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Times Advocate, 1994-9-28, Page 28
Page 28 Times -Advocate, September 28, 1994 IT Exeter Fall Fair school results Creative writing Grade I: Cathy Conlin (MC), Merissa Thompson (E), Lea Mudge (S), Casey Cyr (MC); Grade 2: Lisa Hakvoort (PB), Katelyn Lachance (MC). Skylar VanOsch (MC). Lindsay Muller (MC); Grade 3: Billy Campbell (E), Sueanne Cook (E), Jamie Darling (E), Brittany Revington (MC); Grade 4: Kevin Overholt (PB), Matthew Dietrich (PB), Ashley Dickey (E), Meghan Gaiser (PB; Grade 5: Michelle Hakvoort (PB), Laura Sararas (PB), Chris Desjardine (PB); Grade 6: Craig Overholt (PB), Lori Pergel (E). Janelle Hern (E), Michael Ha- mather (E); Grade 7: Kim Palen (MC), Kelly Farwell (E); Grade 8: Sean Guenther (E), Julie Hern (E). Penmanship Grade 1: Lea Mudge (S), Travis Elder (E), Alycia Fyvie (U), Ben Willis -Leake (U); Grade 2: Erin Robinson (U), Benjamin Martin (E), Kellen Hetley (E), Diana Lam (E); Grade 3: Josh Krziyzek (U), Jeanna Hern (U), Sherri Skinner (U). Leah Fyvie (U); Grade 4: Aa- ron Cheyne (U), Samantha Hunt (PB), Mary Gregus (PB), Heather Ditner (PB); Grade 5: Michelle Hakvoort (E), Shauntcll Schwarttz (McCurdy), Lindsay Parsons (McCurdy). Kenlee Rattana (McCurdy); Grade 6: Brad Baker (E); Stephanie Mason (S), Amy Hodgert (U), Shanna Vandersleen (E); Grade 7: Arlene Inlakhana (McCurdy), Rachel Edwards (S), Julie Stewardson (S), Laura Cooper (E); Grade 8: Elizabeth Kerslake (U), Mandy Werrett (S), Samantha Edwards (S), Angela Higgs (E). Cattle Beef calf before Jan. 1, 1994: Ge- rald Corbett (H), Jason Corbett (H). Halter -broken beef calf: Jason Corbett (H), Gerald Corbett (H). Poultry Parti -colour standard: Jacquie Geurts (MC), Lisie Geurts (MC). Any duck: Lisie Geurts (MC). Parti colour standard: Margaret Gerrts (MC), Joe Geurts (MC), Jacquie Geurts (MC), Lisie Geurts (MC). Any drake: Joe Geurts. Any other single fowl: Josh Hey- wood (Centralia). Rabbits Female heavy: Matthew Johns (U); Female light: Crystalyn Cow- ell (E); Male heavy: Nathan Cann (U). Pets Best dressed pet: Evelyn Johns (U), Crystalyn Cowell (E), Diana Reid (Sarnia), Justin Cann (U); Dog performing best trick: Justin Cann (U), Miranda Grenier (PB); Kittens, pair: Matthew Johns (U), Michelle Boland (MC); Cat with longest whiskers: Crystalyn Cowell (E), Joe Geurts (MC), Matthew Johns (U). Lisie Geurts (Mt); Cat with most stripes in tail: Matthew Johns (U), Jacquie Geurts (MC), Margaret Geurts (MC); Any small pet in cage: Crystalyn Cowell (E), Matthew Johns (U), Kristine Cowell (E), Kieran O'Rourke (E), Mcaghan and Ea- mon O'Rourke (E), Amanda Cham- bers (E), Josh Heywood (S); Pet rabbit with longest ears: Evelyn Johns (U), Nathan Cann (U); Pet rabbit with shortest ears: Crystalyn Cowell (E); Most colourful guinea pig: Crystalyn Cowell (E). Kristina Cowell (E), Meaghan and Eamon O'Rourke (E); Pet resembling mas- ter: Holly Mitche (Sarnia), Evelyn Johns (U); Special: Miranda Greni- cr (PB), Margaret Geurts (MC), Justin Cann (U). Michelle Boland (MC). Huron County Historical Socie- ty Grades 1-5: Michael Meta (St. Marys); Grades 6-8: Kathy Van - Bergen (E), Michael Seip (E), Amanda Chambers (E). Con'puter Whiz Grade 1-2: