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Times Advocate, 1994-10-12, Page 24
00000000 Page 24 Times -Advocate, October 12, 1994 20 Property for Rent Mexico for two? YOU'VE GOT ONE cHANCE IN 57! You could win a Mexican holiday for two by leasing at Glenn Haven Apts. in Exeter for one year. What's more, your 13th month's rent is FREE! The odds are great: a maximum of only 57 ten- ants will qualify for this contest! CaII today to arrange a viewing rt • 't'4( itrj NOM 1S2 S 185 Victoria Street West Exeter, Ontario (519) 235-0349 20 Property for Rent EXCELLENT COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - For sale or rent. Quality built steel building divided into 5 rental units. 7200 sq. ft. total. Located on Hwy. M4 south of Exeter. 235-2420. (4Ic► For Rent Wellington Place Apts., Exeter Large 2 bedroom apt. appli- ances included. Available immediately. One months free rent. Phone Dean & Tressa at 235-3511. Simcoe St. Exeter 3 bedroom townhouse with rec room. Call Paul or Moni- ca 235-3061. Ducharme Investments Office 236-4230 20 Property for Rent 20 Property for Rent.. LARGE LUXURY 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS with three appliance, Laundry facilities in each unit. Ground floor units available. Phone 235.2961. (4tfni - EXETER Two bedroom apartments available. Fridge and stove. Last month's free. Phone 235-0512. (19tfn) APARTMENT - available immediately 2 bedrooms - Hensall. $475.00 utilities included. Phone 236.4961.1IOtfn)_ '••$100.00 - $120.00 LEASE SIGNING BONUS••• In Hensall - Lovely spacious 2 -bedroom apts. 174 Richmond Street al Elizabeth in quiet. clean building. Fudge, stove incl. Laundry facility in building. Call 262-2924. ()6Ifn) _ ONE BEDROOM apartment. feat supplied. Main floor. 304 Andrew Si Exeter. Fridge and stove. S347.50 monthly Seniors Discount available. 451-2 131 or 471-0407.(13tfn) THE RAU MANOR in Zurich has a spacious 2 bedroom adult apartment fur rent. Washer and dryer hookup available. Controlled entry. 236-4607. (17tfn0 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, good location. $585.00 month plus utilities. References please. No pets. available immediatels Phone 235-1701. (34tfn) EXETER - immaculate one bedroom apartment, available inmtediately. Fridge, stove. washer and dryer. First and last required. 235-1187 or 238-2433 after 5 p (351fn) r,EJ © Q13 .. Slit Cl RICK McGEE Sales Representative SOUTH HURON TOWNSHIPS R.R.#2 ZURICH, NOM 2T0 PHONE/FAX 1-236-4040 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION • Quiet Lakeside community • Municipal water, central air • Guest suite c/w kitchen • Motivated vendor $98,000 • Walk to beach or golf course • 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • 1300 sq. ft., attached garage LAKE FRONT • Private stairs to beach • 3 bedrooms, 1500 sq. ft. • Stone fireplace c/w insert • pine kitchen c/w dishwasher • Walk to golf cburse • Neatly landscaped c/w shed • Catch the waves & sunsets • Reduced to $'169,900 CHECK IT OUT! RETIREMENT COMMUNITY • All amenities & clubhouse • 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • Air conditioning & sunroom • Ready to move in 1 Rick McGee ST. JOSEPH SHORES • Lot overlooking ravine • Walk to golf course & beach • 3 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths • Rec room c/w fireplace • Solarium & large deck • Paved roads, municipal water • Double garage, paved drive • Excellent value $169,900 BUILDING LOTS • St. Joseph Shores • 3/4 acres • Exceptional view • Paved roads • Municipal water • Reduced to only $33,000 0 D a CI a O O 0 O O O O 0 O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 ®000®©000®00®0 0 0 L•O EI 0 O 0 0 0 0 a Dirk Coolman 0 0 El 0 0 a 0 0 O O 1J O El 0 493 MAIN ST. EXETER 23503948 24 HOUR SERVICE O Ron Cottrell NEW LISTING EXETER - Spacious 3 bedroom bungalow in great residential neighbourhood. Newer addition, concrete drive and detached garage. Only $105,900. NEW LISTING EXETER • $126,900 - Completely renovated 3 bedroom brick with eat• in kitchen, central air, high efficiency gas heat, single garage with auto door opener, nice side porch. Take a look, you won't be disappointed. EXETER REDUCED $149,900 - Excellent four bedroom hom in prime location. A great home for the growing family. Priced t sell. NEW LISTING GORGEOUS 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 storey in Centralia. Central air, open staircase, attached garage, covered deck and much more. This home is a must see for anyone Io9King for a newer home In quiet village. Only $152,500. LESS THAN ONE YEAR OLD - Exeter $145,500 - three bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, finished