HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-10-5, Page 23October 5, 1994 Page 23
Cards of Thanks
AITKINS - We would like to thank our
family. friends, neighbours for their cards.
flowers. food brought to the house and me-
morial donations during the loss of our Dad.
Thanks to Dr. Wm. Steciuk and staff of the
South Huron Hospital for the excellent care
given to Dad. Thanks to Bill Haskett and
staff for their kindness and support. Thanks
to Rev. Cordell Parsons and Pastor Allen
Solheim for their support. Thanks to the la-
dies of the Si James Anglican Church for
the lunch. Everyone's kindness and support
will be remembered always.
40c Linda and Jean
BREGMAN - Thanka4 everyone for the
cards, flowers. treats and visits while I was
in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Gans and
all the nurses at South Huron Hospital for all
their T.L.C. A big thanks to Richard for
everything. Extra special thanks to my
daughters and their families. Bill, Pam,
Bryce and Blake and Jeff. Jenny, Aleisha
and Marlee for always being there for me.
You are the wind beneath my wings.
40c Sue
CLARICE - 1 would like to thank my fami-
ly. friends, relatives, and neighbours for the
cards, gifts. and visits while 1 was in Univer-
sity hospital. And a special thanks to the
staff on the 8th floor.
40x Greg
DEVLIN - I would like to thank my family.
grandchildren, friends. Exeter Villa friends.
Peer and Lyn in Reno, also the lovely sur-
prise from Charlie and.Judy out west. You
all made my 80th birthday one 1 will always
40' Mum
HAGGAR - 1 wish to express sincere
thanks to relatives. friends, and neighbours
for their good wishes. cards. gifts and flow-
ers, on my 90th birthday. A special thanks to
Edythe and Don and Alice and Ab for a fam-
ily dinner. making my birthday an enjoya-
ble. unforgettable occasion.
40' Kay
HODGSON A sincere thanks to relatives
and friends for cards, flowers, food and
phone calls while 1 was a patient in South
Huron Hospital. A special thanks to my
granddaughter Debbie who was there to
comfort me and hold my hand when 1 need-
ed it. Also thanks to Dr. Shukla and all the
nurses and staff for their kindness. It will
never be forgotten.
40' Marion
Cards of Thanks .
MORGAN - Lois and I would like to thank
everyone for prayers. flowers, goodies. vis-
its. and cards received since my surgery.
Your kindness and concern will be remem-
bered always.
40' Joe
ROOSEBOOM - I would like to thank my
family for making my 65th birthday so very.
very special. A day to remember. May God
bless you all. With all my love.
40' Mom and Grandma
SELVES - I would like to take this opportu-
nity to say thank you for all the lovely birth-
day cards. flowers and treats 1 received for
my 90th birthday. They were very much ap-
40' Mabel
WEIN - Peacefully at Exeter Villa. on
Thursday, September 29. 1994, Emerson
Wein, formerly of Crediton, in his 98th year.
Beloved husband of.Laurene (Hirtzel) Wein
of Queensway Nursing Home, Hensel!.
Loved father of Ross and Eleanor Wein of
Edmonton; Orville and Elaine' Wein of
Thomdale; Eleanor and Kenneth Rader of
Dashwood. Loving grandpa of Laurie and
Danny Wein; Stephen and Adam Wein; Mi-
chael and Amy Rader. Dear brother of Lloyd
Wein of Crediton, brother-in-law of Mrs.
Gladys Wein of Queensway Nursing Home,
Hensel], Mrs. Dorothy Renney of Detroit,
Harry Hirtzel of Crediton and Mrs. Mildred
Hirtzel of Lucan. Also loved by several niec-
es and nephews. Predeceased by his parents.
