HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-9-28, Page 24Page 24 Times -Advocate, September 28, 1994 20 Property for Rent LARGE LUXURY 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS with three appliances. Laundry facilities in each unit. Ground floor units available. Phone 235-2961. (41fn) EXETER - Two bedroom apartments available. Fridge and stove. Last month's fire. Phone 235-0512. (19tfn) APARTMENT - available immediately - 2 bedrooms - Hensall $475.00 utilities included. Phone 236-4961. (IOtfn) 20 Property for Rent EXETER - 2 bedroom apartment, park setting. Available Nov. 1. Suitable for nature adults. Phone Jack Taylor 235-3293. (371(n) EXETER - One bachelor apartment - furnished. Phone 235-2223 or 236-4285. (35tfn) ZURICH - I bedroom apartment, 2nd floor, new carpet, no pets. Available Oct. 1. 236.4320.(38tfnc) ks Exandarea Meadows Housing Co-op 51 Church Street, Exeter Democratic Control... Cost... Security... Community... Member Education... These are just a few of the great advantages of living in a co-op. 1 bedroom apartments and 2-3 bedroom townhomes available (Wheelchair accessible also available) 1st and 24th month free (Market only) Develop the spirit of community living ,,. JOIN THE CO-OP! Call Wayne for further information (519) 235-3382 ✓../✓..1.1..!../.l..l.,/../1✓.l././../.,l../✓,l./../..1./.,/✓./..11ll.,/.l 1 The Huron County Board of Education invites tenders for ADDITION & ALTERATIONS TO Itl.l'TH PUBLIC SCII()OI. Sealed tenders addressed to The Huron County Board of Education will he received at the office of Garratt & Marklevitz, 516 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 5T7, until 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 12, 1994. A Bid Bond amount of $15,000.00 is required to accompany the tender. The suctrssful bidder will he required to provide a 50% Performance Bond and 50% Labour and Material Payment Itond. A limited number of tender documents will he available to General Contractors only, at the office of Garratt & Marklevitz, upon deposit of a certified cheque in the amount of $50.00 per set. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Graeme Craig Chair xy t Paul Carroll Director • PUBLIC NOTICE PROPOSED PUBLIC ROAD NAME CHANGES SECTION 210(111) OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT, R.S.O. 1990 NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Township of Hibbert intends to pass a by-law to name public roads which may not have been previously named, and to change the name of public roads which may have been previously named. The public road naming, or change of name is intended to facilitate the County -wide municipal addressing system which is required to be in place prior to the implementation of the "9-1-1" emergency response system for ambulance, fire and police services throughout the county. In addition, the municipal addressing system will facilitate the delivery of goods and services (i.e. mail, courier, school buses, etc.). The proposed public road naming system is composed of Lines (east - west oriented roadways) and Roads (north -south oriented roadways). Lines in rural areas will be numbered south to north, starting at 1 on the south boundary of the County (e.g. Line 1). Roads in the rural areas will be numbered east to west, starting at 101 on the east boundary of the County (e.g. Road 101). Roadways in built-up areas (i.e. hamlets) will be given local names (e.g. Main Street). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed naming/renaming of public roads is available for inspection at the municipal office or the County of Perth Planning and Development Office (Telephone (519) 273-3511). ANY PERSON may attend the following public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation regarding the proposed naming/renaming of public roads: Tuesday, October 18, 1994 - 8 p.m., Township Hall, Staffa DATED THIS 14TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1994 Pat Taylor, Clerk, Township of Hibbert ublin, Ontario NOK 1E0 (519) 345-2931 20 Property for Rent EXETER - inuttaculate one bedroom apartment, available inuuedir aly Fridge, stove, washer and dryer. First and Tat required. 