basement, nicely decorated, nice lot excellent value. EXETER $149,900 • Alr conditioned ranch features 3 large bedrooms, oak kitchen with bay nook, fenced yard, patio, Interlocking drive and much more. For all the details on this well decorated home on Devon Dr. In Exeter lease call an me. riNECEMESEN icXETER - $142,500 - Excellent family home with 4 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, double garage and more. Call now. THIS FABULOUS CAPE COD - on a treed corner lot In Exeter has absolutely everything plus a full finished basement all for under $180,000. Call for full details. O a IJ 0 0 0 O El 0 O O 0 a 0 O 0 O a E7 O 0 0 O O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 $157,500 EXETER - New home with attached garage, oak kitchen, terrific entrance, mature lot and much more. Priced at only $157,500 Including GST. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 ELIZABETH COURT apartments. Hensall, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with fridge, stove, heat and hydro. I facilities on premises. Third and ekveat month free. For more information and viewing opponunitles call 262-2827. (24tfn) • HURON WOODS, Grand Bend. 9-10 month lease. Newer 3 bedroom. 2 bath, one. floor wooded privacy, deck, furnished. whirlpool bath, fireplace. private beach. tennis, etc. Phone 1-673-1605, 238-6362. (32tfn) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, large kitchen, livingrooin, laundry on main floor. storage shed. Gas heated $600.00 per month plus utilities. First and last month's rent. References and place of employment Phone235-1647. (34tfn) EXETER - one bedroom apartment. No pets. References. Phone 235-3114. (391fn) THREE BEDROOM APARTMENT downtown Exeter,fridge and stove. S450.00 plus utilities. Available Nov. 1. Phone 227-0312. (40tfn) VANDONGEN SUBDIVISION Grand Bend. 3 or 4 bedroom home. 6 appliances, woodstove, fireplace. family room. 2 baths, garage. Rent negotiable. Preference to mature couple or young family. Non-smokers. no pets. References. Phone 238-8050 after 5 p.m. or leave message. GRAND BEND - 4 bedroom. 2 bathroom, furnished home available Nov. I. Oct. 1 - June I. Dishwasher. microwave, laundry room, nice deck, 22 Queen St. 5750 per month plus utilities. Phone 235.3526, 235-0233or 238-6346 (40tfn) "TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in a triplex. Excellent location. $425.00 a month plus utilities. 32 Victoria St. Available Nov. 1, 1994. Call 235-4286. (40tfn) ()NE BEDROOM APARTMENT - downtown Exeter. Heated, fridge an4.stove supplied. $315/month. Available November I. Call 235-1354. (4I tfn) THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW on large lot, Victoria St. in Exeter. Well maintained with rec room in basement. Call 235-0577 for more details and viewing appointment. (41 tfn) TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT quiet triplex, yard, patio, laundry room. Available Dec. I. First and last. References. No pets. $425.00 plus utilities 235-3152. (4 Itfn) THREE BEDROOM HOME for rent in Exeter. $600 per month, first and last month in advance. References. Place of employment or source of income and your phone number. Available December I. 1994. Apply to P.O. Box #19P before October 24. 1994. 1411fn► PEARTREE HOME MARKETING CONSULTANTS € House for sale 47 Hillcrest Dr. Exeter. 3 bedroom ranch, custom built by Oke Woodsmith. Sunken main floor family room with fire- place. Finished rec room, neutral decor throughout, includes all custom %indoor treatments and appliances. To view call 235-2020. Price: 1195,000 Reduced. Open house Sunday 2-4 p.m. RFAMAY LANDMARK REALTY IN 215 Piccadilly St. Suite 207 London, Ont. N6A 1S2 JUST LISTED ST. JOSEPHS - 25 acre hob- by farm 4 year old double wide home Shop 40 X 72. Would make a nice summer home. DASHWOOD - 2 bedroom bungalow on large lot. SHIPKA - 3 bedroom ranch on large country lot. CREDITON - high producing country restaurant with a great potential, call me. HENSALL - Duplex totally ren- ovated. Price $120s. CREDITON - 2 plus one bed- room ranch on 1 acre lot - open for offer. CLANDEBOYE - 4 level side split on 1 acre country lot. Price $150s. EXETER - 2 plus one bed- room brick home on country lot. LUCAN - Main Street, brand new 4 level back split, fire- place, skylights, paved drive. Price $148,900. LUCAN - 105 Marlene St. - 4 level back split with fenced lot, ct.r port, very nice. Price $120. LUCAN - Lewis Ave. - 4 level backsplit, fireplace, garage, private fenced tot. New price. LUCAN - Brand new raised ranch to be built. Garage and family room. Low 140s. HURON WOODS - 4 year old home on large lot under the pines, 2 minute Walk to lake. $189,900. HURON WOODS - One floor ranch with stone fireplace. This is a gorgeous year round 4 bedroom home. Member of Re/Max 100% Club Ron O'Brien Bales Rep. 439-1400 anytime or 234-6281 Residence 20 Property for Rent LUCAN - large one bedroom apt. available now. Call 227-0296. (361fn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apanment, park setting. Available Nov. 1. Suitabk for mature adults. Phone Jack Taylor 235-3293. (37tfn) EXETER - ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT availabk immediately. 