HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-9-28, Page 25Births Times -Advocate, September 28, 1994 Page 25 DENOTFER • Jeff and Lisa are very proud to announce the birth of their beautiful son. Joshua Jeffery John. He was born on Mon- day, September 12. 1994 at 2:13 p.m. Josh weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz.s. Proud grandparents are John and Toni DenOtter of Kirkton. John and Sandy Ukh of Kirkton. and Vi Parker of Hanover. A very special thanks to Dr. Greenberg. Karen and Judy (or helping Josh into the world. Thanks to Dr. Henderson for his great prenatal care. and thanks to the su- per OB nurses of St. Marys Memorial Hos- pital for their great care of Mommy and Josh. Also, thanks to Daddy for all of his love and support! 38' FRASER • Ken and Doreen are very proud to announce the birth of their new addition to the family. Matthew Alexander Fraser was bom Monday. August 22. 1994 al 3:10 a.m. weighing 8 lbs. 4 ozs. Matthew will be a little brother for Tanya. Tina and Kenny. He is also welcomed by his grandparents Harry and Trudy VanWieren of.Exeter and Charles and Marg Fraser of Seafonh. Spe- cial thanks to the doctors and nursing staff at St. Joseph's Hospital. London. 39x HOLMES (DEICIIERT) - Marg and John announce the birth of their son. Bradley Christian, on September 15. 1994, at St. Jo- seph's Hospital. Proud first -tine grandpar- ents are Claire and Margaret Deichen, Zu- rich. and another grandson for Doug and Grace Holmes, Blenheim. 39' SHAPTON - Brendan is proud to announce the birth of his baby brother. Tanner Bevan on September 10. 1994 weighing 9 lbs. Proud parents Bevan and Joan: Grandpar- ents Bruce and Dolores Shapton, the late Lyle and Marjorie Racho looking down from heaven; Great-grandmother Erna Alli- son. A thank you is extended to the staff at Clinton Hospital for their assistance. 39 VANDENBERK - Amanda and Philip are thrilled to finally have their little baby to hold. Luke Ryan was bom Saturday. Sep- tember 17 at 4:26 a.m. weighing 8 lbs. 1 oz. Proud parents. Richard and Bonnie are blessed with their second son. A fourth grandchild for Cor and Louise Vandenberk of RR N2 Grand Bend and eighth grandchild for Gerald and Irene Lynn of RR 02 Lucan. 39c Births VAN ROESTEL - John and Melissa arc thnikd to announce the safe arrival of their daughter Rachel Maria, Saturday.tepteniber 17, 1994, 10:40 p.m. weighing 7 lbs. 1 I ozs at St. Joseph's Hospital. London. Proud grandparents are Ted and Catherine Van Roestel, Crediton. Ron and Marlene Moore. Exeter. Great-grandparents Cliff and Audrey Moore. Exeter. Veronica Overholt. Central- ia. Victor and Jacqui Overholt. Tobenuory and Maria Kenney who now rests in peace in Parkhill. )y' Deaths AITKINS - At South Huron Hospital, Exet- er. on Thursday. September 22. 1994. Har- old Aitkins of RR N2 Lucan, in his 88th year. Beloved husband of the late Elaine (Young) Aitkins. Dear father of Linda Ait- kins at home and Jean Aitkins of London. Predeceased by brothers William and George. Rested al the C. Haskett & Son Fu- neral Home. Lucan. on Friday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. where the funeral service was held on Saturday. September 24 at 11 a.m. with Rev. Cordell Parsons officiating. Intervent St. James Cemetery. Clandeboye. Donations to South Huron Hospital would he appreciated by the family. 39c HARAH - Peacefully at South Huron Hos- pital. Exeter, Ontario on Saturday. Septem- ber 24. 1994. Greta M. (Brock) Harah for- merly of Kirkion and St. Marys in her 86th year. Predeceased by her first husband Eric Humphreys (1963) and her second husband George Harah (1978). Loving mother of Jean Mills and husband Carl of Exeter. Hel- en Shute and husband Mervin of Usbome Township; loving grandmother of Gwen. Heather. Connie. Tint. Dan and Tracy. Sadly missed by 10 great-grandchildren. Dear sis- ter of Vema McEirea and sister-in-law of Ruth Brock and Art Robinson. Predeceased by a brother Russell Brock and lt sister Flor- ence Robinson. Rested al the L.A. Ball Fu- neral Chapel (Ball & Sass Ltd.) Water Street North. St. Marys. on Sunday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. where the funeral service was held on Monday, Seplcmber 26 at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Bill Jones officiating. Interment in St. Paul's Anglican Cemetery, Kirkion. Dona- tions to Queensway Nursing Home Resi- dence Council or St. Paul's Anglican Church would be appreciated as expressions of sympathy. 