HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-9-7, Page 8, • Page 8 Times -Advocate, September 7, 1994 FAMILY St. Patrick's ACW to meet Tuesday Grand Bend CWL raffle winners named By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - The Catholic Women's League of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Grand Bend held a draw on raffle tickets for their annual fund raiser, on Sunday, August 28. Pastor Father Paul Beck drew the winning tickets, all residents of Grand Bend. Annie Michielsens, a CWI, mgmber, won the first prizi-, a beautiful hand-crafted quilt, that she herself had worked on with the quilting bee. Second prize was a lovely collector's plate, won by Chris Hayman of Grand Bend. Third prize was won by Gary Peters, son of parishioners John and Gera Peters, a handmade afghan. The CWL also held a baking and vegetable sale after all Masses on the weekend. A large group of parishioners and visitors were there to observe the ticket draw, as Father Beck has begun the custom of a par- ish social/fellowship time on the last Sunday of each month, after the weekend Masses. Members of the CWL and other parishioners are or- ganized as volunteers to serve coffee, tea, cold drinks and doughnuts as refreshments and it has been well received. There will be a noon luncheon. By H. Davis SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's Morning Prayer Service was held at 8:30 a.m. Sun e tember 4. Rev. Stephen Emery s to the children on getting to know God by prayer as he tells us "Come to Me to know Me." Prayers were said for sick mem- bers, remembering Marguerite Greenlee; and Starr Davis rcuper- ating in Sick Childrens Hospital in Toronto following heart surgery last Tuesday. The MacGillivray boys and the Davis boys were holiday visitors with grandparents Hugh and Hazel this past week. Saturday evening the Davis's vis- ited with Ray and Beverley Wheel- er of London. Ron and Margaret Carroll called on Mary Davis recently. Sunday, September 11, St. Pat- rick's will celebrate the Holy Com- munion Service Pentecost 16 at 11:00 a.m. Scripture Readings are to be Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, James 2:1-5, 8-10, 14-17, Psalm 125, The Holy Gospel Mark 8:27-38. Sincere thanks to all who remem- bered Starr this past week with prayers and all the telephone in- quiries and support was greatly ap- preciated. A tentative date for the Septem- ber A.C.W. meeting is Tuesday, September 13 with a noon lunch- eon at the Davis's. - IT'S ME! Ronald McDonald® in person and I'm coming to see you! That's right. My Ronald McDonald' Show is going to be great fun for the whole family. There'll be games, magic tricks,'songs. Even special prizes! So, make sure you're there. And don't forget the ca'rrr ra. Exeter Public School 93 Victoria Street East Monday, September 121h, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. Tickets $5.00. Available al McDonald's® Res1aurauts In Exeter and Stratford. Children under 12 will be adr^.tted tree when accompan,ed by a ticket holder Wida Boys/Girls Bike! Name: Address: City: Postal Code: _ _ Province: Phone Number. Please complete this ballot and bung 4 with you wren visiting the Ronald McDonald& Show You must be present to win Draw for bikes takes place at the Ronald McDonald& Show. Exeter Public School. 93 Victoria Street East on Monday. September 121h. 1994 et 7.00 p m Menonalds • .. Kelsy Long, of Hensall (above) takes a look around the new Tinker Tots Co-operative Nursery during the grand opening on Thursday night at Hensall Public School. Checking out the play equipment below is Kristina Troyer while Mindy Bell, on right, watches over her. Above, a ribbon cutting cer- emony kicked off the official opening of the new Tinker -Tots Co-operative Nursery School on Thursday night. The nursery is now located in Hensall Public School and has expanded to include a be- fore and after school program for older children. Cutting the ribbon is Mary Moffat who re- cently retired as principal of Hensall Public School. This was one of the last projects she worked on before retiring in June. Power Smart ® LightingDays , 4. YOU'VE GOT TNE POWER TO SAVE! 4 4 4 4 t 4 It's POWER SMART LIGHTING DAYS! Hurry to your retailer this month and discover the bnlliant ways you can save energy (and money!) with energy-efficient lighting altematives. You'll find them feature priced through,September. Don't miss out! Start saving today! Make tna switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs: One compact fluorescent lasts up to 10 times longer than a standard incandescent bulb — while using up to 70% Tess energy! They cost more at first. but compact fluorescents mean real savings in the long run. 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