235-1187 or 238-2433 after 5 p m. (35tfn) •'•$100.00 - 5120.(0 LEASE SIGNING BONUS'•• In Hensall - Lovely spacious 2 -bedroom apts. 174 Richmond Street at Elizabeth in quiet. clean building Fndge, stove incl. Laundry facility in building ('all 262-2924. (I61fn) ONE AND TWO BEDROOM FROM $395.00 TO $525.00. Call Marlene Parsons 235-3777 Re/Max Bluewater Realty Inc. LUCAN - Loge one bedroom apt available now. Call 227-0296. (36ifn)_ EXETER - ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT available immediately. 53300) per month plus utilities - 5 John St (above CIS Asset Management). Phone 235-4080. (38tfn) EXETER - beautiful large 6 room apaniocnt, 2 full baths, central air. all appliances, free laundry, large patio. in luxury adult building on beautifully aced lot. 5917-00. Call weekday evenings 235-0318. (38.39c) QUIET COUNTRY LIVING. Spacious 2 bedroom apartment with open concept of living and dining room. Kitchen cupboards galore. Free laundry and garbage pickup 5450.00 plus heat. Call 236-7238. (38tfn1 LAKEFRONT LIVING - easy commute. Hayfield beautiful 3 bedroom upper floor of duplex. large deck overlooking lake, bnck fireplace, dishwasher, fridge, stove and communal washer and dryer. Reasonable rent. 668-9695 and leave message for Mike. (38tfn) LUCAN - 2 bedroom apartment, October 1st. Call 666-1770 or 666-1776 after 6 p.m (39c) SOUTHCOTT PINES. Grand Bend Furnished 3 bedroom home for rent. Available Oct. 1/94 until June 30, 1994. Call 666-1770 or 666-1776 after 6 p m (39c) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT - Spacious 5 room apartment located in downtown Exeter. Heat is included ai 5390.00 a month. Call Dinneys at 235-0173 9 a.m. to 5 p.in. (39tfn) GRAND BEND - 3 bedroom condo on river. fumished/unfurnished, fireplace. jacuzzi, dishwasher, laundry. Available Oct. -May. 238-5906. (39tfn) BACHELOR APARTMENT in Huron Park/Exeter area. Phone 235-1922. (39tfn) EXETER - one bedroom apartment., No pets. References. Phone 235-3114. (39tfn) LARGE. MAIN FLOOR apartment (1.201 sq. ft.) with fireplace in den. refrigerator and stove. Quiet residential area. 5600 per month plus utilities. Call 235-0800 and ask for Jerry or Gary. (39tfn) Mexico for two? YOU'VE GOT ONE CHANCE iN 57! You could win a Mexican holiday for two by leasing at Glenn Haven Apts. in Exeter for one year. What's more, your 13th month's rent is FREE! The odds are great: a maximum of only 57 ten- ants will qualify for this contest! Call today to - arrange a viewing CORPORATION OF TIIE COUNTY OF HURON Notice of Pre qualification of Tender 1t is the Intent of the Corporation of the County of Huron to issue a tender for the renovation and landscaping of the North and South buildings of the former Iluronview hone for the aged. south of the town of Clinton The Construction Value is estimated to $2 Wilton. ilion. When completed the North Building will operate as a headquarters for the County Library distribution service. Health ('are and Rorie ('are Services. The South Building will undergo base building improvements There is a significant landscaping component to the work You arc invited to submit your Statement of Pre qualification. Please limit your Statement to a maximum of 12 pages. including personal references. As a minimum. the following must he provided - name, address and brief history of the firm profiles of key personnel that will be assigned to the protect. relevant recent experience during the past 5 years on projects of similar site. including the name of the protect, contact person and construction value, and name of hank and manager The work will commence in October. 