Gottfried and Veronica (Hoist) Wein, broth-
ers and sisters, Wesley, Aaron, Alda
Wuerth, Edwin, Clara Morlock, Adeline
Goulding, Melvin. Meletta, Leonard and
Lawrence. Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman
and Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood, with
visitation Saturday afternoon and evening;
where the funeral service was held on Sun-
day. October 2, 1994 at 2 p.m. Pastor Larry
Stojovic officiating. Interment Crediton Ce-
metery. If desired, memorial donations to
the Alzeimer Society, Crediton United
Church or charity of choice would be appre-
ciated. 40c
re -4,.. I[VE THAN
Main St. North
Worship Services
October 9
10:00 a.m.
Sunday School for ages 3 -grade 4
during morning service
7:00 p.m. Evening Service
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCcS 1240 8:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
"We may give without loving, but we
cannot love without giving."
October 9, 1994
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10.00 a.m. Bible Class
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Everyone welcome
Wheelchair access
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Sunday, October 9
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
October 9
11:00-12:10 a.m.
Worship Broadcast
Comer of James and Andrew St.
October 9, 1994 10:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Service
No Sunday School for G1-8
Courtesy Gar:
Janice Webber 235-1388®
68 Main Street South
Rev. Mark B. Gaskin
Courtesy Car: 235-1967
Sunday, October 9
11 a.m. Thanksgiving Worship Service
with Sacrament of Baptism
and Sund School
sff;i"SSIV/Bsf9* ilable
Everyone elcome
9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
7:00 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
8:00 p.m. - Bible Study
All services are held at
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
For more information please
call 229-8881
670 Main St. S.
Pastor Vernon Dean
Pastor Dave Austin
Christian Education Director Mike Stehle
Sunday, October 9
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
11:00 a.m. - Laotian Service
in gymnasium
7:00 p.m. Celebration and Praise Service
7:00 p.m. Family Night
Nursery available for all services
'A place to meet God and a friend'
October 9
9:30-10:40 a.m.
Worship Broadcast
264 Main Street,
Exeter, Ontario
The Rev. Fay M.
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Thanksgiving Sunday
October 9, 1994
11 a.m. Moming Prayer
Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
BROCK - Murton and Nancy are pleased to
announce the birth of their son Madison
Thomas, born September 27, 1994 at St. Jo-
seph's, weighing 8 lbs. 5 ozs. A brother for
Jessica. Proud grandparents are Tom Brock
and Norm and Barb Whiting. 40c
CALDWELL - Terry and Heather (Prout)
are happy to announce the birth of their son.
Ryan William James. on September 17,
1994. A little brother for Tristen. Proud
grandparents are Bob and Eudora Caldwell
and Jim and Anne Prout. Proud great-
grandparents are Edna Caldwell, Alvin and
Lillian Pym and Frank and Rae McLachlin.
GINGERICH - Marlow and Janice (nee
Schade) are excited to announce the birth of
their first child Mackenzie Aaron, born Sep-
tember 12, 1994 at Stratford General Hospi-
tal, weighing 8 lbs. 3 ozs. Proud grandpar-
ents are Jack and Nile Schade of Dashwood
and Don and Sharon Gingerich of Zurich.
First-time great-grandparents are Curtis and
Mary Gingerich of Zurich. Special thanks to
Marlow for all your love, support and en-
couragement. 40c
MATHONIA - Ray and Karen are happy to
introduce Anthony Joseph. bom September
29. 1994 at Clinton Public Hospital. A little
brother for Derek, Jeffrey and Kristyn.
Spoiling privileges go to grandparents
George and Maria Mathonia and Richard
and Mary Erb and great-grandparents Eliza-
beth Grainger and Leonard Erb. 40c
McNAB - Earl and Ruth are pleased to am
nounce the safe arrival of their baby boy
Sheldon William, September 25, 1994. New
brother for Dwayne, Sarah, Julie and Denny.
Proud grandparents are Julie Knip, Exeter
and Wilson and Norma McNab, Strathroy. •
In Memoriams -" .w
BROCK - In loving memory of our dear
Mother and Father, Myrtle and Norman,
who passed away. Dad August 30. 1985 and
Mother October 8, 1991.
Just like the sweetest rose,
The petals fell too soon.
The love they planted in our hearts.
Will never cease to bloom.
