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Tinter -Advocate, September 21, 1994
Terry Fox Runs raise
over $10,000
Provincial totals peak, but local participation slips
EXETER - The dream may be ticipants raising over $2,600, or last
alive in the rest of Ontario, but or- year's 34 raising $1,800.
ganizers of local Terry Fox Runs Organizer Adrian Harte said sev-
are finding enthusiasm for the an- eral of the participants in Exeter
nual event dwindling. could be heard to wonder why
Both Exeter and Zurich Terry more pepple from town did not
Fox Runs on Sunday saw drops in come out to enjoy the weather and
attendance and funds raised, leav- continue the work of a "national
ing both organizers a little dis- hero", Terry Fox.
heartened given increased efforts One man even completed the 10 -
to boost support. kilometre route on crutches.
Zurich's run had 75 participants Harte said an attempt to involve
Sunday, bringing in $3,207 in do- two local elementary schools, all
nations and pledges, reported or- the students at which would` be
ganizer Wendy Rowan. Separate born after Terry Fox's 1980 Mar -
runs at Hensall, Zurich, Huron athon of Hope, failed to gain sup -
Centennial, and St. Boniface port of the principals.
Schools the week before raised an Still, the efforts of the local par -
additional $1,465. Other pro- ticipants contributed to an overall
motions, including a raffle, silent record year for the provincial cam -
auction, and t -shirt sales raised the paign of the Terry Fox Run. Ma -
total of the run to $9,357. rilla Friesen at the Toronto office
Rowan said moving the run site confirmed that Ontario's run sites
to the Co -Op made for a better raised just over $4 million, up 12
route, but did raise some concerns percent over last year.
about traffic close by. Stilt, she "We were very, very pleased,"
said she was pleased with the to- said Friesen. "Ecstatic, in fact."
tats, but was disappointed par- Friesen said that while a few run
ticipation had dropped again from sites experienced decreases in par -
its peak in 1992 with 89 runners ticipation, all donations were val-
raising nearly $11,000. uable contributions to the pro -
In Exeter, 30 participants arrived vincial total.
to run, walk, bike, or rollerblade All funds raised at the annual
the course through town, and event are used by the Terry Fox
raised a total of $1,104. Again Foundation to support cancer re -
that was down from 1992's 54 par- search projects.
Terry Fox Runs in
Exeter and Zurich
raised funds for cancer
research and kept the
Canadian hero's dream
At top John McAllister
looks a little weary
after a fast 10
kilometres through the
streets of Exeter.
in Zurich, Terry Fox
Run organizers Connie
Keenan (front), Wendy
Rowan (left) and Sylvia
Neeb show off the
banner they made for
the fourth annual event
in Zurich.
Third photo from top,
Catherine O'Brien (left)
and Debbie Lord were
volunteers registering
participants at the
Exeter run site.
Below, the Daters
family of Aaron (at left),
David (in wagon), Brad
and Tami stop at the
rest station near the
Exeter Villa for a sip of
donated McDonald's
orange juice.
Volunteers at the
station were Carie and
Christine Pertschy and
Braydon Lord.
New minister welcomed
There was a service of introduction for
Heather Smith at Centralia United Church.
By Mary Peterson
CENTRALIA - Sunday, Sep-
tember 18 was a special day for
members of the Centralia and
Zion West Pastoral charge and
their new minister, Heather
Smith. The congregations joined
friends, relatives, and other mem-
bers of Huron -Perth Presbytery,
in a service of introduction at
Centralia United Church.
Guest speakers included Elly
VanBergen, Rev. Glen Wright,
Rev. Paul Ross, and Rev. Bill
Jones. Scriptures were read by
Larry Hern and Brent Caslick.
Marjorie Johns and Judy Mills
played beautifully at the organ
and piano. Rev. Glen Wright pro-
vided an entertaining and infor-
mative sermon explaining the
symbolism of "The Sower" in the
Representatives from Centralia
and Zion West and the surround-
ing co munity welcomed Heath-
er ander family during the cove-
nanting service. Food and
fellowship followed the service.
Next Sunday, September 25,
Zion West will celebrate its anni-
versary service at 11:00 a.m.
Heather Smith will be the guest
Centralia will host a food booth
at Holtzmann's IGA Friday eve-
ning and all day Saturday. Let
Rob Essery know if you're able
to help. If you'll be in Exeter
shopping or attending the fair,
your support of this event would
be welcome.
Children, youth and adults are
invited to participate in the wor-
ship service by reading the scrip-
ture. Everyone is encouraged to
sign the list posted at the back of
the church.
A calendar of events will soon
be posted to help organize the up-
coming months. Call the church
office by September 22 to provide
details of future events.
'Euchre enthusiasts met recently
in Crediton for an enjoyable after-
noon. Winners of the women's
awards were: .Norma Walper
(high), 011ie Essery (lone hands),
and Dorothy Bullock (low).
Men's winners were: Norm Reith
(h)gh), Harry Noels (lone hands),
and Murray Carter (low). The
next get-together will be Septem-
ber 26.
