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Tines -Advocate, August 31,1994
Horse Club holds wrapup show
A fun event was part of show which awarded ribbons
EXETER - There's always got to be a little
Thursday morning at the South Huron's Bits
and Brittles 4-H Horse Club's wrapup show,
there was a fun event called 'steady hand'.
Riders had to, ride, walk, trot and canter
while holding a cup of water. The winner was
the rider who had the most water still left in
the cup. It was pretty difficult as some of the
horses need two hands to control.
There are 15 events in total which the riders
were able to be judged upon and win ribbons.
One of those was the Senior English Equi-
"The rider is being judged on how they sit
on the horse and how they hold their hands,"
explained leader Cathy Walper. This particular
event was won by Shannon Gielen and her
horse Destiny.
Gielen had to borrow some equipment as
she lost some during a recent barn fire at her
parents fano near Crediton. The brave 15 -
year -old girl pulled her horse out of the burn-
ing building.
Sharing seems to be a big part of the local
club as everyone gets a long and later this fall
they have a fundraiser planned to help raise
money to go to future shows.
"Not all our rnembers have horses we have
sorne very kind members that lone horses.
Some of the horses are in two classes," said
The South Huron Club is for those aged 10
to 21 and although small in numbers, it seems
to be enjoyable.
"We have nine in our club, for a horse club,
10 to 15 is enough," said Walper.
Shannon Gielen, left; and her horse Destiny work together in the 'steady hand' event while Kim Govers, right; and her
horse Princess also do their best not to spill a drop.
Draw winners
Ron and Ruth Anne Merner, on right with their niece Katie Rowen, were recently pre-
sented with a painting they won during Friedsburg Days. The Merners won the painting
ors a $2 ticket out of 339 sold to raise money for Friedsburg sponsored charities. Also in
the photo is the chair of the Friedsburg Days committee Elaine Hayter, on left, and beside
her is Theresa Jeromkin, the artist who donated the painting.
Local women attend
general council
VARNA - The Stan Lee Club will being its fall season on Wednesday
September 7 with a picnic in the pavilion at 5:45 p.m. or in the complex if
the weather is cool. Old metilbers please try to invite a new member to
come along. Varna U.C.W. ladies and other ladies that are going to the
play "Oklahoma" please meet at the church at 5:15 p.m. on Thursday eve-
General Council of the United Church of Canada met in Fergus last
week. Miriam Jones attended the Thursday Session and also the church
fair on Saturday, along with Jean and Art Bennett, Elmer and Norene
Hayter and Bruce and Anna Keys. Various churches had fund raising
booths. Rev. Wilena Brown gave a talk in the Authors tent on her new
book, "Faithstyles' in Congregations which she had published in April
Church services
Combined church services on Sunday September 4 will be held in Varna
at 10:30 a.m. Sunday September 11 church will resume as usual.
Ball windup
The end of the year hall windup is Sunday September 4 at 11 a.m. will
all hall teams vs parents at different times scheduled throughout the day.
Pot luck supper to follow at 6 p.m. The Varna Area Community Yard sale
will he held Saturday and Sunday September 3 and 4 at the Varna Com-
plex from 9 a.m. to
The Scaforth All Girls Marching Band will also have a yard and bake
Toys for Tots run
LONDON - Hundreds of motor-
cyclists are expected to participate
in the Bikers' Rights Organization
of Ontario's 15th annual Toys for
Tots Run from London to St.
Thomas. This event takes place on
September I I, 1994 for the benefit
of the Salvation Army and kicks off
their Christmas Care Program.
Motorcycle riders from approxi-
mately 20 clubs and organizations
as well as independent riders have
been invited to participate in this
run. The ride will depart from the
Zellers parking lot at Wellington
street south and Highway 401 at
1:00 p.m. sharp and proceed in pa-
rade form to Port Stanley. The
route then returns to St. Thomas
where ceremonies will be held at
Pinafore Park at 2 p.m.
For more information please con-
tact: Steve Northey, Toys for Tots
Committee Chairman, 51 York St..
Aylmer. Ontario N51-1 2G8. Tele-
phone (5I9) 773 -8185.
Communion service at St. Patrick's
The children's mes-
sage was about the
Ten Commandments.
SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's
Holy Communion service was held
at 11:00 a.m. Sunday, August 28.
Rev. Stephen Emery spoke to the
children about hoard games and
that God had a game plan with ten
rules called the Tcn Command-
ments, the Game of Life.
