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1994 Exeter Fall Fair winners
Selab Family Booka Special
Homemade bookmark
K-2: Kellye Cruikshank (McCur-
dy), Jessica Bray (U), Matthew
Johns (U); Grade 3-5: Brandon
Skinner (Z), Kristy Bray (U), Jenni-
fer Hodder (E); Grade 6-8: Teresa
Zwambag (MC), Jenni DeBiock
(E), Beth Ann Hern (U).
Purple Turtle Special
K-2 Painting of a turtle: Scott
Varley (E), Matthew Johns (U), Ju-
lie -Ann Bibby, (S); Grade 3-5 Tur-
tle made from modelling product:
Kristylee Varley (E), Danielle
Long (E), Brandon Skinner (Z);
Grade 6-8 Modern Art turtle: Mike
Seip (E), Meaghan Straw (E), Josh
Long (E).
Musical Instrument Special
Grade K-2 Handmade musical in-
strument: Jordan Skinner (Z), Dan-
ny Shapton (H), Mark Seip (E);
Grade 3-4 Handmade musical in-
strument: Jason Roy Kristy
Bray (U).
Greeting Card World Special
Grade K-2: Nick Anstett (E),
Ashley Arnold (McCurdy), Mi-
chelle Roy (E); Grade 3-5: Kristy
Bray (U), Leanne Snow (E), Bran-
don Skinner (Z); Grade 6-8: Kerry
Brownlee (S), Teresa Zwambag
(MC), Marilou Hern (U).
President's Special
Focus on Milk
Preschool picture - cow jumping
over moon: Evelyn Johns (U), lace
Dougall (U), Janelle Clarke (E);
Grade K-2: Jordon Darling (E), Jes-
sica Bray (U), Lindsay Powe (S);
Grade 6-8: Becky Hodder (E), Ste-
phen Darbishire (U), Rebecca Prout
Christmas Corner
Tray cookies: Teresa Zwambag
(MC), Decorated package: Becky
Hodder (E), Meaghan Straw (E),
Danielle Long (E); Tree ornaments:
Teresa Zwambag (MC), Alaina
Hern (U), Kendra Halpenny (E),
Chad Smith (U), Meaghan Straw
(E), Courtney Smith (U); Wall
hanging: Melissa Prout (U), Beth -
Ann Hern (U), Meaghan Straw (E);
Table centrepiece: Cecile Maes (E),
Eric Brownlee (S), Beth -Ann Hern
Bingo jackpot
$1050.00, Edna Mielke, Exeter.
Draw tickets
Handmade quilt: Karen Pass-
more; $100 voucher Seip's Valu -
mart: Mary Thomson; Hurondale
Dairy Products: Jan Collings;
Hayter's Turkey: Laurel Miner.
There were 365 adult competi-
tors, up from 1993.
Focus on Milk float: Joan Cooper
and family; Business float: Ellison
Travel; Antique vehicle: Howard
Johns; Classic vehicle: Robert
Blair; Club/organization: Block
Parents; Costumed horse and rider:
Kim Govers; Team of horses and
wagon: Gerald Thiel.
4-11 Achievement Day
Conformation, steer: Ryan Ful-
ton, Dennis Gower, Greg Hendrick;
Conformation; heifer: Bryon Eller-
ginton, Gerald Corbett, Jason Cor-
bett; Showmanship, senior: Dennis
Gower, Bryon Ellerington; Show-
manship, junior: Ryan Fulton, Ge-
rald Corbett, Greg Hendrick.
90 sheep entered. Grand Champi-
on ewe: Larry Welsh, Sarnia;
Grand Champion ram, Glenn Paine,
Kerwood; Grand Champion flock:
Larry Welsh, Sarnia.
70 goats competed. Toggenburg
Champion: Jan Hayward, Grand
Bend; French Alpine Champion:
Laurie Souton, Princeton; Recorded
Grade Champion: Brenda Belbin,
Scotland; Any other purebred: Bet-
ty Corbier, Dundalk.