Successful Terry Fox
run held in Zurich
The Sunday run raised -money for cancer re-
By Cannel Sweeney
ZURICH - Many people took part in the Terry Fox Run held in Zurich
on Sunday to raise money for cancer research.
Wendy Rowan and volunteer helpers spent many hours arranging vari-
ous fundraisers: a silent auction, ticket draws, selling T-shirts, etc. to raise
extra money. The two schools in town also held a Terry Fox Run during
their noon hour last Friday.
Bev. Brown and Sally Laughton spoke on the rumours and myths about
rest home placements at the Lutheran Church last Thursday. Members
from all the churches of the community attended. A lunch and social hour
Golden Agers
The Golden Agers will be having a card party at the Hay Township hall
on September 26 at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to come out and play a
few games of euchre, do some visiting, and have lunch afterwards. The
cost is $2.00 at the door.
Auxiliary meeting
The next Auxiliary meeting will be held at the Rest Home on September
27 at 7:00 p.m. There will be no meeting in October.
Bannockburn hike
Plan to attend 'A Fall Day in the Country' on Sunday, October tat Ban-
nockburn Wildlife Area, from 2-4 p.m. It is located 2 km. north of County
Road #3, between Varna and Brucefield.
A board walk path throughout most of the trail makes it easy for walk-
ing, and visitors can enjoy seeing the coloured leaves on the trees.
Bring along a mug for some apple cider.
Hockey school
Hockey school in Zurich will be held at the Arena from September 26 to
30. Phone the arena for more information, 236-4969.
4-H leaders Sylvia Neeb and Margaret Deichert will attend a workshop
in Clinton on September 20 to prepare for the upcoming sewing program
that will be starting soon.
Congratulations to Ken and Arlene Seyler who celebrated being in the
grocery store business for the past ten years in Zurich. They worked hard
over the weekend along with their staff to put on several extra activities
with free draws and food to eat, for their customers.
A buck and doe will be held for Mark Johnston and Joanne Campbell at
the Zurich Community Centre on Saturday, September 24, beginning at 9
p.m. Mark is the son of Bob and Carol, Zurich.
The couple are planning to be married in October.
Congratulations to Kathy Steckle who celebrated her 50th birthday on
September 16; to Wilma Oud who was 94 years old on September 14 and
Craig Clausius who had a birthday last week.
Get well wishes go out to Patsy Meidinger.
Welcome home to Avila Ducharme who has been in Victoria and Exeter
Hospitals since the end of June.
Congratulations to Eric and Peggy Mallett (nee Willert) who were mar-
ried at St. Peter's Lutheran church on September 17 with dinner and recep-
tion held in Hensall.
Congratulations to former Zurich residents Elroy and Myraline Desjar-
dine who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at the club house in
Riverview Estate Park, Exeter, where they now live.
The celebration was held on September 28 with 100 friends and relatives
attending. They enjoyed entertainment by 1Sof their musical friends. Af-
terwards a dinner was served by some Zurich United Church women.
After a fun -filled day, the couple thanked their many friends for all the
lovely cards, gifts and best wishes they received.
Greta Kerswill and daughter Myrna Roberts from Akron, Ohio spent a
few days last week with Annie Finkbeiner and Herb and Donna Klopp.
All attended the 87th birthday party of their sister Gertrude Sitter of For-
est Nursing Home. The party was held Saturday at the home of her son
George and Lillian Sitter near Thedford. Emma Schilbe also attended from
Sympathy of the community goes to Sharon Gingerich whose mother,
Lena Bast passed away on September 14 in Tavistock.
Tom Brock from London, a well-known friend to many cottagers on the
Blue Water, passed away on September 15. `
Congratulations to Marg and John Holmes, Zurich, (nee Deichetl) on the
arrival of their first baby, a boy, born September 15. Proud grandparents
are Claire and Margaret Deichert.
Don and Sharon Gingerich, RR #2 Zurich are happy to announce the ar-
rival of their first grandson, Mackenzie Aaron Gingerich, born September
12 to parents Marlow and Janice (nee Schade) in Tavistock. He is the first
great-grandchild for Curtis and Mary Gingerich of Zurich.
Lionel and Bernadette Cyr, RR #1 Dashwood are happy to announce the
arrival of their sixth grandchild, Michelle Anne McGuinnes on September
6, born to parents Diane and Bruce of London. The baby just missed arriv-
ing in time for Grandpa Cyr's 60th birthday on September 4.
Lee and Rose Regier, Therese Stark and Bernadette Denomme from Zu-
rich, along with other relatives travelled to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania for a
few days recently to attend the 50th anniversary of religious life of Sister
Marie -Pierre Bedard on September 10 at the Convent (Sisters of the Poor).
Then Toots and Bern spent last week in Windsor visiting with their fam-
ilies and attended the Saturday wedding of a grandson, Jeffery Denomme,
son of John and Sherrie.
Ryan Robert Watson, son of Shannon and Robert, was baptized at St.
Boniface Church by Ft. Wronski on September 11.