Prayers were said for sick mem-
hers, remembering Marguerite
Greenlee and for Starr Davis whose
surgery is to take place Tuesday in
Toronto, rescheduled again from
last Friday. Prayers of the commu-
nity go with her .
Sunday, September 4, Pentecost
15, St. Patrick's Morning Prayer
service is to he held at 8:30 a.m.
Scripture readings arc to be Sirach
5:8-15, James 1:17-27; Psalm 119;
129-136, The Holy Gospel Mark
Sincere sympathy is extended to
Mabel Needham in the loss of her
sister Ethel Blanchard of London,
from all her friends and relatives of
St. Patrick's.
Mary Davis, Helen MacDonald
and Joyce Sovereign were recent
visitors with Earl and Marguerite
Clerk's Notice of First Posting of
Preliminary List, 1994 of the
Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 24
of the Municipal Elections Act, R.S.O. 199( Chapter M53
as revised and that 1 will post up at the Municipal Office at
Vanastra on the 6th day of September, 1994 the list of all
persons entitled to vote in the Municipality at Municipal
Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection.
And i hereby call upon the electors to take immediate pro-
ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected accord-
ing to law.
The last day for filing complaints is the 14th day of
October, 1994.
The place at which the revision will commence is the
Municipal Office, Vanastra, 'township of Tuckersmith.
The time at which the revision will commence is the 6th
day of September, 1994.
DATED this 20th day of
August, 1994.
J.R. McLachlan
Linda Durnan and Lucas of Au-
burn visited last week with the
MacG i Ili vrays.
The Davis's entertained their
family, Bob, Heather, Courtney,
Katie -Scarlett, Caleb and Corkin,
Michael, Suzanne, Harley, Travis
and Starr, Ralph, Joyce and Darren
Simpson to a final summer pool
party and barbecue on Sunday to
celebrate Harley's eighth birthday
before covering the pool for the
long months ahead. Crystal Davis
was visiting with cousin Michelle
Martin in London.
The Middlesex County Board of Education
School Opening and Bus Routes
School Year 1994-95
Middlesex County public elementary and secondary schools open
on Tuesday September 6, on the same time schedules as last
year. (Parents of new students should consult neighbouring bus
students for times.)
All bus routes will remain the same, however, some adjustments
to bus routes may be necessary after the start of the school
Questions regarding transportation matters should be directed to
Mr. Keith Grigg, Supervisor of Transportation at 471-3510.
Beth M. Ball E. D. Anderson
Chair Director of Education
Shop, Shop,
Shop, Shop,
Shop, Shop,
p. pant
Your %loyal Retreat" includes encr.edrs/e savings on
shopping. dining, aUrachons and hots/ services. Plias a
coupon booklet ofducounis for t#e shops and services
at the Toronto Eaton Centre. Cal! I-800 663-2'229.
Canadian f icific I tloteh h Resorts
Royal Mirk
Sutyett M iva,41,41y, ro 5er4oTDsr 11. 1994 Some reonc4t* a Net,
for next week's newspaper
Because of the holiday
Monday, all advertising must
be in our office by Friday
afternoon in order for us to
maintain our publishing
o 0 eh a 0 a V( 'apo
Local women attend
general council
VARNA - The Stan Lee Club will being its fall season on Wednesday
September 7 with a picnic in the pavilion at 5:45 p.m. or in the complex if
the weather is cool. Old metilbers please try to invite a new member to
come along. Varna U.C.W. ladies and other ladies that are going to the
play "Oklahoma" please meet at the church at 5:15 p.m. on Thursday eve-
General Council of the United Church of Canada met in Fergus last
week. Miriam Jones attended the Thursday Session and also the church
fair on Saturday, along with Jean and Art Bennett, Elmer and Norene
Hayter and Bruce and Anna Keys. Various churches had fund raising
booths. Rev. Wilena Brown gave a talk in the Authors tent on her new
book, "Faithstyles' in Congregations which she had published in April
Church services
Combined church services on Sunday September 4 will be held in Varna
at 10:30 a.m. Sunday September 11 church will resume as usual.
Ball windup
The end of the year hall windup is Sunday September 4 at 11 a.m. will
all hall teams vs parents at different times scheduled throughout the day.
