HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-9-7, Page 21i 11 Births MASSE - Pat and Gail are happy to an- nounce the arrival of Danielle Margaret, born August 22, 1994 weighing 7 lbs. 5 ozs A little sister for Chantal and Dylan. Proud grandparents are I)on and Alice Masse and Jim and Shirley Clarke. 36' Cards of Thanks DOWSON - I wish to thank all my rela- tives. friends. neighbours for cards, visits. bowers, treats and phone calls while 1 was a patient in Victona Hospital and since retum- ing home. Also special thanks to Dr. Wal- lace, Mrs. Visscher, Dr. Twe, Dr. Cheng and ' all the nurses on fifth floor. A big thank you to everyone who helped George at home and for the food brought in. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. 36` Eileen ESSERY - Sincere thanks to my friends and relatives for the cards and get well wishes; also to the kind ladies of Centralia for the food they brought to me since returning home and for all the help from my three girls and families. 36' 011ie FINKBEINER - The family of the late Berrys Finkbeiner wish to express their sin- cere appreciation to relatives. friends and neighbours for expressions of sympathy, floral tributes. memorial donations, gifts of food and cards. Thanks to Michael O'Connor and Norman East, of O'Connor Funeral Hone. for carrying out Mom's wishes. A special thanks to Rev. Isagani La- zaro for his words of comfort and to the la- dies of Emmanuel United Church for the lovely lunch provided. Thanks and apprecia- tion goes to the doctors and nursing staff of Victoria Hospital, 5th floor South St. Cam- pus, for the great care and encouragement given dunng her illness. 36 Carl, Joan Mizen and family HORNE - We would like to thank our rela- tives, fnends and neighbours for gifts, cards. and expressions of goodwill on our 60th an- niversary. and special thanks to our family. It was a happy occasion with many pleasant memories. 36c Freeman and Evelyn nn Cards of Thanks Times -Advocate, September 7, 1994 Page 21 RUMMER - Sincerest thanks to my family, relatives. friends and neighbours for visits, cards. flowers and phone calls during my stay in South Huron Hospital and since re- turning to my "home sweet home." 36• Mary VANDERMEER - The family of the late Rev. Sieds VanderMeer wish to thank the many people in the community for their love and support. Thank you to Bill Haskett of Hopper Hockey Funeral Horne for guiding us through this difficult time, to Pastor Dirk Miedema and Pastor John Verhoog for being there, to all the lovely friends of the Exeter Christian Reformed Church for donations of food and loving concem, to Harold De Vries and Bev Robinson for the video taping of the funeral service, to the Bethel Pentecostal Church for the use of their church building, to Peter and Willy Vissclter for being -nom and dad for us, to Herb and Jannie Verbeek for the eulogy and lending a hand, to Hank and Marilyn Den Hollander, Julie Knip, Els Roseboom and many others for their pres- ence at a crucial time, to my wonderful neighbours for their thoughtfulness in donat- ing to the Church Building Fund. Special thanks to the Agnew, Sillery and Wood fam- ilies for their love and concern, and to Judd Bumstead and staff at the Toronto Dominion Bank of Grand Bend for giving me the time I needed. Thank you to all who donated to the Heart & Stroke Foundation and the Rwanda Relief c/o World Vision in memory of Pastor Sieds. To all who have held us up in prayer, we thank you. The Lord has been so good to leave us with precious memories of our dear husband, father and grandfather. May His name be praised! 36* Evelyn VanderMeer, Howard and Peg, Ted and Mary, Ada. Elsa and Rob Deyell, Julia and all the grandchildren. VAN RAAY - Thanks to all the special friends who made our 12 1/2 anniversary so memorable. What a party!!! Thanks again. 36c Martin and Teresa EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Main St. North 235-1723 Worship Services September) 1 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for ages 3 -grade 4 dunng morning service 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Nursery Available Everyone Welcome Sunday Radio CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m. CKNX 920 10:30 a.m. Daily T.V. Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m. 'We may give without loving, but we cannot love without giving." CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 68 Main Street South 235-2784 Rev. Mark B. Gaskin Courtesy Car: 235-1967 Sunday, September 11 11 a.m. Worship Service Everyone Welcome EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 670 Main St. S. Pastor Vemon Dean Pastor Dave Austin Christian Education Director Mike Stehle Sunday, September 11 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. - Laotian Service in gymnasium 7:00 p.m. Celebration and Praise Service Wednesday 7.30 p.m. Family Night Nursery available for al( services 'A place to meet God and a Mend' September 11 9:30-10:40 a.m. Worship Rrosdcast EXETER UNITED CHURCH Comer of James and Andrew St. September 11, 1994 Service at 10:30 a.m. Followed by: Sunday School Open House and Potluck lunch and Social for Rev. Hilborn and family Courtesy Car: Charlie Atthlll 235-1536 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W., Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant Pastor John Boyachek 235-2661 Sunday, September 11 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night Everyone Welcome September 11 11:00-12:10 a.m. Worship Broadcast EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. Communion Service 10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time 11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour Nursery Available Tuesday evenings 8:00 p.m. - Bible Stud All services are held 94 Orchard Street, Ex er Everyone Welcome For more information please call 229-8881 TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH 264 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario The Rev. Fay M. Patterson Sixteenth Sunday after r'entecost September 11, 1994 Anniversary Sunday 11 a.m. Morning Prayer Sunday School begins Nursery Everyone Welcome ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Dashwood PASTOR LARRY STOJKOVIC w September 11, 1994 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Everyone welcome Whe fchalr access sti Cards of Thanks WAUN - Russel and 1 would lik; to thank our relatives, friends and especially farud) for their support while we were in South Hu- ron and University Hospitals. Many thanks to the staff of both hospitals. Thanks also to Rev. Cordell Parsons for his visits. Special thanks to Dr. Hodder and to our daughter-in- law Marion. We couldn't have done it with- out you. 36' Dorothy and Russ Deaths BROOKS - Peacefully at home in London, on Monday, September 5, 1994, Gordon Ed- ison Brooks in his 76th year. Beloved hus- band of Rose (Foreman) Brooks. Dear father of Barbara Copp. Brenda and Ted Sinton. all of Brampton and Bonnie Brooks of Toronto. Cherished grandfather of Kirstin Hill and Rebecca and David Copp. Survived by a sis- ter-in-law Mildred Brooks of Illinois and Norman Brooks of London. Predeceased by a sister Jessie Hamilton and brothers Wilbur, Raymond, and Moms. Mr. Brooks was very active in several service clubs including the Lucan and District Lion's Club. He was past president of the Carrel Coach Unit. Mocha Temple, London, and at the time of his death was President of High Twelve. Pinellas Park, Florida. Friends called at the C. Has - ken and Son Funeral Home, 223 Main Street, Lucan, on Tuesday 2-4 and 7-8-30 p.m. where the funeral service will be held on Wednesday, September 7 at 1:30 p.ni with Rev. Bruce Pocock officiating. Inter- ment Exeter Cemetery. Donations to the Shrine Bum Unit would be appreciated by the family. A Masonic memorial service will be held in the funeral home Tuesday eve- ning at 8:30 p.m. under the auspices of Ir- ving Lodge #154 A.F. & A.M., Lucan. 36c GINGERICH - Peacefully at Bluewater Rest Horne, Zurich on Friday, September 2. 