HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-10-5, Page 2Page 2 Times -Advocate, October 5, 1994 LILTH1E NEWS Trash pickup goes bi-weekly Regional,: wrap up., Wingham recruiting doctors WENGHAM - The search is on. Doctors have been inter- viewed by members of the Wingham District Hospital med- ical staff, but most have indicat- ed that they don't want to go to Wingham. Hospital chief executive offi- cer Lloyd Koch noted in his re- port to the board that the physi- cian recruitment committee held two meetings during the summer and 758 letters had been sent out to doctors:' Wingham Mayor Ian More- land said the Wingham hospital is facing a major problem and writing letters is not much good. "We have a major problem hem, and I don't think we are taking ma- jor action to solve it," he said. Medical chief of staff Dr. Brian Hanlon said doctors don't want to come the town for two reasons - emergency room cov- erage and having to dcliver'ba- bies. He said both these duties are high risk for lawsuits, it was reported in the Wingham Ad- vance -Times. Phone system unlawful SEAFORTH - The Tucker - smith Municipal Telephone Sys- tem must become a corporation. "Your existing form is unlaw- ful," said Paul LaBarge, a law- yer representing Blake, Cassels and Graydon said in Varna last Thursday night. He told the 300 phone custom- ers that the Tuckcrsmith system is not being "hijacked" by a pro- posed change to a cooperative corporation. . . "Do not assume when you wake up tomorrow somebody has left town with the telephone system." LaBarge said that the municipali- ty docs not in fact own the system, rather acts as a trustee, it was re- ported in the Huron Expositor. Library Closing BELGRAVE - After a disap- pointing show of public interest, Morris Township Council voted at its September 22 meeting to close the Bclgravc Library. Morris council was receiving pressure from the county to close the Class 3 library due to low cir- culation. In order for the library to remain open, the county want- ed circulation to be at 4,000. 13y the end of August circulation for the library was at 108. County librarian Beth Ross said that the main reason for closing the smaller branches is poor economic times. "People arc asking for efficiency in spending and service," she said. "For that reason we arc looking for places where they will get value for their moncy." In previous meetings, residents have rallied to oppose the closing and council was also in favor. But last Thursday only two arca residents attended a public meet- ing on the issue. Ten Class 3 library have been closed, some with higher circu- lation than in Bclgravc, it was reported in the North Huron Cit- izen. Tourism booth a done deal GODERICH - Godcrich Town Council has signed a lease agreement that places its blue chalet -style tourist booth at the corner of Victoria and Hamilton atreCtS. At last Mondays council meet- ing, the agreement was signed that will become effective on April 1, 1995. The signing of the deal ends months of heated debate on the issue, it was reported in the Godcrich Signal -Star. Pryve who? The name of one of Exeter's founding families is mis- spelled on this sign at the new intersection of Pryde Boulevard and Huron Street. Not to worry, the works de- partment said the company that made the sign is cor- recting its mistake with a new sign in a few days. Res- idents at the north end of town may recall when Carling Street North was renamed Francis Street, and was mis- labelled "Francois Street" for awhile. GRAND BEND - In the summer months, garbage collectors in Grand Bend are kept very busy. But when the cottagers pack up and head home, garbage pickup isn't re- quired as much. That has prompted the village to look into pickup which would be Tess often in the winter and there- fore, less costly to them. "Some of the things we were looking at was going to bi-weekly pickup in the winter months," said councillor Phil Maguire. In March of 1995, the current Three mens bikes among local thefts EXETER - The Exeter OPP are investigating several minor thefts in the area over the past week. Last Monday, assorted tools were stolen from a van parked on High- way 81 at the onion plant near the Grand Bend Airport. Also last Monday, police investi- gated the theft of a Hallowe'en mask from an Exeter store, and the theft of a woman's wallet from a Hensall residence. Last Wednesday, a mens green CCM 18 -speed bicycle was stolen from outside Seip's Valu Mart in Exeter, and on Thursday a Sony car stereo was taken from a car parked at South Huron District High School during school hours. On Saturday, two more bicycles were stolen from a residence on An- drew Street in Exeter. Police say both were mens mountain bikes, one a purple CCM Pursuit, and the other a green CCM Excel. Police are also investigating a complaint of a large amount of gar- bage dumped near a bridge on Hay Concession 2. Huron Cancer Society Unit closes, Exeter group awaits direction Where will Exeter fit into a new Huron -Perth Unit of the Cancer Society, wonders the Exeter president EXETER - Members of the Exet- er Cancer Society are waiting to hear if their organization has sur- vived the restructuring of the Hu- ron and Perth Units of the Canadian Cancer Society. Joanne Wareham, president of the Exeter chapter, said she is hop- ing for some press release or notice from the new -Huron -Perth Unit in Stratford now that the Huron Unit closed its doors effective October "At this point, we have been giv- en no direction," said Wareham, and added that the group was given no warning that the Clinton office would be closing. In fact, she said the Huron board of directors at their last meeting were assured the Huron office would remain open. "We don't know if we have any power as an executive," she said. The Canadian Cancer Society, in a news release, has only stated that the two units were amalgamated in an effort to reduce costs. The fact that a Huron -Perth District Health Unit has also been created played a part in that decision, stated the so- cipty. A Huron -Perth nominating com- mittee is taking applications for a new board of directors. Wareham