They have.not really left us,
Nor have they travelled far.
Just entered God's most lovely room.
And left the door ajar.
We'd give the world if we could say.
We will go and see our parents today.
To touch their hand and see their smile,
To sit and talk with them a while,
There are many parents in the world we
But they were ours and we loved them so.
Always in our thoughts and sadly missed
by son Bill. daughters Marion. Doris, Do-
reen, Margaret and families. 40'
IIAYTER - In loving memory of a dear hus-
hand who passed away October 10. 1993.
There was no time to say goodbye,
The day you went away.
Your passing was so sudden.
One,year ago today... • r ,.. t t t
Remembering you is easy.
We do it every day,
Missing you is a heart ache,
That never goes away.
You had a smile for everyone,
You had a heart of gold,
You left the sweetest memories,
This world could ever hold.
To us you were someone special,
What more is there to say,
Except to wish with all our hearts.
That you were here today.
Sadly missed and always remembered by
your wife Marion. 40'
HAYTII'R - In loving memory of a dear fa-
ther Russell. who passed away October 10.
When thoughts go back as they often do.
We treasure the memories we have of you.
These days are remembered and quietly
No words are needed, we shall never forget.
Loving remembered and sadly missed by
your daughter Marg. son-in-law Jack, grand-
children and great-grandchildren. 40'
HERN - In loving memory of a dear wife
and mother, Janet. who passed away Octo-
ber 7. 1992.
We miss the way your smile.
Would brighten up our days.
You gave so much to all of us.
In many different ways.
We miss your joyful zest for life.
That so easily you shared.
We miss the way you loved us.
And the way you really cared.
But your love is always with us,
1t will stay within our hearts.
For you are always close to us,
Even though we are apan.
Lovingly remembered by husband Ron and
children Kelly. Jason. Adam and Janette
HERN - In loving memory of our daughter
Janet, who left without a word - no good-
Taken to a home into eternal rest,
But how we wish that we could say,
Janet is coming to see us today.
To see her smile, just to sit and talk awhile.
But we have lost and God has gained.
The most precious the world contained.
Dearly loved always. Mom and Dad. 40'
HERN - In loving memory of a dear sister.
aunt and sister-in-law, Janet Hern, who was
suddenly taken from us October 7, 1992
There aren't any words that can say.
How much we miss you every day.
Our comfort is our belief, -
That you have found everlasting peace.
Thank you for the way you lived your life.
It's a guide for us daily, and in time of
Thank you for your family you had to leave
Like you,_they-are generous, helpful and
You will forever be in our hearts, Brenda.
Geraldine and families. 40c
HERN - In loving memory of a dear sista-
in-law, Janet Hem, who so suddenly passed
away 2 years ago, October 7, 1992.
There is a bridge of memories.
From here to Heaven above,
That keeps you close to in.
travailed the bridge of love.
As time goes by without you,
And days turn into years,
They hold a million memories,
And a thousand silent tears.
Just a prayer from ones who loved you.
Just a memory fond and trite,
In our hearts you live forever.
For we thought the world of you.
Sadly missed and remembered always hY
Alma and Ross Ballantyne and family 401
In Memoriams
ROESZLER • Eleanor Roeszler, October 7,
One year has passed since sorrow into ow
hears was brought,
And though as very difficult.
We all must hold this thought;
Our lives are but fine weavings.
That God and we prepare,
Each life becomes a fabric planned
And fashioned in His care.
Sometimes a strand of sorrow.
Is added to His plan.
And though its very difficult,
We must trust the Master's hand.
Our wife, mother and grandmother,
Can best be remembered by these words:
There was never a purer heart.
Than that of our dear mother.
Whose love and care goes on and on,
Far beyond all others.
Friends are made by folks like these.
Or perhaps by many others,
But at journeys end we'll always find.
Only God can give us mothers.
With deep hearted special memories. never
to be forgotten by Lloyd (Squeek). Ruth,
John, Sharon, Glen, Dianne, Bob, Bill.
