HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-9-14, Page 6Times -Advocate, September 14, 1994
Forthcoming marriage - Tif-
iffany and Zachary are pleased
to announce the forthcoming
marriage of their mother Deb-
orah Eileen Thompson, daugh-
ter of John and Judy Bowman
of London to Steven James
Edward Hall, son of Bill and
Carol Hall, Thedford. The wed-
ding will take place at the Ex-
eter United Church on Sat-
urday, September 17 at 3:00
p.m. Closed reception to fol-
Forthcoming marriage - Joyce
Willert is happy to announce
the forthcoming marriage of
her daughter Peggy to Eric
Mallett, son of Helen and Ar-
nold Mallett of Crediton. Wed-
ding to tike place at Zurich
Lutheran Church, Saturday,
September 17. Open re-
ception to follow at Hensall
Community Centre at 9:00
p. m.
On Saturday, June 4, 1994,
Laurie Leanne Glavin and
Shannon Paul Edward Hrudka
were united in marriage at
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Church. Laurie is the daugh-
ter of Tom and Judy Glavin.
Shannon is the son of Jim
and Jackie Rowe anti Peter
and Lorrie Hrudka. The maid
of honour was Amanda Hous-
ton, friend of the bride and
groom. The matron of honour
was Pamela Lee, friend of the
bride and groom. Best man
was Jeremy Hrudka, brother
of the groom. Bridesmaids
were Lisa Rowe, sister of the
groom and Amanda Glavin,
sister of the bride. Flowerglrl
was Courtney Hrudka, sister
of the groom. Ushers were
Dave Lee, friend of the bride
and groom, and Andy and Jeff
Glavin, brothers of the bridge.
Ring bearer was Brian Glavin,
cousin of the bride. After a
wonderful honeymoon in
Pennsylvania, the couple now
reside in Hamilton. Shannon
and Laurie would like to
thank all their family and
friends for making their day
so special.
Forthcoming marriage - Rob-
ert and Mabel Hern of Wood-
ham are pleased to announce
the forthcoming marriage of
Cheryl Anna -Marie Shewan,
daughter of Mery and Joyce
Shewan of Dublin to their son
Harold Robert. Cheryl and
Rob will exchange vows at 3
p.m., Saturday, September
24, 1994 at First Presbyter-
ian Church, Seaforth. Open
reception to follow at Sea -
forth and District Community
Focus on milk
Fair president
Cathy Sell)
M000ve on up to the 1994 Exeter Ag-
ricultural Socidty Annual Fall Fair. There
is magic in the air this year, (Magic Mis-
tress that is).
This year's fall fair has something for
everyone to see and do. Friday night is
your chance to check out all the fine local
talent from the school kids right up to the
adults. There are lots of displays, crafts,
photographs, canning, baking, fruits and
vegetables, flowers and so much more. We
also have a great program lined up to keep
everyone entertained. The official opening is
at 7:30 p.m. followed by the Ambassador of
the Fair competition, cloggers and special guests, Eugene Hartman
and Anne Reaburn. Oh yes, don't forget the midway, with games and
rides all weekend long.
Saturday has a great line-up, starting with the light horse show and
the popular fall fair parade at 11:00 a.En. The afternoon features the
wildlife animal show, cooking demos, milking demos, dancing en-
tertainment, milking displays with Magic Mistress and so much more
to see. Starting at 8:30 is the country video dance with CJBX FM.
Yank on them thar cowboy boots, dust off that stetson and come on
out pardner for some great line dancin'.
Things keep on m0000vin' on Sunday, starting with an early morn-
ing brunch served by Exeter Minor Hockey from 10-1. The afternoon
could be your lucky day with the bingo games starting at 1:30 (jackpot
of $1050.00) and at 3:00 we announce the winners of our fair draws
and contests. Outside, the midway has an all day pass, Sunday, for just
It would be utterly crazy for you not to m000ve on up to tke Exeter
Fall Fair this year....Oh yes, if you haven't guessed yet, this year's
theme is marvelous milk.
Sunday School promotion
service at Thames Road
Seals and diplomas
were handed out to
Sunday School partici-
By Rhoda Rohde
THAMES ROAD - Rev. Jim All-
sop was in charge of the church ser-
vice on Sunday morning. The Re-
sponsive Reading was taken from
the Green Service Book "The Di-
vine Law" Psalm .19.
The choir sang "In My Heart
There Rings a Melody" accompa-
nied by the pianist Marilyn Van-
denbussche. The children's hymn
was sung "Magic Penny" and Rev.
Allsop told the childrens story
"What We Can Do To Help Oth-
The Scripture Lesson Proverbs
1:2-33 and James 3:1-12 was read
by Dale Simpson. Rev. Allsop,read
from the Gospel of Mark 8:27-38
and the title of his sermon was "Ac-
cepting the Cross in Our Life", The
closing hymn was "Where Cross
the Crowded Ways of Life." •
During the church service the
Promotion Service took place. Kar-
en Etherington, superintendent of
the Sunday School gave out the
seals and diplomas. Six young peo-
ple were confirmed in 1994: Derck
Etherington received his ninth year
seal, Erin Parker and Lori Richard-
son their eleventh year seals, Laura
Miller her ninth year seal, Vanessa
Bray her tenth year seal and Kathy
Robyn Etherington and Ryan
Parker received their ninth year
seals; Kristy Bray her eighth year
seal; Am/ Hodgen, Brenda Miner,
Megan Parker, Maggie Miller,
Heather Morgan their seventh year
seals; Ann Marie Hodgert, David
Vandenbussche their sixth year
seals; Brenna Osgoode, Sarah Mill-
er, Jessica Bray, Paul Morgan, Su-
san Miner their fifth year seals and
a Bible; Corey Bilcke, Steven Van-
denbussche, Ian Osgoode their
fourth year seals; Nathan Cann his
third year seal; Justin Cann, Tim
Bilcke, Matt Miner and Shawn
Morgan their second year seals;
and Ryan Simpson received his Di-
The U.C.W. Fall Regional will
be held September 14 at Exeter
United Church at 7:00 p.m.