1994 and is scheduled for com- pletion by April 1995 Firms in the following categories are invited to submit pre qual1fiea tion statements: General Contractors Landscape Contractors Mechanical Contractors Electrical Contractors All statements are to he submitted to the Architect. no later than (k-Iober41h. 1994. at 12 Noon Taylor/lTazell Architects Ltd. 125 George Street. 3rd Floor. Toronto. Ontario. M5A 2N4 185 Victoria Street West Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S2 (519) 235-0349 • • FILSON & ROBSON COMING AUCTION SALES Wed., Sept. 28 - Dept. of Transport, Owen Sound Ont. 10:00 a.m. Thurs., Sept. 29 - Dept. of Transport, 707 Exeter Rd., London, Ont. 10:00 a.m. Fri., Sept. 30 - Extra good farm machinery, Mr. Stan )I Malcolm, N . of Granton. J.D. 4650 tractor, M.F. 165, -Ford y 9N, J.D. 7720 combine, 11 ll a.m. Fri Evening, Sept. 30 - Fat Stock Steers, Ilderton Fair )I Grounds, 8 p.m. Sat., Oct. 1 - Ilderton Fair, )I selling barrows, and lambs 2 Sat., Oct. 8 - Farm machinery. etc. Austin and Dolly Hodgins. ) S. of Lucan. 12:30 p.m. ) Wed., Oct. 12 - Antique and household, St. Marys Arena, ) for Mrs. Jensen of St. Marys ) and Mr. and Mrs. Logan of Thorndale. ) Sat., Oct. 15 - 60 acres of land, for the Est. of the late John C. Levy, 1/2 mi. E. of St. Marys, 11 a.m. Sat., Oct. 22 - Dispersal of swine, poultry, cattle, new equipment for Hyde Park Farm Supplies, E. of Hyde Park. 10 O.M. Sat, Oct. 29 -Middlesex County annual auction of surplus equipment, 10 a.m. 3 MI. E. of Hyde Park at Middlesex County Garage. Good sale dates for fall sales still available. Call the experienced auctioneers to book yours FILSON AND ROBSON PHONE FAX 519 686-0833 20 Property for Rent ELIZABETH COURT apanntents i(ensall, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with fudge. stove, heat and hydro. laundry facilities on premises. Third and eleventh month free. For more information and viewing opportunities call 262-2827 (24tCn) DASHWOOD - New. two bedroom apartment. 5430.00 per month plus utilities. Fndge and stove included. One bedroom apartment at 5380.00 month. Available immediately. 156 Main Street Phone 2 t7-3677 or 237-3510. Ron Merner. (261fn) EXETER - Bachelor apt., furnished, Main St 235-2223. (39c) 3 BEDR(X)M HOME in the country near Zurich plus Iwo garages. Heat - oil/wood combination Available November 15/94 at $395.00 per month plus utilities Phone I-416-322-6423 (39c) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. large kitchen. livingrooni, laundry on main floor. storage shed. Gas heated 5600.00 per month plus utilities Fint and last month's rent. References and place of employment_ Phone 235-1647.(34tfn) 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. good location. 5585.00 month plus utilities. References please. No pets, available immediately Phone 235-1701. (34ifn) RETAIL & OFFICE SPACE 400 sq. 0. excellent, Exeter downtown fixation. Up to 3 months free rent. Call 284-1858 or 284-1040. (35tfn ( 23 Wanted to Rent HOUSE OR CONIX) while you are away for the winter. Grand Bend area. Mature couple with references. 238-5911 after six. (39c) 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ANDREW CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN Late of the Village of Dashwood in the County of Huron who died on the eighth day of April 1994. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of September 1994, after which the date the es- tate assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. RON ANDERSEN Box 710, Lucan, Ontario NOM 2J0 Executor of the Estate NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of RAYMOND SCHWALM Late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 1st day of July 1994. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particu- lars of such claims to the undersigned on or before ,the I I th day of October. 