HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-9-28, Page 8Page 8 Times -Advocate, September 28, 1994 FAPvJIEY Open house ,. set %Din. t, tdit An open house was held a Hensall Public Sch of on Thursday night so p'rents could tour the school and informally stop by the classrooms of „their chil- dren. At left is Meghan Collins trying her hand a painting. She was visiting the combined kindergart- en/junior kindergarten class. Below: Sue Elder, on left, is shown some ac- tivities daughter Amber -Lea has participated in with her Grade 3 class. Locals travel to wedding in Istanbul , On . Saturday,, September .24th a marriage -blessing ceremony was held for the couple. ZURICH - Congratulations to Tim Westlake and Hank Bilhan who were in Istanbul, Turkey on August 28 with his parents, Robert and Alma Westlake and two sisters Heather and Jayne attending the wedding from Zurich. On Saturday, September 24, a marriage -blessing cer- emony was held for the couple at St. Peter's Lutheran Church by Pastor Ross Thomson with several relatives and friends attending. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed a lovely dinner recep- tion and the evening held at the home of his parents. Congratulations to Michelle Ducharme who was cho- sen the 1994 Ambassador of the Exeter Fair on Friday night. She is the daughter of Carol Ducharme, RR 1 Ex- eter and the late Larry Ducharme. First runner-up was Karcy Youmans of Exeter while third place went to Julie Restemeyer of Dashwood. All three girls arc students at South Huron District High School in Exeter. A good time was had by those who attended the buck and doe for Mark Johnston and Joanne Campbell at the Zurich Community Centre on Saturday, September 24. Mark is the son of Bob and Carol Johnston, Zurich. The couple are planning to be married in October. Congratulations to Paul Robert Goldsmith and Mela- nie Joanne Graham who were married at the United Church in Hensall on Saturday, Sept. 24 by Rev. Hen- ry Annen. The happy couple will reside in London. Several friends and relatives attended their dinner and reception held in Hensall. The groom is the son of Doris Smith, Zurich and John Goldsmith of Seaforth. The bride is the daughter or Mikc and Jeanne Graham, Hensall. George and Rosalie Harvey of Michigan are enjoy- ing the nice fall weather for a couple of weeks at their cottage near St. Joseph., Congratulations to Lori Turkheim and Michael Tie - man who were married at the Calvary United Church in Dashwood on September 24 with dinner and recep- tion held at Dashwood Community Centre with several friends and relatives attending from the Zurich arca. Jane Bedard and daughters Tanya and Tara along with Heather Klopp, Pam Bedour and Sally Desjardine enjoyed spending Saturday and Sunday in Toronto and going to sec the play "Miss Saigon". Hubert and Marge Schilbe attended the funeral of Mrs. Geraldine (Jerry) Bachman in Windsor last Tues- day. She was the sister of Mrs. Audrey Schilbe, London. Dorothy Brcakey spent a few days visiting with friends in the Sarnia area and attended thc Rock and Fossil Club Meeting and get-together overihc week- end. Happy birthday wishes to Dorothy on September 28. Happy 90th birthday wishes to Mrs. Oriole Harvey on September 26 who lives at the Rest Home apart- ments. Mike and Donna Caers (Exeter) celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Mozart and Julie Gelinas Jr.'s anniversary was on September 29. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Case Van Raay, Dashwood who is a patient in London hospital. Happy 20th birthday to Amy Wildfong on Septem- ber 29. Official board meeting planned The meeting is scheduled for October 5. By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD - The regular church service on Sunday morning was conducted by Rev. Jim Allsop. The Responsive Reading was tak- en from the Green Service Book "Rescue from Disaster" Psalm 124. The choir sang "He Answered Me" accompanied by pianist Mari- lyn Vandenbussche. The congregation sang thc chil- _dren's hymn "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God" and Rev. Allsop told the children's story "Getting rid of the Pebbles in your Shoes". The Scripture reading was taken from Esther 7:1-10, 9:20-22 and James 5:13-20 and read by Leona Cottle. Rev. Allsop read from the Gospel of Mark 9:38-50. The title of his sermon was "Jesus Forbids Exclusive Christianity". The clos- ing hymn was Dear Lord and Fa- ther". Coming events On Sunday, October 2, World- wide Communion will he celebrat- ed in both churches, Elimville at 10 a.m. and Thames Road at 11:15 a.m. On October 5 the Official Board meeting will be held at Elimville Church at 8 p.m. The trustees, ses- sion members, hoard of managers, treasurers, UCW reps, S.S. superin Congratulations 1o. Jacqui LaPorte and Brad Forbesie.. who were married do Saturday, September 24 at a pri- ' vate ceremony at Benmiller Inn followed by a recep- tion for family and friends held at the Goderich Town- ship Community Centre in Holmesville. The