39c ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Dashwood PASTOR LARRY STOJKOVIC October 2, 1994 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Everyone welcome Wheelchair access TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH 264 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario The Rev. Fay M. Patterson Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost October 2, 1994 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist Sunday School Nursery Everyone Welcome EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time 11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour 7:00 p.m. Communion Service Nursery Available Tuesday evenings 8:00 p.m. - Bible Study AN services are held at 94 Orchard Street. Exeter Everyone Welcome For more Information please call 229.8881 October 2 11:00-12:10 a.m. Worship Broadcast illeme on EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W. Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant Pastor John Boyachek 235.2681 Sunday, October 2 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.Moming Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night Everyone Welcome EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Main St- North 235-1723 Worship Services October 2 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for ages 3 -grade 4 during morning service 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Nursery Available " Everyone Welcome Sunday Radio CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m. CKNX 920 10:30 a.m. Daily T.V. Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m. October 2 9:30-10:40 a.m. Worship Broadcast risrwrur rmlarrtr "We may give without loving, but we cannot love without giving." CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 68 Main Street South 235.2784 Rev Mark B Gaskin Courtesy Car: 235-1967 Sunday, October 2 11 a.m Worship Service with Sacrament of Communion and Sunday School Nursery available Everyone Welcome EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 670 Main St. S. Pastor Vernon Dean Pastor Dave Austin Christian Education Director Mike Stehle Sunday, October 2 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. - Laotian Service In gymnasium 7:00 p.m. Celebration and Praise Service Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Family Night Nursery available for all services 'A place to meet God and a friend' t`= EXETER UNITED CHURCH Comer of James and Andrew St. October 2, 1994 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion Sunday School classes meet at Morrison Dam at 10:00 a,m. • noon for nature walk Courtesy Car: Janice Webber 235-1368 1' In Memoriams BULLOCK • In loving memory of a dear brother and uncle. George. who passed away October 1, 1974. Silent and swift can the call. Without a goodbye you Ieii us all. In God's own garden now at rest. Peacefully sleeping lies one of the best. Lovingly remembered by sisters Clara and Nola and families. 39' COOPER - In loving memory of a dear smother, mother-in-law and.grandmother Florence Cooper who passed away Septem- ber 28, 1994. When family ties are broken. And loved ones have to pan. It leaves a wound that never teals. And an ever aching hean. We cannot bong the old days back. When we were all together. But in our hearts you will always stay. Our neurones will last forever. Lovingly remembered by Lloyd. June and Scott. 39c FRASER - In loving memory of Kathleen Fraser who died twenty years ago. Septem- ber 29. 1974 and Arthur Fraser who died one year ago. October 21. 