Natasha Duckworth (PB), Jasmine Kerslake (PB), Christina Hoggart (PB), Frances VanOss (PB); Grade 3-4:. Jennifer - Baker (E), Geoff Duckworth (PB); Grade 5-6: Chad Smith (13); Grade 7-8: Amanda Chambers, Rebekah Prout (U), Jason Miles (E). Root and Vegetables Table beets: Darren Snow (E), Karen Passmore (U), Mark Dietrich (PB); Pickling beets: Leanne Snow (E), Jamie McDonald (E), Darren Snow (E); Red cabbage: Teresa Zwambag (MC), David Zwambag (MC), Laura Nakamura; Cabbage, late: Mark Dietrich (PB), Eric Brownlee (S), Beth -Ann Hern (U); Carrots, long: Eric Brownlee (S), Karen Passmore (U), Kerry Brown- lee (S), Jacquie Oeuru (MC); Car- rots, short: Jamie McDonald (B); Kerry Brownlee (S), Laura Elder (H), Karen Passmore (U); Cucum- bers, slicing: Carrie Prout (U), Jus- tine Clarke (B), Kerry Brownlee (3); Cucumbers, pickling: Jacquie • Geurts (MC); Spanish onions: Da- vid Shapton (H), Kerry Brownlee (S), Eric Brownlee (S), Laurel Shapton (H); Onions, cooking: Eric Brownlee, Kerry Brownlee (S), Da- vid Zwambag (MC), Jacquie Geurts (MC); Squash, 2 varieties: M. Straw (E), Kerry Brownlee (S), Eric Brownlee (S), Kathleen An- derson; Peppbr . squash: Cecile Maes (PB), Daniel Maes (PB). Eric Brownlee (S), Kerry Brownlee (S); Pie pumpkin: Eric Brownlee (S), Kerry Brownlee (S), Laura Naka- mura, Natasha Duckworth (PB); Potatoes: Jamie McDonald (E); Marilou Hern (U), Karen Passmore (U), David Zwambag (MC); Sweet peppers: Darren Snow (E), Leanne Snow (E), Mark Dietrich (PB), Kerry Brownlee (S); Musk- melon: Laura Elder (H); Watermel- on: Laura Elder (H); Tomatoes: Za- chary Dougall (U), Meg Straw (E); Jacquie Geurts (MC); Gourds: Ker- ry Brownlee (S); Eric Brownlee (S), Jennifer Hern (U), Janice Evans (S); Largest potato: Kerry Brownlee (S), Eric Brownlee (S), David Zwambag (MC); Largest squash: Eric Brownlee (S), Kerry Brownlee (S), Kathleen Anderson (E), Kristy Bray (U), Largest sunflower head: Josh McCall (MC), Jace Dougall (H), Eric Brownlee (S). Laura Nakamu- ra (Goderich); Longest cob of corn: Marilou Hern (U), David Zwambag (MC); Teresa Zwambag (MC), Jac- quie Geurts; Tallest sunflower plant: Josh McCath (MC), Eric Brownlee (S), Margaret Geurts (MC), Kerry Brownlee (S); Vegeta- ble animal: David Zwambag (MC); Cartoon character: ' Laura Naka- mura (Goderich), Dustin Elder (E); Pumpkin, carved: Geoff Duck- worth; Peculiar -shaped vegetable: Jace Dougall (H), Jamie McDonald (E), Warren Elder (Tinker Tots); Erin Robilliard (E); Largest pump- kin: Janie Evans (S); Amber Lee Elder (H), Kyle Bryson (E); Garden Harvest: Karen Passmore (U), Mea- ghan Straw (E), Carrie Prout (U). Fruit Apples: Kerry Brownlee (S), Eric Brownlee (S); Plums: Eric Brown- lee (S). Kerry Brownlee (S); Pears: Kerry Brownlee (S), Eric Brownlee (S), Jamie McDonald (E). Grain Oats: Alaina Hern (U), Christo- pher Hem (U), Jennifer Hern (U); Barley: Beth -Ann Hern (U); Lind- say Powe (S); Marilou Hern (U); Wheat: Beth Ann Hern (U), Mari - lou Hern (U), Matthew Johns (U); Christopher Hern (U); Grain corn: Brownlee (S), Laura Nakamura (Holmesville); Milky way: Eric Brownlee (S), Kerry Brownlee (S), Laura Nakamura (Holmesville), Jennie DeBlock (E); Doorswag: Kerry Brownlee (S). Crediton WI special