5330.00 per month plus utilities - 5 John St. (above CIS Asset Management). Phone 235-4080. (381 fn) 20 Property for Rent EXETER - One bachdor apartment - furnisbod. Phone 235-2223 or 236.4285. (35tfn) ZURICH - I bedroom apartment. 2ad floor, new carpet, no pets. Available Oa. 1. 236-4320,138ifac) QUIET COUNTRY LIVING. Spacious 1 bedroom apartment with open concept orf living e and dieing room. KittcFree laundry andaheen�ceuppbeokards 3450.00 plus heat.Ca11236-7238. (38tfa)� FARMLAND FOR RENT BY TENDER The VILLAGE OF LUCAN wishes to invite interested individuals to submit a tender for the rent of approximately 78 workable acres located at Lot 24 Concession 4 in Biddulph Township. The rental agreement will be for a two year term. Persons interested are requested to submit a tender stating name, address, phone number and price per acre for each year of the two year term. Tenders are to be submitted to the undersigned no later than 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 18, 1994. 411 R.J. Reymer A.M.C.T. Clerk, Village of Lucan 161 Main St., P.O. Box 449 Lucan, Ont. NOM 2J0 r ► • • • • • • • • ► ► • ► RFiA1F(® Marlene Parsons Bluewater Realty Inc. Sales Rep. .396 MAIN ST. S. EXETER, ONT. Member of RE/MAX Office 100% CLUB �4 D4 4 23 5-3 7 7 7 Res. 2351304 NEW LISTING OPEN HOUSE 'Tit- •.a san- SPACIOUS INVITING FOYER leads you to large principal rooms in this contractor built home. 2 fireplaces, attached garage, main floor laundry & master bedroom beautiful hardwood floors. A MUST TO S EE. un., October 16 Snider Estates, Snider Subdivision 1-3 p.m. Hostess: Marlene Parsons WELL BUILT HOME IN NEW SUBDIVISION 3 bedrooms, double attached garage, brick and vinyl siding. aluminum soffits and facsia, main floor laundry room gas fireplace in living room. 5195 000. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Downtown peter, pine floor, brick walls in Ts showroom with over 550 sq. ft. on main floor. Rear entrance to v upper apartment. $124,900. GETTING READY TO RETIRE? This is a perfect spot for you. Clean well kept home in retirement community. . Lot rental includes water, sewer, taxes, use of clubhouse pool, library and workshop. 25x8 deck, storage shed. $47,777. OWNER has done it all! Move right in to this almost new 2 bedroom bungalow, neutral decor, private rear deck, attached garage high eff-gas furnace. Only asking $110,000. LIVING IS EASY when you choose this 2 bedroom mobile home with den. 1 year old gas furnace, newer roof, located in RIVERVIEW ESTATES. OWNER HAS RELOCATED! $59,500. BEAUTIFUL TREED LOT - with cozy brick bungalow, attached garage, full basement partially finished. Possibility of severing 2 lots. 8124,900. IMPROVE YOUR LOT IN LIFE by moving into this delightful 4 bedroom, 3 bath brick bungalow on very scenic lot, gas heat and central air. NEW.PRICE 3159,000. READY FOR YOU TO MOVE RIGHT IN this 3 bedroom brick bungalow, main floor family and laundry rooms, patio doors to rear, fenced yard with Inground pool. $124,500. DO YOU NEED 3 BEDROOMS family room, garage and fenced yard? This may be the perfect spot to raise your family. New price of $124,900. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ENJOY OUR MORNING COFFEE in the bright cheery sunroom In this updated brick home. Homo has been re-drywalied and Insulated. Patio doors off kitchen to private side patio. HI-eff gas, central air, and alr cleaner. Master bedroom with skylight and ensuite has whirlpool Jacuzzi. 3121,900. ICE COUNTRY PROPERTY ONLY 10 RAINS. FROM EXETER Quiet venings can be spent In the side unroom. Metal roof, bullt•In china abinet, separate dining room with autlful hardwood floors. Large 3 lece bath on main level with aundry facilities. 3118,000. SNIDER ESTATES is ready for your home. Choose from a variety of fully serviced Tots. Get digging so you can get your home started before winter. Lots starting at $42,000. CALL NOWII SUPER VALUE In thls 2 + 2 bedroom brick 'ranch with oversized garage, new gas free standing stove, on nicely treed lot, 2 baths, vinyl windows and main floor laundry room. 8121,900. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1