1993. Gone are the days we used to share, But in our hearts you are always there, Remembering the tines we spent together, With memories that we will treasure forever. Dearly loved and sadly missed by their fanci- ly. 39* MAVER - In loving memory of a dear hus- band, father and grandfather, Robert. who passed away October L.1991. Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his days. Sincere and kind in lean and mind. What a beautiful memory he left behind. Lovingly remembered by wife Jean and fam- ily. 39 OVERHOLT - In loving memory of our dear son and brother Garry J. Overholt, who passed away 12 years ago. October 2. 1982. lust a memory fund and true, To show we still remember you. Tho' 12 years have passed away. - We still love and miss you day by day. Greatly missed and loved always by Mom (Von). brothers. sisters and their families. 39c RFSTEMAYER - In loving memory of a dear husband Leonard. who passed away suddenly September 28. 1983. Eleven years ago today I had to pan. With a husband 1 loved with all my heart. The wound is deep, it will not heal. Only those who have lost, know how I feel. Dearly loved and forever in my heart. Gre- ta. 39' SiM - In loving memory of a dear mother. Fiona Sim. who passed away four years ago. October 3. 1990. We Think of the day you passed away. There was little we could do. But memories never fade away. For we always think of you. We think of you in silence, And often speak your name. But all we have are memories. And your picture in a frame. To us you were very. very special. And we miss you more each day. For the saddest day in all our lives, Was the day you passed away. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by your family. David and Maggie. Ian and Evelyn, Norm and Elaine. Cathie and Ross,and your grandchildren. 39c SPRUYTEF - In loving memory of a dear mother Julienne, who passed away January 10, 1994 and a dear father Maurice. who passed away October 1. 1989. May the winds of love Mow softly. While you are both sleeping. Lovingly remembered by son Gerry and family 39c Cards of Thanks CAMPBELL - My sincere thanks to every- one lur all the lovely cards, flowers, visits. treats and phone calfs during my stay in Uni- versity and South Huron Hospitals. Special thanks to Dr. Amendola and founh floor nurses at University for their special care, to Dr. Sieciuk and Dr. Steele and to all my dear nurses who took such good care of me while I was in South Huron. Special thanks to my family for all they have done for vie since my accident and at hone My sincere thanks to all. 39c Rem HANNIGAN • To all those who have shared in our sorrow in the loss of a special mother, grandmother. groat -grandmother and great -great-grandmother, aunt and sister. we, her family, express our sincere apprecia- tion for your prayers. love and support through your many expressions of sympathy by cards. words, floral Tributes, memonal donations and food brought to Mary and Ilarold's home. Special thank you to Rev Cordell Parsons for his comforting words; 10 the caring and supportive staff of the Exeter Villa who have Taken excellent care of our 'umber They are special people Also to Bill Haskell and staff of the Hopper Hockey Fu- neral Horne for their kind and helpful servic- es and 10 the UC'W of Exeter United Church for the delicious lunch served following the service. The love and kindness shown to this family will always he remembered and we sincerely say Thank You. 39* Mary and Harold. Cathy, Steven and Gale. Dorothy and family, Charlie and family. Annie and family, Norman and family, Ted and family, Mildred and family. iIENSAI.1. BANTAM GIRLS • The Iden sail !Ionian) girls and their coaches would like to take this opportunity to thank a few people who helped make our season a suc- cess: Thank you to all the parents and rami lies of our players who drove and cheered us on all year. To the Hensall Minor Ball Asso ciation; to the Hensall arena staff for their scheduling and great groundskeeping, to the Hensall Ladies Legion Auxiliary for tourna- ment *Inds, to