Fresh bouquet in toy: Amber -Lea Elder (H), Laura Nakamura (Holmesville), Zachary Dougall (U); Salute to dairy farmer: Kerry Brownlee (S), Amber -Lea Elder (H), Eric Brownlee (S). Photography 4 snapshots "My Family": Eric Brownlee (S), Laura Elder (H), Jonathan Wagler (E), Melissa Prout (U); Series Snapshots "Holiday": Leanne Snow (E), Zak Homuth (E), Eric Brownlee (S), Laurel Shapton (E); 4 photos Family Celebrations: Kerry Brownlee (S); Series snap- shots "Sports in Action" Kerry Brownlee (S). Models Car or truck from a kit: Nick An- stett (E), David Zwambag (MC). Jason Roy (E), Michael Giannan- drea (E); Original vehicle, blocks: Clint Homuth (E), Justin Anstett (E), Clint Homuth (E), Jordan Skin- ner (Z); Model of a dinosaur, blocks: Kyle Schwartzentruber (E), Brett Hackett (E), Brandon Skinner (Z), Jason Roy (E); Black and white Lego design: Jamie Graham (E), Brett Hackett (E), Christopher Hern (U), Geoff Duckworth (PB); Airplane: David Gianndrea (E), Matt Anstett (E), Chris Darbishire (U), Scott Ralph (E); Original vehi- cle, blocks: Chris Darbishire (U), Chad Smith (U), Kris Roy (E), Matt Anstett (E); Robot or space vehicle, blocks: Chris Darbishire (U), David Giannandrea (E), David Giannandrea (E), Matt Anstett; Black and white Lego design: Gar rett Palen. Cooking and baking Unbaked cereal squares: Heather Morgan (U). Paul Morgan (U), Courtney Smith (U), David Zwam- bag (MC); Peanut butter cookies: Kristy Bray (U), Margaret Geurts (MC), Carrie Prout (U); Cupcakes decorated for Hallowe'en (3): Kris- tylee Varley (E), Courtney Smith (U), Laura Nakamura (Goderich), David Zwambag (MC); Dropped cookies (3): Teresa Zwambag Teresa Zwambag (MC); David Zwambag (MC), Matthew Johns (U), Danny Shapton (H); Sheaf of ensilage corn: Danny Shapton (H), Amy Shapton (H); Whitc beans: Jeremy Thomson (H), Darren Snow (E), Marilou Hcrn (U), Leanne Snow (E); Soybeans: Marilou Hern (U), Matthew Johns (U), Evelyn Johns (U), David Zwambag (MC). Flowers Asters, 5 blooms: Teresa Zwam- bag (MC), David Zwambag (MC), Marilou Hern (U), Eric Brownlee (S); Bachelors Buttons or cornflow- ers: Justine Clarke (E), Karen Pass- more (U), Eric Brownlee (S), Kerry Brownlee (S); Cosmos: Eric Brownlee (S), Teresa Zwambag (MC), Justine Clarke (E), Jancllc Clarke (E); Pansies: Leanne Snow (E), Kerry Brownlee (S), Eric Brownlee (S); Dahlia, large: Kerry Brownlee (S), Eric Brownlee (S); Dahlia, medium: Kerry Brownlee (S), Justine Clarke (E), Eric Brown- lee (S), Janelle Clarke (E); Dahlia, small: Eric Brownlee (S). Kerry Brownlee (S); Gladiolus: Marilou Hern (U), Karen Passmore (U), Kerry Brownlee (S), Eric Brownlee (S); Marigolds, over 6 cm: Eric Brownlee (S), Laura Nakamura (Holmesville), Jessica Lekx (GB), Kerry Brownlee (S); Marigolds, un- der 5 cm: Kerry Brownlee (S), Eve- lyn Johns (U). Eric Brownlee (S), Jacquie Oeurtt (MC); Petunia, single: Eric Brownlee (S), Evelyn Johns (U), Marilou Hern (U), Leanne Snow (E); Petu- nia, double: Kerry Brownlee (S), Eric Brownlee (S); Roses, three: Kerry Brownlee (S), Eric Brownlee (S); Rose, floating: Eric Brownlee (S), Kate Anderson; Natasha Duck- worth (PB, Kerry Brownlcc (S); Snapdragons: Marilou Hcrn (U), Kerry Brownlee (S), Eric Brownlee (S); Zinnias under 6 cm: Eric Brown- lee (S), Kate Anderson (E), Kerry Brownlee (8), Evelyn Johns (U); Zinnia over 6 cm: Kerry Brownlee (9), Kate Anderson, Eric Brownlee (8), Teresa Zwambag (MC); Depic- tion of ice cream soda: Kerry Brownlee (8), Eric Brownlee (S); Butter yellow, one -.colour arrange- ment: Kerry Brownlee (S), Eric (MC), Melanie Seip (E), Karen Passmore (U), Melissa Prout (U); Applesauce muffins (3): Teresa Zwambag (MC); Nutritious litterless lunch: Jamie McDonald; Nuts and Bolts: Laura Nakamura (Goderich), Mike Seip (E), Melissa Prout (U), Teresa Zwambag (MC); Cake in ice cream cone: Teresa Zwambag (MC); Chocolate brownies: Teresa Zwam- bag (MC), Marilou Hern (U), Me- lissa Prout (U); Butter tarts: Mari - lou Hern (U), Jenni DeBlock (E); Oatmeal cookies: Marilou Hern (U), Jenni DeBlock (E), Teresa Zwambag (MC), David Zwambag (MC); Corn flake cookies: Teresa Zwambag (MC), Mike Seip (E). Dolores Shapton Special Grades 6-8 Dutch Apple Pie: Marilou Hern (U), Jenni DeBlock (E), Mike Seip (E), Melissa Prout (U), Meaghan Straw (E), Erin Miles (E), Teresa Zwambag (MC). Novelty Grades K-2 Sewing card: Jessica Bray (U), Zachary Dougall (U), Faith -Ann Wagler (E), Michelle Roy (E); Doll spoon: Tara Gaskin (E), Jessica Bray (U), Mark Seip (E), Faith - Anne Wagler (E); Picture made from macaroni: Scott Varley (E), Natasha Duckworth (PB), Julie Prout (U), Mitch Homuth (E); Toy made from cardboard rolls: Mark Seip (E). Natasha Duckworth (PB), Zachary Dougall (U); Boat made from a milk carton: Julie Prout (U), Matthew Johns (U), Justine Clarke (E), Joe Geurts (MC); Animal made from burrs: Jeremy Thomson (H), Brett Hackett (E), Justine Clarke (E), Matthew Johns (U); Bird feeder from dairy con- tainers: Julie Prout (U), Justine Clarke (E.); Article from discarded material: Jessica Bray (U), Laura Nakamura (Goderich); Michelle Roy (E), Faith -Anne Wagler (E); Hand puppet from a sock: Jessica Bray (U), Mark Seip (E); Largest and best maple leaf: Julie Prout (U), Brett Hackett .(E), Michelle Roy (E), Natasha Duckworth (PB); Decorated birthday hat: Laura Nak- amura (Goderich), Jordon Skinner (Z), Mark Seip (E), Zachary Dou- gall (U); Clothespin butterfly: Mat- thew Johns (U), Lindsay Powe (S), Mark Seip (8), Scott Varley (E). Novelty Grades 3-5 Article made from pine cones: Brandon Skinner (Z), Kristy Bray (U), Danielle Long (E); Original penant: Brandon Skinner (Z), Courtney Smith (U); Miniature room in a shoebox: Carrie Prout (U); Decorated bar of soap: Laurel Shapton (H), Courtney Smith (U), Kristy Bray (U); Article made from recyclable material: Scott Ralph (E), Courtney Smith (U), Bethany Wagler (8), Kristy Bray (U); Bessie the Cow drawing: Jason Roy (E), Courtney Smith (U), Kris-- topher Roy (E); Article of wood- working: Jennifer Baker (E), Jona- than Wagler (E); Decorated t -shirt: Brandon Skinner (Z), Mandi Slade (E); Mounted hobby collection: Jar- rett Palen (S), Jennifer Hodder (E), Carrie Prout (U), David Zwambag (MC); Article from popsicle sticks or clothespins: Kristylee Varley (E), Kristy Bray (U), Bethany Wa- gler (E); Decorated doorstop: Kris- ty Bray (U), Courtney Smith (U), Margaret Geurts (MC); Article of cross stitch: Laurel Shapton (H), Courtney