Individual birds and bantams,
most points: Michael Becker, Dash-
wood. Geese and ducks most
points: Larry Welsh, Sarnia.
Fruit and Vegetables
Entries were low despite a good
growing season. Most points in gar-
den products and vegetables: Gla-
dys Cudmore.
Sewing champion: Mary Lou -
Thomson; Culinary Arts champion:
Norma Cockwill; Flower champi-
on: Ruth Johnson; Crafts and Hob-
bies champion: Rhea Greene; Jun-
ior champion (age 11-14): Kerry
Brownlee; Youth champion (age
15-21): Andrea Weigand.
Most points home canning: Shei-
la Miller; Most points jams and jel-
lies: Dianne Andrews; Best of
Show quilt: Isabel Annis; Focus on
Milk Galore Quilt: Gladys Richard-
son; Most points in quilts: Isabel
Annis; Focus on Milk Galore Wall -
hanging: Florence Heard.
An excellent display of photogra-
phy with the best print going to:
Mark Gaskin (first), Norma Cock -
will (second), Mary Peterson
(third). Several paintings in oils/
acrylics/watercolours and sketch-
Most points in flower arrange-
ments: Josie Ryckman; Most points
in cut flowers: Eleanor Leasa.
A wide variety of crafts with the
most popular being jewelery,
wreaths and fall decorations.
Most points in Golden Age: Rita
Van Wieren.
Horse show
Appaloosa show - Grand champi-
on mare: Little White Lie from
Double 13 Appaloosa's owned by
Bill and Bonnie McNutt; Haflinger
show champion: Exhibitor, Gerald
Thiel; Open Light attracted 27 rid-
ers with prize payouts of $540.00;
Arabian show had 39 horses with
high point horse Brandale Kalbin-
nov from Future Vision's Arabians
owned by Gary and Lisa Bean.
Magic Mistress
Joshua Windsor from Huron Park
won a Canadian Tire bicycle. Total
litres for a 24-hour period is 38.2.
Appaloosa Show
The Exeter Fair Appaloosa Show
was well attended this year with a
total of 35 horses making over 550
Horses came from across Ontario
and Michigan to compete.
Local exhibitors doing well in-
cluded Bonnie, Jenifer and Bill
McNutt with their Marc Lil White
Lie who was High Point Horse for
the show as well as Grand Champi-
on Mare and she carried Jenifer to
Reserve High Point Youth.
Bruce and Julie Natywary of RR#1 Brunner, Ontario
are being congratulated by Bob Becker, General Man-
ager of Becker Farm Equipment. Mr. and Mrs. Nat-
ywary won this beautiful barbecue at the Becker farm
Equipment Free Draw held at the New Outdoor Farm
Show held in Burford Ont. on September 13-15,
Dave and Carol Lindsay's Geld-
ing Gypsies Rasputin was Grand
Champion in his division and their
weanling Stallion Rasputins Desti-
ny was Reserve Grand Champion
Another local youth doing well
was Nicole Flemming placing sec-
ond in Youth showmanship under
one judge.
Janice Bullock of slorbett won
the Amateur Mares rlass with her
horse Mi Im Intense.
Suzanne Allison of Port Franks
with her horse Gypsies Apparition
won Amateur Showmanship under
one judge.
The show also featured the first
showing of the SWOAPC Stallion
Service Sale Futurity which saw 17
weanlings compete with the winner
Some Kinda Hustler taking home
in excess of $1200 to Michigan for
owner Sue Shenkus.
School division highlights
Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge
Special. Boy winning most points
Friday, Eric Brownless. Girl win-
nign most poinsts Friday, Kerry
Brownlee. Runnerup boy, David
Zwambag, runnerup girl, Teresa
Top overall polob, Eric Brown -
less, presented with a coin set by
Paul Steckle, MP Huron -Bruce.