Joanne. Bruce, Deb, Joan. Karen and your
13 special grandchildren. 40c
e 40TH
/ Love
/ from
your girls
If you are 65 or over and have ever
taken tranquilizers or sleeping pills,
we would be interested in your
participation in a short discussion
group On Issues concerning all
+seniors. Refreshments will be•
provided as well as $20.00`and a
grocery certificate in appreciation of
your participation. For more
information please contact Della at
the Addiction Research Foundation
Happy 25th
Mom & Dad
(Wally & Mary -Lou)
• ▪ 40th Wedding
Anniversary Dance
Charles & Betty Coughlin
Friday, October 7
8 p.m. td 1 a.m.
Lucan Community Centre
Musictby Bob Foster
Everyone Welcome
••Get Your Flu Shot
If you're over age
65 - it's FREE
CaII the Lambton 1lealth
Unit nearest you for an
PETROLIA: 882-2080
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
& 1:15 - 4:30 p.m.
(Monday - Friday)
FOREST: 786-2148
Office hours: 12:30 - 4:30 p.m.
(Monday - Friday)
••• ••
Look`W1'w's 40
Lave Darlene, 9(aclrtlle, Greg and Dave
Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary
October 7th -1944 -1994
Love from your family
eL�'L�l1-7 N N t317uU N L7 U LIM N e
John (jack) and Marg Boland.
The family invite friends and relatives
to an open house Sunday Oct. 16 from
1-4 p.m. al Bryanston Community
(:entre, Highbury Ave. Best wishes only
Hepatitis B Immunization will be offered to all Grade 7 students in
Lambton County. The vaccine will be given by public health nurses
starting October 14, 1994.
In the next few days students will bring home an information
pamphlet on this program and a request for immunization form
which, if you wish your child to be immunized should be signed and
returned to the school as soon as possible.
For more information contact the nearest Health Unit office.
The Reeve and Council of the Township of Stanley
cordially invite you to attend a
"Retirement Party" to honour
Wm. H. Taylor
Road Superintendent
of the Township of Stanley
Sat. October 15, 1994
Township of Stanley Community Comply
RR1 Varna, Ontario
Social evening 8:00 p. m. - 1:00 a.m. Music by Shades
Lunch provided, everyone welcome
"Admission your presence"
Coming events
SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL AUXILIARY will hold their Annual Tag Days Octo-
ber 3 to 8 in Exeter and surrounding areas. • 38.39,40'
()PEN HOUSE, Country Charm of RR NI Varna, invites you to attend our eighth An-
nual Open House, Wednesday, October 5 through Saturday. October 8. 10 a.m. to 9
p.m. We are decorating Many rooms of the house with quality handcrafted, floral gifts.
Watch for our signs between Varna and Bayfield. 263-5367. Refreshments and door
prizes. Everyone welcome. 38,39.40c
SMORGASBORD TURKEY SUPPER to be held at Trivitt Memorial Church on
Wednesday, October 5. Advance tickets only. Tickets available for 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Call 235-2076 or 235-0274. Adults $8.00. Children under 12 $4.00. 38-40'
SOUTH IIURON LONG TERM CARE MEETING, Thursday. October 6, 1994 at
10 a.m.. Lions Youth Centre, 125 Johns St. W.. Exeter. Rosemary Armstrong from the
Adult Day Care Centre in Clinton will be at the meeting to discuss the possibilities of
setting up an Adult Day Care Centre in the South Huron arca. Everyone welcome to at-
tend. 40c
SINGLES DANCE, Sunday, October 9 at the Wingham Legion Hall. Dancing from 7
p.m. to 11 p.m. Music by Black Magic. No blue jeans please. 40c
HOSPITAL. AUXILIARY MEETING, Tuesday. October 11. 1:30 p.m. Elsie West-
cort will present History Book. Reports of Fall Conference. 40c
IIURON COUNTY SINGLES GROUP invites all singles Thursday. October 13,
1994 at 7:30 p.m. in the library at South Huron District High School. Guest speakers
from Nature's Clinic. Also planning bus day trip. Monthly mating second Thursday of
each month. Suggested donation S2.00. For more info call Lorraine 228-6115.8 to 5.
