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Times -Advocate, September 7, 1994
Page 3
County denies Union Gas
application to jobsOntario
Stretching into the north
part of Huron, they were
looking for financial help
By Fred Groves
T -A staff
GODERICH - A request by Union Gas to call a
meeting to discuss the possibility of Huron County
making application to the jobsOntario Community
Action Program has been denied.
Union Gas is looking into seeking financial as-
sistance to help pay for workers to extend gas ser-
vice to communities in the northern part of the
Thursday in Goderich, there was debate over
whether or not the county should be helping, in this
case, private business.
"I don't think we should be involved in private en-
terprise," said Turnberry Township's Brian McBur-
What Union Gas was looking for was a chance to
meet with council to simply discuss the possibility.
Thursday, a motion was made to defer the request
until after September 7 when representatives from
Union Gas had planned a meeting with northern
municipalities -that motion was rejected.
The August 15 Planning and Development Com-
mittee asked council to deny the request to meet
with Union Gas.
"The point of the motion is we don't want to sup-
port a company that's a money -making corpora-
tion," said Bill Carnochan of Tuckersmith Towr.-
A point was made that if council did grant the re-
quest for the jobsOntario grant, then other com-
panies would want the same consideration)
"We should be open for all. We shouldn't dis-
criminate. I have faith they (Union Gas) aren't try-
ing to pull the wool over my eyes," said Bob Hal-
lam of West Wawanosh.
One councillor felt that if Union Gas had competi-
tion in putting in the natural gas service, perhaps
that would have some bearing on whether or not
they could, through the county, apply for a grant.
"There is no competition, if Union Gas doesn't do
it, nobody will," said Norm Fairies of Howick
Union Gas is going ahead with plans to bring nat-
ural gas to the northern communities as they have
filed for public meetings to extend into the north.
As far as jobsOntario is concerned, Huron MPP
Paul Klopp, who was at Thursday's session of
county council, said there are 50 employers in the
county that are taking advantage of the jobsOntario
"You have an excellent crew working on our be-
half," said Klopp.
He added that 480 people have been taken off of
social assistance and employed as a result of the
grants, "that's gratifying," said Klopp.
One of the projects those people are working on is
the redevelopment of Huronview in Clinton. That
project received Sl million from jobsOntario.
The old Huronview, previously the county's Home
for the Aged, is being renovated and when com-
pleted, will be the new hqme of the Huron County
Library headquarters and the Health Unit.
Thursday, Claus Brcede who is in charge of the
renovations presented each councillor with a brick
from the old Huronview.
Your Views
Letters to the editor
Corporal punishment no deterrent
.. violent crime in Canada a frac-
tion of what it is in any other
Dera Editor;
1 hesitate to bring more attention to the campaign
of Huron -Bruce MP Paul Steckle to reintroduce cor-
poral punishment for violent and repeat offenders,
but I understand that he intends to bring the issue
once more to the attention of the House of Com-
mons this fall.
1 realize that it is not the popular thing to say in
this emotionally -charged debate, but the fact is that
corporal punishment has never been shown to be a
deterrent to any kind of crime in Canada. It may sat-
isfy our desire for revenge but it won't do a thing to
make this a better or safer country to live in.
Despite what most of the TV and print media
would have us believe, through their sensational ap-
proach to reporting, violent crime in Canada is a
fraction of what it is in any other country in the
world which sanctions the beating of prisoners.
If you would like to assist in compiling or signing
the following petition, contact Frank Moore, RR 2
Zurich, phone 236-4455.
We believe that the reintroduction of corporal
punishment as a deterrent to criminals will be of no
benefit to the citizens of Huron County. Beating
people for any reason is no solution to society's
problems, and we urge Mr. Steckle to refocus his
energy on reducing the unemployment rate in Huron
Real estate predators
not the norm
"...this casts a shadow on those
of us who condemn this kind of
Dear Editor:
re: August 31 letter, realtor who called a grieving
I am sure I echo the sentiments of the majority of
my colleagues in the real estate profession when I
say to Anne and her family, how sorry we are for
this unfortunate incident.
Frank Moore
RR2 Zurich
• While the majority of salespeople in our industry
conduct themselves in a professional and sensitive
manner, there are unfortunately a few exceptions for
whom the almighty dollar is paramount.