School draw winners: 2 medi-
um pizzas donated by New Or-
leans, Lisa Dokter, Lucan. 2 medi-
um pizzas donated by New
Orleans, Sarah Hayes, Exeter. Fly-
ing cow chip (frisbee), Zak Ho-
muth, Exeter. Dairy air cow pie
(chocolate), Patrick Alber, Exeter.
MacLeans poster
Grade K., 1,2: (E) Shannon
Baer, (PBS) Lisa Hakvoort. (E)
Mitch Homuth.
Grade 3, 4,5, (E) Meaghan Staw,
(EPS) Mandy Ralph. Jared
Grade 6,7,8: (EPS) Brianne
Simpson. (S) Mark Laye Jr. (PBS)
Samantha Hunt.
Conservation Poster
Grade K, 1,2: (E) Daniel McLe-
od, (PB) 'Ashley Dcsjardine. (E)
Beth Hundey.
Grade 3,4: (PB) Kevin Overholt,
(E) Danielle Long, (PB) Mary
Grade 5,6: (E) Brad Baker, (E)
Courtney Oke, (E) Ben Rader.
Grade 7,8: (E) Meaghan Straw,
(EP) Ryan Ralph, (PB) Sarah Brol-
ly, Brianne McLean.
Illustrated poster
Grade 1/2: (PB) Ashley Desjar-
dine, (PB) Jasmine Sereda, (PB)
Frances VanOss.
Grade 3,4: (E) Jennifer Baker,
(E) Meghann Cooper, (PB) Miran-
da Grenier, (E) Beth Hundey.
Grade 5,6: Bob Hamilton, Terri -
Lyn Boyle, Krista Dearing.
Grade 7,8: (S) Michelle Fink-
beiner, (E) Meaghan Straw, (E)
Scott Keys.
Grade 1,2: (E) Brenna Anstett,
(Mt. C.) Katelyn Lachance, (Mt.C)
Skylar VanOsch.
Grade 3: (E) Jennifer Baker.
(Mt.C.) Jake Romphf, (Mt.C.) Erin
Grade 4: (EtAlyza Tarmohamad,
(E) Alicia (Gymnastics poster),
(Mt.C.) Jasmine Lather.
Grade 5: (Mt.C.) Niki Vermeu-
ten, (S.) Jarrett Palen, (E) Tom,
Josh, Vinny, Kyle, Steven, Brad.
Grade 6: (Mt.C.) Adam McCann,
(S) Alexis Morphopoulos, (S) Aa-
ron Heywood.
Grade 7,8: (Mt.C.) Mike
O'Brien, (Mt.C.) Mike Casarin,
(Mt.C.) Jennifer Regier.
Grade 1: (S) Dawn Case, (S) Tyl-
er Perry.
Grade 2: (PB) Ashley Desjar-
dine, (PB) Joddi Gaiser, (PB)
Bryce Reid, )PB) Enid Drummond.
Grade 3: (E) Kevin Foster, (PB)
Miranda Grenier, (PB) Joshua
Brolly, (PB) Kendra Vander Brugt.
Grade 4: Rhyme: (Mt.C.) Jenny
Hardy, (EP) Tom Cooper, (PB)
Cheraina Lovie, (PB) Heather Dit-
Grade 4: Haiku (Mt.C.) Paddy
McCann, (PB) Chris Vanesbroeck,
(PB) Sarah Parsons, (PB) Saman-
tha Hunt.
Grade 4: Limerick: (Mt.C.)
Christopher Arnold, (Mt.C.) Melis-
sa Simpson, (Mt.C.) Melissa An-
Grade 5: Rhyme: (PB) Michelle
Hakvogrt, (Mt.C.) Gina Fragiska-
Haiku: (EP) Jamie McDonald,
(PB) Chris Desjardine, (E) Katie
Limerick: (E) Derek Deelstra,
(Mt.C.) Shauntell Schwartz,
(Mt.C.) Charlie Wade.
Grade 6, Rhyme: Jason Reste-
mayer, (E) Erin Robilliard, (S)
Meredith Palen, (S) Stephanie Ma-
or Please see results, page 21
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