ROAST BEEF SUPPER, Brumfield United Church. Wednesday. October 19. 5 - 7:30
p.m. Advance tickets only. For tickets call 233-7477 or 233-7188. 40,4Ic
CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE, October 15, 16, 10-5. Lambton Heritage Museum.
,Hwy., 21. south of Grand Bend. 70 Craftspeople offering distinctive creations. 1-800-
265-0316. 40c
SOUTH HURON SINGLES DANCE, Zurich Arena. 9-1 p.m. Dress code in effect.
October 15 and 22. 39 4N
WEDDING SUNDAY INVITATION, Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton. Octo-
ber I6, 1994 at 11:00 a.m. Special service and luncheon rsorts monied in the
church, manse or home. Call 482-9696. 40c
HOSPITAL RUMMAGE SALE AND AUCTION, ednesday, October 19. 7-9 p.m.
and Thursday, October 20, 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.. South Huron Recreation Centre, Exeter.
Auction sale Thursday, October 20, 12 noon. Norm Whiting Courtesy Auctioneer.
Townwide pickup Wednesday. October 20. 9 a.m. Sponsored by: Auxiliary to South
Iluron Hospital. For further information call: 233-1628, 229-8802. - 40,41,42c
SECOND ANNUAL CRAFT AND BAKE SALE. Saturday, October 22. Lunch avail-
able. Over 30 craft vendors. 9 a.m.-S p.m. M ARC Industries. Dashwood. 40.41,42x
TURKEY SUPPER. Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Lucan, October 26. Hours: 5:00
p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Adults: 58.50; children 33.00. 39,40,(41)c
HURON COUNTY HISTORICAL. SOCIETY Annual Dinner, Friday, October 28, 6
p.m.. Brucefield United Church with John Mellor "D Day Naval Operations". Call for
tickets Rae McFarlane 565-5200 or Dave McClure 228-6219. 40,42,(42)c
SIXTH ANNUAL CRAFT SHOW AND SALE, Sunday, October 30, 1994. Exeter
Legion Hall, 10 a m. - 4 p.m. Over 35 tables of quality crafts including folkart, dolls.
teddy bears, Santas, stained Rima. gift brackets. woodworking, etc. etc. Admission 31.00.
Everyone welcome. 40,41,42,43c
GOSPEL MEETINGS, Legion Hall, 167 William, Exeter, Sundays 7-8 p.m.; Tues-
days 8-9 p.m. All welcome. Pat Robinson, Dorothy Bax. 40,41,42•
Available Dec. and Feb.
Including Air Transfers,
Hotel, Breakfast and
Local transfer to Detroit
311 Main St.,
Exeter 235-2000
Toll Free
1 800.265.7022
Hepatitis B Immunization will be offered to all Grade 7 students in
Lambton County. The vaccine will be given by public health nurses
starting October 14, 1994.
In the next few days students will bring home an information
pamphlet on this program and a request for immunization form
which, if you wish your child to be immunized should be signed and
returned to the school as soon as possible.
For more information contact the nearest Health Unit office.
The Reeve and Council of the Township of Stanley
cordially invite you to attend a
"Retirement Party" to honour
Wm. H. Taylor
Road Superintendent
of the Township of Stanley
Sat. October 15, 1994
Township of Stanley Community Comply
RR1 Varna, Ontario
Social evening 8:00 p. m. - 1:00 a.m. Music by Shades
Lunch provided, everyone welcome
"Admission your presence"
Coming events
SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL AUXILIARY will hold their Annual Tag Days Octo-
ber 3 to 8 in Exeter and surrounding areas. • 38.39,40'
()PEN HOUSE, Country Charm of RR NI Varna, invites you to attend our eighth An-
nual Open House, Wednesday, October 5 through Saturday. October 8. 10 a.m. to 9
p.m. We are decorating Many rooms of the house with quality handcrafted, floral gifts.
