Times Advocate, 1994-10-26, Page 2Page 2 Tintes-Advocate, October 26, 1994 IN THE NEWS The 1994 municipal election represents the first time in 14 years Exeter residents have gone to the polls to choose a new mayor. To mark this occasion, the Times -Advocate offered both candidates the opportunity to explain, in their own words, how they perceive the issues in this election, and why they deserve your vote. Lossy Fuller Dear fellow citizens: A candidate who seeks any public office must have a personal and public philosophy that centres on the future. Candidates usually promise what they would do if elected, and we all know that those promises can disappear very quickly once the election is over. I, therefore, will make no promises dealing with needs and issues. I want to be seen as honest, thoughtful and responsible. 1 listen; I am a team player; I make decisions; and I want to he your mayor. Let's look at the future first of all, as to what the ratepayers can ex- pect of me, and secondly as to where I think we are headed. As mayor you can expect an approach that creates a "Team effort" by council. We must work as a Team, or the ability to resolve prob- lems and provide solutions will escape us. My record of service has proven that I am a "Team player". As mayor I cannot initiate or continue any council projects by myself. As mayor, 1 will work with the members of council to plan, organize, develop and maintain all projects that become the responsibility of council. Every issue requires a vote. The mayor's job is to speak for council and attempt to explain why council - not individuals - has taken the stand it has. I am proud of the "Team" of which I am a member and want now to lead that team into the future. Exeter has grown and developed into an important municipality for this area. Infrastructure projects have been completed and new initiatives are being undertaken for our future. The new warer project, the study of sewage capacity needs and our landfill expansion preparation all point towards future growth. The Old Town Hall has a place in the future of this town, and council has passed the project as a part of our infrastructure use "of funds. Council's application to the provincial and federal govern- ments asked for approval of four projects - three applications for storm and sanitary sewers and one for the Old Town Hall. A hal- anced approach was taken. I believed council's decision was fair and continued the aggressive approach for preparing this town for the future. I support these council decisions. Council has ensured that there will he no tax increase for any of these projects; we have set aside funds from the '94 budget and will do the same from the '95 budget. The future will demand that council be flexible, able to adapt and develop as change is forced on us. The mayor must help council ad- just to the pressure of change during the '90s and direct it along a path of sound financial responsibility. We do not have the luxury of sitting hack hoping that life will go on as it has in the past. Chang- ing relationships with senior governments and changing demands for community needs will have to be met. My desire to have this town prepared to meet these challenges reflects the leadership qual- ities I possess. Exctcr is a community for families. Quality cultural and rec- reational facilities provide for varied family activities. The beau- tification of our parks and the core arca adds to the attractiveness of our community. Exeter is a town that is respected for its courage, its progressive attitude, its commitment to family values and programs, and a municipality attractive to both young and older citizens. One of our biggest challenges will be to maintain our in- dependence and life as a community in the facc of reduced funding support from the province. It is important that we continue the di- alogue we started last year with our neighbours to explore how we might share services. I believe that onc day soon, South Huron could become one political unit. We must ensure that if that is the case, we keep our geographical identity. We must have enough foresight to anticipate the possible alternatives open to us and select . the best onc that will serve the interest of both Exeter and our neigh- bours. As your mayor, I look forward to working with council. There will be a blend of new and returning members. New ideas will emerge, and new approaches will be discussed. New ideas will foster new directions, and together we will build upon present pro- grams to help accomplish Exeter's goals. Strong leadership will en- courage and develop good solbtions. We must continue 10 promote our community, to show visitors and to convince ourselves that we live in thc best town in Ontario. I know that 1 can represent my community with these qualities and so I ask for your support, so that togcthcr we can continue to make Exeter a safe place to live, work and play. Let's