all our uniform sponsors. to MacLeans Source for Sports for their com- plete and efficient service during the season - Thanks Dave - to our umpiring officials; 10 everyone who was a fan cheenng us on. A special thanks to all the other teams and coaches in the league - it's been great work- ing together. Last but not least, a very big thank you to the girls Themselves for all their time. hard work and dedication put into the season - it's been great and we're very proud of you! 39c Elaine Gould, Skip Gardner Coaches VAN ROFSTEI. • Ted and Catherine Van Roestet and family wish to express their sin- cere thanks to friends and neighbours for flowers, cards and phone calls we received during the loss of our mother, grandmother and great• randmother, Maria Kennel. She will never forgot EEn. 39• Te ..Ca(ticrine and family Cards of Thanks SWI1r'LER - What a surprise! Sincere thanks to all who helped celebnue our 25th wedding anniversary, and to all who sent cards gifts and good wishes. A special thank you to Jeff and Amy for organizing this special evening. You did good - we love you Thanks to everyone who helped them out m any way- We are blessed to have such a wonderful family and truly super friends. Thanks to all for a memorable evening. 19c Love, Marg and Jiin W EIIBER - 1 would like to say "thank you" to all tor the cards. gifts, visits and telephone calls I received since my surgery. And also lir the baking brought to our hone. 39' Sincerely. Helen WOOD • The Wood family would like to thank everyone who sent flowers and cards and who attended Shirley's Memorial Ser- Vlec 39, Pearl Lord) , Lordy Look who's 40 Cotcha! Goob and Slack S ZSZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZ ZZ ZZZZZZ9 Plan to attend p the 5th ANNUAL ii CRYSTAL PALACE CRAFT & GIFT G SHOW Sat., Oct. 29 9am•5pm Sun., Oct. 3012pm-5pm corner of Wellington & Waterloo St., Mitchell Vender Inquiries; Box 73, Sebringville, NOK 1XO ZZSZXXZZZZZZZXXXXZZZZZZ± .. • 40th Wedding Anniversary Charles & Betty Coughlin Fri., Oct. 7 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Lucan Community Centre Music by Bob Foster J'amily and friends welcome; please joist us for an afternoon in the country at the Bannockburn Fall /like Sunday. October 2 2 p,111, - 4 p.m. Bannocl, burn Wildlife Area 2 kin north of Huron Couno Road 3 between Brucefield and Vorna .lisinglour own mugs for the apple cider. sponsored by the ausable-bayfield conservation authority 235-2610 Exeter Minor Hockey presents "Eddie and the Edsels" 50s and 60s band Dec. 31/94 at S.H.R.C. 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Buffet lunch provided by "Family Caterers" $20.00 per person Get your tickets early! Don't be disappointed. For more info call 229.6264 eallatffes/741,1 invites you to our 8th Annual OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, October 5 thru Saturday, October 8 Door Prizes Refreshments Watch for signs between Varna and Bayfield 263.5367 EVERYONE WELCOME DAY TRIPS Windsor Casino - Oct. 12 Showboat • Oct. 26 Barnes Collection - Oct. 26 Royal Winter Fair - Nov. 9 UPCOMING '95 TOURS Sunset Blvd. Crary for You Showboat - Joseph ELLISON TRAVEL 311 Main St., Exeter 235-2000 Long distance JOAN DAYNARO 1-800-265-7022 Register Now 4yi' y .+x5-.1 J ti i 5 THANK MOO! f5t >1 4's5"~ ypl I'm udderly pleased with the herds of Exhibitors and Fair Goers for making the 140th year of the Exeter Fall Fair a huge success. A Big THANK YOU to the Board of Directors for all their hard work, co-operation and trust in their first Female President. This has been a very m00000ving experience! Cathy Seip A Forum to Discuss Respite Care Needs for Individuals of all Ages with Developmental Disabilities in Huron County (To be held at: Clinton Town Hall, Thurs., Sept. 29, 7 p.m. This evening will give you an opportunity to help all of us char: the future for respite cart needs for families of individuals with developmental disabilities. We warnlly invite you to come and share your knowledge and your thoughts on how we can achieve these needs. For more information contact: 111(i6. Joan Spittal { (519) 524-8323 (w) or (519) 522-0121 (after 5 p.m.) 116) 1 Coming events COFFEE BREAK/STORY HOUR. Attention all ladies. You are invited Thursday, September 29. 