Pot luck supper to follow at 6 p.m. The Varna Area Community Yard sale
will he held Saturday and Sunday September 3 and 4 at the Varna Com-
plex from 9 a.m. to
The Scaforth All Girls Marching Band will also have a yard and bake
Toys for Tots run
LONDON - Hundreds of motor-
cyclists are expected to participate
in the Bikers' Rights Organization
of Ontario's 15th annual Toys for
Tots Run from London to St.
Thomas. This event takes place on
September I I, 1994 for the benefit
of the Salvation Army and kicks off
their Christmas Care Program.
Motorcycle riders from approxi-
mately 20 clubs and organizations
as well as independent riders have
been invited to participate in this
run. The ride will depart from the
Zellers parking lot at Wellington
street south and Highway 401 at
1:00 p.m. sharp and proceed in pa-
rade form to Port Stanley. The
route then returns to St. Thomas
where ceremonies will be held at
Pinafore Park at 2 p.m.
For more information please con-
tact: Steve Northey, Toys for Tots
Committee Chairman, 51 York St..
Aylmer. Ontario N51-1 2G8. Tele-
phone (5I9) 773 -8185.
Communion service at St. Patrick's
The children's mes-
sage was about the
Ten Commandments.
SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's
Holy Communion service was held
at 11:00 a.m. Sunday, August 28.
Rev. Stephen Emery spoke to the
children about hoard games and
that God had a game plan with ten
rules called the Tcn Command-
ments, the Game of Life.
Prayers were said for sick mem-
hers, remembering Marguerite
Greenlee and for Starr Davis whose
surgery is to take place Tuesday in
Toronto, rescheduled again from
last Friday. Prayers of the commu-
nity go with her .
Sunday, September 4, Pentecost
15, St. Patrick's Morning Prayer
service is to he held at 8:30 a.m.
Scripture readings arc to be Sirach
5:8-15, James 1:17-27; Psalm 119;
129-136, The Holy Gospel Mark
Sincere sympathy is extended to
Mabel Needham in the loss of her
sister Ethel Blanchard of London,
from all her friends and relatives of
St. Patrick's.
Mary Davis, Helen MacDonald
and Joyce Sovereign were recent
visitors with Earl and Marguerite
Clerk's Notice of First Posting of
Preliminary List, 1994 of the
Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 24
of the Municipal Elections Act, R.S.O. 199( Chapter M53
as revised and that 1 will post up at the Municipal Office at
Vanastra on the 6th day of September, 1994 the list of all
persons entitled to vote in the Municipality at Municipal
Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection.
And i hereby call upon the electors to take immediate pro-
ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected accord-
ing to law.
The last day for filing complaints is the 14th day of
October, 1994.
The place at which the revision will commence is the
Municipal Office, Vanastra, 'township of Tuckersmith.
The time at which the revision will commence is the 6th
day of September, 1994.
DATED this 20th day of
August, 1994.
J.R. McLachlan
Linda Durnan and Lucas of Au-
burn visited last week with the
MacG i Ili vrays.
The Davis's entertained their
family, Bob, Heather, Courtney,
Katie -Scarlett, Caleb and Corkin,
Michael, Suzanne, Harley, Travis
and Starr, Ralph, Joyce and Darren
Simpson to a final summer pool
party and barbecue on Sunday to
celebrate Harley's eighth birthday
before covering the pool for the
long months ahead. Crystal Davis
was visiting with cousin Michelle
Martin in London.
The Middlesex County Board of Education
School Opening and Bus Routes
School Year 1994-95
Middlesex County public elementary and secondary schools open
on Tuesday September 6, on the same time schedules as last
year. (Parents of new students should consult neighbouring bus
students for times.)
All bus routes will remain the same, however, some adjustments
to bus routes may be necessary after the start of the school
Questions regarding transportation matters should be directed to
Mr. Keith Grigg, Supervisor of Transportation at 471-3510.
Beth M. Ball E. D. Anderson
Chair Director of Education
Shop, Shop,
Shop, Shop,
Shop, Shop,
p. pant
Your %loyal Retreat" includes encr.edrs/e savings on
shopping. dining, aUrachons and hots/ services. Plias a
coupon booklet ofducounis for t#e shops and services
at the Toronto Eaton Centre. Cal! I-800 663-2'229.
Canadian f icific I tloteh h Resorts
Royal Mirk
Sutyett M iva,41,41y, ro 5er4oTDsr 11. 1994 Some reonc4t* a Net,