1994, Aaron Gingerich of Zurich in his 96th year. Beloved husband of the late Sarah Erb (1980). Dear father of Viola (Mrs. Sidney Ranter) of RR 3 Zurich, Mildred Gingerich of Queensway N.H.. Hensall, Mrs. Laurcnc Zehr of Zurich, Stephen and his wife Mary Ellen of RR 2 Zurich, Edgar of Hensall and Calvin and his wife Mary of RR 2, Zurich. Loving grandfather to 16 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren. Predeceased by two sisters Mary Gerber and Emma Gerber, one brother Edmund Gingerich and two grand- children Robert 'Lee Gingerich (1977) and Bonnie Lynn Gingerich (1989). Friends were received at the Zurich Chapel of the Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Hones, 49 Goshen St. N., Zurich on Saturday 7-9 p.m. and Sunday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral service was held on Monday. September 5. 1994 at Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church. RR 2 Zurich at 2:30 p.rn. Interment Lake- view Conservative Mennonite Cemetery. Memorial donations may he made to Gide- ons International as an expression of sympa- thy. 36c WEGERICII - Suddenly at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Friday, September 2, 1994, Herbert Wegerich of Turnbull's Grove, RR 1. Dashwood, in his 68th year. Beloved husband of Helga (Morgenroth) Wegcrich. Dear father and father-in-law of Peter and Bonnie Wegerich and loving grandpa of Eric Wegerich of Calgary. Loved brother and brother-in-law of Helmut and Freida Wegench of Toronto, Gerhard Wege- nch, Lother and Rotraut Wegerich, all of Germany. Loved by his nephews, Ronnie and Andy Wegerich of Toronto, Ken Wege- rich of Slrathroy, Stephen and niece Kristi Wegerich of Germany. Rested at the T. Har- ry Hoffman & Sons Funeral Horne, Dash- wood, with visitation Monday from 3-5 and 7-9 p.m.; where the funeral service was held on Tuesday. September 6. 1994 at 11 a.m. Interment Exeter Cemetery. If desired, me- morial donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or charity of choice would be appreciated. 36c WE1N - Peacefully at South Huron hospi- tal. Exeter. on Friday. September 2, 1994. Cora Rosina (Truemncr) Wcin of Exeter Vil- la Nursing Horne, formerly of Crediton, in her 10()th year. Beloved wife of the late Aa- ron Wein (1973). Loved mother of Wilmar and Louise Wcin of Crediton: Arliss and Ce- cil C'aughlin of Chilliwack, B.C. Dear grand- mother of Brad tad Vina McKee of Edmon- ton, Barb and Paul Wareing of Tillsonhurg, Paul and Jacqui Wcin of London, Linda and Michael Kurowski of Chilliwack. Also loved by six great-grandchildren. Prede- ceased by her brothers, Elmore, Herb, Ottis, Ohlcn. Howard and Carl Truemner. Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood, where the funeral service was held on Monday. September 5. 1994 al 1:30 pm. The Rev. Ed Laksntanis officiated. Interment Crediton Cemetery. U desired. memorial donations to Crediton United Church Mcmonal Fund or chanty of choice would be appreciated. 36c Ballet and Jazz Registration date: Sept. 10 Dashwood Community Centre Time: 1 to 4 p.m. Cost: $30. per 10 week session Ages: 4 to 17 years old Where: Dashwood Community Centre Classes begin: Sept. 17 For more information call Jennifer Weigand 237.3418 In Memoriams KE:STLE • David L. Kesile, September 11, 1991. One year ago when you departed, (iodknew that you were ready to go 1u that fair land beyond the blue the words of the song you so often sang Cafe true Yes our farnily circle has been broken But one sweet day when God has spoken that family willing, all will be there Thai broken circle to repair. We muss you. but you live on in our Inemo- nes Eleanor and all our family members. 36* LAWSON - In loving memory of a dear fa- ther. grandfather and great-grandfather, Sant Lawson, who passed away 5 years ago, Sep- Iernher 5, 1989. When thoughts go back as they often do, We treasure the memories we have of you, These days are remembered and quietly kept, No words are needed , we shall never forget. Forever remembered by Russ and Marg, Diane, Steve, Dayna and David, Jirn, Gerry and Cindy, Barb and Larry. Troy . Travis and Leanne. 36 PEDERSEN - Oluf passed away May 3, 1977 and Karen passed away September 8, 1989. While you, dear parents, rest and sleep, Your loving memory we'll always keep. Sadly missed by their children. grandchil- dren and great-grandchildren. 