On Wednesday, September 21 at
8 p.m. at Elimville United Church
and October 5 the Official Board
will meet at Elimville at 8 p.m.
The Manse Committee will be
having a pie sale at the Exeter Fall
Fair from September 22 to 23.
They are asking the women of the
congregation to make two pies or
donate $10.00. Pies may be
brought to, the fair or given to Shar-
on Passmore, Cindy Elford, Virgin-
ia Warwick, Liz Taylor or Shirley
(D.) Kerslake.
There will be choir practice at
8:15 on Thursday night September
We're glad you
Amoral Home
370 William Street,
Exeter, Ontario
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With a pre --plan, there can be no disagreement among family members
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cedures and decisions are arranged In Advance. We do suggest that
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is important for them to have a feeling of involvement.
Finally, if you pre -plan your arrangements, your family will be assured
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tribute to a departed loved one means a lot to a family wishing to honour
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As funeral directors, we can help you pre -plan your funeral arrange-
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Brianne Webber of near Hensall
and Melissa O'Brien of Crediton
spent the weekend with their
grandparents Lee and Helen Web-
ber of Exeter.
Donna Van Allen, Rachel, Tyler
and Sarah of near Kitchener spent
Sunday with the former's parents
Floyd and Margaret Stewart.
Ross and Kay Hodgert and Bill
and Rhoda Rohde went out for sup-
per and to a show on Friday night
to celebrate their wedding anniver-
saries; the Hodgerts 40th and the
;Rohde's 46th on September 11.
Staffa WI meet
... six month ex-
change student re-
By Roberta Templeman
STAFFA - Eight members and
two visitors were present at the Au-
gust meeting of the Staffa Wom-
en's Institute, held in the township
hall on Wednesday evening, Au-
gust 31.
President Joyce Miller presided,
welcoming everyone and opening
with the Institute Ode and Mary
Stewart Collect, with Verle Mahon
accompanying on the piano.
Kay Smale reported on the Dis-
trict executive meeting and listed
several upcoming events of interest
to those present including: the fall
rally, October 20 at Atwood Com-
munity Centre, the London Area
Convention on October 27 at
Mount Brydges and the Perth South
District executive banquet on No-
vember 1 at Russeldale Hall.
Roberta Templeman told about
the recent bus trip to Elora and the
official opening of the F.W.I.O. of-
fices pt RR5 Guelph. We were
pleased to have our District presi-
dent Donna Willows with us. She
brought greetings from the District
and told about the F.W.I.O. mini
conference held at Geneva Park in
August which she had attended.
Larri Jo Gardiner was also a
guest. She told about her six month
exchange with a girl from Quebec.
The Quebec girl spent three months
with the Gardiner family last fall,
then the beginning of February Lar-
riJo went to Quebec where she
lived with a french family and at-
tended school. She found it most
interesting and learned a great deal
from her exchange. Freda Kerslake
and Marjorie Drake set up the Insti-
tutes display for Mitchell Fair.
Freda talked about the 4H train-
ing school she and Doris Jeffery
had attended.
Everyone signed a card for Haiel
Harburn who is presently a patient
in Seaforth Community Hospital.
Joyce Miller reviewed the Sep-
tember meeting (a car tour to Lis-
towel) and Roberta Templeman
served lunch.
Over 35 members and friends of
Cromarty Presbyterian Church,
participated, in the, Sunday Walk-a-
thon, which began with a short ser-
vice of worship in the church with
Rev. Lucie Milne in charge.
Scripture reading was given by
LarriJo Gardiner, with Lisa Gardin-
er giving the message on "Rwanda
and Home".
Dashwood WI
takes trip
to Germany
DASHWOOD - The Dashwood
Women's Institute September
meeting opened with Future Educa-
tional Changes followed by the
Ode and Mary Stewart Collect.
Each member commented on the
roll call - a news item from another
country or home.
During the business a donation
was given to the South Huron Aux-
iliary. Many plan to attend the Fall
Rally to be held in Zurich October
3. Katharine Becker and Dorothy
Restemayer were elected as dele-
gates to the London Area Conven-
tion in Mt. Brydges on October 27.
Aldene•'Wolfe reported on the next
The Citizenship & Legislation
conveners were in charge of the
meeting. Martha Weigand gave a
reading "To Be Friends" and
Kaethe Frieter told about her enjoy-
able six-week vacation in Germa-
ny. The meeting closed with cake
and ice cream served by the com-
program (at South Huron
District High School in
Exeter) invites you to earn 4
academic credits and
4 Co-op employment credits
towards your diploma
For more information,
please contact
Mr. K. Allen 519-235-0880
(8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
Ms. M. Siren 519-238-8309
(1:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.)
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v rtaeme Craig ik Paul CarrN't 4107
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