said it is unfortunate that the part-time person employed by the Cancer Society in Clinton has been replaced by a full-time po- sition in Stratford, because the Clinton office was more intimately acquainted with services and equip- ment use for cancer patients in the county. A 1-800 number now connects local cancer patients and those seeking information with the Strat- ford office. . Until the Cancer Society makes its plans for local organizations and services known, Wareham said the Exeter chapter will have to wait and see where it stands under the new organization. "I'm sure we'll get it back on the rails," she said. A Walkerton unit for the Cancer Society is also being closed in Bruce County as it is amalgamated with the Owen Sound unit. Ecology garden group meets Friday EXETER - The first meeting of the Exeter Ecology Garden Com- mittee will be this Friday evening at 7 p.m. in room 98 at South Hu- ron District High School. The meeting, say organizers, is open to all interested people who want more information or would like to get involved in the ecology garden project in Exeter. Correction: reservoirsite not final Last week's report on the selec- tion of a site near MacNaughton' Park for a water reservoir was based on the PUC's assessment that the site is the preferred of three un- ader review. PUC commissionerRoy Triebner explains that the site is still subject to the environmental review pro- cess as well as final approval from council. Neighbours still have the opportunity to object to the site, said Triebner. The Times -Advocate hopes this clarifies the issue, and regrets any confusion that might have been caused. Got a News Tip? . Call the Times- idvocate 23S-1 The garden, which will feature and plants is planned for a plot of experimental and ecologically land beside the old scout hall on sound mcans of growing vegetables John Street West. HOLIDAY 4'11PADVERTISING DEADLINE for next week's newspaper Because of the holiday Monday, all advertising must be in our office by Friday afternoon in order for us to maintain our publishing schedule' 424 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-1331 1 contract for garbage pickup will end so therefore by January, they could be looking at someone else to do the task. Maguire also said it would be an ideal situation to have garbage picked up one week and recycling the next so they could alternate. TOWN OF EXETER LARGE GARBAGE PiCKUP West Side of Town October 6 November 3 East Side of Town October 13 November 10 NOTE: All household refrigeration equipment must be CFC certified free, after November 11, 1994 HOLIDAY GARBAGE PICK-UP NORMAL PICKUP CHANGED TO Monday, October 10th Tuesday, October 11th NO BLUE BOX PICKUP REMEMBRANCE DAY - Friday, November 11 Normal Garbage Pickup Normal Blue Box Pick-up HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY Sunday, October 23rd - 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Bluewater Recycling Plant in Huron Park G.E. Kells Works Supt. EXETER PUBLIC CEMETERY The Prettiest Cemetery in South -Western Ontario What are the benefits if youprearrange'your cemetery plot? One of the most difficult tasks for a family when a loved one passes away is to make arrangements at the cemetery. With prearrangement of cemetery plots available, individuals can choose the lot and the method of interment he or she wants. We have other services like perpetual flower beds, too. Families are spared having to make these choices at the time of bereavement. The staff at the Exeter Public Cemetery would be pleased to answer any questions you may have regarding the purchase of prearranged services. Please contact the Cemetery Office weekdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. at 519-235-0137. You are welcome to visit our cemetery with its many flower beds and trees. It is truly a place of beauty and tranquility. We are located on Highway #83, one mile west of Exeter. We look forward to your visit. Harry Knip, Manager MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT NOTICE OF NOMINATIONS TOWN OF EXETER TOWNSHIP OF HAY VILLAGE OF HENSALL TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN VILLAGE OF ZURICH TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE NOTICE IF HEREBY GIVEN that candidates for the following offices may file Nomination papers at the respective Clerk's office on October 11, October 12 and October 13 during regular office hours, and on Nomination Day, October 14 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.: TOWN OF EXETER VILLAGE OF HENSALL VILLAGE OF ZURICH TOWNSHIP OF HAY TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Mayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor (6) Public Utilities Commissioner (2) Reeve Councillor (4) Public Utilities Commissioner (2) Reeve Councillor (4) Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor (3) Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor (3) Trustee - 3 for Crediton Trustee - 3 for Centralia Trustee - 3 for Dashwood TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor (3) All candidates to be elected for a 3 year term. Each nomination paper must be signed by at least 10 electors, whose names are entered on the Preliminary list of electors or who have made application to have their names included on the list and who are entitled to vote in an election to such office. Nomination papers will be available from your Clerk's office. If there is an insufficient number of candidates nominated for any office, additional nominations for the remaining vacancies in any office may be filed in. the office of the Clerk on Wednesday, October 19, 1994 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Elizabeth Bell, Clerk, Town of Exeter, 406 Main St., Exeter (235-0310) Luanne Phair, Clerk, Village of Hensall, 108 King St., Hensall (262-2812) Sharon Baker, Acting Clerk, Village of Zurich, 22 Main St. West, Zurich (236-4974) Janisse Zimmerman, Clerk, Township of Hay, 14 Mill St., Zurich (236-4351) Larry Brown, Clerk, Thwnship of Stephen, 38 Victoria St. East, Crediton (234-6331) Sandra Strang, Clerk, Township of Usborne, R.R. 03, Exeter (235-2900)