Smith (U). Novelty Grades 6-8 Homemade candle: Jason Miles (E), Mike Seip (E); Calligraphy of nursery rhyme: Alaina Hern (U), Erin Miles (E), Jennie DeBlock (E), Melissa Prout (U); Article of origami: Jenni DeBlock (E), Hilary Hardeman (U), Teresa Zwambag (MC), Alaina Hern (U); Home- made fridge magnet: Becky Hodder (E), Teresa Lwambag (MC), Ryan Ralph (E), Chad Smith (U); Article of leather tooling: Ryan Ralph (E), Jenni DeBlock (E); Handmade hair accessory: Teresa Zwambag (MC), Leanne Snow (E), Meaghan Straw (E), Beth -Ann Hern (U); Useful article made from discarded material: Eric Brownlee (S), Cecile Maes (H); Bracelet from embroidery floss: Jacky Westlake (E), Karen Passmore (U), Teresa Zwambag (MC), Jacqui Geurts (MC); Article of cross-stitch: Tere- sa Zwambag (MC), Eric Brownlee (S), Marilou Hern (U), Melissa Prout (U); Handmade wooden bird house: Mike Seip (E), Eric Brown- lee (S), Chad Smith (U); Sports hero trading card: Chad Smith (U). Preschool Paper bag cow puppet: Kathleen Anderson (E), Brendon Shapton (E), Evelyn Johns (U). Janelle Clarke (E); Trace your hand and decorate it: Brittany Meidinger (PB). Janelle Clarke (E), Travis Jaques (B), Kristen Ferguson (E); A strung necklace: Brittany Meiding- er (PB), Jake Homuth (E), Janelle Clarke (E), Evelyn Johns (U); Au- tumn collage: Kathleen Anderson (E), Janelle Clarke (E), Chad Hack- ett (E), Brett Warwick (E); Farm scene: Chad Hackett (E), Brendon Shapton (E), Brett Warwick (E, Kathleen Anderson (8). Hurondale WI "Year of the Family" Special Preschool - Stuffed toy: Justin Anstett, Evelyn Johns, David Wa- gler, Janelle Clarke; Picture, grand- parents: Miranda Mattucci, Lana Shapton, Jace Dougall; K-2 - Pic- ture, ice cream: Matthew Johns (U), Jordan Darling (8), Zachary Dougall (U); Map of neighbour- hood: Clint Homuth (E), Zachary Dougall (U), Jonathan Wagler (E); Grades 3-5 - Family tree: Brandon Skinner (Z), David Zwambag (MC), Kristy Bray (U); Tradition: Bethany Wagler (E), David Zwam- bag (MC); Grades 6-8 - Family Crest: Teresa Zwambag (MC), Ker- ry Brownlee (S), Rebekah Prout (U) Huron County Farm and Home Safety Association Kindergarten: Michelle Roy (E); Grade 1-2: Matt Mattucci (E); Grade 3-4: David Zwambag (MC), Carrie Prout (U). Jason Roy (E); Grade 5-6: Teresa Zwambag (MC), Amy Shapton (H), Laurel Shapton; Grade 7-8: Ryan Ralph (E). Woodworking Special Work using a router: Beth -Ann Hern (U); Work using a lathe: Ryan Ralph (E), Marilou Hern (U). Beth - Ann Hern (U), David Shapton (H); Scroll saw project: Amanda Gra- ham (McCurdy); Beth -Ann Hern (U), Becky Hodder (E), Ryan Ralph (E); Design project in wood: Tyler Bourne (E), David Shapton (H), Amanda Graham (McCurdy), Ryan Ralph (E). Traditional camel back sofa and ioveseat. Features durable paneled jacquard fabric. The Sklar-Peppler motion grouping Includes sofa end loveseat with two full recliners and matching rocker recliner chair. Featured tables as low as $229. Sofa with $899 recliner Lovesest with $849 recliner V (not shown) Chair also avallable 5649 *559 SOFA LOVESEAT YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT YOUR COUNTRYWIDE STORE! You're 44 Campbell's 63 Main St. appliances and furniture EXETER 235.1501 1