Watch for our signs between Varna and Bayfield. 263-5367. Refreshments and door
prizes. Everyone welcome. 38,39.40c
SMORGASBORD TURKEY SUPPER to be held at Trivitt Memorial Church on
Wednesday, October 5. Advance tickets only. Tickets available for 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Call 235-2076 or 235-0274. Adults $8.00. Children under 12 $4.00. 38-40'
SOUTH IIURON LONG TERM CARE MEETING, Thursday. October 6, 1994 at
10 a.m.. Lions Youth Centre, 125 Johns St. W.. Exeter. Rosemary Armstrong from the
Adult Day Care Centre in Clinton will be at the meeting to discuss the possibilities of
setting up an Adult Day Care Centre in the South Huron arca. Everyone welcome to at-
tend. 40c
SINGLES DANCE, Sunday, October 9 at the Wingham Legion Hall. Dancing from 7
p.m. to 11 p.m. Music by Black Magic. No blue jeans please. 40c
HOSPITAL. AUXILIARY MEETING, Tuesday. October 11. 1:30 p.m. Elsie West-
cort will present History Book. Reports of Fall Conference. 40c
IIURON COUNTY SINGLES GROUP invites all singles Thursday. October 13,
1994 at 7:30 p.m. in the library at South Huron District High School. Guest speakers
from Nature's Clinic. Also planning bus day trip. Monthly mating second Thursday of
each month. Suggested donation S2.00. For more info call Lorraine 228-6115.8 to 5.
ROAST BEEF SUPPER, Brumfield United Church. Wednesday. October 19. 5 - 7:30
p.m. Advance tickets only. For tickets call 233-7477 or 233-7188. 40,4Ic
CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE, October 15, 16, 10-5. Lambton Heritage Museum.
,Hwy., 21. south of Grand Bend. 70 Craftspeople offering distinctive creations. 1-800-
265-0316. 40c
SOUTH HURON SINGLES DANCE, Zurich Arena. 9-1 p.m. Dress code in effect.
October 15 and 22. 39 4N
WEDDING SUNDAY INVITATION, Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton. Octo-
ber I6, 1994 at 11:00 a.m. Special service and luncheon rsorts monied in the
church, manse or home. Call 482-9696. 40c
HOSPITAL RUMMAGE SALE AND AUCTION, ednesday, October 19. 7-9 p.m.
and Thursday, October 20, 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.. South Huron Recreation Centre, Exeter.
Auction sale Thursday, October 20, 12 noon. Norm Whiting Courtesy Auctioneer.
Townwide pickup Wednesday. October 20. 9 a.m. Sponsored by: Auxiliary to South
Iluron Hospital. For further information call: 233-1628, 229-8802. - 40,41,42c
SECOND ANNUAL CRAFT AND BAKE SALE. Saturday, October 22. Lunch avail-
able. Over 30 craft vendors. 9 a.m.-S p.m. M ARC Industries. Dashwood. 40.41,42x
TURKEY SUPPER. Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Lucan, October 26. Hours: 5:00
p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Adults: 58.50; children 33.00. 39,40,(41)c
HURON COUNTY HISTORICAL. SOCIETY Annual Dinner, Friday, October 28, 6
p.m.. Brucefield United Church with John Mellor "D Day Naval Operations". Call for
tickets Rae McFarlane 565-5200 or Dave McClure 228-6219. 40,42,(42)c
SIXTH ANNUAL CRAFT SHOW AND SALE, Sunday, October 30, 1994. Exeter
Legion Hall, 10 a m. - 4 p.m. Over 35 tables of quality crafts including folkart, dolls.
teddy bears, Santas, stained Rima. gift brackets. woodworking, etc. etc. Admission 31.00.
Everyone welcome. 40,41,42,43c
GOSPEL MEETINGS, Legion Hall, 167 William, Exeter, Sundays 7-8 p.m.; Tues-
days 8-9 p.m. All welcome. Pat Robinson, Dorothy Bax. 40,41,42•