- roll following the service at St. Pat- rick's. Rose Grimminick. Jenny and Jodi and the MacGillivray children" were Sunday visitors with Suzanne Davis, Crystal. Travis and Starr. Sunday, October 31, St. Patrick's will hold their Holy Communion service at 11:00 a.m. Scriptures are to be Deuteronomy 6:1-9, Hebrews 7:23-28, Psalm 119:33-48, Holy Gospel 12:28-34. BEN for AYOR Authorized by CFO for Ben Hoogeboom Elect JOE RIDER for Councillor TOWN OF EXETER ift 111 • A Business Approach • Married (Marian) - 3 daughters • Resident 1.0 years • Retired Manager Nabisco (40 years) • Volunteer to local groups Authorized by the CFO for Joe Rider Campaign i z TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE 00 NOTICE OF POLL Municipal Election Act, 1/1 Section 44 NOTICE is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Usborne in the County of Huron that whereas more candidates have been nominated to each of the following offices than the number required to fill such offices, therefore polls will be held at the times and places stated in the notice for the purpose of electing the holders of such offices: OFFICES FOR WHICH POLL TO BE HELD Councillor - (3 to be elected) ADVANCE POLLS Saturday, November 5, 1994 Wednesday, November 9, 1994 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY IS AVAILABLE AT THE ADVANCE POLLS POLL #1: POLL #2: POLL #3: POLL 114: REGULAR POLL Monday, November 14, 1994 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Usborne Central Public School Usborne Central Public School Usborne Central Public School Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre PROXY APPLICATIONS A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the Clerk not later than 5 o'clock in the aftemoon of Polling Day, Monday, November 14, 1994 to receive a Certificate to Vote by Proxy for the polling subdivision in which the person appointing the vote proxy is entitled to vote. DATED AT USBORNE TOWNSHIP, ONTARIO THIS 19TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1994 Sandra J. Strang Clerk and Returning Officer lbwnship of Usborne R.R.#3, EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S5