work together. Lossy Fuller. Ben Hoogenboom On Monday, November 14, you will be asked to determine the future course of the Town of Exeter by electing its new mayor and council. A new type of leadership is required as we will be asked to do more with less funding from the province. Some time ago, I proposed that negotiations he initiated be- tween Exeter and its surrounding municipalities to explore pos- sible amalgamation and sharing of services to keep costs at an ac- ceptable level. Our future will dictate through lack of funding the necessity to work more closely with surrounding municipalities to avoid duplication of costs. This initiative creates uncertainty concerning our eventual municipal office needs. In light of these facts, I feel it would be a grave mistake to con- centrate on relocating the municipal offices and council chambers to the Old Town Hall with the infrastructure grant made available to the town. The present municipal building has served us well for the past 19 years artd can'be bought from the federal govern- ment fer114'1,430Rm `. ` it Since this grant must be applied to the Main and Sanders cor- ner, it is my opinion that these funds should be immediately di- rected to thc library to make it a more people friendly place (this building is structurally sound, contrary to an earlier report in the London Free Press). One idea is to Make the present structure wheelchair accessible by adding a ground floor addition to the cast and north. This must be achieved through proper planning and designed to stay within the allocated infrastructure grant. This would ensure the preservation of our heritage in clear con- trast to a proposal to eventually demolish this historic building. It is my opinion, and that of many of Exeter's citizens, that the Old Town Hall should be retained for thc arts, culture and other events. Other areas of major concern that require attention in the near future are: the recreation complex needs a new roof, one section to be taken cart of immediately, the remainder to be taken care of in the next couple of years, estimated total cost is $200,000; our tennis courts arc in need of major repairs; our parks arc in need of new playground equipment, estimated cost $10-15,000; some roads are yet to be paved and others arc in need of servicing. As chairman of several committees of council, I have worked hard on your behalf to make Exeter a better place for all of us. Of special interest has been my involvement as Exeter's repre- sentative working together with the Exctcr PUC, the Township of Stephen, and the Ministry of the Environment to bring Lake Hu- ron water to Exeter. This project is in the final stage of approval. A chairman of public works, we have initiated a joint venture among the Townships of Stephen and Hay, thc villages of Hen- sall and Zurich, and the Town of Exctcr, to look at the feasibility of sharing the construction and operation of a waste water treat- ment plant that will serve the South Huron region. This study has received funding from the ministry. Having spent eight years on the Board of Directors of South Huron Hospital and 14 years as a member of council, 1 believe 1 have the ability and desire to be your mayor. I will continue to work in a dedicated and fiscally responsiNe way over the next three years. I would very much appreciate your support on November 14. Ben Hoogenboom Granton residents only Biddulph voters One position as police village trustee is the only position on the Biddulph ballot GRANTON - The only residents in Biddulph Township casting bal- lots this municipal election will be those from the 100 -or -so homes in Granton. Although nominations for the three police village trustee posi- tions came up one name short on 1 October 14, no fewer than four new candidates came forward when nominations were re -opened last Wednesday. Incumbent Gary Barker and Doug Anderson have already been acclaimed to the first two trustee positions. But Laurie Anderson, Glenn Blake, Robert Parkinson, and Alex Westman have all put their names in for the one re- maining seat. Biddulph Township clerk - treasurer Larry Hot/on said it came as some surprise that the only con - • tested position in the whole town- ship should be one police village trustee seat, however, he will have to go thiugh the whole procedure of preparing ballots and advance ballots for the election in that cor- ner of Biddulph. Zurich • In other searches to fill remaining seats in the region, the remaining seat on Zurich village council has been filled by Nick Lit- tlechild to serve as councillor. Lit- tlechild is the husband of Zurich's deputy -bylaw enforcement offs- er who resigned earlier this month. Stephen - No names came forth last Wednesday when nominations were re -opened to fill two re- maining police village trustee posi- tions for Centralia and Crediton. Once the new township council convenes, a first item of business will now be to fill