bride is the daughter of Phil and Patty LaPorte, RR2 Zurich. The teachers of St. Boniface school put on a deli- cious hamburger and hot dog barbecue in the courtyard last Wednesday evening. They had a very good turn- out. Afterwards the parents toured to their children's classrooms, bought books at the Book Fair and looked at gym clothes (top and pants) that can be ordered with the school's new logo printed on them. Peter Denomme of Kitchener spent the weekend with his mother Mrs. Juliette Denomme. Life Chain Thee Life Chain (to protect in silence against Abor- tion)twill take place in downtown Stratford along Hu- ron and Ontario Streets, this Sunday, octobcr 2 from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. - rain or shine. Bring your whole family. Baptism Two babies were baptized at St. Boniface Church by Fr. Matthias Wronski on Sunday, September 25 being, Kristina Maria Eilers, daughter of Gerhard and Tanja and Lucas Dylan Walper, son of Terry and Patricia Hockey school Due to the hot weather last week, the "hockey school" was changed to October 3 to 7 at the Zurich arena. If any children still want to register phone the arena at 236-4969 as soon as possible. Lions Club The next Lions Club meeting will he held at the Do- minion Tavern on Monday, October 3 at 7:00 p.m. October is membership month and each Lion is to invite a guest - in the hope they will join the club. if anyone is interested in being a member (either man or woman) please phone the secretary Louis Wil- Iert at 236-4240 as soon as possible. As this is a dinner meeting, the Lions club will pay for your meal at the October meeting. Sp'-cial guest will be Past District Governor, Larry Wainwright from Fergus and Region Chairman, Don Robertson from Woodstock. Performance The Seaforth Harmony Kings and Hi-Lites (barber- shop singing groups) will he performing in the "Au- tumn Review" this Friday September 30th at the High school auditorium in Clinton at 8 p.m. Walking tour Don't forget to spend the afternoon at Bannockburn Wildlife Area on Sunday, October 2 walking through the trail and enjoying the fall colors in the trees. interpreters will be at various points of interest be- tween 2 to 4 p.m. Also bring along a mug for some "hot apple cider" afterwards. 4-H groups meet The 4-H group will be starting their first session on Monday, October 3 (7 to 9 p.m.) at the home of leader Sylvia Neeb with the help of Margaret Deichcrt. Theme being - "Sew Easy" to register phone 236-4042 for the ages of 10 to 21 as of January 1, 1994. Lucky winner Becky Kirk was the lucky winner of a cassette radio player from the draw held at the Town and Country Lanes for the pre -registration of the youth bowling team on Saturday mornings. tendents, and any interested per- sons are to attend this meeting. October 6 at 7 p.m. the Messen- gers will meet at Elimville for mo- vie night. Sunday. October 9 Thanksgiving services will be held at both churches at the regular hours. Personals Dave and Brenda Moran, Bren- dan and Allysa of Mississauga spent the weekend with Lorne and Pat Ballantyne. Quite a number of people attend- ed Exeter Fair, Friday night, Satur- day and Sunday. You are invited to the 9" Annual - &k u Crczt Formerly held at Holmesville 44 �`% /1_,, ' at the Columbus Centre, Goderich 19(I t'atcnns Ctt (Ittct nif Sunrnast Dr f 1 Friday, September 30 -- 12 noon to 9 p.m. Saturday. October 1 - 10 am to 5 prn Sunday. October 2 -- 10 am to 4 pm Bigger and Better i)isplay and Sale o Crafts MIDDLESEX COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION offers ADULT & CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS! To register: CAU. 472-8060 - TUESDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1994 BETWEEN 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. SUCCESSFUL MONEY STRATEGIES SEMINAR - 9 HOURS (Peter Mlndorff) • You will learn how to make more from various RRIF/ANNUITY, RSP options, reduce your taxes, make inflation work for you, save and invest, retire financially independent, reduce insurance costs. Fee includes Textbooks, Data Form and Tape Strathroy District Collegiate Tues. Nov. 1,8,15 7:00 - 10:00 $79.00 Medway High School Wed., Nov. 2,9,16 7:00 - 10:00 $79.00 Lord Dorchester Secondary School Mon., Feb. 6,13,20 7:00 -.10:00 $79.00 Medway High School Thurs. Feb. 9,16,23 7:00 - 10:00 $79.00 LITERACY/NUMERACY- START ANYTIME! (Maureen McGauley, Bill Stout) • You will improve your skills and knowledge of English and Mathematics, develop life skills or advance to the next level of education Strathroy Adult Learning Centre Mon., Wed., Fri. 9:00 - Noon No cost! Strathroy Adult Learning Centre Mon., Tues.,Wed., Thurs. Fri. 1:00 - 4:00 No cost! Strathroy Adult Learning Centre Mon., Tues.,Wed., Thurs. Fri. 7:00 - 10:00 No cost! HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT COURSES - START ANYTIME! (Maureen Mcoauley, John Brennan, Catherine Baranowsky, Rick Steffler, Ted Van Woort) • Adults may earn credits for a high school diploma through day or evening classes Strathroy Adults Learning Centre Tues., Thurs. 