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►.. Wednesday. September 21. 1994
for mayor
Fuller and Hoogenboom are
both running for EXeter
mayor, and the battle lines
are drawn: the civic centre
By Adrian Harte
T -A Editor
EXETER - After an otherwise
routine evening at town council,
there was one unexpected develop-
ment before adjournment - Exeter
will have its first challenge for the
mayor's chain of office since 1980.
Both deputy -reeve Lossy Fuller
and councillor Ben Hoogenboom
announced they will put their
names forward for council's top
chair on the November 14 ballot,
and they have already made clear
the lines of battle: the "civic cor-
ner" project to renovate the Old
Town Hall and Library.
Mayor Bruce Shaw opened the
discussion by confirming he would
not be seeking re-election.
"The smart money said I would
change my mind," said Shaw.
"Certainly many friends and col-
leagues have encouraged me not to
But the mayor said he was con-
fident Exeter would find new lead-
ership and "suffice it to say I will
not be candidate in this election."
"I'm very sorry to see you retire,"
said reeve Bill Mickle. "I'm sure
there'll be a time in the future when
I'll have something more appropri-
ate to say."
Mickle then went on to say that
regarding his election plans, he had
decided only take on a position he
felt he could fulfill, keeping in
mind his responsibilities to the
town, as well as his office as pres-
ident of the Association of Mu-
nicipalities of Ontario.
Mickle said he did not overlook
the opportunity Shaw opened by
stepping down, but said he would
seek re-election as reeve.
"It would have been an honour to
be a candidate for mayor," said
Deputy -reeve Lossy Fuller did
not beat around the bush in bluntly
stating "I am seeking the office of
mayor for the town of Exeter for
the next term."
Fuller said Exeter's future in-
cluded many changes in provincial
policy, the threat of rising property
taxes, budget restraints, sharing or
amalgamating with adjoining mu-
nicipalities, and the need to reduce
the overlap of services.
"I'm a team player, but also flex-
ible," said Fuller, who then prom-
ised her commitment to the "heart
and soul of Exeter", the re-
orPlease see Heart, page tWo.
Welcome to grade nine
South Huron District High School held its Welcome Week last week to give grade nine
students a chance have some fun before settling down to serious school business.
Here, Amy Wood (left) and Sean Guenther give Mari Ann Grotentraast a push in one of
the many events scheduled Friday afternoon.
Woman killed inHwy 21 crash
Police say the driver had stopped for a yard sale
ST. JOSEPH - A stop at a roadside
yard sale resulted in the death of a Mel-
bourne woman, whose car was struck as
she pulled back out onto Highway 21
Sunday afternoon.
The Exeter OPP say the accident,
which occurred at about 1:30 p.m., took
place at a yard sale about two kilo-
metres north of St. Joseph on the high-
way. The deceased, Beverly Verkuil, of
Melbourne, Ontario, pulled her 1991
Ford Taurus back out onto the highway
and was struck by a 1992 Taurus driven
by Diane Ondejko of Windsor.
The fire departments of Zurich and
Exeter used hydraulic equipment to ex-
tricate the occupants of Verkuil's car.
Passengers in Verkuil's 6ar, Barbara
Lowes and Sarah Ann Lowes, both of
Strathroy, Doris Davis of Mount Brydg-
es, and Edna Davis of London (Ver-
kuil's mother) were all taken to South
Huron Hospital in Exeter, as was the
driver of the other car.
Barbara Lowes, Edna Davis, and On-
dejko were later transferred to Victoria
Hospital in London for further treat-
Firelighters from both Zurich and Exeter worked for nearly an hour to
sengers from a car during Sunday's fatal accident near St. Joseph.
rescue pas-
'ffo 6na1d's
raising funds
for local and
EXETER - A new addition to the
yearly calendar of fundraising
events in Exeter is McDonald's Res-
taurants McHappy Day.
An annual event since 1977, this
is the Exeter McDonald's fust
chance to participate since opening
less than a year ago.
Manager of thc Exctcr restaurant,
Jim Couturier, said the company's
goal is to raise $ I million this year
by donating one dollar from each
sale of a Big Mac or pizza.
Several people from the commu-
nity have been asked to volunteer
some time behind thc counter in the
restaurant next Tuesday, September
27 to help with the event.
Couturier said 55 percent of the
funds raised locally will go to the
Exeter Lions Club. Twenty percent
will go to the Ronald McDonald
House, and 25 percent to McDo-
nald's children's charities.
GB invests $10,000 to change image
The Yacht Club's `lighthouse' will be the village's new symbol, says council
By Fred Groves should have had the opportunity to present logos. "no", especially since he has not yet designed one for the
T -A staff "Will there he other people in this business who will be club yet.
GRAND BEND - A lighthouse, more specifically a Tight- surprised?" asked Siren. The main reason the village sought the new logo is to
house which hasn't been completed yet and won't even be a Following Butler's presentation, council decided immedi- help raise revenue, which council says will come through
functional lighthouse. ately to invest S10,000, of which $2,000 will go towards le- marketing the design through such means as T-shirt sales.
That's how Grand Bend's five -member council perceives gal fees to protect the trademark of the painting. "This council has worked hard to generate revenue -This
the new image of their community. "This gentlemen is a founding member of the Yacht just didn't happen overnight. We find it as a meanif to bring
Monday night, council unveiled its new logo, a painting Club. He's prepared to give of his talent," said deputy- funds into (hand Bend," said Maguire.
of the top of the new Yacht Club clubhouse, done by mayor Cam Ivey. The old village logo was a big colourful sun which, ac -
yachtsman Peter Butler. Grand Bend is known for many things including its sandy cording to council, was not an appealing image.
"Do you feel comfortable with most people perceiving beaches, fine condominium living and its popular Winter "I don't believe it (the sun) generates any revenue at all. if
the yacht club as the focus of Grand Bend?" asked Grand Carnival, hut the new Yacht Club building under construe- anything it costs us money," said councillor Ed Fluter.
Bend Ratepayers Association president Marian Siren. tion is what council sees to be the best representation. When asked why council was making the decision on the
Mayor Tom Lawson admitted the lighthouse logo will The Yacht Club's new building beside the river will have new logo and why it wasn't brought forward to the com-
not he what all local residents perceive the village's image the rooflinc of a lighthouse and is aimed at enhancing an munity as a whole before a decision was made, Maguire
to be. area in need of beautification. commented, "1 think there is only one group that has the au -
Council said that Butler first approached them a couple of "We believe this is the type of image we arc trying to por- thofity and that's council."
months ago with the concept and said the Chamber of Com tray," said Ivey. Council also explained that the new logo fits more into its
merce knows about it. Councillor Phil Maguire asked Butler: if the new village long range plan. Administrator Paul Turnbull said, "there
Siren also raised the issue of whether or not other artists logo would be similar to that of the club's and the artist said are some opportunities to promote the village in general."