HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-9-28, Page 12Page 12 Times-Advocate, September 28,1994 --COMc.OP4pvjlJJ\IJTY
Granton WI celebrates
80th anniversary
The first meeting of Granton WI took place in
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - The Granton Women's Institute was organized on March
18, 1914 and to celebrate their 80th anniversary year, members, husbands
and some former members travelled to Millbank on September 20 to have
dinner at Anna Mae's popular cafe.
After a visit at the Gift Shop and the Cheese House, the group returned
to St. Marys to the home of Olive and Percy Hodgins for their meeting,
which was opened with the W.I. Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and the Lord's
President Muriel Lewis then read the minutes of the very first meeting
and the names of the charter members wJo attended.
The program topic was resolutions a d cultural activities and the motto
was 'Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it'. The roll call was
answered with a favourite song.
Margaret Oakley read a Thanksgiving story 'Through my window' and
'Hold us up Lord'. Florence Bryan gave a reading from the Voice of the
Farmer on the 'Formation of the Women's Institute', also about the 'Good
old Summertime' and a poem written by the former Patsy Wallis when she
was in hospital as a young girl.
Elsie Dann finished off the program by telling about the mail order oat-
meal business at Staffa which she had visited and which was written up in
the summer Home and Country. Elsie brought along a sample of the oat-
meal, plus some recipes which came with it.
Business included communications from the Children's Aid Society,
Fanshawe Pioneer Village, the Women's Rural Resource Centre at Strath-
roy and the Ministry of the Environment re: scrap tires.
An invitation to attend Clandeboye W.I. on October 12 was read and the
Area Convention was announced for October 27 to be held at Mt. Brydges
Community Centre.
Tickets for the luncheon and banquet are to be ordered for delegates and
others wishing to attend.
Church services
At Granton United Church on Sunday, Pastor Normalie Voakes entitled
her sermon 'Such Strange Saviours' based on the lessons from Esther and
Mark 9.
There was no service at St. Thomas Anglican Church because of the
Harvest Thanksgiving parish service at St. Patrick's Church, Saintsbury.
Sunday guests with Don and Irene Roloson on September 18 were Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Roloson and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roloson, all of Lon-
don, Jean Roloson of Exeter, Dani Roloson of Waterloo, David and Barba-
ra Roloson and family, Virginia, Amy, Stephanie, Geoffrey and Mark all
of Strathroy.
The occasion as in honour of their grandson Mark's second birthday and
also Don's sister Jean's birthday.
New face sparks
summer activities
AILSA CRAIG - This summer
the seniors lives were given a fresh
spark at the Craigwiel Day Centre
with a new face. Cynthia Diner is
the SEED student who helped out
at the Day Centre, transporting
seniors to and from baths, hair and
foot care. She enlivened them with
stories of her dog and her body
building work-outs. Diner started
full time the last week in June, and
by the first of September had en-
deared herself to the seniors so
much that they hated to see her go.
She has promised to come back
and visit them as often as she can.
The day centre held its usual pic-
nics over the summer although a
few had to be cancelled because of
extremely hot weather. One differ-
ent outing was a trip to Melbourne
to pick blueberries! A few seniors
who remembered picking in the
wilds, felt that they were on easy
street, what with grass paths and
stools to sit on to pick at their lei-
sure! The pleasure didn't stop
there, for the group had several
meals with Blueberry buckle for
Grace Gryzbouski, the niece of
one of the volunteers, came one
day to show her crafts. Everyone
went home with a beautiful gift
bag, and the wish that they could
have had her for a primary teach-
The Day Centre is always look-
ing for ways to add a bit to the
funds they need to raise. It was a
pleasure then to accept the beauti-
ful hand -carved loon that Walter
Silverson donated for a draw. The
lucky person wt,o wins that will
have an heirloom collectible just in
time for Christmas.
As fall weather approaches, and
the seniors need to stay indoors
more, the Day centre is looking for
people who would welcome a day
out, either to join in the planned
activities, or as a volunteer to help
carry out our program. Anyone
wishing to share a talent, interest,
or demonstrate a craft would be
welcomed at the Day Centre. The
Day Centre also supplies transpor-
NOTICE is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the
Township of McGillivray that the period during which
nomination papers may be filed in the office of the Clerk for
'Ibwnship of McGillivray, (located 1/4 mile off County Road
#24, south of West McGillivray) for the purpose of
Municipal Elections, will be October 11, 12, and 13 and
from 9 o'clock a.m. to 4:00 o'clock p.m. and October 14 from
9:00 o'clock a.m. to 5:00 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of
nominating fit and proper persons for the office of:
For the Township of McGillivray
The prescribed forms for the registration and the
nomination of persons to any offices are available at the
office of the Clerk. If a greater number of candidates than
required to fill the said offices are nominated and make the
required declarations, polls will be opened on the dates
stated below for the purpose of taking the poll:
Advance poll - Saturddy, November 5, 1994 (being 9 days
before polling day) from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Advance Poll - Wednesday, November 9, 1994 (being 5 days
before polling day) from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Polling day - Monday, November 14, 1994 from 10:00 a.m.
to 8:00 p.m.
Shirley Scott
Clerk & Returning Officer
Hospital board members recognized
The South Huron Hospital Board of Directors honoured two of its retiring members Monday evening by presenting them
with framed prints In recognition of their 12 years service on the board each. From left are board chairman Bev Skinner
with retiree Glen Thiel, and board member Larry Wein with retiree Jim Morlock.
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