those positions by appointment. Hawaii • A remaining seat on the village's PUC stays empty, de- spite last Wednesday's nomination period. Again, that position will have to be filled by appointment. Candidates to \face off at local public meetings Public debates to help you fill out your ballot on November 14 With 50 candidates putting their names forward on municipal elec- tion ballots this fall in the area, more than a few are prepared to put their policies and principles on the line before the public. At least four all -candidates meetings have already been scheduled for local voters to see, hear, and question political hopefuls for the November 14 election day. Exeter - With two running for mayor, eight for six councillor seats, and three for two PUC positions, Exeter residents face one of the longest ballots in the region this fall. An all -candidates meeting will be held next Wednesday evening, November 2, at the South Hu- ron Recreation Centre, starting 7:30 p.m. Grand Bend - Three mayoral candidates and six seeking four councillor seats will face off for the village election at 7 p.m. this Friday, October 28. The meeting, at the Grand Bend Legion, is be- ing sponsored by the Grand Bend Ratepayers Association. Hay Township - Although township residents will have the chance to decide who will sit in the reeve's chair for the next year, only two names will appear on the Hay ballot this election. Con- sequently, no candidates meeting is being planned. Lucan - Six candidates are challenging for three councillor posi- tions in the village this fall. The candidates will meet each other, and the public this Thursday evening, October 27, at the Lucan Community Centre at 7:30 p.m. McGillivray Township - Next Wednesday evening, November 2, township residents will have the opportunity to meet the five can- didates for McGillivray's three councillor positions. The meeting starts 8 p.m. at the West McGillivray Township Hall. Stephen Township - Two all -candidates showdowns may be in the works for the four candidates seeking the three councillor seats in Stephen this fall. Although nothing has yet been announced, Grand Cove Estates may host a meeting, as may the Dashwood Mens' Club or Crediton Social Club. Usborne Township - With four candidates seeking three positions as councillor in Usborne, no public meeting is being planned, or is likely in the township this year. Tuckersmith Township - An eight -candidate ballot faces Tuck- ersmith voters this year. To help them make up their minds as to whom from the three running for deputy -reeve, and five running for councillor, will serve for the next three years, a meeting is planned for next Thursday, November 3 at Brucefield United Church, start- ing at 8 p.m. Acclamations - Those 50 candidates are running for a total of 31 positions up for grabs at local council tables. Another 35 seats on municipal councils were filled by acclamation in the 12 municipal- ities in the Times -Advocate's coverage area. There will be no coun- cil elections in Zurich, Hensall, Biddulph Township, or Stanley Township. See related stories for information about challenges for school board trustees, or police village trustees. Playhouse box office tops $1 million An audience 3,000 bigger than in 1993 created record ticket sales for the Grand Bend theatre GRAND BEND - Box office receipts, for the first time topped the $1 million mark at the Huron Country Playhouse this year. An increase of 3,000 visitors contributed to thc record sales, bring- ing the summer theatres total attendance to almost 68,000. The most popular shows on the main stage were Not Now Darling and the musical Oklahoma. Both played to audiences of 105 per- cent, meaning that additional rush seating was used after tickets sold out. "Wc had many compliments for thc greatly improved level of au- dience comfort and enjoyment with the addition of climate control to the auditorium and the new fly tower and stage area enabled us to reach new technical production heights," said artistic director Max Reimer in a news release last week. The Huron Country Playhouse still retains its rank as Ontario's third most popular summer theatre, behind the Stratford and Shaw Festivals. TOWN OF EXETER MEET THE CANDIDATES and ACCLAIMED MEMBERS forthe1994 MUNICIPAL ELECTION at the South Huron Recreation Centre on Wed. November 2, 1994 at 7:30 p.m. The Council for the Town of Exeter NEEDS YOUR HELM COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EXETER Invites applications from the public to fill volunteer positions on the following Boards/Committees for the years 1995, 1996, 1997: Exeter Planning Advisory Committee (7 members) Exeter Cemetery Board (1 member) South Huron Recreation Board (3 members) Please submit applications to the undersigned by friday. November 4. 1994 at Noon, Elizabeth Bell, Clerk -Treasurer Box 759, 406 Main Street South EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S6