9:30 a.m. to get acquainted with us. Story Hour 3-5 year-olds. nursery available. Emmanuel Baptist Church, 187 Huron St. W.. Exeter. Sec you (here. Bring a friend. 38.39c ANNUAL CRAFT AND BAKE SALE. Riverview Estates. Exeter. 9:30 a.m. 10839 o 3:30 p.m.. ()ember 1. Lunch available 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.. dome -made preserves. unique crofts, stained glass. woodwork, etc. 37.39• COUNTRY CRAFT FESTIVAL new location for '94 - Columbus Centre, Godench, just off Suncoast 1)r. E. (formerly held Holmesvillc). Friday. September 30. 12-9; Satur- day. Ocloher 1. 10-5; Sunday. October 2. 10 to 4. Bigger and letter! 37-39c EXETER SPORTS CARD SHOW, Exeter Legion Hall. Saturday. October 1. 10 a.m. to 40 p.m. Admission $1.00 with door prizes. For information 485-4133. 38.39c STUDIO TOUR. Visit 14 Huron region artists' studios. Saturday and Sunday. October 1 and 2. 10-5. Information and maps 345-2184 or 529-7561. (39c) DREAMS AND MEMORIES RECEPTION, Sunday, October 2. Exeter Town Hall i)oors open al I p.nt. Welcome all brides and grooms. past. present. and future. for an afternoon of fashion. live demonstrations and entertainment. 39c EXETER CURLING CLUB Annual Bee( Barbecue. October 2. 1994 at the Curling Club, 5:00 to 7:00. Adults $ 10.00, children 5 to 12 years $5.00, under 5 years free. 'rickets at Wuerths, Veals, Enc Campbell Motors. Ellison Travel or call Carol Powe at 228-6557. The 1994-1995 Curling Season starts on October 24. 1994. Come join us. No experience needed. For further information call Pat Ballantyne at 235.0577. 37.3839• SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL AUXILIARY will hold their Annual Tag Days Octo- ber 3 10 8 in Exeter and surrounding arras. 3839.40' STORY HOUR for children ages 3-S to have fun singing. listening to Bible stones. making craps, and eating snacks: at the Centralia Community Centre. stalling Tuesday. ( )ember 4, 1994 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. For more information call Karen at 228- 6236. Sponsored by the Exeter Christian Reformed Church. 37-39c COFFEE BREAK for worsen to study the Ribie and meet new people over coffee and refreshments. No previous knowledge or experience expected. Located al the Centralia Community Centre starting Tuesday. October 4, 1994 al 10:00 a.m. Free nursery and story hour provided. For more infonnation call Chris al 235-2631. Sponsored by the Ex- eter Christian Reformed Church. 37-39c STRETCH YOUR DOLLARS at the Goodwill Fall Sale. Wednesday. October 5, 9 to 9, Progress Bldg.. London Western Fair. You can pay by VISA Continuous% restocking and Super Special Blue Ticket Sale starting at 5 p.m. and throughout the evening for late shoppers. 39c OPEN HOUSE, Country (.'harm of RR NI Varna. invites you in attend our eighth An- nual Open )louse. Wednesday, October S through Saturday. October 8, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. We are decorating many rooms of the house with quality handcrafted. floral gins. Watch for our signs between Varna and Hayfield. 263-5367. Refreshments and door prizes. Everyone welcome. 38.39.4(k SMORGASBORD TURKEY SUPPER to be held at Trivia Memorial Church on Wednesday. October 5. Advance rickets only. Tickets availahk for 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m Call 235-2076 or 235-0274. Adults $8.00. Children under 12 $4.00. 38-40• SOUTH HURON SINGLES DANCE, Zurich Arena9.1 p.m. Dress code in effect. October 15 and 22. 39-42 TURKEY SUPPER. Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Lucan, October 26. H9 45-0. 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Adults: $8.50; children $3.00. (4►k BRIDAL. AND HOME SHOW, Wednesday. November 2. 7.9:30 p.m., Ailsa Craig Community Centre. Interested vendors call Edith, 293-1338 or Elaine, 294-6994. ,-.19e