1994 after which date thc estate assets will be distributed having regard only 10 claims that have then been received. RAYMOND & McLEAN Barristers and Solicitors 387 Main Street P.O. Box 100 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 - Solicitors for the Executrix QUALITY TYPESETTIN "Set" to your specifications Flyers Resumes Programs Brochures Booklets and morel For more information please phone Deb Lord at • AUCTION SALE OF FARM MACHINERY ETC. For Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hodgins, Lot 33, Con. 3, Biddulph Twp. (Coursey Line) 2 mi. S.W. of Lucan, Ont. Sat., Oct. 8 - 12:30 p.m. TRACTORS; Cockshutt 1550, gas with high and low, Case 350. COMBINE; Int. 105, self propelled, with 11' grain head. FARM MACHINERY: 5 pt. Graham chisel plow, 12' Hergott cult., J.D. 200 gal. weed sprayer, Kewannee 40 plate wheel disc, corn head for N.H. forage harvester, N.H. blower, harrows, buzz saw, cement mixer, 18.4 x 34 duals, Massey 7' mower, 5 gravity boxes and 4 wagons, wagon and flat rack, side rake, drag double disc, front end of forage rack, Gehl corn head, endless 50' belt, 32 plate disc, chain harrows, Kongskiide cult., G.W. 8' double auger snow blower, grain auger, water tank, 16' Glencoe cult., 44 plate double disc, railing for steps, chain saw, some general farm tools, bike, seed drills. For further info call (519) 227- 4269. TERMS: cash sale day or known cheque. Lunch booth. AUCTIONEERS Filson & Robson wit Cromarty WMS learn about India The speakers had done mission work in India. By Roberta Templeman CROMARTY - At Cromarty Presbyterian Church on Tuesday at 7:30, the Marian Ritchie W.M.S. entertained Hibbert United Church Women and the Cranbrook W.M.S. who are twinned with Cromarty women. Guest speakers Elizabeth Moore and Jane Capelle had spent three months in India, eight years ago, teaching and helping in mission work and returned last fall for a month's visit. They told about the ongoing mission work and enter- tained the group with their travel- ling experiences. They were intro- duced by Lillian Sparling and thanked by Roberta Templeman. Jean Carey presided for the eve- ning. The theme was friendship and Carey read a poem "Garden of Our Friendship". Roll call was an- swered by expressing a gift of friendship you had received. Betty Lou Norris accompanied the hymns. Lillian Sparling gave the worship service taking her scripture reading from John and devotions on Friendship, closing with prayer. Peggy Kerslake and Alice Gar- diner received the offering and president Kerslake reminded every- one of some upcoming events. Eve- ryone enjoyed a piano instrumental "Homecoming" by Carol Ann Scott. Following the service everyone retired to the basement for desserts and fellowship. Rally Day Rally Day was held at Cromarty Presbyterian church on Sunday, September 25 with the Sunday School children participating in the service. Rev. Lucie Milne based her sermon on Proverbs. The teach- ers were commissioned for the coming year and certificates and seals handed out to the pupils. Fol- lowing thc service there was a bar- becue on the church lawn. Auction A very successful auction was held in the township hall on Satur- day afternoon. The proceeds are for the Hibbert United Church. 4-H Carrah and Cain Templeman and Kim Bertens participated in the Perth County 441 dairy show and the Western Ontario 4-H dairy show on the weekend in Stratford. LARGE AUCTON AT THE JACOB AUCTION CENTRE, 185 HERBERT ST. IN MITCHELL ON Thursday, Sept. 29 at 4 p.m, INCLUDING: nine piece walnut dining room suite, full selection of good large appliances, Gourley piano and bench, steel and brass beds, old dressers and washstands, old chest of drawers, milk bot- tles, coal oil lamps, lots of collectibles, 3 toy Case 1030 tractors (good), set of Limoges France (violet pattern), set of Paragon Victori- an rose dishes, collectible dishes, three sets of race horse