36* WILKINSON - In loving memory of a dear lather, grandfather. great-grandfather and great -great-grandfather, Arthur R. Wilkin- son, who passed away September 3, 1989. 1 cannot keep from wondering, No matter how hard I try, And in my sad and lonely heart, I still keep asking why. The reason is hidden somewhere, In the pattern God has planned, 1 must believe and trust in Him, And sonic day I'll understand. I miss your smile, our frequent talks, The love you always shared, Your love of life, your warn hellos. And just knowing that you cared. 'low do I wnte on paper, "The feelings I have inside. Of emptiness and sadness, When your father you loved has died. I'd like to think when life has gone. Wherever heaven may be. That he'll be standing at the gates. Waiting to welcome me. Greatly mussed by Norma, Rose and family, George and Linda and girls. 36c Pr"— Exeter et(L i LIONS TV BINGO Mon., Sept. 5/94 Game 1: $50. Debbie McNair. Game 2: $50 Dora Dunlop. Game 3: $25 ea. Sydney Phillips, Teresa Foster. Game 4: $75 Frances Gibson, Game 5: $100 Charlotte Bailey Game 6: $100. Consulation Lue Pavlick. Next weeks jackpot $550. on 54 numbers. Registration for Boating Classes Wed., Sept. 14 Education Centre, 103 Albert St. Clinton 7 - 9 p.m. Goderich Power and Sail Squadron Information 235-1724 Gasper Meetings Legion Hall, 167 William, Exeter Sundays 7 - 8 p.m. Tuesday 8 - 9 p.m. All welcome Pat Robinson, Dorothy Bax }happy 40th Dad and Mom Anniversary celebration following 7 p.m. service Centralia Faith Tabernacle Sun.. Sept. 11. 1994 Everyone welcome ST. MARYS HARVEST HOME TOUR September 23 - 25, 1994 September 30 to October 2, 1994 Tickets on Sale Now at ✓ Fantasia Flooring • B.A. Window Design J Douglas Decorating ✓ Color Your World J Bob Young Interiors For mor6 information call: 284-0267 Proceeds to St. Marys Library Btlett & Doe.: for Michele Vandeworp and Clancy (Eugene) King Sat., Sept. 17 Dashwood Community Center 9 - 1 a.m. Tickets $5. per person Beef BBQ. For information :■ 228-6053 or 237-3629 j For Les Bott and Christine Smith Saturday Sept. 10, 9 p.m. at Brad Borland's Hwy 83, East e---------------------------1 �IJCK and poe GRANT "FROSTY"DROST; and DEANA GOVERS Sat. Sept. 10 8 to 1 • Pork Roast • DJ • Age of Majority Required FOR MORE INFO; 235-3524 • 229-6170 • 234-6396 FOR BUS TRANSPORTATION: - phone 234-6396 PlIESEti'I'A'1'ION - NEW ZEALAND Wed., Sept. 1.1, 7:30 p.m. Visit our new office and find out about savings on travel to New Zealand with Goway Win a trip tc New Zealand, (National Draw) Doug Ellison Call to register ELLISON TRAVEL EXETER 235-2000 1-800-265-7022 (:RANI) OPENING NEW OFFICE - SEPT. 14-17 Win FREE travel & door prizes "Exeter Elites Baton Club" Registration begins on Wednesday September 7th at Exeter Public School (6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.) or phone 235-2470 (9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) * for ages 6 and up* Cost $90.00/yr. FREE LESSONS IN SEPTEMBER! beginning September 14th Instructors: Sandie Vanderschot and Sue Maddock Gerald and Janny Heyink along with their children invite you to share with them as they celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on Sat., September 17, 1994 Open house 2-4 p.m. at the Exeter Legion Hall. Your presence is your gift H , tiLove 0 A. I) 8 r, tj CC 0 Happy 40th Anniversary Sept. 11 Ross and Kathleen Hod ere (l gyri Ili• li ■ ..... r w 5t VI thll4' -- . Jakob. t. 1 r .1e;Ij + ' s it:. 1. 4, from your family Open House Sun., September 18th, Thames Rd. United hur h 1.31. - 4: 0 m. -/ /-/-//.1.1✓.l„/-r-r- .J.!.J.11./.1. /.1./.!.l.1.l Cra.././.- . C1-/' LAMBTON HERITAGE MUSEUM QUILT SHOW '94 September 17 - 25 10 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Workshops • Quilter's Challenge • Tearoom Calico Shop • Display and Sale quilts AT GREAT PRICES!! Sponsored by: The Old Country Store, Arkona, George Courey Inc., Concord Stearns Canada, Mississauga l.ambton I heritage Museum is located on Hwy. 21, south of Grand Bend, directly across from I'inery Provincial Park. LAMBTON HERITAGE MUSEUM (519) 243-2600.