900 - Noon No Cost! Strathroy District Collegiate Mon. 7:00 - 10:00 No Cost! Lord Dorchester Secondary School Mon. 7:00 - 10:00 No Cost! NOTE: The Middlesex County Board of Education is interested in offering High School Credit Courses in other areas of Middlesex County. Please call if you are wanting courses offered in your area. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - START ANYTIME! (Mae Rath) • Language training provides new Canadians with the basic language knowledge to speak and read in English. This program is designed for new Canadians as well as for those who have lived in Ontario for some time. Strathroy District Collegiate Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 6:30 - 9:30 No Cost! CITIZENSHIP COURSES - DATES & LOCATION TO BE ANNOUNCED - CALL NOWT • Now is the time to register for our Citizenship Courses! Be ready for your Citizenship test! Qualified teachers to help you. Call now. No cost! CONVERSATIONAL PORTUGUESE 1- 30 HOURS (Tony de Brum) • This course is an Introductory Course and will familiarize students with the Portuguese language so that they can begin to communicate. Conversation will be the emphasis, although there will be some grammar which will reinforce conversation. Strathroy District Collegiate Tues. Oct. 18 - Mar. 21 7:00 - 8:30 $85.00 COMPUTER ASSEMBLY/REPAIR/UPGRADE - 21 HOURS (Todd Ramsey) • Using a hands on approach, learn how to assemble and upgrade an IBM compatible computer. You will upgrade memory and Hard Drives, install sound cards and modems and look at the CD-ROM drive. This course is suitable for both the novice and experienced PC user. If you have ever wondered what computer technicians do, and how they do it, this is the course for youl Total fee includes cost of materials Strathroy District Collegiate Mon. Oct. 17,24,31, Nov. 7,14,21,28 6:00 9:00 $115.00 Lord Dorchester Secondary School Wed., Oct. 19,26, Nov. 2,9,16,23,30 6:00 9:00 $115.00 Medway High School Thurs. Oct. 20,27, Nov. 3,10,17,24, Dec. 1 6:00 9:00 $115.00 DOS (DISK OPERATING SYSTEM -15 HOURS (Arnold Hull) • You will understand directories and all DOS commands and utilities required to organize your hard disk more effectively. Computer Media Services Centre Mon., Oct. 24,31, Nov. 7,14,21 7:00 - 10:00 $65.00 DOS.(DISK OPERATING SYSTEM) - 15 HOURS (Larry Olithero) • You will understand directories and all DOS commands and utilities required to organize your hard disk more effectively. Strathroy District Collegiate Thurs. Oct. 20,27, Nov. 3,10,17 7:00 - 10:00 565.00 INTRODUCTION TO PC COMPUTERS - 3 HOURS (Ian Bennett) • You will learn how to make informed decisions on purchasing computer equipment and software as well as be familiar with basic computer operations. Computer Media Services Centre Sat., Oct. 15 9:00 • Noon 525.00 Computer Media Services Sat., Oct. 299;00 - Noon $25.00 NOW THAT YOU'VE GOT YOUR NEW COMPUTER - 9 HOURS (Larry Gllthero) • You will learn how to operate your new computer and how the various components such as disk drives, software and printer operate. Strathroy District Collegiate Tues. Oct. 18,25, Nov. 1 7:00 10:00 540.00 MICROSOFT WINDOWS 1- 8 HOURS (Barry Kelis - CMS, Sharon Devine - LDSS) • Learn the concept and features of "Windows". Load programs, customize the system and make use of many features Windows provides. Computer Media Services Centre , Tues. Oct. 11,18,25, Nov. 1 7:00 9:00 535.00 Computer Media Services Centre Wed., Oct. 12,19,26, Nov. 2 7:00 9:00 $35.00 Computer Media Services Centre Wed. Nov. 9,16,23,30 7:00 9:00 $35.00 Lord Dorchester Secondary School Mon. Oct. 17,24,31, Nov. 7 7:00 9:00 535.00 SIMPLY ACCOUNTING 1-15 HOURS (Larry Glithero) • Learn the concepts and features of -Simply Accounting". Cover all aspects of the program, general ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory, yearend procedures, reports and how to understand them. Strathroy District Collegiate Mon. Oct. 17,24,31, Nov. 7,14 7:00 10:00 565.00 WORDPERFECT 1 (BEGINNERS) -15 HOURS (Dorothy Haan) • WordPerfect is one of the most popular and powerful word processing packages. Learn how to produce, edit and print your correspondence or documents. Strathroy District Collegiate Tues., Oct. 18,25, Nov. 1,8,15, 7:00 - 10:00 565.00 WORDPERFECT I1 (ADVANCED) -15 HOURS (Larry GlIthero) • This course Is for those who have WordPerfect experience. Now you will learn how to merge, set-up mail lists, forms and labels, use columns and math functions and the powerful graphics features. Strathroy District Collegiate Wed., Oct. 12,19,28, Nov. 2,9 7:00 10:00 565.00 AU. PRICES INCLUDE G.S.T. - G.S.T. REGISTRATION M1107700734 NM THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION OFFERS TO ADULTS CREDIT COURSES TO EARN YOUR GRADUATION DIPLOMA, LITERACY/NUMERACY COURSES TO UPGRADE YOUR READING, WRITING AND SPEAKING SKILLS, ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE FOR NEW CANADIANS. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 41245.5439. API 1� 1