It is unfortunate that the individual in question
could not be named, as this casts a shadow on those
of us who condemn this kind of approach.
However Anne, we are sincerely sorry for the lack
of consideration and we certainly respect your fami-
ly's right to some sensitivity and understanding dur-
ing a very difficult time.
Ron Cottrell
Four candidate Iandfill sites eliminated
Seven possible locations are left for Huron's future county -wide landfill
GODERICH - Four candidate sites for Huron County's west of Auburn. ple will be unhappy," said Down.
new landfill were eliminated Thursday and now there are While the sites were eliminated, Usborne Township's Pat Hay Township reeve Lionel Wilder, chairman of the
seven possible sites for the 60 acre plus landfill which will Down pointed out that a lot of the money spent over the last county's Planning and Development Committee agreed but
service the entire county. several years looking for a site, might have been saved. noted it's not entirely the county's decision. "The Ministry
Thursday at county council, the following sites were "I think we've got the whole process backwards," said of the Environment dictates what we do," said Wilder.
eliminated as they did not met certain criteria: MI - in Down. She suggested the county should have picked a cen- Meanwhile, another site in West Wawanosh is under
McKillop Township, north of Seaforth; W5 - West Waw- tral site and then, once it met all the criteria, purchased the watchful eye of Waterloo North MPP Elizabeth Witmer
anosh Township, near St, Augustine; A4 - Ashfield Town- property from the owners. who has written to the county stating the dangers of the po-
ship, southwest of Lucknow; Cl - Colborne Township, "It doesn't matter where were going to put it, some peo- tential site to the Amish community in that area.
Charges pending
in vandalism case
Police say some youths on their
way home from a Dashwood party
damaged property in Huron Park
EXETER - Charges are pending against local youths who were
seen damaging a municipal sign and a basketball hoop in Huron
Park on Saturday. Their vehicle was located by police shortly after
the incident and part of the town sign was found in the back seat of
the car.
On Sunday, a pink and purple women's bicycle was stolen in Exet-
er. A boys 20" bicycle went missing in Hensall the day before.
Also on Saturday, a women's cloth wallet belonging to Kristen
Ford of RR 1 Woodham was stolen from the front seat of a car
parked out front of Donut Delite in Exeter.
Police arc also investigating damage to the bulldozer and weigh
station at the Stephen Township landfill site. Parts were removed
from the bulldozer, hut not taken.
On Friday, police investigated vandalism to the windows of the
former Frayne building south of Exeter, and a complaint of slashed
tires in Huron Park.
Early last Tuesday morning, a vehicle was driven through corn
and bean fields on a Stephen Township farm.
Last Monday, a Starlitc Drive In sign was stolen from Highway
Also last Monday, a Ford pickup truck was stolen from the drive-
way of Bill Rohde in Usborne Township. The vehicle is a 1977,
copper in colour.
If anyone has information about these or other crimes, contact the
OPP at 235-1300, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-265-1777.
on local roadways
EXETER - The Exeter OPP re-
port several accidents on local
roadways in the past week leading
up to Labour Day.
On Saturday, a motorcycle driven
by Bruce Richl of Stratford was in-
volved in a single vehicle accident
in Stephen, Township. Police say
injytics to Richl were minor,.and
vehicle damage was light.
Also Saturday, a vehicle driven
by Dianne Harkey of King City was
involved in a single vehicle ac-
cident on Highway 83 in Usborne
Township. Injuries to the driver
apd a passenger were minimal, say
police, but the vehicle was written
Thursday, a vehicle parked at the
310 Carling St. apartment lot was
struck on the right front corner by
an unknown driver and vehicle.
Anyone with information is asked
to contact police.
Also Thursday a collision be-
tween vehicles driven by Karl Ha-
berer of Zurich and David Hodgins
of Stratford at Thames Road and
Rosemount Ave. in Exeter resulted
in no injuries and moderate vehicle
Last Wednesday, Lee -Anne Rich-
ardson of Huron Park was driving
on Highway 4 near Huron Road 4
when her vehicle struck road debris
dropped by another vehicle. No in-
juries were reported, but her ve-
hicle sustained light damage.
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