harness, racing bike, horse blankets and our usual large offering. Prop: Myrtle Willis of Kirkton Auctioneer: Doug Jacob 271-7894 LARGE ESTATE AUCTION IHURSDAY EVENING SEPT. 29 at 5:30 p.m, at South Huron Rec Centre Exeter We will be dispersing the furnishings, antiques, household effects, china and glass from the estate of Mrs. B. Finkbeiner plus the con- tents of a River Road home 1n Grand Bend. • HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES : Excellent Knechtel 4 pc. b8drbotn spite in mint condition inc. double bed, chest on chest, dresser and mirror and night table, lovely washstand, wooden dinette with 4 chairs, 50s low china cupboard with matching table and chairs, old cupboard bot- tom, antique corner what not shelf, several dressers and chests of drawers, Sklar Peppier sofa bed and chair, cedar chest, coffee and lamp tables, queen size, double and single beds, single and double antique school desks, 5 antique blackboards, china and glass incl. pressed and depression, Wedgewood, spode, blue Danube, Blue on- ion, oil lamps, bells, crystal, enamel top table, microwave stand, fridge, elec. rang4 old wind-up birds, dehumidifier, photo copier, good combination safe' old cast iron kettle and stand, Sony TV, table saw, bicycles, hand tools, bedding, kitchenware and hundreds of useful and collectible items. AUCTION NOTE: Saturday Oct. 8 - dispersing an entire London es- tate plus additions at South Huron Rec Centre Auctioneer: Bob Heywood 235-0874 Stocker Sale 900 head DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Thursday, Sept. 29 at 1:00 p.m. 50 crossbred steers 900 - 1000 Ib., 40 Charolais Heifers 950 Ib., 50 Limo x heifers 900 Ib. 100 Charolais heifers, 900 lbs. off grass, one owner, 50 Charolais steers, 900-950 lbs. off grass Usual good offering of steers and heifers . To consign call Brett Coulter Bruce Coulter 294-6164 294-0585 Yards 666-1140 Future stocker dates: October 13, - 1 p.m. & November 3 - 1 p.m. November 5, 1 p.m. Bred cow and heifer sale LARGE AUCTION SALE Fine quality furniture, antiques, player piano, collectibles, glassware, appliances, etc., 1978 International 4x4 Scout to be held at Richard Lobb Auction Building in Clinton for Evelyn Olde of Clinton plus Sea - forth, Goderich and Exeter homes. Saturday October 1 at 9 a.m, TRUCK - 1978 International Scout 4x4 with convertible top, V8, 4 speed stick shift subject to reserve. FURNITURE, ANTIQUES ETC. Doherty player piano and bench, Hoo- sier cupboard, Deilcraft 6 piece dining suite with Targe glass front hutch, 3 yr. old, tea wagon, antique 3 section stacking bookcase, Fabi- an 5 piece bedroom suite, with 3/4 size box spring and mattress, cor- ner china cabinet, antique cherry drop leaf table, heavy pine bedroom suite with water bed, queen %ite bed, 2 White bedroom suites, 2 ches- terfields and chairs, like new, round pine dining table with 6 hoop back chairs and pine hutch, pine writing desk, antique blanket box, 4 trunks, apt. dining table extends from 20 inches to 6 ft. Krug mahogany buffet, 4 dining chairs, wicker rocker, 3 Indian tye rugs, antique pedestal drop leaf lamp table with 2 drawers, smallchestabed, spooled floor lamp, cedar chest, fancy small tables, nesting tables, double pedestal drop leaf table with 6 Lehr back chairs, sewing cabinet, upholstered swivel rocker, washer and dryer, 2 fridges, harvest gold 30" electric stove, 12 cu. ft. chest freezer, dehumidifer, microwave, 2 Dolour TVs, Filter Queen vacuum cleaner, ice cream table and chalr set, baby crib, writing desk, power tread mill nearly new, glassware and silver Include Wedgewood, Fenton, Royal Albertpaint spray gun, plus our usual large offering too numerous to mention. NOTE: Thls is an excellent clean offering. Terms: cash or cheque with proper ID. AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton Next AuctiOn - Sat., Oct. 8 at 9 a.m. at Lobb Auction In Clinton